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dreamy creationz online

created on: 08\18\00 - updated on: 01\17\04

itz been a quick minute. but im back in this. its been 21 months since ive been here. alot has changed. ive changed, i've done alot of growing. I've decided to keep this site very personal. Ima let all you peeps get into this crazy head of mine. like a busted nut in the eye ima show you where im cumming from. you'll see my love, passion, hate, desires, infatuations, struggles, miracles, heartache, drama, and everything else.

<--- cLick on the iLL emCee to ENTER !!

Dreamy Creationz Online

Copyright 2000-2004 - all rights reserved Plain and Simple dont take my stuff.all images and graphic are property of yourz truly ME.. im giving you the priviledge to view life through my eyes. dont judge me from my mistakes but learn from them. Dont steal my stuff.

As of June 5th, 2003 thiz site is dedicated to:
The Loves Of My Life
Daniel Phillip and Ryan Payton
my precious Nephewz