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Imagine that you have just returned home after having bought a brand new MMORPG. You install/run the game and the first thing you see is that you’re only able to choose the name of your character. After choosing the name of your character you’re thrust into a world much like that of Everquest in relation to the monsters, kingdoms, and races. You race and social rank are randomly assigned to you much like that in the real world. The social rank ranges from as low as commoner to as high as prince. In this new world you quickly discover there are numerous kingdoms in the land. Each kingdom is run by a king and his followers. The King is played by a Game Master 24/7. The way I see this working would be to assign 3 men to play a single King in shifts of 8 hours so that the King could be on 24 hours. Having human element King's in place would allow the server to be different from its sister servers, thus creating a large diversity of game play. Players are naturally born under the rule of a random king but are not limited to only following the rule of this king. They may change they're status from being a follower of King A to being Neutral, later pledging allegiance to that of another King. Player's characters would level quicker then in games like Everquest, this would be because if a character is killed in this game the character is forever dead. To compensate for the loss of the character players would be awarded Karma during game play. When players create a new character the Karma amount would affect the possibility of being born into a higher social class the second time around. Game play would be equally as creative as player's characters. Player's use they're social status (high social status being the overall goal of the game) to affect the world they live within. Obviously the words of a Prince take precedent over one such as a Commoner. I believe social status and the fact characters can really die and be lost create a very fun aspect of the game causing for players to be a bit more cautious in what they do. Kings would ally with other Kingdoms and choose enemies based on the voices of they're followers. This would allow for very fun PvP. Kings could arrange for Raids against other Kingdoms. Imagine choosing to become a rogue, not a rogue who turns invisible but instead infiltrates another kingdom in an attempt to sneak into the castle and overhear the plans of an enemy King. He'd quickly return to his own kingdom bringing word to the others of the enemy plans in hopes of possibly getting a reward. Kings could even go as far as to send single players to attempt to assassinate other kings and such. I believe a game engine such as this allows for endless possibilities. The possibilities in a game such as this are limited to imagination. You log on and decide you want to be a renegade and since a "Follower of King A" can't attack another "Follower of King A" you decide to become "Neutral." You head out into the world now a renegade, having betrayed King A you are no longer allowed to return. You gather a band of other renegade players and attack players on the outskirts of kingdoms until an army is sent to take care of you. Also, in this game skills are endless. I don't believe in having Ranger and Warrior type classes. All the characters would be people and therefore could train themselves in the aspects of fighting they choose. Characters have a level of skill when using weapons. The higher a characters skill with using bows the higher his damage and the possibility of skills being unlocked are determined by his bow skill. Bow skill would rise depending on the amount of times the bow is used. So if a character were to use both Bows and Swords an equal amount of time they're overall damage would be lower as opposed to a character that solely used a Bow or Sword.