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Jett's First Game

Before we get started on my latest adventure, permit me to introducing these two gentlemen. On your left is my friend from Hammond, Mr. Charlie P., and on the right is my old amigo from The Space City, TSW5N2526, otherwise known as Robert Wood. These guys are serious Tiger fans, historians of the game, you might say. We got together last month at Gray Plantation for a little round of golf. Picked up a few tidbits of LSU poop while we were at it. These guys know a lot more than my Dad. HeHe.

As some of you may already know, I saw my first game in Tiger Stadium recently. Needless to say, it was a blast. I highly recommend it. As usual, Dad tagged along with his Olympus and snapped a few pics. Here we go!

No visit to a Tiger game would be complete without first stopping to pay homage to the Great Ragoo and his band of very merry men and gals, the Krewe of Ragoo. Above, one of Ragoo's loyal subjects and my good friend, Evil Twin, presents me a six-pack of my favorite beverage, Abita Springs Root Beer. As you see, Mommy thinks it's a hoot.

This rather large gentleman is usually seen holding "The Sacred Funnel". I danced with him after Dad took this pic, but I did not funnel.

This is Mr. Tom, otherwise known as LSUfan4ever, the official photgrapher of the KOR.

This nice lady's handle is Cag4LSU, and she comes all the way from Florida for the Tiger games.

This man needs no introduction, but in case you are new to this venue, allow me to present, Ragoo, my tailgating mentor.

The greatest event in college sports, The Tiger Band coming "Down the Hill" 90 minutes before kick-off. The only way I can see anything is by sitting on Dad's shoulders. He does not like being on this side of the camera. HaHa!

This is it. Entering Tiger Stadium about one hour before kickoff. Dad took this pic while getting frisked by security. Not bad, huh?

Here's me and Dad in the stadium. One of the nice ladies who checks purses snapped this one.

My back is to the fence, and the fence is surrounding the gridiron. That's the Citadel warming up in the background.

In my seat in Section East 5 with popcorn and a frozen strawberry drink. That's Dad's friend Mr. Minor sitting with me.

During the half-time, I bumped into this gentleman who wanted to take a picture with me. Dad says he's a famous professional golfer who used to play for LSU. Hey David Toms, welcome to Jett's Web Page!

Ah, dinner in Tiger Stadium, Nachos!!! Life is good.

This little girl and her mom sat next to us during the game. Dad let them use his binoculars, and I shared some eats with them too.

End of the game. Dad didn't think I could make it till the end, but here I am, ready for more. I think Mr. Scott was ready to head back to the tailgate.

Uh, Dad, enough posing, let's get back to the tailgate, I'm getting a little tired.