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Fiji: The culture and the people

Fiji, for a truly relaxing and rejuvenating holiday. A fascinating South Pacific island gem where you will be hosted by a caring friendly people in harmony with their islands.

Enjoy a tropical getaway. We recommend you stay for at least a week giving you time to unwind, lay back and enjoy yourself. There is so much you can do in Fiji, or you can just relax and do nothing. The places to stay are many and varied, from tiny island escapes to boutique or family resort hotels that focus on action-packed activities or sedate pleasure.

The Fiji Islands are full of unspoiled natural beauty, from safe tropical forests to clear waters offering unsurpassed snorkelling and scuba diving. Many of Fiji's natural attractions are based on the sea. Imagine basking under a canopy of palm fronds, floating through a playground of colourful coral, interacting with the Fijian people who treated you as an 'honoured guest'.

Fiji is a blend of fascinating ancient cultures. Tranquil villages nestled in out of the way places. Rituals such as the yaqona (kava) ceremony are enacted as they have been for centuries ... visitors are welcomed as honoured guests. Historic sights and rituals such as the firewalking ceremony over red hot embers can be enjoyed.


The genuine friendliness and hospitality of the Fijian people is legendary and time after time is cited by visitors as the single, most memorable experience of their Fiji visit. More than anything, Fijians like to be happy and they want you to be happy too. Smiling is second nature. This warmth and friendliness is infectious.

If you would like to know a little more of the Fiji people and it's culture please contact the New Zealand office at info request or take a look at the main international site


Please contact us at the Fiji Visitors Bureau in Auckland - on-line
at if we can help you further.