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Adding a Glitter name to a Picture Tutorial

For this tut, you will have had to read my Glitter name tutorial. And have gotten some Glitter and have it broken into 3 frames according to my Glitter name tut.
We are going to use this mauve color to add a glitter name to this tube.
Flower tube

Click on it to download tube.
Click here if you don't know How to Unzip and Extract your tube.

Ok....I'm not going to show you any tools pictures anymore. I am going to assume you have read my earlier tuts and are familiar with each tool. I will just be showing you the other stuff. Okies?
*Listening to some say "Whew! about time", and others saying.."Eeks! I'm scared"* teehee

Lets begin:

Open a "New Image" 300 X 200" Transparent. (that will give us enough room to work, we will crop later) Click "Ok."
Click on your "Tubes Tool" and open your "Tool Box" and scroll to find your newly downloaded tube. (Or use one of your own)
I set my Flower tube Scale to 50.
Click you "Mover tool." to place your flower on the left side of your "Image."
Go up to "Effects" "Sharpen" "Sharpen." (Any time you resize something you need to do that so your pic will look sharper.)
Open your 3 glitter frames on your "workspace."
I am using the Mauve one from my site..the one on the very bottom of my Glitter page.
Click and hold down the "Black Arrow" on your "Foreground Color" box.
Choose "Pattern".
Click inside your "Foreground Color" box and scroll up to find your glitter named 1, Click 'Ok'.

Click and hold down your "Black arrow" on your"Background Color" box. Set to "Solid"
Click your "Background color" box and choose "White" color and click "Ok".
Choose your Text tool.
Click inside your "Flower Image" frame.
For mine I am using the "Black Chancery" font, Size 48, Bold, Kerning set to -45 (minus 45) and Leading 0, "Vector, checked", Antialias checked, click 'Ok.'

You will end up with something like this.

Ok...put your cursor inside the center of that text box until you see it change to 4 arrows. Now move it over "beside" your flower.
If its too large, use the little boxes surrounding that vector box to adjust it. Slant it if you wish using the bar that comes out of the center of the vector box. I slanted my name slightly
Ok, choose your "Crop tool" and crop around your name and flower.
You will end up with something like this.

Go up to "Selections" "From Vector Object"
You see marching ants, go back to "Selections" and "Float."
Now hold down your Shift key and hit D on your keyboard 2 times.(Shift + D)
You now have a total of 3 frames with floating names.
Click on one of your frames, Click your "Flood fill" tool and fill the inside of your name on that frame, with the number 1 glitter that is in your "Foreground color" box, then move it over to the side.
Click on your next frame, click inside your "Foreground color" box, scroll up and find your "glitter 2", click "Ok."
Fill the inside of your second name.
Move it over, go get your "glitter 3" and fill the last name.
Go up to "Layers" "Merge" "Merge Visible."
Merge Visible the other 2 frames.
Hit your "Save" icon, and save as a *.psp inside a folder.

****Side Note**** I have a folder called "workstuff" on my c: drive that I have sub folders in named "whatever" (I'm working on at the moment,) and save these *.psp graphic's inside there....named 1, 2 and 3.*****

Click the "title bars" on the last 2 frames and save them in the same folder as *.psp's also.

Go to Animation shop

Click on your Animation Wizard. (located in the top left corner of Animation shop)
There will be 5 frame in the Wizard, use these settings.
Pane 1...Same size as the first image frame, Selected, click Next.
Pane 2...Transparent selected, click Next.
Pane 3...Upper left corner of the frame, selected, With the canvas color, selected, click Next.
Pane 4...Yes repeat the animation indefinitely, selected. How long do you want the frame to be displayed..set to 15. Click Next.
Pane on Add Image.Drop down the drop down arrow, find your folder, open frames 1, 2 and 3. Click Next
Click "Finish."
In the upper right hand corner, click on your "View Animation" icon.
And there you have your glitter name with your pic.

*******If in any part of your animation you see blank screens, it means you didn't "Merge visible"...all is not lost if you didn't close your frame in PSP yet...simply close out the frames in Animation shop...go back to PSP, click on the title bar to select the frame, go up to "Layers" "Merge" "Merge Visible", then hit the "Save Icon" for each frame. Then come back to Animation shop and go thru the Animation Wizard again. I always leave my frames open in PSP so I can go back and edit if need be.*******

Ok, Now go up to File, Save as, find your folder, Name your Animation, Hit "save" and "Next" on all the remaining pane,and "Finish" on the last one and you are done.