
"So are you guys going to Jordy's tonight?" Zac asked hoping that they were the guys Jo was talking about.

"Yeah,how'd you know?" Josh asked.

"Well,she asked me and I wondered if there were going to be any other guys there and she said yeah and you guys say you're so close I thought you might be going." Zac said,almost out of breath.


"So are they coming or what?" Kyler asked throwing a pillow at the door.

"I hope so." Jordy said staring out from the balcony of her third floor bedroom.

"I think Jo has a crush." Kelsii said she always picks on me cause she's the oldest and I'm the youngest.

"Ooo...Zac and Lei sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g,first comes love then comes marriage then...." Cathryn sang.

"Cat! Ny name is not Lei!And can't you use your voice for better things?"

"It's your middle name."

"My middle name is Aurelie!And you better use it for better things 'cause we have to go to the studio next week!"

"Shit.I forgot about that.",Kelsii said with a sigh.


At the sound of that Corrie jumped to her feet and raced to the door."What's the password?",she said giggling.

"Come on Cor,it's Daniel."

"Oh,well then come on in baby.",she said as she opened the door and gave Danny a hug.

"Ewww...gross what is that smell?",Kyler said fanning the air.

"Justin's downstairs attempting to cook again.",Brandon said with a smile.

"Anyway,"Cat said turning to Zac,"Jo tells us that you two had a relationship long before you could walk."

"Yeah,it's cool"

"So it's true.",Cat said.

"Would his mom lie?",Jordy said rolling her eyes.


"So are we gonna get this party on the road or what?",Josh asked.

"What time is it now?",Kel asked.

"Umm..."Joseph said as he rolled over to the other side of the bed to look at the alarm clock,"8:30."

" feels like 10.",Kel replied.

"So let's play a game.",Jo said.

"Yeah,how about...'Truth or Dare'.Kyler said.

"Oooo...daring.I haven't played that game since I was 12,let's not ruin my reputation,ok?",Kelsii said tsk tsking Kyler and shaking her head."

"Seven min?",Blaze suggested.

"Yeah,sure."Corrie said sarcastically.

"What about you Zac,you haven't said much.",Daniel said,"Thinking about Jordy,huh?"

"Yeah,and we all know that Jo is swooning over Zac too.",Kelsii said glancing in Jordy's direction.

They both turned red at the sound of those words and as soon as the laughter came Jordy jumped up,grabbed Zac's hand and pulled him out of the room and into Jo's huge walk-in closet.

"Ok..what was that for?",Zac asked as Jordy ran her fingers through her hair,relieving stress.

It's true,he thought,I was thinking about her and I like her alot but what is she thinking?

"What are you thinking about?",He asked after she didn't answer his first question,but nevous about the response he may get.

"You.",she said sliding down the wall.

"May I?",Zac asked gesturing towards a spot next to her.


"Now back on the subject.Me?",he asked wondering if it was good or bad.


"Hey!What are you two love birds doing in there?",Josh yelled after baging on the closet door.

"Leave us alone you jerk!",Jordy screamed,bursting into tears.

"Don't cry,please don't cry."

"Why are you crying.....Jordy?",he asked in concern.

"I"m so embarrassed.I've never been more embarrassed in my life...well except once.",she sobbed.

"And that would be ...",Zac said wiping away the tears that had begun to stain her face.

"You really don't want to know."

"If it's funny I do,that way I have something on you."

Well...,"she sighed,"we were playing at the Hollywood Bowl and we were doing a street set and there was thbis light which was really a pole with a light on it and I was supposed to swing on it and I didn't exactly grab it right and I fell on the floor,but that's not all.When I got up I I turned around to walk the other way and ran straight into it.",she explained.

Zac started to laugh in the goofiest way he could just to make her feel better.

"Oh my god...,"he said,still laughing,"I really don't think this could beat that."

After about 15 minutes of just chattering in the closet,Jordy could feel her eyes closing.About 5 seconds later she was out like a light.

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Chapter 5:The Guys
Chapter 7:The Awakening