
"Can I help you?",Jason asked a confused Zac.

"Yeah...can you tell me where I can find Jo?"

"Sure,last time I saw her she was going backstage,try her room."

"Where would that be?"

"Go backstage,if Chris doesn't let you in just tell him 'a Powerpuff Girl sent me'.Then go upstairs and it's the room on the end of the hallway."

"Thanks.",he said and started off to the stage.

Behind the stage no one was there so he went up.He knocked on her door hesitantly and she answered.

"Go away.",she said into his face.

"Please.",he said,"I want to talk to you."

"Really?Then talk to the door or to 'Little Miss Lindsey' for that matter."

"She left me Jo,she took a plane at 7."

"Good she deserves better."

"Look Jordana,I know I was wrong,but...",he said with tears in his eyes.

"No Zac you were there are no buts about it."

""You're right I was wrong ,and there's nothing I can do about it.But,why would I be up here if I didn't care?",he said now that the tears were rolling down his face.

"Because Chris decided to take an inconveinent break," sarcastically as she opened the door to find him sitting in the reporter's waiting chair crying.

"And I love you." he said still not aware of her presence.

"I love you too.",she said as she bent to kiss his head,but he startedly jumpe up which made her miss his head and kiss his lips.

"His lips taste like peppermint.",she thought as they both stood up,still in a deep kiss,Zac slid his toungue in and started to kiss her mouth.

They walked backwards into the room and Jo wiped everything off of the bed onto the floor."This can't go any further ok?",she said inbetween breaths.

Yeah right,cause after three minutes of short breaths and long lip-lock someon pounded on the door,"Jo,have you seen Zac?",Jason asked.

"Uh...no I think you might try the restroom.",she said covering Zac's mouth with her hand.

"Ok,hush,now go downstairs and go in and out of the restroom like you just were in there.And tell them Chris let you in cause it's a employee restroom,but give him this note first."

"What does it say?",he said looking over her shoulder with his hands around her waist.

"Just play along."

"And Zac...it would probably be best if we didn't tell anyone about this....only people you trust.",Jo said hurrying him out of the room.


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Chapter 14:Cameron's Friends