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Adam S. Lipford, US Marine

Adam S. Lipford, U.S. Marine

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The following are official news and information releases concerning the tragic accident on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 in which U.S. Marine Cpl. Adam S. Lipford made the ultimate sacrifice for God and Country. Adam's gave his life so that all citizens of the United States of America can continuue to work, play and sleep in a free country.

Although there is no way we can ever replay Adam or his fiancee', Mother Lynelle, Aunt Jodi, Aunt Suzzette, Grandfather Lan Roberts, Great Aunt Mary-Ann, his Uncles, Aunts, Comrades, friends and thousands of others whos life this outstanding Marine and American touched, we can help protect both his memory and those very rights and freedoms Adam gave his life to preserve.

The following items include official news information releases from the U.S. Military along with various newpaper and radio station accounts of the events that led up to his death.

This first release is an account of a memorial service held for Adam this past week:

STORY ID #: 200421962428

APRA HA0RBOR, Guam(February 19, 2004) -- More than 2100 Marines and Sailors of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) gathered on the flight deck of USS PELELIU (LHA 5)Feb. 19 to pay their respects to Cpl. Adam S. Lipford, a tanker from Battalion Landing Team 1/1, who died Feb. 17 during the MEU’s port visit to Guam.

Following several prayers and a song, LtCol. Brian Beaudreault, BLT 1/1 commanding officer, addressed the assembly on a balmy Pacific morning and spoke of a meritorious Marine who served as an outstanding outstanding example for his fellow Marines and excelled during the 13th MEU’s WestPac deployment in such places as Iraq, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates.

“The BLT is a richer unit for having Adam Lipford in our ranks,” said Beaudreault. “He was loyal, respectful, dedicated and generous. He was the type of Marine that makes this job rewarding each and every day, a Marine that asks for so little, yet gave so much.”

During the ceremony, Lipford was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal he had earned for outstanding performance as a squad leader in Kenya in January. As the USS PELELIU, USS OGDEN and USS GERMANTOWN departed the harbor today, each ship laid a memorial wreath in the water.

1stLt. James Kozel, B Co., 3rd Tank platoon commander, said he could think of no better Marine with whom to
have the privilege to serve.

“As far as being a Marine goes, as far as being a tanker, as far as everything we know (about him), absolutely he’s head and shoulders above the rest, one of the best Devil Dogs I’ve had the privilege to serve with in my career.” APRA HARBOR, Guam(February 19, 2004) -- More than 2100 Marines and Sailors of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) gathered on the flight deck of USS PELELIU (LHA 5)Feb. 19 to pay their respects to Cpl. Adam S. Lipford, a tanker from Battalion Landing Team 1/1, who died Feb. 17 during the MEU’s port visit to Guam.

Kozel spoke of cold, wet nights in the field during workups and the deployment, saying Lipford would cheer and entertain his platoon with tales of crawfish-eating back in his native Louisiana.

“He kept the whole platoon going, and he was the glue that held us all together. Adam will be in our hearts and in our minds forever in Third Platoon.”

Lipford died when the M1A1 tank he was riding in fell off a U.S. Navy LCAC and sank in Apra Harbor as it was being transported from the tank washdown site to the GERMANTOWN. His body was recovered and will be escorted back to Louisiana by members of his platoon. The ships of Expeditionary Strike Group One are on their way back to the United States and are scheduled to return to southern California around mid-March.

In his closing remarks, Beaudreault recounted an instance from the Guam port visit in which he and Lipford had the opportunity to spend some time together on the pier on liberty after the day’s work had been done.

“I thank him for that memory and for many others from our time together in UAE. Adam will be sorely missed.”

APRA HARBOR, Guam -- 1st Lt. James Kozel and Gunnery Sgt. Bryant Smith arrange a table honoring the memory of Cpl. Adam Lipford, a tanker with BLT 1/1 who died Feb. 17 during the 13th MEU (SOC) port visit to Guam. Kozel, who was Lipford's platoon commander, described him as "head and shoulders above the rest, one of the best Devil Dogs I've had the privilege to serve with in my career