XWF presents: the 2012 "END OF THE WORLD" tour.

XWF Presents: the Showdown! following "XtremeMania 7" coming to you LIVE! at 9 PM only on HBO. .... welcome to the 2012 "End of the World" tour ... next stop... FedEx Forum .. Memphis, Tennessee . . . .


May 16, 2012 --

XWF Showdown Report by "The Franchise" Shane Douglas.

ShowDown! Episode Sixteen.

Compilation video of events taking place at XtremeMania 7. Great show all around as we see bits and pieces of the victors. The night was capped off with Carlos Shotgun winning the main event.

We are LIVE! at the FedEx Center in Memphis, Tennessee. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are at ringside going over tonights tag team title ladder match main event.

Before we can get any further, Rage makes his way out with the Xtreme Championship. Lawler starts questioning why Rage did not defend on the last show when it's been one of the main guidelines that the title is defended on every show. Ross says that things can change over time but it doesn't take away that Rage and Dustin Holt had one of the top matches on the Pay Per View.

Rage enters but before he can get a word in, the former champion makes his way out. Holt is without his buddies in the Holt Foundation which is interesting. Dustin makes his way inside the ring as Rage does not look too thrilled.

Holt gets on the microphone and talks about the two of them stealing the show at XtremeMania. The crowd seems to agree with him on that one based on reaction. Holt then says that it doesn't really matter now because Rage is an old fashioned kind of guy just like the rest of the older superstars and apparently only works on a part time basis.

Rage doesn't really fire back with anything but he looks more amused at the fact that Dustin is still talking right now. Holt says he spoke with Lucente and that instead of Rage forfeiting the title into vacancy, the title should go back to the former champion.

Rage finally gets on the mic and says that honestly he could care less about what Dustin Holt has to say. Rage came back because people were sick and tired of guys like Holt spreading their mediocrity around the XWF but Holt proved that he could hold his own. But he still lost, and that's what it comes down to.

Holt looks pissed and demands that Rage hands him the championship. Rage shakes his head and tosses him the belt. Holt catches the belt but gets a hand wrapped around his neck also.

Rage hits Holt with a chokeslam!

Rage gets on the microphone and said that he already talked to Lucente earlier. Rage enjoyed kicking Holt's ass so much at Mania that he would like to do it again at HELL ON EARTH! So we have ourselves an Xtreme Title match set for the next Pay Per View.


The cameras cut to the parking lot area where a limo just pulled in. Is that driver Dean Malenko? The driver steps out to open the door and Carlos Shotgun makes his way out to a huge pop from the crowd. What will Shotgun have to say about his victory at XtremeMania?


Match One: Michael Dargue vs "The Cool" Greg Ward Jr

Both Dargue and Ward play up to the crowd before the bell rings. Dargue starts off working on the arm before dropping Ward with a back suplex. Dargue continues to ground Ward but gets caught in a rollup for a two count. Ward hits a clothesline and follows up with a leaping flying clothesline. Ward tosses Dargue to the outside. Dargue back in a eight.

Dargue back out as Ward slides out but gets caught with a forearm before getting tossed into the ringsteps. Dargue tosses Ward back in and gets a two count. Ward counters a whip into the turnbuckle but gets a boot to the face. Dargue looks for a Shining Wizard but Ward counters into a sick Dragon Suplex for a two count.

Ward with a bodyslam climbs to the top for a Go Go High Flow. Ward misses the frogsplash and slowly gets back to his feet. Dargue looks for a superkick. Ward blocks and goes for a superkick of his own. Dargue blocks that one and picks up Ward in a fireman's carry. Dargue hits the Downfall! Pin. One, two, three!

Winner: Michael Dargue

After the match Dargue goes to shake Ward's hand as both men gave a good outing in their debut. Ward shakes his hand but then hits Dargue with a Superkick! Ward poses to the crowd before leaving.


In the back we see a shot of Chris Falkenyork walking towards Michael Lucente's office. Mitch Keller tries to stop him for an interview but gets shrugged off instead.


Another XtremeMania video plays. This one recapping the Stephen Blood versus The Original match.

Match Two: "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton vs "The Lone Wolf" Kevin O'Reily

Saxton talks trash to O'Reily but gets cut off with a slap to the face. O'Reily with a fireman's carry takeover starts kneeing Saxton in the head. Saxton tries to fight but gets taken down again. O'Reily continues with the knee strikes. O'Reily hits a snap suplex for a two count.

O'Reily hits a hard elbow but Saxton comes back with a dropkick and grabs a front headlock. O'Reily back to his feet drops Saxton with a belly to back suplex for another two count. O'Reily whips Saxton and flips him on his rear end with a running knee. Neck snap by O'Reily who then follows with a flying shoulder block for another two count.

Saxton cuts off another offensive flurry with a rake to the eyes. Saxton goes for a Samoan Drop but O'Reily floats out of it. O'Reily hits a kick to the midsection and goes for a Tiger Driver. Saxton charges into the corner and the ref gets bumped.

Saxton looking frustrated goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair from ringside. O'Reily is already back to his feet however as Saxton enters the ring. O'Reily yells at Saxton to drop the chair and fight. Saxton instead charges O'Reily. O'Reily ducks the chair swing and kicks Saxton in the knee. O'Reily grabs Saxton and hits Welcome to Chicago! O'Reily shakes the ref to wake him up and goes for the pin. One, two, three!

Winner: "The Lone Wolf" Kevin O'Reily

Backstage we see Hellion and Ashton Storm discussing strategy for their six person tag match later on tonight. Eric Draven enters the picture as Hellion tries to talk things over with him. Draven just rolls his eyes and walks off.


We cut back to the ring as Pearl Jam fires up which can only mean The Elite Savior making his way out. Shotgun enters the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd as it appears that the champion wants to talk about what's on his mind.

Shotgun mentions the year long feud with Mark Adkins and that all of it came to an end at XtremeMania. Right as he mentions what being Elite means, Falkenyork makes his way out to a mixed crowd reaction. Shotgun raises an eyebrow as Chris enters.

Chris says that Shotgun showed everyone that he is the Real Deal. Shotgun showed that he truely is Elite. He truely is deserving of the World Heavyweight Title. Chris apologizes for the fact that Shotgun's celebration at XtremeMania was cut off shortly at the end of the Pay Per View. He said he'll make up for it at the next Showdown with a Shotgun Celebration in the ring. He'll do that for Shotgun, because him and Shotgun are BEST FRIENDS!

Shotgun looks confused about all this. Chris smiles while shaking his head and says that Lucente informed him that he'll finally get his contracted World Title rematch at Hell on Earth and he's happy that he's facing his best friend Shotgun instead of Adkins. He's facing his best friend, in a cage. Because what's better than two friends inside a steel cage?

Shotgun looks even more confused about all this but Chris gets cut off as Mark Adkin's legal advisor Wesley Valor makes his way out. Valor informs everyone that Mark Adkins no longer has legal obligation to appear in XWF and that both parties are going through negotiations. He also informs everyone that Adkins tells everyone in the FedEx forum that they can kiss his Mother Fucking Ass.

Shotgun has a note for Adkins too. Shotgun kicks Valor in the midsection and drops him with a Bullet Bomb! Shotgun looks at Falkenyork while shaking his head before leaving the ring.


We see XWF's odd couple the Ray of Darkness in the back getting ready for their ladder match later on against the Wreckin Crew. The Dark Stranger tells Mitch Keller that we should all expect carnage. Ray finishes by saying cause that's how they roll.

We cut to the other lockerroom where Bob Levy is standing by with the Wreckin Crew. Flip Johnson talks about the Wreckin Crew's accomplishments and how the Jersey Shore reject and walking Freak Show winning was a fluke. He promises tonight that the Crew will become FOUR time Tag Team Champions before him and Brutality walk off camera.

Match Three: Dustin Holt, Kenny Holt, and Kelsey Marxx vs The Hellion, Eric Draven, and Ashton Storm

Dustin is still feeling the chokeslam from earlier tonight but Draven has not come out with his team. Kenny tosses Hellion into the corner and goes for a swing. Hellion ducks under and hits a hard clothesline. Hellion atomic drops Kenny and hits a chop. Hellion tries for a bodyslam but gets elbowed in the neck.

Kenny tags in Dustin and the Holts double suplex Hellion. Kelsey starts shouting across the ring towards Ashton as the crowd starts to clap. Hellion takes a neckbreaker and Dustin pins him for a two count. Dustin tags in Kenny as the two continue the double team. Ashton jumps in the ring but the referee holds her back as the Holts stomp away on Hellion.

Kenny tags Dustin back in as Hellion tries to reach over but takes a hard back suplex. Hellion pinned again for a two count. Holt stomps Hellion shouting, "This is you Rage!" Holt stomps Hellion again and asks him where his partner Draven is hiding. Hellion starts to fire back with lefts and rights.

Dustin counters a whip and ducks for a backdrop. Hellion counters with a huge DDT. Holt and Hellion look for a tag as the crowd is on their feet. Dustin tags in Kelsey and Hellion tags in Storm! Kelsey tackles Storm as the two scuffle on the canvas. Storm up first hits Kelsey with a chop. Kelsey chops back. Both start exchanging chops. Ashton hits a hard chop that knocks Kelsey down to the canvas. Kenny clotheslines Ashton from behind!

Hellion charges in and tackles Kenny to the outside of the ring. Inside Ashton and Kelsey are still down but the crowd pops again as Rage has pulled Dustin off the ring apron. Those two start brawling as the referee is running around trying to maintain control.

The crowd pops again as DRAVEN makes his way down the eisle. Draven slides into the ring, drags Ashton to the corner, and tags himself in. Kelsey gets back to her feet and forearms Draven in the face. Draven stares down Kelsey before grabbing her by the hair and hitting a Reverse DDT! Draven pins. One, two, three!

Winner(s): The Hellion, Eric Draven, and Ashton Storm

Kenny slides into the ring to check on Kelsey as JR and the King question what just happened.


We cut to a video of Stephen Blood talking about his one match return at XtremeMania. He said that while it was a nightmare for The Original, it was a dream come true for him. He talks about people asking if he would come back but right now that's not going to happen. He says that his return did show the world that he is indeed the F~cking Legend, Stephen Blood. Remember the name, Remember THE PAIN!

Match Four: Hayden Truesdale vs Ryan Ryder

Ryan Ryder already in the ring playing towards the crowd. He is trying to get people on his side. But he seems to be getting a mixed reaction at best. Hayden Truesdale's music hits and he gets a decent pop! Some people pulling for the "Detroit S.O.B." judging by the signs in the crowd.

They eventually lock up in the center of the ring and Ryder uses his strength to shove Truesdale in the corner. Chop! "WOO!" Another chop! "WOOO!" Ryder irish whips Truesdale towards the corner but he leaps up on the top turnbuckle and out of nowhere completes a Moonsault drilling Ryder in the head with his leg! He covers him up for the 1, 2, kick out!

Close call and the referee is checking on Ryder to see if he's okay. He shoves passed the official and goes to slap Truesdale in a Sleeperhold. Ryder wears Truesdale down and suddenly Truesdale drills a Jawbreaker!! Ryder looks stunned and tries to stay on his feet. He swings at Hayden and he ducks the punch. Hayden kicks him in the stomach and executes the Fall of the 4 Horseman! He connects and the ring shakes as the Detroit S.O.B. picks up the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Hayden Truesdale

We cut to "The Cool" Greg Ward who's backstage with Mitch Keller. Ward talks about Michael Dargue and what happened after the match. When he loses his cool, people get hurt. Dargue walks into the picture and tells Ward that what he did was not cool. Dargue says that it appears that there are still issues, so we should have another match at the next Showdown. Ward likes the sound of that as both men walk off.


Mister Lucente makes his way out as he has a huge big time announcement. He explains to everyone that regardless of whether he won or lost at XtremeMania that he was going to step down as President regardless. Being able to defeat Justice Legal on the biggest stage just gave him a certain sense of satisfaction.

He then informs everyone that he still has ownership of the company however but he will not be in charge of day to day operations. Next Showdown he will be announcing a NEW President of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Who could it be?


Bob Levy is backstage with Hayden Truesdale who finally ended his losing streak with a win against Ryan Ryder. Truesdale says that it''s great to finally have the monkey off his back and he plans on using this win to start climbing to the top of the organization.

Original is behind him laughing at Hayden's statement. Hayden turns around and Original informs Hayden that as far as most people including himself are concerned, he's still a curtain jerker in the company. Original says that if he had a match with him that he would pick him apart just like he did to Stephen Blood.

Hayden raises an eyebrow and questions that considering that from what he remembers, Original LOST his match against Stephen Blood. Original gets serious for a moment and says that Hayden shouldn't talk.. Because he lost.. To a girl. Original walks off as Hayden looks a bit pissed off.

Main Event: Tag Team Champions Ray of Darkness vs Wreckin Crew in a Tag Title Ladder Match

Wreckin' Crew comes out first and they look pumped up! The Ray of Darkness is announced next and they get a strange mixed reaction tonight. People not sure how to take the new Tag Team Champs. The Ray looks nervous and shoves the Dark Stranger in the way as he hops out of the ring. The Dark Stranger starts unleashing punches on Flip Johnson and Brutality simutaneously. He looks to be in control early and then Flip kicks him in the knee. They set the Dark Stranger up for a Double DDT!! The Ray brings in a ladder and rams it in to Flip's guts. Flip Johnson rolls to the outside apron in pain. Brutality rips the ladder out of the Ray's hands. Dark Stranger clobbers Brutality from behind. Dark Stranger and The Ray stomp away for a moment! Fans seem torn on who to root for.

The Ray sets up the ladder and goes to climb it as Dark Stranger clotheslines Brutality out of the ring. The Ray almost has the belts and Flip Johnson pulls him off the ladder. Flip unloads punches on him and then out of nowhere hits him with the Lights Out!! The Ray bounces around the ring and is laid out with that stunner.

Dark Stranger goes for a Chokeslam and Flip gauges his eyes. He then stomps on his foot and goes to the ropes for a Shoulderblock. However, Dark Stranger barely budges and then scoops Flip Johnson off the mat. Dark Stranger hits him with Darkness Falls!

Brutality rolls in the ring and adjusts the ladder so he can ram it in to Dark Stranger's ribs. Dark Stranger falls to a knee and Brute sets up the ladder in the opposite corner. Brutality goes to irishwhip The Dark Stranger in to it but instead Dark Stranger reverses it and Brutality's back smashes in to the ladder!! Fans popping for this hardcore action.

Dark Stranger calls out to the Ray and tells him to bring a new ladder in to the ring because the other one is damaged. Ray slides a ladder in and Dark Stranger sets it up. Dark Stranger starts to climb and Brutality climbs the opposite side. The Ray tries to pull him off but Brutality kicks him in the face and that knocks Ray out of the ring. Brutality and Dark Stranger exchanges punches on the top of the ladder. The Dark Stranger reaches for the belts and Brutality grabs his head jumping off for a Bulldog!!!

Huge move and it wakes the crowd up! The Ray crawls back in the ring and goes to set up the ladder. Flip Johnson pulls him away from it and starts beating on him in the corner. Flip picks the Ray up for a crucial Alabama Slam! Flip goes to climb the top of the ladder and has his finger tips on the belt. However, Dark Stranger has recovered as Brutality has rolled to the outside of the ring grabbing his chest.

Brutality looks to may have hurt himself in this match. Dark Stranger pulls Flip Johnson of the Wreckin' Crew down and goes for a Chokeslam again. Flip kicks out of it and takes off towards the ropes. He ducks a Clothesline attempt by the Dark Stranger and comes running back in to a Big Boot from Dark Stranger! Flip Johnson is laid out and Dark Stranger begins climbing.

Flip is going to go for the ladder when The Ray grabs his foot from the outside apron and holds on tight. Flip tries to kick him off but it's too late. The Dark Stranger reaches for the Tag Belts and pulls them down!!! The Ray of Darkness is STILL the XWF Tag Team Champions. They celebrate in the ring a moment as The Ray's theme music plays.

Winner(s): Ray of Darkness

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler discuss how it was a big rematch for The Ray of Darkness to come out still the Tag Team Champs. The sky is the limit for these 2 young men.

Tune in next time everyone to see what transpires with the "Shotgun Celebration" and the announcement of the new XWF President.

BELOW is the next "Showdown!" card (from Newark, New Jersey at the Prudential Center.)


"Showdown!" -- Newark, New Jersey - Prudential Center .. May 30th, 2012 -

Mr. Lucente will be naming the new XWF President in daily operations.

A Totally Elite Shotgun Celebration Hosted by Chris Falkenyork

"The Cool" Gregory Ward vs. Michael Dargue - Standard rules

Kelsey Marxx vs. Ki Morbid - Woman's match

Hayden Truesdale vs. Kevin O'Reily - Xtreme rules

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton vs. The Dark Stranger - Standard rules

Eric Draven vs. Ryan Ryder - Xtreme rules

Dustin Holt & Alexis Diamond vs. The Ray & Ashton Storm - Mixed Tag

Main Event -

The Hellion vs. Mike Dimter - Xtreme rules

For now you can roleplay here (3 RP MAX for SINGLE MATCHES and 4 RP MAX for TAG MATCHES as usual.):

XWF Showdown! ROLEPLAY BOARD (Deadline May 16th - 29th at MIDNIGHT!!!)