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The Christian Intelligence Agency
An Endtimes Christian Biblical Prophecy Outreach and Ministry

Thank you for visiting the website of The Christian Intelligence Agency.  As a disclaimer, the advertising on the top of the page is not necessarily endorsed or placed by the Christian Intelligence Agency but by We are not affiliated in any way, nor are we a division of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America, nor are we a branch of United States government.  We are simply an endtimes Christian outreach organization, sounding the alarm that the appearance of the dreaded and long-awaited antichrist is rapidly coming upon us.  For more information, please read our section "About the Christian Intelligence Agency."  You can email us with your comments, opinions, and imminent warnings at christian_intelligence_agen

About The Christian Intelligence Agency

Monthly Address to Visitors

New/Updated Alerts from the Christian Intelligence Agency

A Message To Unbelievers and "Casual Christians"

Information About The Coming Antichrist: Truths and Misconceptions

"End Times Survival Series" Bible Studies and Newsletter Available

Links to Other Great Prophecy Sites

Special Request from
The Christian Intelligence Agency
Dear Friends,

As you know we can use all of the help we can get.  We need help finding writers and anyone else who can contribute to this cause.  We also need help financially in order to finance the research we do and communication with our contacts.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

We are not doing this for financial gain.  If you think that we have this website to just take your money, please do us and yourself a favor and don't give us anything.  If you have regular charities and/or ministries that you give to, give to them first.  Again, we are not money hungry we just need some financial support to cover advertising and other administrative needs.

All we are asking is if you have been blessed by the content of this site in any way, please consider a donation of $1.00.  Even the slightest bit helps and is greatly appreciated.  If you feel led to give more, feel free to give more.  If we can get every person who visits this site to donate $1.00, we are perfectly content.  No, we are not going to beg for $20, $100, or $1000 gifts even though they would be nice.  In fact, for a gift of $20.00 or more, we will send you one of our "Endtimes Survival Series" Bible Courses and subscribe you to the newsletter.  If you feel that is too much for you at this time, we understand.  A little support goes a long way.  Please consider giving your gift of $1.00 by clicking the link below.  It will be greatly appreciated and we thank you in advance.  If you are not a member of, it is free to be a member and they will give you $5.00 just for signing up.  If you want a mailing address to send in your donation, please email us and we will send it to you.


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