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Hey y'all. My names David Im 15. I live in Brandon, MS, near Jackson, and it sucks the big one. Well im 5'6, 142 pounds,I like to work-out and play football, and I like to skateboard... A LOT at least 5 hours a day, and hang out, Play around on electric guitar, and Im pickin' up electric bass guitar. Here's is some things that I hate, I hate school, I hate people who IM you saying ASL, and I HATE people who talk trash online, lastly I hate work. My favorite bands are 311, Incubus, Sublime, and Hoobastank, I like the lyrics and the music. I don't know what school im going to, it sucks. I like to hang out with friends and get into trouble. I have 0 chinchillas they both died but I have a dog and her name is Nikki, she's the coolest black lab in the world....And back by popular demand... Im gonna give a couple shot-outs to some of my friends- THE DUDE I FORGET..JORDAN, My best pal back from CAMP... hes cool, and a fellow ladiesman...let's see there's Aubrey, she's my really really cool friend in Virginia, and so is Kameron, he's cool too. Megan is a really really good friend of mine as well, Thx 4 bein' there. And my good friends Kim and Meghan and Maddie and Ashley, and Jared - he's crazy, Stephanie, Brittany, Kathleen, |Skatin Friends :Kyle Throckmorton and John Pasentine..... back to regular friends, Brooke, Terrin, Malia, Jordan, Amber, Katie, Lynn, Melanie, Emily, Jonathan and Brian, Chris (Angel), Scott!, Jon, Galen, Ryan, Jared, Jesse, Nick, Lee, Bryce, Tyler, Erick......... Everyone else, I guess I don't like you...... and by the way, these are all people that live in Baton Rouge, LA my old town, but now I moved and I'm a loner without a single friend.

Im single....


PsYch0sil0cybiN3 & BaYoU sKaTeR33= AIM s/n

Asckydog3387 = AOL s/n


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Here's a Family shot..minus mom, stepdad, and little half brother bryon.