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"The Knowledge Of The Constant Presence Of God Allows Me To Face Any Situation With Courage!"

Well, here's a little...aLOT about me: I'm 19 years old, 5'0 ft tall, short brown hair. I've got blue-grey eyes and a smile that is plastered on my face 24-7! I'm very OUTgoing and I love to talk/voice my opinion! I love to learn new things and meet new people. I live my life to the fullest and thouroughly enjoy it (without the help of alcohol or drugs!)!

I have 2 tattoos. One of Piglet on my left shoulder and the other ones says "Halo" in cursive with a halo over it on my lower back. I've got my belly button peirced and 5 ear piercings.

I'm a virgin..and proud of it! Despite what you may think....I'm not crazy, I'm just a girl with morals and a Bible! There is a little word used in the Great Book, I think its called...."FornicatioN".

I'm a member of the church of Christ. I've been a Christian for 8 years now. I love the Lord and His church very much! God is definetly my #1 priority in life! I've been blessed with many awesome Christian friends who help me be who I need to be from day to day. Thank you God for those you have "loaned" to me to love and care for while we are here on earth!

I am in love with the greatest guy in the entire universe (or at least I think so)!! Chris and I went out on our first date 11/18/00 and we've been dating ever since then. I went through dating everyone I could get my hands on but I always came running back to Chris and he was always there for me. He has become my best friend (besides Caleb) and I can't picture my life without him! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. For any of you who know me.....I am REALLY in love this time! :)

I'm definitely a "Diddy's Girl". Dad calls me Piglet (that's why I have Piglet tattooed on my left shoulder:)! My dad is the greatest Dad ever and, if I may say so myself, he has done a beautiful job of raising 2 Christian daughters! My mom and my sister and I are like best friends. We are "abnormally close" (as I like to say). Times with them are some of the best times ever!! Mom calls me Halo, she says I'm her little angel (this is why Halo is tattooed on my back:). I have the greatest family in the world!

My best friend is Caleb Kendrick. We've been best friends since we were born...literally. :) Our parents were best friends, so we've grown up together. I love him just like my own flesh and blood. Caleb, you rule and I will love you forever no matter what (here's a pic of us)!


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