XWF 1998-2011

Showdown! September 13th, 2011 --

We open up on tuesday September 13th, 2011 for HBO After Dark's new hit series known as XWF Showdown! .. for the past year the XWF has ruled HBO's airwaves, and only on HBO. However, the conflict of schedules, and the XWF's hard pressed schedule has forced this show to finally air tonight. (After being taped on Friday Night on September 9th.) While a few people know what's about to take place. The XWF audience, and common HBO fans will get to watch it for the first time. LIVE! from Memphis, Tennesse the reigning XWF World Champion with a black eye, and a bandage above his other eye "TV_MA" has the belt slung over his shoulder as he addresses the crowd.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: Let's cut the shit! You all seen what took place at Meltdown. We all saw what the S.O.S. did. But, what people don't know. Is what's about to happen to them!! Now tonight .. tonight... they get a little lucky. They aren't forced in the ring with me, and taking the beating of their lives. But, that's only because it's not scheduled. It doesn't mean it's not going to happen one way or another... in fact..... get your asses out here!! FACE the CHAMPION. FACE the MUSIC. Come out here in front of alll my apostles, and FACE "TV_MA"!!! ...

No responce, and the crowd is boo'ing. The fans really seem in support of Mark Adkins tonight, and are really upset by the Skeletons of Society's actions at our summer ending pay per view "Meltdown!"

You're not going to come out?? That's what I thought! Cowards. A bunch of guys attacking people when they're down in out ... attack us 20 minutes after a brutal matchup that me, and Xavier Phoenix had!! We were giving the people a show. We were kicking out of each other's moves.. hitting each other with big spots, and then .. SASHA comes out! And she interrupts the damn thing .. notice-- I didn't bring her ASS out tonight! You know why? Don't NEED her. Never did. She was just my play thing. My play toy .. she just does what I say, and sure .. she saw me in a rough position. I was in a tough predicament.. but, nothing I couldn't get out of. There's not a damn thing "TV_MA" can't handle!! There's not a damn thing Mark Adkins isn't prepared for! Except .. when a bunch of misfits .. stick their nose where it doesn't belong. THAT'S when I get upset! THAT'S what is going to PISS ME OFF! Get under my skin... RUB ME THE WRONG WAY!!! THAT'S what's going to do it right there! But, let me tell you something.. Knighthawk-- since you appear to run this ship. Since you are the captain and all. I hope you're not afraid, and are more than willing to go DOWN with the ship. Because, one by one ... it's abandonship for these guys!! They will be trying to grab hold of any life vests, or life raft.. or anything they can-- to try to stay afloat around here! To survive in the XWF. To be one of the best in the XWF. You need HEART! You need CHARACTER!! And you damn sure need to know what you're doing .. in, and out of these ropes .... inside this squared-circle. I'M the MAN! THAT'S what this belt means. THAT'S what this Championship proves!! ... On this mic- I do my thing. I'm simply the best!!

"WOOOO!" The crowd cheers, and they even start a quick chant of "TV_MA"! "TV_MA"! .. "TV_MA"!!!

As for wha--

Suddenly, Jon Hampton's theme music starts up, and the new #1 contender walks out behind the curtain. He has a microphone in hand, and cuts his own music off at the top of the ramp to a chorus of boo's from the crowd.

Jon "The Man" Hampton: Let me get this straight. I'm the new #1 contender, and all you are out hear talking about is the S.O.S? Let it go Adkins. Focus on the future. Concentrate on KOX. Because at "King Of Xtreme"... I become the XWF World Champion for the first time in my career. ..


And there's not a dam--

Let me cut you off there JON. Let me get one thing straight... you manage to fluke yourself through Meltdown, and get handed a title shot. Now all of a sudden you are suppose to be some kind of threat to me?? Take a look around .. nobody takes you serious JON. You were given opportunity, after oppurtunity to shine .. you're not Championship material. At the end of the day-- EVERYBODY knows that Jon. They know you're no good. That you're overated. That you're not in the same class as me. I'm a 2010 XWF Hall of Famer .. who the HELL are you??

I'll tell you who I am--

NO! No you won't. You will sit there, and you will listen to me... you're the big tough guy on the block now huh? You're the up-and-coming savior of the XWF or something right? Wrong! I am the Savior of the XWF... take a look around at allll the Apostles in the building tonight ... see alll the "TV_MA" signs ..

"YEAAAHHH!!" "TV_MA! TV_MA! TV_MA!!!!" The crowd is cheering, and chanting the XWF World Champion's name. They are in full support of Mark Adkins out here tonight against Jon Hampton the man he is facing at "King of Xtreme" on October 2nd.

I'M the MAN. This BELT indicates that .. my record speaks for itself... I've been XWF World Champion for a few months now.. you want to take this from me? I doubt it. It's not going to happen! Point blank-- I could give a shit less what you think Hampton. But, at King of Xtreme.. I'll tell you this now. I'll tell you ... you're not going to feel the same way after KOX. Both physically, and emotionally .. you will be scarred for life. You won't leave that arena in Phoenix, Arizona the same way .... you won't feel the same way about me as you do now. You'll RESPECT me more. I'll give you that! I bet you will learn that I'm more of a punisher than I lead on. That I BEAT on people in this ring! I don't just win matches... I take it to the man I'm facing! I break him down bit by bit. Piece by piece.. I tear him to shreds!! YOU Jon Hampton .. YOU will be no exception to the law, and the rule .. which is ADKINS over EVERYTHING ELSE!! "TV_MA" is alive, .. it's bigger, and better than ever..... YOU my friend-- are on a one way ticket to HELL! When you collide with this FREIGHT TRAIN. What do you think is going to happen?? You will be DERAILED!! You will be cut off at the head... I will stop you DEAD in your tracks!! If I don't knock you off them sum bitches .... Jon Hampton-- it's like this.. I'm the XWF World Champion. You're just a #1 contender... that says a helluva lot more about the talent level around here... than it does about me versus you. It says-- you're a man of luck. You fell in to this position, and now you will realize your luck runs out!! That facing me was the worst thing that could have happend to you ... because, not only will I beat you-- I am going to humiliate you above measures I can't even explain. I'm going to make people say jokes about you whenever they mention your name. If someone ever says Jon "THE MAN" Hampton .. they'll be a punchline, or a slogan attached to it ... like Jon "THE MAN" Hampton ain't shit .. he stepped in a pile of shit... and MARK ADKINS made "THE MAN" lick his own boots clean!! I'm a sick puppy JON. But, you haven't seen nothing yet!!

Adkins drops his mic to the canvas, and stares out at Hampton at the top of the ramp. Hampton looks like he wants to say something, and that's when TV_MA's music hits over the loud speakers. Hampton looks pissed his speech was cut off, and talks over his theme music instead.

Listen here!!!


I don't care what you think about me! I damn sure don't care what these idiots in Memphis think of me ...

BoooOOoooo!.. BooooOOOOOOOOO!!! BooOOOOOOOOooOOoooooo!!! BOOOOOOOOooo! "YOU suck!.. YOU suck!!.. YOU SUCK!!.. You SUCK!!!" Adkins picks his mic back up.

Hey no offense JON. But, that's exactly what I'm talking about. When they mention Jon "THE MAN" Hampton .. they are going to boo your ass. They are going to attach the phrase . .. YOU SUCK to the end of it. You know why? Because, these people aren't stupid .. these people ..

"THESE PEOPLE".. don't know what's good for them!! THEY don't know what equals ratings. THEY don't know what a good.. no a "great" XWF World Champion looks like... because, for the past 6 months you have been parading around with that belt. You have acted above everybody else, and you think you're something special. BOY! You're not that at all .. you're just a --

Why don't you tell me what I am, huh?!? Why don't you tell all these people what you think of me.. I'm sure they actually care ....

"TV_MA!! TV_MA!! .. TV_MA!!!!"

Like I said.. these people are morons. We don't need to attach any kind of punchline to this next line.. quite frankly Adkins-- this is all that needs to be said. It's the reason I actually came out here... to let you know.... .. to get it through that thick skull of your's. That at KOX .. .. when that bell sounds at "King of Xtreme".. I'm going to kick your ass, and I'm going to take that belt home with me!!! "IT'S .. JUST .... THAT .... .... SIMPLE!!"

The crowd boo's the shit out of him, and Adkins has to get one more phrase in before his theme music hits over the loud speakers again.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!! You LOSER.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins this time tosses the mic to the outside, and grabs the camera looking directly in it's lens. He then steps back, and taps the XWF World Title draped over his shoulder. He slaps the gold, and lets people at home know who's in charge around here. We then cut to Jim Ross, and Jerry "the King" Lawler at ringside for commentary.

So, what do you think JR? Adkins vs. Hampton at King of Xtreme in the main event for the XWF World Title... going to be a good one ain't it?

Well, we will see exactly how this all plays out. Next Showdown! we have a contract signing between those 2 for that XWF World Championship matchup .. coming up in just a few weeks .... but, tonight we have XWF Tag Team GOLD on the line!! When the new Tag Team Champions of William Knighthawk, and Tyroneus Del Rio.. square off against the former Tag Team Champions.. Flip Johnson, and Brutality of the Wreckin' Crew! That's in our tonight's MAIN EVENT.

Oh, it's going to be a good one J.R. I can't wait .. the S.O.S. is back in the building for the first time since their attack of Adkins, and Hampton at Meltdown!

It was quite the sight.. lets take you back ...

******FLASHBACK: "Meltdown!" August 28th, 2011 -- Xavier Phoenix shakes out the cobwebs, and hops up on to the top turnbuckle. The XWF fans in Madison Square Garden are getting ready for this finishing maneuver, and he raises his arms high in the air to signal for the end. Xavier Phoenix then performs the "FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX" .. but, Adkins rolls out of the way!!! Xavier Phoenix catches a stiff mat, and both men are laid out cold for a moment. Adkins starts crawling over, and he hooks the leg on Phoenix.

.......... . ..1 ..... ...

. ...... .. .. .. .2.. ... .... ..

. .. . ..

... ..

. ... kick out!!


I thought it was over there.

What's it going to take? What's it going to take to put either man away??!?

Wait! What's this??

Suddenly, the "Skeletons of Society" make their way down the ramp, and all 4 of them surround the ring. The referee pleads with them to go away, and they don't listen. They enter the ring, and they reek havoc on the competitors. Gigantis begins stomping away at Phoenix, and Cliff Saxton drags Adkins to his feet. Cliff Saxton holds Mark Adkins' arms back, and William Knighthawk starts unwhailing on him with BRASS KNUCKLES!! He punches away at the XWF World Champion, and maybe paying Adkins back for the bad deed that was done to him in his match versus Xavier Phoenix back at "Independence Day". A camera pans to the back to show GM Shawn Taylor's door has a forklift in front of it, and he can't get out. Xavier Phoenix is now being held up by Gigantis, and Tyroneus Del Rio grabs ahold of his arm. He sets him up for it, and throws Phoenix in that deadly Crossarm Breaker!!! The XWF fans are boo'ing, and giving the S.O.S. a ton of heat right now.

The XWF voicing it's displeasure for this sneak attack right now.

"The Dark Prince" William Knigthawk manages to lift "TV_MA" Mark Adkins off the canvas, and sets him up for an "Out of your Misery"!! He drops him with that famous Craddle Piledriver, and the fans are furious. Then Gigantis, and Tyroneus Del Rio lift Xavier Phoenix up-- they hand him to "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, and he plants him with a Killswitch in the center of the ring! The crowd is still booo'ing in Madison Square Garden. But, the damage has already been done. Now, Tyroneus Del Rio barks orders to the referee, and William Knighthawk drags "TV_MA" Mark Adkins over to Xavier Phoenix. He then places Mark's arm over Xavier's chest, and he forces the referee to get down to make the count. The referee is reluctant but surrounded by 4 members of the S.O.S. he complies, and makes the count . ..

..... ... . .. .. 1 .. .. . . ....

. . . .. . ..2. . . . .. .

.. . .

. . . .. 3!

The people in New York City are still upset about what just happend, and "TV_MA" Mark Adkins is still the XWF World Heavyweight Champion.


When we fade back in there's a banner for Showdown!, and we then cut to an inside shot of the Memphis, Tennessee arena at Fedex Forum with a soldout crowd of 19,275 people. Everyone holding up various signs such as: "I'm an Apostle", "Wreckin' Crew Rulez!", "S.tinky O.ld S.ocks", and "King OF Xtreme is HERE!!" As pyros, and fireworks go off everywhere!! The crowd appears to be very hyped as we cut to our HBO opening video package for Showdown!

We cut backstage to newcomer Hellion walking down the hallway towards the gorilla position. When suddenly he is stopped in his tracks by GM Shawn Taylor

GM Shawn Taylor: Hold up! Where do you think you're going??

Hellion: What do you mean? I got the opening match tonight.. against Draven ..

No you don't! Because, it's been CANCELLED.

Excuse me?

You heard me! You in Draven are lucky I don't fire you both ... now before I order you to get out of my sights ... I'm going to book you for next week in a King of Xtreme Qualifying match ..... before you were going to go 1-on-1 with Flip Johnson! But, now ... with what you pulled these last couple weeks .. not even cutting a single promo for the XWF people! Well, now you will pay the consequences. Because, I just signed another newcomer this week.. goes by the name 'The Ray'. Not exactly my first choice of good nicknames around here... but, none the less. He is coming to fight! He is coming to be a part of the XWF, and I can only HOPE he's not as a big of a disappoint as YOU are!! ONE MORE week to prove it Hellion. Next week.. triple threat match-- the winner advances to the 8-man tournament at King of Xtreme ... you got that?

Yeah, boss. I got it!


Shawn Taylor gets in Hellion's face, and then the GM walks away back towards his office.


We cut to a lone shot of Justice Legal taping his wrists up backstage, and he looks hyped for tonight's QUALIFYING match versus Ryan Ryder later in the evening.

Back at ringside, and the commentators are discussing what you happend.

No match between Hellion vs. Draven now J.R.? Did I hear that right . ..?

Sure did. Seems those 2 are in hot water with the XWF General Manager. If you recall a couple people have been given their walking papers this year ... I wouldn't be surprised to see him hand more pink slips out. Shawn Taylor loves abusing his power as GM. He likes to handpick his own guys ... well, looks like are first match of the night has been changed a bit ... up next we got Cliff Saxton going 1-on-1 with The Dark Stranger in this .. our FIRST official "King of Xtreme" QUALIFYING match!!

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton vs. The Dark Stranger -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match - Winner ADVANCES

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton comes out to his theme music first, and wearing an S.O.S. shirt he gets boo'ed by everyone. He seems very hated by fans as he slides in the ring, and gets ready to do battle. His opponent is the big Dark Stranger, and he comes out to his hellish theme music. As he makes his way down the ramp you can sense it in the air. KOX is almost here, and this is the first qualifying matches of many over the next 2 episodes of Showdown! The Dark Stranger finally reaches the ring, and he stares across at Cliff Saxton. The XWF referee explains the rules to them, and the BELL SOUNDS as this match is officially underway. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton immediately tries to lock up with Dark Stranger. But, he shoves him backwards! Cliff goes head-over-hills, and Dark Stranger gets on the offensive. Backing Saxton to the corner, and deliverying a hard chop to the chest. Cliff works his way out of the corner, and irishwhips Dark Stranger to the opposite corner! Then Saxton sprints towards him, and SPLASHES him in the corner!! Dark Stranger falls to a knee, and Cliff Saxton begins working him over with hard punches. The referee counts him off, and Cliff rakes Dark Stranger's eyes before the ref pulls him away. Cliff argues with the ref, and rushes back in-- ducking a BIG BOOT attempt by Dark Stranger. Cliff rolls him up for an early pin. 1, 2, kick out!

That's what Cliff has got to do to win tonight. Stay on the big man at all times.

Cliff Saxton wears Dark Stranger down with a sideheadlock on the canvas. The ref checks on Dark Stranger, and even raises his arm twice. Both times it falls. But, on the 3rd time he manages to keep it up!! The people are pulling for Dark Stranger, and he works himself off the mat. He throws in elbow in at Cliff's guts, and takes off towards the ropes. But, Cliff rushes up behind him, and as Dark Stranger just reaches the ropes-- he is CLOCKED by a HIGH KNEE to the face from Saxton!! Saxton then pulls Dark Stranger in, and BULLDOGS him to the canvas!! The crowd boo's some more for Cliff, and he starts slowly picking Dark Stranger up to his feet. Cliff kicks Dark Stranger in the shin, and then "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton sets him up for a Killswitch known simply as "THE FINISHER"!!! He crushes him with that move, and covers Dark Stranger up for the 1, 2, 3!! "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton has won using "The Finisher", and putting Dark Stranger away. It looks like Cliff Saxton will be 1-of-8 men officially added to the tournament at the "King of Xtreme" pay per view.

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 3 minutes, and 44 seconds, Match Result: Cliff Saxton via pinfall.

Ryan Ryder is backstage having an interview with Flo Stanley, and it seems pretty serious.

Flo Stanley: Ryan .. tonight you go 1-on-1 with Justice Legal who just came off an impressive victory against 'XWF Hall of Famer' Crimson Tide ... how do you feel about tonight's matchup with him, and the fact that the winner gets to advance to the "King of Xtreme" tournament??

Ryan Ryder: You know as well as I do Flo... that this is all I ever wanted. I always just wanted an oppurtunity to show these people what I got. To prove to the world I was worthy of being called the best the XWF has to offer, and it all starts tonight! Winning this tournament means I'll finally get my respect as the KING of XTREME around here. So, make no mistake about it ... tonight is the biggest night of my life, and I must leave here with a victory. It's MUST WIN for the "Real Deal" Ryan Ryder ....

Ryan Ryder flashes her a smile as he gets prepared for his KOX Qualifying Match up next.


We cut to the Skeletons of Society's locker room. Where "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is celebrating backstage with the rest of his stablematers in the S.O.S.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton: That's it! I won it. I'm going to be in the King of Xtreme tournament this year!!

William Knighthawk: That's all good and all Cliff. But, tonight... me, and Tyroneus Del Rio.. we've got a date with destiny!!

Tyroneus Del Rio: Yes, yes! The XWF Tag Team Titles on the line tonight.... the S.O.S. defending them for the first time ever, and we're going to make short work of the Wreckin' Crew. Because, we are the champions now, and nobody is going to change that ...

Yeah, you got that right. If they didn't get the message at Meltdown! If people weren't taking us seriously when we dropped Adkins, and virtually paralyzed Xavier Phoenix in the center of that ring ..... they will take us serious tonight. When we walk out STILL the Undisputed XWF Tag Team Champions of the WORLD!! Then we will move on to the belt that everybody is out for.... the one I should have won-- if it wasn't for the lousy interference at the Battle Royale a couple weeks back. If it wasn't for all that... I would be XWF World Champion right now! Not just the Tag Team Champion. But, soon that changes.... and tonight-- we have a big tag team match .. so you guys have to watch out for any sneak atackers.

Gigantis: Don't worry boss. Tonight I got a match against Mike Dimter to Qualify for King of Xtreme... but, after that is all said, and done... I will make sure no one gets involved in your match! Or they end up with an injured vertebrae like Xavier Phoenix!!

That's what I like to hear.......

We cut back to ringside for the next "King of Xtreme" Qualifying matchup between Justice Legal versus Ryan Ryder.

Justice Legal vs. Ryan Ryder -- KING OF XTREME Qualfying Match - Winner ADVANCES

Justice Legal comes out first to his Ghostbuster's theme music, and he gets a nice mixed reaction from the crowd. Some people aren't sure how to take him. But, he is still generating a responce from the XWF fans. Out next Ryan Ryder comes out, and he also receives a mixed reaction from the people in Memphis, Tennesse. He makes his way down the ramp, and gets in the ring face-to-face with Legal. Those 2 jaw at each other for a moment, and the referee explains the rules as they are. The referee then calls for the BELL, and this match is underway! They both back up in opposite corners, and then charge middle of the ring. They lock up, and Ryder appears to have the early advantage. He walks Legal back a few steps. But, Legal kicks him in the thigh, and stalls him with an overhand right! Legal kicks him in the gut now, and goes for a DDT. But, Ryder breaks out of it, and knocks Justice Legal out of the ring with a well-executed DROPKICK that hits it's mark! Legal stumbles through the ropes, and down to the outside mat. Ryan Ryder grabs the top rope, and looks out at all the fans before leaping over the top rope for an attempt at a Crossbody! However, Legal moves out the way, and Ryder instead crashes towards the outside! He bounces off that outside mat, and slams in to the announce table!!

Missed opportunity there for Ryan Ryder, and Justice Legal quickly gets in control of this match now.

Justice Legal starts kicking away at Ryan Ryder! Just stomping on the man, and picks him up off the ground. Justice Legal grabs the back of Ryan Ryder's head, and yells in his face. He talks trash to Ryan Ryder, and then slams him FACE-FIRST in to the commentator's table! Ryan Ryder's head bounces off it, and he drops to the ground instantly. The referee is at a "5" count, and Justice Legal decides to roll in the ring. The referee reaches all the way to the count of "9". But, Ryan Ryder rolls in just in time, and Legal furiously puts the boots to him!! Justice Legal picks him off the ground, and connects with a brilliant Snap Suplex! That shot lays Ryder out, and Legal makes the quick cover. 1, 2, kick out! Justice Legal throws Ryder in a sideheadlock on the ground, and Ryder works him off the canvas. Ryder delivers a series of elbows to the mid-section, and goes to take off towards the ropes. But, Legal grabs him by the back of the head, and simply throws him down back-first towards the canvas!! Ryan Ryder's skull bounces viciously off the stiff mat, and Justice Legal drops a quick Leg on his throat for good measure. He covers him up for the 1, 2, kick out again!

Going to need a little more than that to put someone like Ryder away.

Justice Legal scoops Ryan Ryder off the canvas, and Bodyslams him back down hard! Justice Legal takes off towards the ropes, bounces back, and goes to drop an elevated knee on Ryder's forehead-- but, Ryder rolls out the way! Justice Legal catches a stiff mat. Ryder pulls himself up on the ropes, and Legal gets to his feet slowly. Legal turns, and walks in to a big right hand from Ryder. Now, Legal goes for a big right hand, and Ryder ducks it. Ryder then starts jabbing, and working Justice Legal back in to the corner. Ryan Ryder delivers a hard chop, "WOOOO!" He irish whips Justice Legal to the opposite corner, and Ryder rushes in-- catching a BOOT to the face from Legal out of nowhere! That shot drops Ryder to a knee, and Legal mounts the top turnbuckle fast as he can. He goes to leap off for an Axhandle Smash. But, Ryder catches him in position for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex!! That shot lays Legal out, and Ryder makes the cover 1, 2, kick out! Ryder gets up, and goes to put Justice Legal in the Boston Crab! He leans back on Legal, and tries to get him to tap here. But, Legal crawls for the ropes, and gets there! Ryan Ryder is forced to break the hold, and he does. Ryder waits for Legal to get to a knee, and then he grabs him by the hair. Ryder pulls him in for his version of the Cross Rhodes known as "Force of Nature"! He goes to twist Justice Legal in position. But, Legal counters out of it, and spins Ryder around. Justice Legal kicks Ryan Ryder in the stomach, and gets ready to set him up for a "Justice Hammer". However, Ryder fights himself out of it, and drills Justice Legal with an inside forearm to the skull. Ryan Ryder goes to irishwhip im towards the corner. But, Justice Legal reverses it, and sends Ryan Ryder back-first in to the corner!! Justice Legal shouts something out at the fans, and rushes in for a Gore. But, Ryder sidesteps it, and Justice Legal's shoulder cracks the steel post. Ryan Ryder backs up a few feet, and looks like he might get ready to set him up for the "Ryde or Die" scissors kick. When suddenly Carlos Shotgun comes down the ramp with a steel chair in hand. He slides in the ring behind Ryan Ryder, and then drills Ryder with a steel chair shot!!! The referee calls for the bell.

What the hell was that about??!

Justice Legal walks up, and is grabbing at his shoulder. He spins Carlos Shotgun around who is still hovering over Ryder. Justice Legal shoves him, and asks him "WHAT the HELL are you doing?!?" But, Shotgun CLOCKS him with the chair now. However, the referee has already called for the BELL, and awarded Ryan Ryder the winner by DQ. Shotgun demands a mic from Danielle Worley, and she reaches up to hand him one. He sits down on the steel chair in the center of the ring, and looks around at the 2 men he just injured with it.

Carlos Shotgun: I've had enough. Shawn Taylor tried to take advantage of me at Meltdown, and though I hate losing to Hampton.. I'm not ready to go back for that XWF World Title, and face Adkins yet .. in fact-- I don't know why I'm even out here. Maybe because I CAN. Maybe because I'm the GREATEST LEGEND of all time. The best the XWF has ever seen!! Adkins might have the belt.. for now. He might even have stole my wife from under my nose... but, I'm thru with playing games! The XWF is MY house. It's the HOUSE that SHOTGUN built! So, today .. we start a new era in XWF wrestling. You mess with me.. you get in my way.. you make an enemy of me, and you pay the price. Adkins! Don't worry .. you're going to get what is coming to you! And I know the suspense is killing you .... until then... "THANK YOU VERY MUCH"!!

Carlos Shotgun folds the steel chair back up, and carries it out the ring with himself. As officials tend to Ryan Ryder, and Justice Legal injured on the canvas from those single chair shots.

Match Grade: C, Match Duration: 7 minutes, and 2 seconds, Match Result: Ryan Ryder via Disqualification.

Backstage doctors are talking with GM Shawn Taylor, and going over some X-Rays from Phoenix.

So, what are you saying Doc?

Doctor: I'm saying it doesn't look good at all. Xavier Phoenix will be out for the foreseeable future. He has possible major issues with his c3 vertebrate. If you can see from this X-Ray, and my opinion is ... he should maybe seek another opinion. However, until he does... I believe his career is in jeopardy.

So no more matches for Xavier Phoenix any time soon?? But, I have him in a match scheduled for tonight.....

I wouldn't suggest he wrestles anytime soon. This could potentially be a life threatening injury as well... not worth the risk in my opinion.

Well, I appreciate your honesty Doc ...

With that GM Shawn Taylor shakes the Doctor's hand, and the scene fades to HBO promotional package. Including the Series Finale of Entourage, and a preview of next week's Curb Your Enthusiasm only on HBO.


Mike Dimter is backstage, and he's standing by with Flo Stanley now.

Tonight Mike Dimter.. you have a big match on your hands. As you square off in an "King of Xtreme" qualifier .. how do you feel on your odds tonight against the 7'6 monster known as Gigantis??

Mike Dimter: You know. I'm ready as ever for tonight's Qualifying match-- I just hope Gigantis is ready for me.

Justice Legal bumps passed him backstage with his good shoulder, and he is holding his other injured shoulder. He catches the attention of Mike Dimter who then taps him on the back, and waits for Legal to around to face him.


Justice Legal: Did you NOT see what happend out there?

Yeah. I saw what just happend. You were DQ'ed, and Ryan Ryder advances to the "King of Xtreme" tournament.. same thing I'm going to do tonight. Secure my spot among 8 men in the biggest tourney of the year .... but, what happend out there with you-- doesn't involve me, and frankly I don't care.

Well, you should pay attention. I'm one of the top 5.. hell top 3.. hell, I'm on my way to being the TOP STAR in this entire company. #1 around here. So, you should get use to that ...

Yeah, ... right. Didn't you just lose?

You know something? Normally I would attack you. But, I don't think that will do you any good. So, next week ... weather you win out here or not.. NEXT WEEK!! You versus me.. ONE - on - ONE! I'm going to show you why I should be ranked #1 around here ...

Hah. You got it .... ...

Mike Dimter turns, and walks away as Justice Legal stares him down the whole way. As we cut back to ringside for the 3rd Qualifying Match of the night.

Xavier Phoenix vs. "The Game" -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match -

The Game comes out first, and it's announced by GM Shawn Taylor at the top of the ramp that Xavier Phoenix can not compete tonight due to an injury of his vertabrae. He is out for the forseeable future. Meaning "The Game" automatically advances to the 8-man "King of Xtreme" tournament on our October 2nd pay per view!! THE GAME wins. And he actually celebrates in the ring!!!

Match Grade: N/A, Match Duration: N/A, Match Result: The Game via forfeit.

Backstage Gigantis is going over last minute instructions with Saxton, and the current tag champs.

Remember. Do not waste time out there.

Yeah, you just need to ATTACK Dimter, and put him away early!!

Don't worry guys. I know!!

We cut away from that scene, and we head towards Mitch Keller standing by backstage.


Backstage it's Hawking Ripper who is standing by with Mitch Keller.

Hawking Ripper: Let me ask you something Mitch Keller. Why does it seem everyone has a problem with me?

Mitch Keller: Well, don't you remember what personal things you said about Oblivion?

Yeah, but I'm autistic, and I doesn't think sometimes.. I just SPEAK what's on my mind. Tonight, I believes it'll be a repeat of the last 2-times we've met. No 3rd times a charm for this guy .. I'm going to win YET AGAIN!!

Hawking Ripper walks off from Mitch Keller, and we prepare for our last "King of Xtreme" Qualifying Match of next!!!

Mike Dimter vs. Gigantis -- KING OF XTREME Qualifying Match --

Mike Dimter comes out first to his theme song "Only Thing I Am" by Core Effect. He is wearing one of his brand new t-shirts, and has on his wrestling gear ready to go tonight. The fans respond well to him, and seem to be backing the rather new face on the XWF roster. Mike Dimter gets in the ring, and poses for the fans on all 4 posts. That's when the "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden begins blaring over the loud speakers, and here comes Gigantis. The 7'6'' boheamoth from the group known as the 'Skeletons Of Society'. He is wearing an oversized S.O.S. t-shirt, and the fans immediately begin boo'ing the monster as he makes his way down the ramp. Gigantis pulls himself up on the outside apron, and steps over the top rope with ease. He looks down at Mike Dimter, and you can see Dimter look a little nervous out there. The referee brings the 2 men together, and tells them the rules. He then calls for the BELL, and this match has officially begun. Mike Dimter circles Gigantis up, and rushes in-- going for a leg. But, he can't pull the big man down. Mike Dimter hops up for a Dropkick to his chest-- but, Gigantis just swipes him away, and Dimter crashes to the canvas. Gigantis tries to get his hands around Dimter's so he could ring his neck... but, Dimter rolls out the way, and instead kicks Gigantis straight to the head instead. Dimter mounts the top turnbuckle, and goes for a Crossbody on the 7'6'' giant. But, Gigantis catches him in mid-air, and tosses him up over his head!! For a dangerous Over the Head Suplex!!

Dimter getting tossed around in there.

This is not going to be easy for him. As the monster takes the advice of his stable .. just quickly going at Dimter with all he's got..

Gigantis walks up, and picks Dimter off the canvas with one hand. He grabs his by the head, and just lifts him to his feet. Dimter tries to punch his way out of it. But, Gigantis gives him an OVER HAND slap to the bare chest! Gigantis then irishwhips Dimter to the opposite corner, and gets over there with a few long strides-- slamming an elbow in Dimter's face!! Mike Dimter falls to the canvas grasping his face, and before Gigantis can snatch him up again.. he slides under the ropes, and begins walking around the outside of the ring. The referee counts him off, and the beast Gigantis bellows out to him to "GET BACK IN HERE!!!" But, Mike Dimter waves him off, and acts like he might start going up the top of the ramp. The ref is counting .. 4, ..... ...5 .. .... .. Mike Dimter just rubs his jaw, and looks in to the ring at Gigantis who is roaring with anger now. Mike Dimter shakes his head, and mouths the words "this is not worth it."

What's he doing J.R.? King of Xtreme is once in a lifetime... this tournament only comes ONCE a year ... this is his grand opportunity to make a real name for himself .....

Well, he's SCARED can't you see that? Gigantis is 7 foot 6 inches tall.. well over 500 pounds .. I mean, anybody is outsized compared to him. He's the largest athlete in XWF history! Surpassing the 2nd largest man Savior .. a champion back in the year 2000 for the XWF... he was only 7'2'', 485 pounds .. Gigantis is much bigger than anybody I've ever seen ..

The odds are stacked against him you're saying? Because, the referee is on a count of 8, and he's still contemplating his decision ...

Mike Dimter hears the ref reach the count of 9, and decides to slide back in. Ducking a Clothesline from Gigantis. He then bounces off the ropes, and comes back-- ducking a BIG BOOT from Gigantis. Then Mike Dimter hops up on the ropes, and does a reverse Crossbody -- knocking Gigantis off his feet, and wrapping him up for the 1, 2, KICK OUT!

Close call there for Gigantis.

Mike Dimter hops to his feet, and goes for a Lionsault. But, Gigantis puts his knees up, and Dimter crushes his ribs on a whole lot of leg right there. Dimter rolls aroun in pain, and Gigantis scrambles to his feet. He uses the ropes as leverage to stand himself up, and eye Dimter down. Then Gigantis rushes in as Dimter gets to a knee, and Gigantis simply PULVERIZES him with a BOOT to the skull!! That shot knocks Dimter flat, and Gigantis gets down for the cover. The 1, 2, foot on the rope!! Gigantis doesn't notice that the foot is on the rope, and he raises his hand in celebration. The referee tries to explain to him what happend, and now Gigantis is upset. He pushes the ref aside, and grabs Mike Dimter off the ground. Just wraps his 2 large hands around his skull, and he's got him in an early vice grip. He's got "The MIGRAINE" locked in!!! Dimter is swinging about, and Gigantis even swings him in to the referee. He knocks the ref over a bit, and Dimter sees his opening. When Gigantis places him back on the ground to yell in his face-- Dimter kicks Gigantis between the legs!! He strikes him hard with that illegal low blow, and then uppercuts Gigantis as hard as he can! Gigantis stumbles back, and he falls in to the ropes. Gigantis arms get tangled up in the top, and middle ropes. He's stuck there, and the ref is trying to help him get loose. But, Mike Dimter sees an opportunity, and he starts pounding on Gigantis' face.

He's taking an advantage of the situation. Mike Dimter isn't playing fair J.R. .. he should let Gigantis get untangled from that mess...

Would Gigantis wait for him? Would Gigantis call a timeout?? Or is he the type of guy to ambush a main event of a pay per view??! Destroying everything in his path?!?? Which kind of man is Gigantis, huh King???!

Jeez. I didn't mean it J.R. Calm down!

The referee still tries to get Gigantis free, and he eventually is forced to back Dimter down. The ref threatens him with a DQ if he doesn't back off. The ref starts untangling Gigantis, and now he's free from those ropes. Mike Dimter quickly runs over, and starts stomping away at him!! The crowd is loving it, and cheering on this whole thing!!! Dimter tries to actually go, and Suplex the 7'6'' giant. But, Gigantis of course blocks it, and fights his way out of it. Gigantis pummels Dimter with right hands, and forearm shots. Dimter falls to a knee, and Gigantis slams a hard right fist over his back!! Mike Dimter collapses, and Gigantis sees his moment. He goes to the ropes, and comes back going for a huge BIG LEG... but, Dimter rolls out the way, and Gigantis catches a stiff mat. Mike Dimter tries getting to his feet, and sizing Gigantis up. Dimter decides to scale the top ropes. As Gigantis gets to his feet out of nowhere, and runs over to attack Dimter as he's just getting set up there. But, Dimter KICKS Gigantis in the face, and then grabs the monster by the back of the head. He pulls Gigantis in, and then in one swift move Mike Dimter leaps off with his head under his arm for a Top Rop Spinning DDT!!! Mike Dimter plants Gigantis in the center of the ring, and he hooks that big leg. For the 1, 2, 3!!

That's it! Mike Dimter has won this match, and he's advancing to the King of Xtreme tournament at our upcoming pay per view also titled KING OF XTREME. That all goes down October 2nd ... LIVE! from Phoenix Stadium ...

I thought Gigantis had him. I mean, I'll give Mike Dimter credit.. he pulled out every trick in the book to pin the big man's shoulders down. It took him a minute to figure it out. But, Mike Dimter will be 1-of-8 men in the KOX tournament ...

Congratulations to him! We got more on the way ...

Mike Dimter celebrates momentarily in the ring. But, Gigantis starts to come to, and he doesn't seem too happy. So, Dimter exits the ring, and raises his arms in victory as he walks backwards up the ramp. Gigantis points, and screams out at him. But, Mike Dimter has a smile on his face as that scene fades off.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 6 minutes, and 35 seconds, Match Result: Mike Dimter via pinfall.

We fade in backstage to Draven inside the GM's office, and Shawn Taylor looks aggrivated by him.

So, as punishment you will face the man Justice Legal wanted to face for a Qualifying Match. Next week.. on Showdown! ... from Houston, TEXAS... You go 1-on-1 with Hawking Ripper! Don't let me down.

Draven gives him a nasty look, and rushes out of the GM's office all alone.


We cut to The Wreckin' Crew is backstage, and they are standing by with Flo Stanley.

You guys are scheduled to get a rematch tonight for the tag team belts.. in our Showdown! main event.... do you think your chances are good?

Flip Johnson: Do you mean are our chances better than at Meltdown?? When we had to start off another fricken Gauntlet as the #1 team out? Do you mean the fact that we pinned 2 other tag teams prior to Knighthawk, and Del Rio getting in the ring with us..?? I mean, ask yourself this... do they deserve it? Nope. They were the last team... in some makeshift tag team turmoil match ... pitting the champions against 3 teams in one night-- doesn't seem that legit to me. I don't know about you Flo. But, I smell conspiracy allll over this thing. Someone wanted us to lose those belts. Mr. Lucente.. Shawn Taylor... don't know who. But, make no mistake about it. Tonight, Flip, and Brutality .. the Wreckin' Crew.... we get our belts back!!! Let's go Brute.

Flip Johnson takes off, and Brutality eyes Flo Stanley down. He intimidates the heck out of her, and only leaves her alone when he finally hears Flip calling his name down the hall. We then cut back to ringside for our next match of the night.

Hawking Ripper vs. Oblivion -- Cage Match --

Hawking Ripper comes out first, and he definitely receives a mixed reaction tonight. Lot of people seem unsure about this guy, and some autistic children in the front row over there are cheering him on. Some people have his sign up, and some are giving him a lot of heat. He makes his way down nonchalant, and stares up at the large steel cage. He finally steps in, and gets ready for his opponent. Danielle Worley announces Oblivion's name, and his theme music hits. But, Oblivion doesn't come out at first, and Hawking Ripper is not sure what is going on. Suddenly, Oblivion comes from the crowd, and knocks down the official who is manning the door. Oblivion snatches the large chain out of his hands, and slides in the thru the door. Oblivion snaps the door shut, and now has that large chain in his hand.

That's the chain they are suppose to lock with that lock over there.. it's suppose to keep the steel cage door shut. Now, Oblivion is using that as a weapon!

Oblivion swings it around, and Hawking Ripper hops one foot to the other. He tries avoiding Oblivion, and then manages to kick him in the shin! Ripper than starts sprinting for the steel cage. He tries to hop up on the top rope, and scale over it to victory. But, Oblivion uses that large chain, and swings it at him!! He clocks him with that large chain, and Ripper slowly falls from the top. Ripper stands up on the top rope, and holds the cage for balance. Oblivion steps up there with him, and they start duking it out on the top rope. Oblivion tries slamming Ripper's head in the cage. But, Ripper instead elbows him in the gut, and then gives him a back elbow to the jaw! Oblivion falls backwards off the top rope, and crashes to the canvs below! Hawking Ripper hops down, and spots the large chain. He picks it up, and eyes Oblivion down. He starts swinging it around, and the XWF crowd actually cheers this! They want to see some VIOLENCE!! Hawking Ripper starts whipping Oblivion over the back with that large chain, and Oblivion screams out in pain!! Ripper then uses it to wrap around Oblivion's neck, and choke him out. Ripper finall gives that up, and starts stomping away on Oblivion laying on the mat. Hawking Ripper than goes for the steel cage, and begins mounting the top rope again. He tries to pull himself up, and he's almost at the top of the cage. Here comes Oblivion though, and he begins shaking the cage!!

Hawking Ripper is holding on for dear life!!

Oblivion pulls himself up on the top rope, and then gets his hands on Ripper. He pulls Ripper down, and begins throwing him HEAD FIRST in to the steel cage!! Hawking Ripper on about the 5th time his face slams the steel-- he falls back hard on the stiff mat! Oblivion hops down, and he's not done there. He goes to latch Hawking Ripper in the Straight Jacket!! However, Ripper fights out of that Full Nelson, and actually manages to slap on the Cobra Clutch! Hawking starts working Oblivion to the mat, and before he could put him down for good. Oblivion furiously fights out of it. That's when Oblivion fights back with hard right hands, and works Ripper in to the corner. Oblivion then irishwhips Hawking Ripper across the ring-- slamming his back in corner! Oblivion rushes over, and rakes Ripper's eyes. He grabs Ripper's head, and slams him face-first in to the steel cage!! Ripper falls back hard, and Oblivion starts stomping away at him. Oblivion then picks Ripper up by the hair, and starts yelling something at him. But, as Ripper gets up he kicks Oblivion in the knee, and ducks a big right hand thrown by Oblivion. Ripper kicks him in the stomach, and Oblivion hunches over. Ripper tries to set him up for a potential Powerbomb. But, Oblivion tosses him over his head for a Back Body Drop!! Hawking smacks the canvas, and then springs back to his feet. He turns to face Oblivion, and out of nowhere Oblivion NAILS Hawking Ripper with a brilliant superkick to the chin! He DROPS him with that signature move known as 'Check Out Time', and throws his hands up in victory!! Oblivion points up at the top of the steel cage, and back down at Ripper. He mocks him, and says, "I told you so!!" That's when Oblivion makes his way over to the steel cage. He steps up on the top rope, and tries his hardest to pull himself up to the top of the cage. However, Ripper is already slowly crawling for the door, and the referee is happy to open it for him. Ripper slowly starts crawling through the ropes, and Oblivion doesn't notice him. The crowd is stirring, and Oblivion is now sitting on top of the steel cage. He looks over though, and sees Ripper crawling out the door. Oblivion figurously tries hoping down for the win. But, Ripper has already stumbled to the outside mat, and got both his feet on the ground!! Hawking Ripper has won yet again, and he leaves this match with another victory over Oblivion.

I really can't believe it. I thought Oblivion had him with that one ..

Oblivion is mad now! He tears the top off of the commentator's table, and walks over to Hawking Ripper laying on the outside mat. Oblivion scoops him up, and drops him face-first on the top of the outside barrier! Oblivion then grabs Ripper by the hair, and drags him over to the commentator's table. He rolls Ripper on top of it, and Oblivion now mounts the commentator's table as well. Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler have been temporarily cutoff from doing their job. As Oblivion sets Ripper up for, and executes a modified Rock Bottom straight through the table!!! Both men go crashing down below, and the fans mark out for that moment! 5 officials rush out, and take a look at the scene. EMT's are called out, and they try to attend to both men. Oblivion looks banged up, and Hawking Ripper appears to be bleeding badly as he lays face down in the rubble.

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 5 minutes, and 58 seconds, Match Result: Hawking Ripper via escaping through the door.

Jon Hampton is watching the monitor backstage, and sees what just took place. He has one phrase for that whole scenario out there.


GM Shawn Taylor is in his office with him, and looks Hampton over as he stares at the lone monitor.

Could I ask you .. let me rephrase that ... just exactly what is your deal anyway Hampton? Why did you asks to see me?

Listen, as the #1 contender.. I just want to make sure nothing happens at KOX. Afterall we both know King of Xtreme is the biggest show of the year... well, now that I'm in the main event. So, I wanted to add a special stipulation..

What KIND of stipulation??

Scene fades.


Backstage we see "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk, and Tyroneus Del Rio of the "Skeletons of Society" speaking with Bob Levy. With the Tag Team Belts slung over their shoulders it's obvious they are also the current XWF Tag Team Champs!

Bob Levy: So how does it feel fellas? How does it feel to be the XWF Tag Team Champions, and making your first title defense in XWF history as our current Tag Champs?

It feels good! It feels DAMN good Bob. I'm not going to lie to you. You see... me, and Tyroneus Del Rio... we know what's instore for the XWF. We know what is about to happen to them. Over the course of the next .. I don't know... a year or so.... or until we see fit-- we are going to be taking it to everyone on the roster! Every single person that has signed a contract with the XWF... will pay! They will pay the price.... ..because, when it comes to the Skeletons of Society. We have a lot to accomplish yet! We have a lot on the way, and nobody is safe out here. Tonight we are just going to give this Showdown! crowd what they paid to come see. One helluva show! Because me, and this man right here... are about to show you why we're XWF Tag Team Champions... why alll the gold belongs to the S.O.S.

Si, .. like my amigo just said. The XWF is filled with lots of question marks. But, we're not one of them. Everybody knows what you're getting with us. The baddest, most ruthless stable the XWF has ever seen! We are the most formiddable force on this roster.... because, not only are the 4 of us... but, we are the Tag Team Champions! That says something around here. It says .. soon we will capture the XWF World Title. Soon... .. we will have all the gold around here, and then nobody can stop us! Nobody can deny us. Our GREATNESS.

My man Tyroneus Del Rio... has it right. We greatness personified.. we are the best team in the buisness... not the Wreckin' Crew... now let us show you ...

They are very excited to be in this main event, and it's written all over their faces. They start heading to the ring with their XWF Tag Titles in hand, and they are set to do battle against the former 2-time XWF Tag Champs.

Adkins is shown heading in to a limo backstage with Sasha Shotgun, and Mitch Keller stops him.

Hey Mark! Did you hear about next Showdown!?

No. What about it?

Next week.. there's a HUGE contract signing.. I guess Hampton got a stipulation added to the match ....

.. is THAT so? Well, we'll find out next Showdown .. now.. won't we?? Driver! Lets get out of here!!!

Mark Adkins steps in the limo, and slams the door shut. The limousine immediately drives off, and we cut to ringside for the main event of the evening.


Wreckin Crew vs. William Knighthawk & Tyroneus Del Rio (c) -- Tag Team Championship Rematch --

The Wreckin' Crew comes out first to a nice ovation, and the fans have their back tonight. The XWF is in full support of anybody taking it to the S.O.S. these days, and Wreckin' Crew looks poised to do that tonight. They enter the ring, and they get themselves ready for this championship rematch. Out next comes Knighthawk, and Del Rio to the theme of "Dead Skin Mask" by Slayer!!!! They receives lots, and lots of boo's from the crowd. A ton of a heat as they make their way down the ramp with the Tag Team Titles, and the fans voicing their displeasure. They eventually get in the ring, and they reluctantly hand their belts over to the official. The referee explains to everyone the rules of tonight's main event matchup. As both teams go to opposite corners to talk it over.

Well, looks like it'll be Flip Johnson, and Tyroneus Del Rio starting us off.

These 2 teams haven't been feuding long .. but, if you remember a few months back it was Del Rio who had a little problem with the Wreckin' Crew... or vice versa ...

Yep, and they can't be too happy how the belts were taken from them by that same man. Del Rio has a lot of enemies around here. Some people think Knighthawk is the leader, and that may be true. But, Tyroneus Del Rio has been competiting in some tough matches over the last few months ..

He sure has. But, they're both synamously known for jumping the Champion, and #1 contender at our last major pay per view event .."Meltdown!"

Wasn't pretty J.R.

Del Rio, and Johnson lock up in the center of the ring. Flip wins the battle of strength, and walks Del Rio down. But, Del Rio fights out of it, and gives Flip Johnson a Hiptoss towards the canvas!! Tyroneus Del Rio then quickly locks on from behind with a deadly Armbar. Flip tries to work himself out of it, and manages to reverse it on Del Rio. Now, it's Flip Johnson wearing Del Rio down. But, Flip decides to tag in Brutality, and Del Rio quickly dives to tag in William Knighthawk! They both enter the ring, and Brutality drops him with a hard Shoulderblock. Brutality then punches Del Rio off the apron, and hops on the top turnbuckle. He waits for Knighthawk to turn around, and dives forward with a top rope Shoulderblock! That hard battering ram shot takes Knighthawk down, and Brutality wraps up a leg for the 1, 2, kick out! Brutality throws him in a quick headlock on the ground, and starts wearing him down. Brutality releases the hold on his own, and stands to his feet. He sizes Knighthawk up, and goes to the ropes dropping an elbow acrossed his skull! He hooks the leg on Knighthawk again, and gets the 1, 2, kick out! Brutality drags Knighthawk over, and tags in Flip Johnson. It's Flip who begins stomping away at him, and he rushes over knocking Del Rio off the outside apron with a hard right himself. Del Rio lands back on his feet, and he is fuming now as he tries to get in the ring. The referee holds him back, and the Wreckin' Crew starts double-teaming Knighthawk now. They drill him with a Double Suplex in the center of the ring! Flip Johnson taps the ref, and gets down to hook the leg for the 1, 2, kick out!!

Smart, and effective double-team by the Wreckin' Crew.

If the S.O.S. had done the same thing... you would be crying foul play. What's the deal J.R.? Bias towards certain people around here...? Is that it?!?

I don't know what you're talking about. There's a time, and place... who can blame Wreckin' Crew for fighting to get their tag titles back??

But, you don't understand why the Skeletons of Society would want to send a message to the rest of the roster? The XWF has taken notice now, and it's because they took it to "TV_MA" Mark Adkins in the main event of a blockbuster pay per view.... hell, rumor has it ... they have ended the career of another XWF superstar! After putting Caleb Cross on the shelf months back... they wiped Phoenix out.. what do you think will happen next to Adkins if he ain't careful?

Flip drops a HARD knee on Knighthawk's skull! ... I don't know what will happen.. I'm not sure what they will do if given the opportunity. They could've did almost anything they wanted. They kept Adkins as champ if you look at it.. there must've been a reason...

Flip is working Knighthawk over in the Wreckin' Crew corner. He tags in Brutality, and he comes in the ring putting hard inside knees to Knighthawk's mid-section. He drops him with a stiff uppercut! Brutality backs up a few feet, and rushes in to put a boot to Knighthawk's face. But, Knighthawk moves his head to the side, and Brutality instead puts his boot through the middle ropes. He gets partially caught up, and Flip tags himself in. Knighthawk crawls over, and before Johnson can get there-- Knighthawk makes the tag, and Del Rio storms in. It's Tyroneus Del Rio dropping Flip Johnson with a hard right hand. Del Rio spins out of that, and drills Brutality who is just stepping to the outside apron. Brutality hops backwards off the apron. Then Del Rio kicks Flip in the gut, and backs him down in the corner. He goes to irish whip him across the ring-- but, Flip hits the brakes, and reverses it! Tyroneus Del Rio's back smashes the corner!! Flip runs in, and Tyroneus actually hops over him -- rolling him up for a pinning combination. But, Flip kicks his way out of it. Brutality gets up on the apron, and tries to get in the ring. But, the ref holds him back. Tyroneus walks Flip over to the S.O.S. corner, and Knighthawk puts his boot out across the top rope. Del Rio slams Flip Johnson's head in to that boot, and grades his face against it!! He then kicks him in the gut, and tags in Knighthawk. The ref turns around to see the tag, and watches as Del Rio lifts Flip Johnson up for a High Angle Suplex .. he DROPS him in the center of the ring! William Knighthawk has already mounted the top turnbuckle, and he leaps off CONNECTING with an ELBOW DROP acrossed his skull!!! William Knighthawk hooks the leg, and gets the 1, 2, KICK OUT!!

BIG kick out from Flip Johnson, and this crowd is back in this one.

They don't want to see S.O.S. leave the Tag Team Champs....

William Knighthawk throws Flip Johnson in a Sleeperhold, and works him down to the canvas. The ref checks on Flip, and raises his arms twice. But, on the third time he raises it-- Flip keeps it up!! The crowd cheers, and pumps Flip Johnson up enough so he can work him back to his feet. Flip elbows Knighthawk in the stomach twice, and takes off for the ropes. Knighthawk frog leaps him with he bounces back, and then DRILLS him with a Dropkick on his 2nd attempt bouncing back! William Knighthawk lays him out with that one, and rolls him up for the pin. 1, 2, foot on the rope! William Knighthawk can't believe it. Suddenly, Tyroneus Del Rio walks over, and pulls Brutality off the apron so his face smacks the top of the outside of the ring! That shot rattles Brutality enough for Del Rio to then clothesline him to the mat!! The XWF fans at ringside are of course boo'ing this. As William Knighthawk points out at him, and tells him "good job"! But, when Knighthawk turns back around-- Flip kicks him in the guts out of nowhere. Now, Flip goes to bring William Knighthawk in for a stunner known as the "Lights Out"! But, Knighthawk shoves Flip forward, and breaks the hold. Flip Johnson turns back around, and Knighthawk drills him with an open right hand. Knighthawk then kicks him in the mid-section, and sets him up for that famous craddle piledriver. He puts him down with "Out of Your Misery"!! He hits that finisher in the center of the ring, and William Knighthawk wraps his leg up for the pin. 1, 2, 3!! The Skeletons of Society earn themselves another victory, and they are STILL your Undisputed XWF Tag Team Champions of the world!!!! The fans boo the crap out of these guys, and give them ton of heat.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 7 minutes, and 41 seconds, Match Result: Knighthawk & Del Rio via pinfall.

A lot of people are expecting "TV_MA" Mark Adkins to maybe come out of nowhere. But, he already left in his limo. Some are expecting Xavier Phoenix to come out, and seek revenge. But, he is apparently out for awhile with a serious injury to his vertebrate. So, instead the S.O.S. theme music begins playing over the loud speakers. The XWF crowd grows angrier, and angrier. As they booo as loud as they can!! They really show how much they hate the Skeletons of Society. As Tyroneus Del Rio, and William Knighthawk celebrate up the ramp with the belts raised high in the air!!!! As this episode of as Showdown! goes off the air it's the S.O.S. who is on top again!!!


Following Showdown! on September 9th .. we will then be moving on to our next Showdown! card, and that will feature more Qualifying Matches. As we will be going LIVE! back on tuesday September 20th, 2011 from Houston, Texas. For now there's 4 men who have earned their way in to the "King of Xtreme" tournament on October 2nd, and that is "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, Ryan Ryder, The Game, and Mike Dimter. Who will be the 4 men that join them for the annual KOX tournament? Tune in to find out next Showdown!

Showdown! September 20, 2011 card

XWF Roleplay Board (Deadline September 13th-19th at MIDNIGHT!!!)