XWF 1998-2011


September 20th, 2011 --

We open up on tuesday September 20th, 2011 for HBO After Dark's hit series XWF "Showdown!" In the ring right now is all four members of the S.O.S. The members of the Skeletons of Society have started an uproar here in Houston, Texas. With over 40,000 in attendance tonight they appear to have really managed to upset the crowd with their actions as of late. William Knighthawk presumably the leader of the S.O.S. has a mic in hand, and all 4 members are wearing their trademark skull & middle finger t-shirts.

William Knighthawk: Well, well, well... Houston, Texas. We are a lonnng way from home. Houston, we have a problem!! You see you .. tonight.. marks the beginning of an era. Sure we have already put the plans in motion prior to tonight. We injured Caleb Cross, we won the XWF Tag Team Titles, we injured Xavier Phoenix, and now tonight .. you will witness as 2 more members advance to the King of Xtreme tournament on our October 2nd pay per view!


You see Cliff Saxton is already in! Tyroneus Del Rio will whipe the mat with Oblivion, and that only leaves me .. in the main event... in the spotlight once again. I go one-on-one with Brutality! But, I will make him pay the price. The utlimate price! Because, I'm going to be the one taking his dream right out in front of his face. He would have thought he was one step closer, and then ... POOF! It all vanishes in one night. Because, you see.... as a member of the Skeletons of Society .. I know what we are out for! We are out for answers ... we want to know why the XWF continues to try to hold us back? What makes an XWF superstar great? What makes us the best STABLE of allll time?? Huh? ...We're also out for XWF gold, and we don't care who's career we destroy in the process. Take a look for yourselves. Cross, and Phoenix are done! Adkins was one Craddle Piledriver away from his own retirement, and personal pity party. You see this is how the XWF shakes out .. with the SKELETONS OF SOCIETY on top!! The XWF will never be the same. Because, after one of us win the crown on October 2nd ... once one of us walks out the new 2011 King of Xtreme!! Then, and only then .. will you finally start to see the BIG PICTURE!!


The XWF is starting to unfold, and we're the main story in every page ... you just got to dig deep! You have got to see what is right in front of your eyes. The greatest group ever assembled. The Skeletons of Society are here to stay, and we're not going anywhere! Get use to it ...

William Knighthawk drops the mic, and rips his shirt off throwing it out in to the crowd. He then poses for the camera with his Tag Team strapped around his waist.

Then he turns back to his his stablemates. All 4 members of the S.O.S. join hands in the middle of the ring, and raise them high in the air together as one unit for the whole world to see. The fans in Houston, Texas boo the crap out of these guys! As we fade in to our Showdown! banner, and then straight to our opening video package:

We fade back in to the arena with pyro technics going off everywhere!! The XWF fans are on their feet, and all 45,286 people are jam packed in Reliant Stadium for this special Showdown! event. It's the last card before our annual "King of Xtreme" pay per view, and there are various signs being held up right now. Such as: "TV_MA above ALL ELSE", "I am Autistic too!!", "Ryder for KING", "XWF = Decade of Greatness", and "Bring back York!" At ringside Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler are ready to do color commentary.

Jim Ross: Hello ladies and gentlemen! I'm Jim Ross, and alongside me .. is Jerry "the King" Lawler ..

Thanks for that introduction J.R. Feels good to be back on HBO After Dark!

Always a pleasure. Okay, now ... tonight ... we will find out what 4 other men qualify for the "King of Xtreme" tournament on October 2nd .. joining the 4 others who qualified last week. Those 4 from last week include "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, Ryan Ryder, "The Game", and Mike Dimter ... tonight 4 others will advance, and join them at KOX!

King of Xtreme is going to be great J.R.! And tonight we got the Adkins, and Hampton contract signing!! Just what will be the stipulation?? Tune in later on to find out ...

But, first.. lets send it to the ring for our opening bout for the evening. It'll be Hawking Ripper vs. Draven in a QUALIFYING match for "King Of Xtreme" .... lets send it to the ring now!!

Hawking Ripper vs. Draven -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match -

Hawking Ripper is already waiting in the ring, and he's receiving a decent reaction from the crowd. Danielle Worley announcing Draven next, and he comes out to some dark music. The crowd doesn't really respond well to this guy. They boo him a bit, and he taunts a few people on his way down the ramp. Draven gets in the ring, and locks eyes with Ripper from across the ring. The referee explains the rules to them, and then orders for the BELL to be rung! This match is officially under way as both men lock up in the center of the ring. It's a struggle of power, and strength. Draven wins the early advantage. But, Hawking Ripper starts pushing him backwards, and forces him in the corner. Hawking Ripper pulls an arm back, and gives him a solid chop across the chest, "WOOOO!" The crowd responds well, and Ripper looks around at all the people. He pulls him arm back, and chops him across the chest again, "WOOOOOO!" The fans love it here in Houston, Texas, and so he pulls back giving Draven yet another hard chop across the chest, "WOOOOOOOOOO!" Ripper steps back, and Draven goes around holding his chest that's all beat red now. Ripper then spins Draven around, and clocks him with a right hand. That shot takes Draven down, and Ripper waste no time. Hawking Ripper starts wearing Draven down with a headlock on the canvas.

Could Ripper do it? Could Ripper advance to the tournament in less than 2 weeks, and actually win this whole thing?

He has a shot J.R. Especially if he starts out all his matches like this. Get in the early advantage, and never let up!

Ripper wears him down more. But, eventually Draven gets a foot on the ropes, and the referee forces him to break the hold! Hawking Ripper gets to his feet, and starts kicking away at the back of Draven's head!! Hawking points out at all the fans, and they cheer him!!! He picks Draven up off the mat, and lifts him up for a giant Suplex!! He drops him in the center of the ring, and covers him up. 1, 2, kick out! Ripper throws him in another headlock, and continues wearing Draven down some more. The crowd is enjoying the action so far. As Draven works himself off the mat, and throws a few elbows in Ripper's gut. That forces Ripper to release the hold, and Draven takes off towards the ropes. He bounces back, and throws a stiff Shoulder right in to Ripper! That hard shot takes Ripper down, and Draven goes towards the opposite ropes. He bounces back, and he leaps Ripper on the ground. Draven bounces back again, and this time Hawking Ripper has sprung to his feet-- catching him for a spinning Power Slam!! Hawking Ripper hooks the leg, and the 1, 2, kick out!

Nice kick out by Draven!

Hawking Ripper stands back to his feet, and starts lifting Draven up by his hair. Suddenly Draven punches Ripper in the mid-section, and hits him with a mean uppercut! Draven then Clotheslines Ripper to the canvas, and covers him up. 1, 2, kick out! Draven picks Ripper up, and irish whips him to the ropes. Ripper bounces back, and ducks a clothesline attempt. Ripper bounces back, and Draven runs at him throwing a back elbow in to his chin! That hard shot takes Ripper down, and Draven starts mounting the turnbuckle. He waits for Ripper to start getting to his feet, and then he leaps off with a Tomahawk Chop!! That shot to the back of the neck takes Hawking Ripper down, and Draven makes another cover. 1, 2, kick out!! Draven gets to his feet, and shouts out at the crowd. They boo him back, and he signals for his finisher. Draven starts lifting Ripper off the ground, and out of nowhere Ripper leaps up DROPKICKING Draven to the canvas!! Hawking Ripper wastes no time, and walks over grabbing Draven by the legs. Hawking Ripper then turns Draven over on his stomach for an elevated boston crab known as "The Puzzle"!!! Hawking Ripper has his finisher locked on, and a few seconds later Draven taps out to that finisher!!!

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 4 minutes, and 55 seconds, Match Result: Hawking Ripper via submission.

Hawking Ripper celebrates in the ring momentarily, and then hops out of the ring. He walks over to the barricade, and finds a few autistic fans of his. He begins signing posters, and mingling with the crowd.

What an impressive win by Hawking Ripper here tonight. He advances to the 8-man tournament at our "King of Xtreme" pay per view! Now lets take you backstage where Justice Legal is standing by with Mitch Keller.

Backstage Justice Legal, and Mitch Keller are side by side. Mitch apparently has already proposed his question to Legal, and he responds accordingly.

Justice Legal: You know Mitch. I'm not sure why Shotgun came out, and cost me that match last week. I should have won, and advanced to King of Xtreme. But, now Ryan Ryder's got my spot! That's okay.. because, tonight I take all my frustrations out on Mike Dimter!!

Justice Legal walks off, and we then cut to the General Manager's office.


Backstage in GM Shawn Taylor's office. He is standing by with Draven who just lost the opening bout.

Let me tell you something. Draven is it? Let me tell you Draven that if he ever pull a stunt like this past week.. you're FIRED!! The Psycho Clowns are one thing. But, you're not about to flood my hallways with a bunch of people who are NOT under contract. So, remember... the XWF is reserved for a special few. If you can't handle that on your own .... then .. I'll be glad to hand you your walking papers.

Draven storms off! As we cut back to ringside for the next KOX qualifying matchup.

Oblivion vs. Tyroneus Del Rio -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match -

The 2 men are already inside the ring, and the bell has sounded! This match is underway, and the winner will advance to the 8-man tournament at "King of Xtreme". Tyroneus locks up with Oblivion, and Oblivion immediately turns him around-- forcing him in a Barehug from behind! Oblivion wears on the ribs of Tyroneus, and goes to give him a Belly-to-Back Suplex. But, Tyroneus elbows his way out of it, and spins behind Oblivion now. He actually manages to lift him off the ground, and connect with a brilliant German Suplex in to a pinning combination. 1, 2, kick out! Oblivion fights to stay alive, and he quickly scrambles to his feet. But, Tyroneus clotheslines him out of the ring! Oblivion goes spilling to the outside, and Tyroneus wastes no time. He picks Oblivion up off the outside mat, and holds his right arm behind him. Tyroneus Del Rio then proceeds to rush Oblivion straight forward in to that steel post!! That loud thud wakes the crowd up, and they start boo'ing Del Rio! They give him a ton of heat, and Del Rio simply rolls Oblivion back in the ring at the "5" count. Tyroneus gets in the ring, and starts stomping away at Oblivion! He covers him up, and gets the 1, 2, kick out!

I thought he was going for the Cross Arm Breaker after that ...

Me too. But, he elects to go for the pin instead.

Tyroneus gets to his feet, and mocks the refs count. Clapping his hands in front of the official's face, and tells him to count faster next time. Tyroneus kicks Oblivion in the gut as he gets off the ground, and shoves him back in to the ropes. Del Rio irishwhips Oblivion to the ropes, and he bounces back-- ducking a Clothesline attempt! Oblivion turns back around, and is met with a Enziguri out of nowhere! That loud shots echoes throughout the stadium. But, Tyroneus Del Rio does not stop there. He grabs the arm of the big beast, and he slaps his finishing submission move on him! Del Rio has Oblivion in that insane Cross Arm Breaker!!! Finally Oblivion is forced to tap out, and Del Rio has advanced to the tournament at "King of Xtreme".

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 4 minutes, and 2 seconds, Match Result: Tyroneus Del Rio via submission.

Backstage the ReArrangers are having a private conversation, and then suddenly Heather Black walks in on them. She stares them both down, and they look her over.

Heather Black: What? Can't a valet just get a little love from her tag team? What is with you anyways Ryan? You obviously never liked me from the start ..

Ryan Ryder: No, it's not that at all. It's really not that big of a deal. I have gotten over it. I have actually grown to really like you as our valet. It's just .. me, and the Dark Stranger have a big tag team match tonight! If we win we're #1 contenders again, and one more step closer to recapturing that gold. Back to being on top as the tag champs! So, you see Heather.. we got to win .....

Well, goodluck out there boys.

Heather smiles at Dark Stranger as she rubs his chest, and then she disappears out of the locker room.


As we cut to the General Manager's office where Mike Dimter is standing by with GM Shawn Taylor.

Okay, lets skip to it Dimter.. why were you late this week?

Mike Dimter: Listen. I checked the bulletin board like I was suppose to. It said to go to this website ... http colon back slash back slash xwfed dot angelfire dot com back slash ..wait no.. that was it. But, anyways the schedule I was sent was not up-to-date ..

So you're accusing my office of making the mistake then?

Well, "yes" actually I am.

.... .... .okay. Okay Dimter! I'll believe you this ONE time. But, if you mess up again.. if you let me down at King of Xtreme .... then you can refer to what I told Draven earlier! I'll FIRE your ASS on the SPOT!!

Listen, cool your jets G_M. I'll be the new "King of Xtreme" in no time!

Dimter taps Taylor on his shoulder, and walks out of his office. The General Manager kind of stares at the shoulder he just patted in disgust. As the scene cuts to our sponsors Twix, Axe Hair Gel for Zack Ryder, and Slurpies at your local 7/11. Wait! This is HBO After Dark. They don't really have sponsors I don't think? Wait. Or maybe they do. With that said we cut back to ringside for our next bout of the evening.

ReArrangers vs. Gigantis/Cliff Saxton - #1 contenders for Tag Team Titles -

The team of Gigantis, and Cliff Saxton of the Skeletons of Society is already out at ringside. The ReArrangers theme music hits next, and the people rise to their feet in Houston, Texas. Ryan Ryder, and Dark Stranger make their way out. When they get to the ring they decide that Ryder will start it off, and Cliff Saxton will do work for his team. Those 2 men lock up in the center of the ring, and Cliff gets the early advantage. He works Ryan Ryder in to the corner. He throws some hard fists, and inside knee shots to his stomach. He pounds on him, and then irishwhips him to the opposite corner! Saxton rushes in, and gives Ryder that STINGER splash!! That shot takes Ryder down to the canvas, and Saxton walks over tagging Gigantis in the ring now. The big 7'6'' monster of a man walks over, and scoops Ryder off the ground with his barehands. He wraps his 2 large hands around Ryder's neck, and holds him up high in the air for everyone to see. He chokes him out, and the referee counts him off. Gigantis throws him viciously to the ground, and walks over to tag back in Saxton. But, Ryder got tosses across the ring, and so he reaches up to tag in his partner Dark Stranger who is a foot away.

Buisness is about to pick up!

Dark Stranger takes Saxton out with a stiff uppercut. Saxton pops back up, and Dark Stranger simply Body Slams him back to the canvas!! Saxton tries to get up again, and Dark Stranger grabs him.. sends him to the ropes, and then goes for a monster Clothesline! But, Saxton ducks it, and dropkicks Dark Stranger's legs out from underneath him. Saxton starts pounding on Dark Stranger's back, and then he tags in Gigantis! The 7'6'' beast steps back in the ring, and the crowd gives him a lot of heat. He walks over, and hovers over Dark Stranger who is on one knee. He allows Dark Stranger to get up, and even though he's well over 7 foot. It is obvious that Gigantis is just that much bigger. Gigantis raises his arm, and goes for a big chop. But, Dark Stranger reaches up, and blocks Gigantis from chopping down at him. He holds his arm up, and kicks Gigantis in the stomach. The big Dark Stranger than plants Gigantis with a huge DDT!! Dark Stranger covers him up for the 1, 2, kick out!

Who's your money on to win this thing J.R.?

Not sure King.

Ryan Ryder is calling for a tag, and Dark Stranger makes his way over. He tags in Ryder. But, Gigantis reaches up, and tags in Saxton! Now, Ryder, and Saxton meet in the middle of the ring duking it out again. Ryder sends Saxton to the ropes, and he ducks the initial clothesline attempt. Saxton hits the ropes, and bounces back right in to a high Dropkick from Ryder! Than Ryan Ryder goes to mount the top turnbuckle. He sizes Saxton up on the ground, and as he's slowly starting to get to his feet. Ryder leaps off for a top rope "Ryde or Die" finisher. However, Saxton moves out the way just in time, and Ryder catches a stiff canvas. Saxton slowly makes his way over to Gigantis, and Ryan Ryder slowly crawls over to Dark Stranger. Finally "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton makes the tag. But, he doesn't leave the ring. Instead both members of the S.O.S. go back to double-team him. They scoop him off the ground, and irish whip him to the ropes. Dark Stranger slaps Ryder's back in the process, and tags himself in. But, the S.O.S. members lay him out with an awkward Double-Clothesline! Cliff Saxton starts stomping away at Ryan Ryder. The ref warns him to get out of the ring. Suddenly, Gigantis rushes in, and drops a BIG LEG across Ryder's throat!! The Dark Stranger gets in the ring, and out of nowhere he CLOTHESLINES the HELL out of Cliff Saxton!!

He nearly took his HEAD off with that one!!

The ref directs his attention back to Gigantis, and sees that he's making the cover on Ryan Ryder. But, Dark Stranger manages to scoop Saxton up, and TOMBSTONE him in the center of the ring!!! The Dark Stranger goes to cover Saxton up, and meanwhile the referee is making the count for Gigantis on Ryan Ryder. It's like both men are being pinned at the same time as the referee counts his 1, 2, 3!!! Some fans are confused what is happening. But, as the ref gets up, and tells Danielle Worley the result. She says the winners of this match our the team of S.O.S. .. Gigantis, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton!!

Bizarre turn of events King. I'm really not sure Gigantis just pinned the legal man or not...

But, GM Shawn Taylor comes out on the ramp, and addresses this situation right away.

You know. I'm always having problems with my tag team division, and tonight was no exception. I'll tell you what .. since Ryder, and Saxton are in the tournament at King of Xtreme. Then it'll be Gigantis vs. Dark Stranger in a 1-on-1 match at KOX. The winner of that match will help his tag team become #1 contenders, and receive a tag title shot in the near future!!

The S.O.S. members make their way backwards up the ramp, and the ReArrangers point out at them from inside the ring!

Match Grade: C, Match Duration: 6 minutes, and 41 seconds, Match Result: Gigantis via pinfall (GM reverses decision)

Backstage "TV_MA" Mark Adkins is shown cutting through backstage, and Bob Levy tries to get a word with him. But, he walks right passed him like he wasn't there.


GM Shawn Taylor is stopped by Flo Stanley backstage.

Flo Stanley: Can you just explain what happend out there Mr. Taylor?

I saw a referee completely miss the legal tag. It should have been Dark Stranger was the legal man. So, technically Gigantis pinned the wrong guy, and technically I could have restarted the match.. but, we're running out of time tonight. So, there's your answer. Oh yeah! I forgot. Besides the match I just signed at KOX between Dark Stranger, and Gigantis. There will also be a special stipulation for the King of Xtreme finals this year... that's right... because, the 2 men who compete in the final round. They will have the ring surrounded by the 6 losers of the tournament! THAT'S RIGHT! It will be the first time the King of Xtreme ends in a 1-on-1 LUMBER JACK match!!! Good luck to all men involved ....

That big grin on Shawn Taylor's face tells the whole story as we fade back to ringside.

Mike Dimter vs. Justice Legal - Standard Rules match --

Mike Dimter is already set in the ring, and Justice Legal comes out to a huge mixed reaction from Houston, Texas. He gets a lot of cheers, and a lot of boo's as well. He makes his way down the ramp, and in to the ring. As the referee explains the rules, and calls for the bell. This match starts off with Justice Legal getting the early advantage. He wears him down with Headlocks, and even manages to place Dimter in a Leg Scissors Chokehold on the ground!! Mike Dimter almost taps out. But, manages to reach the ropes, and Legal has to break the hold. Legal stays on top of Dimter, and drops a couple elbows on him. He then drops a quick Leg across his throat for good measure, and covers him up for the 1, 2, kick out! Justice Legal stays on the offensive, and goes to irish whip Mike Dimter to the ropes. But, Dimter reverses it, and instead he rushes in for a Shining Wizard out of nowhere!! That high knee CLOCKS Justice Legal across the chin, and then he drops him in the center of the ring for a hard Bulldog! The crowd boo's as Dimter goes for his first pin of the night. 1, 2, kick out!

This is an interesting match tonight. Set up last week when Justice Legal lost because of Carlos Shotgun's involvement in his match, and then later got in to it backstage with Dimter.

Yeah, Dimter doesn't back down from a challenge. He doesn't back down from anyone, and well Justice Legal seems to have a lot on his mind tonight. He had his hopes for the King of Xtreme tournament- dashed.. when Shotgun came out, and struck his opponent with a steel chair.

Quite the site last week.

Dimter stays on top of Legal, and wears him out now! He places him in the Camel Clutch. But, Legal refuses to tap. Dimter releases the hold on his own, and stomps away at Legal's spine. He scoops him off the ground, and connect with a Over the Head Belly-to-Back Suplex!!! Justice Legal goes flying across the ring, and slams the canvas pretty hard! He rolls to the outside apron, and Mike Dimter walks on over. He tries to Suplex back in the ring. But Legal blocks it, and tries to Suplex him out of the ring now!! But, Dimter knees him in the gut, and Legal drops to a knee momentarily. Mike Dimter reaches through the 2nd rope, and grabs Legal's head. He pulls him through the ropes, and has Justice Legal legs just hanging across that middle rope. Dimter has his head ready, and then PLANTS him with an incredible looking DDT!! That hard shot folds Legal up, and Dimter makes the cover, 1, 2, kick out!!

The fans are loving this action right now J.R.

Mike Dimter works on Legal some more. He lifts him up, and delivers a Giant Suplex in the center of the ring! He hooks the leg for the 1, 2, kick out! Mike Dimter argues with the official, and then goes to mount the top turnbuckle. He gets up there, and Legal out of nowhere pops off the ground-- tripping Dimter up, and causing him to fall on his junk! His crotch hits the top of the post, and Legal quickly mounts the turnbuckle. He wraps his arms around Dimter, and then lifts him up for a Superplex from the top rope!! He DROPS him in the middle of the ring, and that rattles the entire arena!!!! Both men look completely laid out. The ref does a standing 10-count, and Legal starts crawling over finally. He places his arm over Dimter's chest, and the ref counts the 1, 2, kick out!! The crowd cheers a bit, and has a little mixed reaction going at the moment. Both men slow to get to their feet. Justice Legal signals for the end, and goes for his "Justice Hammer". But, Mike Dimter wiggles out of it, and starts throwing wild fists at Legal's face. Justice Legal fights back, and delivers some hard right hands of his own. Dimter manages to duck one of his punches, and then knee him in the mid-section! Dimter sends Legal towards the ropes, and when he bounces back he catches him with his finisher that Spinning Side Slam into Reverse STO known to XWF fans as the "LIBERTY BELL"! He CRACKS him with that devestating finisher, and makes the cover for the 1, 2, 3! The XWF crowd doesn't seem happy, and they boo as Dimter gets to his feet celebrating. He raises his arm in victory, and pulls his arm away from the refs as he makes his way towards the back.

You know. I'm just going to say this. Justice Legal never looked in to that match. He looked like he had his head elsewhere tonight...

You think what happend last week with Shotgun was destracting him?

Possibly. It's very possible.

Mike Dimter disappears through the curtains, and Justice Legal gets off the canvas in a fit of rage! He starts kicking the bottom ropes, and yelling out at the top of the ramp! He's just screaming, and hollering something. The XWF fans at ringside clap for him, and try to show him support as he starts making his way towards the back now.

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 5 minutes, and 2 seconds, Match Result: Mike Dimter via pinfall.

Backstage it's Flip Johnson who is talking with Brutality about tonight's qualifying matches for King of Xtreme.

Flip Johnson: You know just as well as I do "Brute"... that tonight we get to seperate ourselves from the pack! Sure we're a great tag team. We're the best tag team this buisness has to offer. But, tonight.. it's 2 members of the Wreckin' Crew... well, it's BOTH of us that have a shot to go on to King of Xtreme. I promise you now.. I'm going to win by triple threat match!

Brutality: You know.. I got a prediction. I predict PAIN for tonight's main event!!!

They smile at each other as the scene fades away.


Backstage in his own locker room it's Justice Legal who is fuming after his match, and suddenly Crimson Tide walks in. The crowd can be heard lighting up in the arena!! They are very excited to see this Hall of Fame legend here tonight!! Tide's face is covered in his usual facepaint, and it looks like it might be hiding a scar from that high explosive going off on his face at Meltdown when Legal planted him with a DDT on it.

Crimson Tide: Listen.... I didn't come here to fight. I came here to offer guidance, and what you need to do to get you career back on track. To earn the respect of the locker room. You must take out it's biggest threat.... the ONE who everybody looks to as the leader, and the foundation of this company .. you must go after CARLOS SHOTGUN!!!

Justice Legal takes a deep breath, and looks nervous for a second. Then his eyes turn real serious, and he stares down Crimson Tide as the scene fades back to ringside.

The Ray vs. Hellion vs. Flip Johnson -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match -

2 of the newest members of the XWF roster "The Ray", and Hellion are already set in the ring. Flip Johnson comes out to his theme music next, and the crowd goes wild for him! He makes his way down the ramp, and slides in the ring. Those 3 men stare at each other, and the referee quickly goes over the rules with them. He then calls for the bell, and all 3 men start circling each other up methodically. They size each other up.

What do you think is going to happen here... in the first triple threat match to decide who Qualifies for KOX?

You know. I'm never too sure about these rookies. Some of them can really surprise you from time to time. With that said I'd hope Flip Johnson is the favorite in this one because he's the only vet out there. But, you can never be too sure in a triple threat match like this... Flip could never be pinned, and still lose the match.

Flip, and Hellion lock up first as "The Ray" actually steps to the outside apron, and starts trying to rile the fans up! But, they boo this poser instead. He hops back in the ring, and he watches as Flip takes Hellion with with a nice Armdrag Takedown!! "The Ray" walks over, and starts stomping away at Flip Johnson. But, Flip has had enough. He gets back up, and starts firing shots on "The Ray". He backs him up to the ropes, and then open hand SLAPS him across the face!! The crowd cheers, and "The Ray" drops to a knee. Flip turns his attention back to Hellion who takes off at him, and Flip simply grabs the back of Hellion's head tossing him up-over the top rope!! Hellion spills to the outside, and "The Ray" starts approaching Flip in the center of the ring. But, Flip Johnson kicks him in the guts, and hits him with the "LIGHTS OUT" finisher, and pins him 1, 2, 3!!

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 1 minutes, and 48 seconds, Match Result: Flip Johnson via pinfall.

Backstage in the General Manager's office. It's GM Shawn Taylor who is with Jon Hampton.

So, you sure you're ready for this contract signing tonight??

Jon "The Man" Hampton: Ready? You're asking me if I'm ready? Hell, Taylor ... I was Born Ready!

They share a look as the scene fades back to ringside.


The XWF arena is jampacked tonight as Justice Legal stands in the ring wearing a black suit top, a blue under shirt, black dress pants, a gold watch and black dress shoes.


Justice Legal: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

Fans: BOOO!!!

I might be the top goddamn babyface around here, but I have no respect for you people! You want Shotgun, I want Ripper..but that pussy Lucente won't give him to me so I gotta settle for a guy named after a gun... The only difference, you give a gun 5 cocks and it's loaded, but Carlos' wasn't good enough for Sasha!!! Adkins dug a hole throughout his XWF career, then he put his bone in that hole...then won the World Title, turns out he put his bone ,well in Sasha's hole!! How's that make you feel Shotgun? The only girl you get is Rosie O'Donnell...sorry O'Donnell fans..that was an insult. The XWF wannabe returns! So let's get him out here because tonight I wanna sign a contract for Legal vs. Shotgun at KOX, with the fans picking the stipulation! So Shotgun get the hell out here!!


Do you really think he'll come out J.R.??

Beats me.

"Do The Evolution" by Pearl Jam hits the P.A. and the lights go out, strobe lights flash and the crowd goes wild.

Here he comes J.R.!!

The music dies down though, and Shotgun appears via sattellite.

Carlos Shotgun: You know. I had this interview planned to interrupt the contract signing later, and make those 2 look like a bunch of jackasses... but, WHAT'S THIS? Justice Legal has something to say to me? How's that pal? Did Crimson Tide put you up to this???

NO! It was ultimately my decision, and I am tired of talking .. I'm going to tell these people, and I'm going to tell you something right now. I KNOW I can beat you Shotgun! I know .. that with Crimson Tide in my corner.. as my mentor for this thing. Well, I know that at KING OF XTREME... people will realize why I'm already called the King of Xtreme!! Why I am the INSANE HOMICIDAL one ... at KOX ... PAIN is JUSTICE, and it's LEGAL!!!

You know. I normally don't do this. Being as I have bigger fish to fry, and all. But, I'll tell you what .. I'm not doing nothing that day. My schedule is open... you want to go 1-on-1 with me at King of Xtreme? Well, you got yourself a deal.

The crowd cheers now!!

You know I been looking to make an example out of someone for a long time. I hit a little streak of badluck versus Adkins, and maybe "TV_MA" got the better of me. But, this year is a year of renewing who I am! It's about finding Carlos Shotgun alll over again, and at KING OF XTREME... no rules... me versus you in a regular old street fight! Make sure you asks Crimson Tide alll about me. I'm sure if he can't tell you .. you can look me up in wikipedia, or any other major media outlet across the globe... because, CARLOS SHOTGUN is the hottest name in town ..... don't you forget that Justice Legal. "Thank you very much!"

Carlos Shotgun smiles, and winks on Legal from up on the titantron. Justice Legal looks upset that he's not here, and then he settles down realizing what just happend. A smile creeps over his face as he thinks about the possibility of going 1-on-1 with Carlos Shotgun in a Street Fight at "King of Xtreme".


We cut to the commentator's table with Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler giving play-by-play.

I have to say I'm absolutely surprised at what just took place a second ago ..

I really didn't see it coming either. Now, not only do we know we're got "TV_MA" Mark Adkins versus Jon "The Man" Hampton for the XWF World Title in our main event ... not only do we have the 8-man tournament to decide the new "King of Xtreme"... but, we also got Carlos Shotgun versus Justice Legal in a STREET FIGHT!

Wow. When you say it like that J.R. It sounds like it's going to be an incredible show. Maybe the best pay per view of 2011 ...

It's possible.

And did I hear him right? Crimson Tide is going to be the new mentor for Justice Legal?? Maybe he needs it ...

Sure seems that way. Justice Legal might just elevate his game with Crimson Tide on his side. He is going up against a legend, and a man some would consider actually the Greatest of All Time. I mean, Carlos Shotgun is a 2 time XWF World Champ, and he's done it all around here. Now, he goes one-on-one with Justice Legal for the first time ever.... in a STREET FIGHT none the less.

Going to be great!

Well, with that said... we are getting to our final match of the evening. It's the MAIN EVENT for tonight's Showdown! In one corner you got William Knighthawk the leader of the S.O.S. going up against a rival of his.. one-half of the tag team known as the Wreckin' Crew... it'll be Brutality looking to be the 2nd of his team entered in to the tournament this year. We already got 7 names who advanced on to the KOX tournament, and they are.... "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, The Game, Ryan Ryder, Mike Dimter, Hawking Ripper, Tyroneus Del Rio, and just recently added Flip Johnson to the mix. If you're keeping track that's 2 members of the S.O.S. already advanced to the biggest tournament of the year. Will "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk join them at King of Xtreme? Or where Brutality manage to force his way through to the mostly deadliest tournament of the year?

I can not wait J.R.! This is it. We're about to see what the field looks like with the final 8 men officially advancing on.....


William Knighthawk vs Brutality -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match -

Brutality makes his way out first, and the crowd gets ready for this final KOX qualifying matchup. William Knighthawk comes out to lots of boo's from the XWF audience tonight. These fans voice their displeasure by giving Knighthawk as much heat as they can. He shouts things out at them as he makes his way down the ramp here in the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. Over 40,000 fans have come out to see the XWF action LIVE! As Knighthawk gets in the ring, and stares across the ring at Brutality you have a feeling something big is about to go down. The referee explains the rules, and signals for the BELL. This match is officially underway, and they circle each other up a bit. Knighthawk yells to him "I'm the champ now!" Brutality simply flexes his muscles, and gets a nice reaction from the crowd. They are in full support of Brutality tonight, and 100% against William Knighthawk who has been involved in a lot of altercations recently. They finally lock it up, and Knighthawk spins behind Brutality. He has his arms wrapped around the big man. But, Brutality pries his arms away. He turns it in to an Arm Bar, and wrenches away at the smaller William Knighthawk. It's Brutality who sweeps a foot out from underneath Knighthawk, and drops him down to the canvas. Brutality refuses to release the hold, and puts extra pressure on that arm on the canvas!! Brutality is trying to wearing Knighthawk down, and focus on the arm at the moment. Knighthawk claws his way out of it, and quickly gets to his feet. He puts the boots to Brutality's face, and chest!! He backs up a few feet towards the ropes, and comes in firing a DROPKICK to Brutality's face as he's getting to a knee. That shot takes Brutality back, and Knighthawk hooks the leg. 1, 2, kick out!

That's what Knighthawk has to do if he hopes to win. Stay on the big man, and never let up!

Knighthawk drops an elbow on Brutality's skull, and wraps him up again. For the 1, 2, kick out!! William Knighthawk then grabs Brutality by the back of the head, and lifts him off the ground. He places him in the corner, and gives a devestating chop!! "WOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He then irishwhips him across the ring, and Brutality's back slams in to the corner! William Knighthawk takes off towards him, and instead is caught with a BOOT to the face! That hard kick to the face drops Knighthawk to a knee, and Brutality begins hammering on his collarbone. He then lifts Knighthawk off the ground, and lifts him up for a Suplex. But, instead Brutality actually lays out, and drops Knighthawk on his face!! He nails him with that Jawbreaker signature move, and covers him up for the 1, 2, foot on the rope! Brutality can't believe it. He goes back to work on Knighthawk though, and scoops him up off the ground. He BODYSLAMS him hard back to the canvas, and takes off towards the ropes. He goes to drop a big elbow on him. But, Knighthawk rolls out the way, and he actually rolls all the way outside. William Knighthawk starts pacing around the ring, and Brutalty tries to recover in the ring. He's grasping his elbow as Knighthawk tries to make a decision, and plan his next attack move.

Well, you can't win on the outside.. that's for sure.

The referee has reached 4 on his outside 10-count. Now, Brutality is getting to his feet, and holding his elbow still. He rubs it as he spots Knighthawk on the outside, and he gives chase!! He rolls out of the ring, and starts running after Knighthawk. It's Knighthawk who is sprinting around the ring, and trying to avoid Brutality. Finally Knighthawk rolls back in the ring at the 8 count. Brutality slides in after him. But, Knighthawk starts putting the boots to him right away. He then gets on the ground, and throws him in a modified reverse Sleeperhold! He holds the big man down on the canvas like an alligator. With his arms gripped tightly underneath his chin as he hold him from the top of his head. Putting pressure on Brutality's neck, and trying to force him to tap out here! But, Brutality rolls out of it, and Knighthawk is forced to break the hold. They both get back up, and lock up in the center of the ring. Brutality irishwhips him to the ropes, and sprints behind him knocking him out of the ring with a hard clothesline!! Brutality doesn't stop there, and hops out with him. He grabs William Knighthawk by the arm, and irish whips him in to the steel steps!!!! William Knighthaw's back smashes in to those steel steps, and the fans love it. They cheer "Brute" on as he starts stomping away, and pounding on Knighthawk's back. He lays him across the outside barrier, and gives him a nice overhand CHOP across the chest! The XWF fans mark out for it as Knighthawk falls to a knee. Brutality rolls back in the ring at the 6 count, and Knighthawk tries to recover on the outside.

I don't know if Knighthawk can beat Brutality on his own. The man is much bigger than Knighthawk, and it's showing here tonight. Brutality in full control.

Winner advances to the 8-man King of Xtreme tournament ... in just a few weeks...

Knighthawk pulls himself up on the outside apron at the count of 9. The referee tries to tell him to get in the ring, and tries telling Brutality to stand over there. But, Brutality pushes passed the official, and goes for Knighthawk's head. But, Knighthawk grabs the back of Brutality's head, and jumps backwards off the apron-- SNAPPING Brutality's neck across the top rope. William Knighthawk wastes no time, and gets back up on the outside apron. He yells something out at the crowd, and they boo him. As Knighthawk uses the top rope to hop up on them, and he does a Springboard Crossbody on to Brutality as he's getting to his feet. Knighthawk turns it in to a pinning combination, and gets the 1, 2, BRUTALITY shoves Knighthawk off of him!! Knighthawk goes flying across the ring, and he doesn't stop there. He crawls back over, and wraps him up again. 1, 2, kick out! Knighthawk rolls to his feet, and stomps around in frustration a moment. He goes to scoop Brutality off the mat, and Brutality drills him with a hard UPPERCUT!! That shot causes Knighthawk to stumble back in to the corner. Brutality gets to his feet now, and backs Knighthawk down in the corner. He hits him with stiff inside knee shots, and some hard open fists to the face! The referee counts him off, and Brutality refuses to let up. He instead irishwhips Knighthawk across the ring, and his back SMASHES in to the corner! Brutality rushes in for a clothesline. But, Knighthawk hops up on the 2nd turnbuckle, and leaps over Brutality's head in to a pinning combination for the 1, 2, kick out!

Close! That was very close. But, he's going to have to do more than that to put a man as strong as Brutality away.

Knighthawk hops to his feet, and goes for a Dropkick on Brutality as he gets up. But, Brutality sideswipes him, and Knighthawk crashes to the canvas. Brutality picks Knighthawk up by the hair, and signals for his finisher now. Brutality goes for the Torture Rack. But, Knighthawk somehow manages to wiggle out of it, and lands on his feet. Brutality turns around, and Knighthawk rakes his eyes. Brutality grasps his eyes, and Knighthawk kicks him in the shin. Brutality drops to a knee, and William Knighthawk ceases his moment. He lifts Brutality up off the ground for his Craddle Piledriver finisher, and drops him for the move known as "Out of your Misery!!"

That should do it.

"The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk hooks the leg on Brutality, and the referee counts the 1, 2, 3! It is William Knighthawk who wins fair, and square tonight. He will be advancing to the 8-man tournament.

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 8 minutes, and 14 seconds, Match Result: William Knighthawk via pinfall.

Knighthawk raises his hands in victory, and then demands a mic.

Listen up you peasants!

The crowd really starts boo'ing him now.

With 3 members of the S.O.S in the tournament this year! With the "Dark Prince" in the tournament this year.... we already know who the next KING of XTREME is going to be!!! Myself.. WILLIAM KNIGHTHAWK!!

The XWF fans in Houston give him a bunch of heat, and then we cut backstage.


The Game is standing by at the S.O.S. locker room when Del Rio walks out.

Tyroneus Del Rio: Por que? What do you want hambre, and how long have you been standing there?

The Game: I just got here! Perfect timing ..

Well, what do you want?

I just found out it'll be me versus you in the first round of the King of Xtreme tournament. I'm just here to wish you luck ...

"Luck"? Tyroneus Del Rio doesn't need luck.... I'm going to break your arm, and injure you permanently! Just like Cross, and Phoenix . ... ..

We'll see.

They share an intense stare down as The Game finally walks away, and Del Rio doesn't look too pleased as we fade back to ringside.


The table for the "TV_MA", and Jon Hampton to go head-to-head in a contract signing for the ages is set up in the center of the ring already. There's a gold carpet underneath it, and it reads "King Of Xtreme" on it in big bold black letters. Our General Manager Shawn Taylor is already out there with a microphone in hand, and Jon Hampton comes out first to a bad reaction from the crowd. The XWF fans boo him the whole way down the ramp, and yell obscenities at him. He gets in the ring, and he's wearing his usual ring attire with a blue t-shirt over top that simply reads "THE MAN" in white letters. Assuming he might have to throw down tonight, and he wanted to be prepared for that. Suddenly, the lights dim low, and a familiar logo pops on up the titan tron "TV_MA". His theme music begins playing over the loud speakers, and the people go absolutely crazy for him!!!!! It's the first time "TV_MA" Mark Adkins has come out all night, and the people in Relinant Stadium are desperate to see their XWF World Heavyweight Champion to come out here. To everyone's surprise he doesn't have Sasha with him, and he has on a black suit. It's not really tucked in anywhere, and the black tie looks pretty loose around his neck. He has a red flower in his front pocket like he's going to prom later. He has the XWF World Title slung over his shoulder, and he makes his way out to a great standing ovation from these fans!! They are up on their feet, and rooting on their favorite superstar of the XWF. After a few moments of soaking the crowd up at the bottom of the ramp, and on the outside apron. Finally "TV_MA" Mark Adkins steps between the ropes, and takes his place at the table.

Okay, gentlemen.. here's the deal... there's a contract in front of you. In this contract there has been a special stipulation added to the contract. Adkins I know your lawyers have already went over it.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: And if by lawyers you mean.. Billy Crystal... yes, he's already looked over this contract!

Okay, cut the bullshit Adkins!! You know what it says in the contract then ... sign the papers already! Lets get it over with.

After you HAMpton...

Jon Hampton smirks at Adkins across the table, and scribbles his name on the contract.

You got your Jon Hancock on there? Or in this case.. your Jon Hampton??

Very funny. Yeah, my name's on it. Now SIGN it!!

You've got some nerve you know that ...

Adkins begins signing his name on the contract, and it appears to be official as Adkins tosses his pen out in to the crowd immediately after signing it.

So, it's official. As your General Manager it is my duty, and my pleasure to tell you ... to announce at this time .... that Hampton has asked, and was rewarded with a special stipulation for this "King of Xtreme" main event!! On October 2nd in Phoenix, Arizona.. it'll be NO OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE allowed.

But, Adkins smiles up at Shawn Taylor, and then smiles over at Jon Hampton across the table.

What's that look? I know that look Adkins... what's that look all about??

Yeah, what's so funny Adkins. Wipe that smile off your face!

Ahahah .. you can't wipe this smile off my face, and I'm going to prove it at King of Xtreme when I'm whooping your ass in front of the whollle world! You know. I wondered to myself.. why did Mr. Lucente allow this match to be booked? What does he gain from having the biggest loser... the biggest underachiever in XWF history ride my coattails in to King of Xtreme? Why put your most marketable... your greatest champion ever... against a schlub like you. Why? Oh why would he do that?? Well, I couldn't come up with the answer... I still just think you're a scrub. No theory, and no educated guess of mine will explain the idiocracy that is the XWF brass! After all.. we all seen what happend at Meltdown ...

Get on with it Adkins! I got places to be, and I'm ready to redeem myself against you at King of Xtreme! So, lets go... contract is already signed.... lets cue my music, and lets get out of here! Houston, Texas is nothing but a bunch of red necks anyway!!

BOOOOOoooOOOoooooOOOOOooooO!! BoOOooooOOOOOOO!!!!!

See, look what now you did Hampton. You upset all these people.. like you've already upsetted me. You see.. I was the special ref the night of Xtreme Mania: Decade.. back in 2010.. when you were in the main event against Jesse Jones. Want to know what happend that night Hampton? You lost! Now, nearly a year, and a half later.. here we are. But, I'm the XWF World Champion now!! You've been giving countless opportunities.. you lost to my hands at Xtreme Battle Zone in San Juan!

And don't think I've forgotten...

I mean, how could you? None of these people have forgotten it .... I certainly haven't...

The crowd errupts with cheers, and they love that last statement by Adkins. They begin a chant of "TV_MA! TV_MA! .. T V... M A!"

You see. These people know what I know... that I'm better than you. You've squandered away opportunity.. after opportunity! You've had your chances Hampton, and you just couldn't get it done. Consider this your last ditch effort! Consider this the last of the mohicans. Because, after i beat you senseless at KING OF XTREME... after I put you down for the count. Well, there's nothing else left for you to do Hampton. But, sink down low in to an early retirement. You see... .. these people know I'm much better than you. What these people DON'T know. What YOU don't know, and what Shawn Taylor was too stupid to find out ... I added another stipulation of my own pal. Oh yeah ...

Adkins smiles grows wide, and Hampton's eyes get large as he looks on in shock. GM Shawn Taylor seems confused as he hovers over both men at the table.

At King of Xtreme... it won't be just your regular average match. Oh no! That would be BORING to people. So, instead.. I went, and spiced it up a bit.

You changed the contract?

That's right. I did. ANYTHING GOES!! Falls count ANYWHERE match!!

Hampton already signed, and he looks really upset. Adkins laughs, and then pops out of his seat. He grabs GM Shawn Taylor's head out of nowhere, and DROPS the XWF General Manager with an END ON 5!!!!! The crowd goes bizerk, and then Jon "The Man" Hampton gets out of his seat. He walks over to Adkins as he's getting off the ground, and both men get face to face. Adkins looks like he's about to strike Hampton.

There's also that rule.. and don't you forget it.... that we're not going to be able to touch each other until "King of Xtreme". So, if you hit me right now. That contract is null in void. That XWF World Title becomes mine on the spot! I don't even have to pin you to get it .... .. don't forget that!

Well, that's okay Jon. Because, at King of Xtreme... I could pin you ANYWHERE! ANY TIME! ANY PLACE that I want!!! I'm going to drop you with an End on 5 in the parking lot!! Drag you backstage, and sit on your face like Yokozuna. As the whole world witnesses me pinning your ass down for the 1, 2, 3! Just like normal Jon. Buisness as usual .....

Adkins bends over, and picks his XWF World Championship belt off the canvas. He then adjust it on his shoulder, and gets right in Hampton's face. They stare each other down in the center of the ring as Showdown! goes off the air on HBO After Dark.

"King of Xtreme" card (October 2nd on pay per view!)

XWF Roleplay Board (Deadline September 22nd-October 1st at MIDNIGHT!!!)