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Juanita's Sig Tags and Tutorials

Well, Hey there!
My name is Juanita (in case there are those of you that didn't see it 10,000 times on my first site) and I have fallen in love with making sig tags. This site is going to be mostly tutorials and maybe blank tags.

So take your time, look around and who knows you may find something you will like or maybe can learn a thing or 2.

I created these my tutorials and tags with Paint Shop Pro 7 (which I LOVE) and enhanced most of my tags with Eye Candy 3.1. I created them with various tubes and gifs that I found all over the net and put them together with some of the stuff from the creative side of my brain ...and voila`...a tag is born!! :þ These are all free for you to down load to your own hard drive..please dont link to them directly..(*whispers* bandwidth you know)

As on my first page there is a Holding page for you to come pick them up after I contact you about your finished tag. Please include a working email address so I may contact you.
I don't like to include them in emails because of viruses some people don't accept emails with pictures, gifs, I found it easier for me to just put them here and you can come get them. I will leave them on my site for about a week after I contact you and will remove them so as not to use all my webspace.

My tutorials

For those of you that haven't visit my first site its here....
Juanita's Sig Tags

Thank you for visiting and come back and look again soon because
I am always adding new stuffs!

God Bless you,