Bye Zac

"Uhhh...",Jo said as she looked at the alarm clock.

"Joey get up.",Justin said shaking her.

"Where is everyone?",she said.

"Downstairs,now you have to be ready to go to Destin in 3 hours,so come on.",he said throwing her robe at her.

"So who was here last night?",she said.

"You don't remember? Man,you must have been sleeping hard.",Justin said as he walked down the stairs in front of her.

"The other girls were here and Blaze,Josh,Daniel,Brandon,Joseph,and Zac."

Jordy smiled when she remembered Zac was here last night.

"And just what are you so happy go lucky today for?",Cathryn asked when she stepped through the kitchen door.

"I know!"Corrie said giving Jo a sly grin.

"Don't even go there Corrie Lea!",Kyler said stopping the violence.

"Wait,Justin said we were going to Destin in a little while.I thought they said we didn't have to go til next week?",Jordy said slamming down her glass of juice.

"Sucks huh? We have to go now,for some reason I don't know,then we can come back here a week later then we have to go back for more." Kelsii explained.

"Ugh!!!!!! Whatever!!! This is driving me nuts!!"

An Hour Later

"How do I look?",Jordy said spinning around for her friends to see as she walked through the door of Kelsii Schafer's bedroom.

"Oh my goodness!!! You got all dressed up like that just to drive to Destin to record? Pish!!",Cathryn said.

"Well yeah. And this is not 'dressed up'!

"And plus she has to tell Zac good-bye!!!",Kelsii said as she leaned back from her bathroom vanity.

"Ugh!!! Bye! I'm leaving i'm walking home and you all better be at my house at 1:00 sharp or Julie is gonna leave you!,Jordy snapped.

"Jordy! Be for real,like Julie is really gonna leave us! Your aunt is too nice you know she's like what she is to you,a second mother.",Corrie said.

"Sorry for snapping.",Jo said as she left and walked out the door.

When she came to Zac's house,she thought about wheather or not to go in. But in the end her heart took over and lead her to the door.

Walker answered the door,"Hey! I knew you'd be back! You need anything,ANYTHING,just come over and say and we'll be right there.",he said being as generous as he could be.

"Thanks,but right now I just need to talk to Zac.

"Sure! I'll get him or maybe he is in his room. Let me check.",He said placing his hand on her back and leading her into the living room.

"Zac! You have a visitor.",Walker said into the intercom.

"Sure Dad,coming down.",Zac said.

Before Zac could get down the stairs Jordy heard three little kids herding toward her.

"Hi...uh..who are you?",one of the kids asked,a girl.

Then a little boy ran up beside her and said " sure are pretty."

Jo smiled at the thought of a child liking her appearance,"Thank you,you're mighty handsome your-self."

"Everybody says that I"m gonna look just like Zac when I get older.",he said sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Oh really,then it looks like you'll be a cutie when you grow up." She told him.

"You don't so bad your-self Jo.",Zac said,just the sight of her in those leather pants was something out of a dream.

"Hey,I thought you'd never come down.",Jordy said her heart thumping at the sight of him running his fingers through his hair.

"How could I not come down and see you?",he said putting his arms around her waist.

"You didn't know it was me!"

"Taylor told me,he was downstairs for a while then carried some boxes back up.",hah!,she hadn't even noticed Taylor down here.

"Do you want o go out on the porch and talk?" Zac asked gesturing towards the patio door.

"Nah,I just came to tell you bye,I've got to got o Destin for a while.",she told him.

"Destin! Why?"

"To record,this third album has to be out by the end of this summer."

"You can't leave!"

"Yes,I can and I have to ok?"

"Well come here if you're gonna leave."he said.

"Zac really I have to b...",but before she could get her words out he kissed her.Deeply,they stood there,entranced by the kiss there was silence until Jordy broke it by pulling out of the kiss and saying,"Zac I really have to go. I'll call you at eight,ok?"

"Bye Jordy.",he said walking her to the door.

"Bye Zac."

main page
Chapter 7:The Awakening
Chapter 9:The Player