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Britt's blog.. o.O;
Thursday, 1 January 2004
Listening to: Linkin Park, "Crawling"
Talking to: Chibs
Feeling: The current mood of at

...blogging again. hehe. it's 9:35 at the time im writing this again..

nothing interesting at all today.. i feel majorly guilty and don't know what to do with myself for it. He probably doesn't even know that during this entire time i was talking 'bout him.. but i mean.. i dunno. i really didnt hate him.. [well i did in a way]. i hated how sometimes he'd treat me like im cool.. sometimes like im shit. i didnt know how to handle it.. so i wrote stuff in my profile and didnt talk as much. over these holidays.. i've changed. im not sure how.. but im different.. i can tell.

well.. if you know im talkin about you, im sorry. i know you haven't really treated me any differently, and i dont want you to. you've been one of the best things that's happened in my life.. i want to thank you.. even if you dont know it.

uh yea.. i got really depressed/upset now.. im going.

earlier today..

Well.. im uh.. woohoo my first blog! my first post in my first blog! lol XD

Uh.. bored. Nothing interesting yet today.. atho its only like 12:25. Uh.. yea. Made part of the band site yesterday.. im so lost now its not funny. 1. i hate making buttons, 2. uh.. i cant do it!!! argh.. :(

i'll add more......... later when somethin interesting happens.

oh yea.. i will be making a blog layout myself instead of using this lame angelfire one.. ;D

Posted by la3/banddncr132 at 7:18 AM
Updated: Thursday, 1 January 2004 4:38 PM
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