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Parkin Dont Want To Fight No More Kissies

One Trip Around The Sun Findina My Way Back To You Comfort Me Ferris Wheel Pillow Fight Wave On Wave

Camping 5 O'Clock Somewhere With This Ring Happy Birthday Babe

Please Remember Happy Birthday Chele What We Both Deserve Happy Halloween

Eagles Colors Of Fall Winter Wonderland Everything

Happy New Years 2004 Elegance Lets Be Us Again Redneck Woman

Thats The Beat Of A Heart Story Time Bluebird 1 Year Anniversary

Chances I Will When Pigs Fly Fly

Broken Road Over And Over Merry Christmas Missing You Comming Soon Comming Soon

"If, out of time,
I could pick one moment and keep it
shining, always new, of all the days that I have
lived, I'd
pick the moment I met you."

Page Created By
Kade N Miki
March 31, 2003