MWAL Monday Night Heat returns from the commercial break with shot of the fans, who are still cheering wildly. After only a moment, Wolverine begins to play, and the crowd seems to have mixed feelings about The Chaotic Crippler, who walks with purpose straight to the ring. He doesn't pose, he doesn't smile, in fact, he seems to be 100% focused on the match which is about to take place.

And, in fact, he has good reason to be completely focused, because as Mercy by The Word Alive blasts throughout the arena to another mixed reaction from the crowd, Eric Emerson is walking with purpose to the ring as well.

Both of these men know that there is a lot on the line here. Not only is this match for the MWAL Hardcore Championship, but their pride is at stake as well.

Eric stops short of the ring, and looks up at the title belt which is suspended on a steel cable some 20 feet above the ring, and upon seeing that Emerson has a lust for the gold in his eyes, Captain Chaos looks upward at it too.

Eric bends down, and pulls a 20 foot ladder from under the ring, and throws it over the ropes. The crippler doesn't flinch, as the ladder lands within inches of him.

Instead, he positions his foot under the ladder, and waits for his opponent to enter the ring. And as Emerson steps into the squared circle, he seems to be intending to trash talk a bit, but Captain Chaos has other plans. He kicks the ladder, launching it toward Eric, who unexpectedly catches it, and sprints toward The Crippler, crashing the ladder into his target with as much force as he can, knocking The Wolverine to the canvas.

Emerson takes a step back, then rams the top of the ladder into The Crippler's face. Cpt. Chaos, seems to feel the pain, and rolls out of the ring, to slow Eric's momentum, but to no avail. Eric quickly hops out of the ring, and gives chase. The Crippler runs around to the opposite side of the ring, with Emerson hot on his tail, and slides back into the ring, and seemingly in one fluid motion, gets to his feet, as Eric is sliding in after him.

The Crippler begins kicking Eric in the ribs repeatedly, until Emerson appears to be hurt, and out of breath. But as The Wolverine takes off running toward the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, Eric pops up to his feet, and runs after him.

As Cpt. Chaos bounces off the ropes, he is caught by a devistating clothesline from Emerson, which sends him over the top rope, and out to the floor once again.

Eric picks up the ladder, and begins to set it up in the center of the ring

The Crippler seems to sense that Eric is going for the early win, and jumps to his feet, then launches himself under the bottom rope, and into the ring, as Emerson is starting to climb the ladder. Cpt. Chaos runs up behind Eric, grabs him by the waist, and delivers a release german suplex, which appears to fold Eric in half, and leave him breathless on the mat.

The Wolverine quickly begins climbing the ladder, but Eric gets to his feet, and as The Crippler reaches the halfway point, Emerson pushes the ladder over, causing The Chaotic one to be clotheslined on the top rope.

The Crippler bounces backward from the ropes, and is hit in the back by a forearm by Eric. As The Wolverine collapses to his knees, Emerson runs off of the ropes, gaining momentum, and delivers a speedy dropkick, which catches Cpt. Chaos in the back of the head, and pushes him face first to the canvas.

Eric picks The Wolverine up by the hair, and slings him over the top rope, and out to the floor once again, then sets up the ladder under the title belt.

The Crippler almost immediately gets to his feet, and slides back into the ring, as Eric begins climbing the ladder. Cpt. Chaos begins climbing on the opposite side, and as they both reach the top, almost simultaniously, they begin trading blows.

Eric punches The Crippler.

The Crippler punches Eric.

Eric punches The Crippler

The Crippler punches back.

Eric swings, and The Crippler grabs his arm, and leaps off the ladder, pulling Emerson off with him, and attempts to lock in the Chaotic Crossface in mid air. He is successful, however, when they hit the canvas, Eric Emerson is the only one who can make it back to his feet. He stumbles to the ladder, as The Crippler desperately tries to crawl over to stop him, but Emerson kicks him away, and slowly climbs the ladder to claim his title.

After unhooking the belt from the steel cable, Eric falls from the ladder, landing on top of The Chaotic Crippler, and the referee runs over to raise his hand in victory, as the ring announcer decides to make his announcement from outside of the ring.

Announcer : Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and NEW MWAL Hardcore Champion, Eriiic Emerrrrsoonnn

Mr. International, The Heart and Soul of Japanese Wrestling holds his belt up high for everyone to see, as The Chaotic Crippler returns to the back, a defeated man, and the program fades into yet another commercial break.