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System G-7 Data Repository

Group Members

This is a bootleg Repository I created, basically the goal of this site is to keep any documentation we collect and gather here. We will definitly have the Notebook(that's a requirement) But this is here just in case of emergencies plus this is a good way of communication(if possible).

Importent Documents Collected So Far

Project Case Study

Project Guidelines

Interview Summary Guidelines

Team Memorandum Guidlines

Team Project Feasibility Guidelines

Sample Interview Questions

Process Explanation

Presentation Guidelines

Estimated Gant Chart

Interview Question Sheet

Dry Cleaners ERD (Initial Copy)

Event Diagram for the Customer Dropoff Subsystem(Initial)

This is the Final Version of Feasability Analysis

This is the answer for the second Interview that I did with Ameet Shah, who is the owners of a cleaners and a software develpment company

Dry Cleaner ERD(Updated Once Again)

This is hopefully the Final Version of Implementation Plan