XWF presents: the 2012 "END OF THE WORLD" tour.

XWF Presents: the last Showdown! before "Xtreme Battle Zone" pay per view at our new time Wednesdays at 9PM . .... welcome to the 2012 "End of the World" tour ... next stop... Des Moines, Iowa inside the Wells Fargo Arena. . . .


February 29th, 2012 --

Welcome to this addition of Showdown! coming to you LIVE! on HBO in High Definition. It is our first night on our new time of Wednesdays at 9 PM eastern. The arena is packed here in Des Moines, Iowa for this special LEAP DAY event. Roughly 17,262 people are in attendance tonight in the Wells Fargo Arena. They are anticipating the build up to "Xtreme Battle Zone" our next major pay per view. There is controversy swirling regarding one of our Champions and there's a lot at stake tonight in the 8-person Battle Royale. The tension is high in the building tonight as pyros go off and screaming fans are hyped for this event! Signs flood the crowd such as: "Shotgun for President", "YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!!", "Genesis sucks!", "Hawking Ripper SOLDOUT", "Bring back Justice Legal!", "HOLT shut up!", and plenty of "TV_MA" signs are spotted.


Last week on Showdown! it was The Ray coming to even the score and prove he's not backing down from anyone. As he attacked Falkenyork and hit him with the "Ray of Light". Carlos Shotgun came out to deliver a Bullet Bomb to The Ray though in order to teach him a lesson! That was until Mr. Lucente came out on the ramp and confronted the 4 men in the ring. He booked the tag team main event tonight as well as the 8-person Battle Royale to decide who gets to enter the Xtreme Battle Zone last (at #12) this year. Also we are treated to Chris Falkenyork's furious face as this look back at last week's Showdown! ends.

Backstage we have Chris Falkenyork going over what happend last week with Bob Levy.

Chris Falkenyork: Oh it was a fluke Bob. It was a fluke for sure!

The crowd POPS at that statement and he continues on.

And tonight I'm going to prove that! It's a shame I have to team with Carlos. I didn't come back to relive the old glory days of The Elite. Trust me on that! This isn't some kind of Elite reunion! This is payback to Ripper. This is payback for The Ray cheapshotting me!! This is so Shotgun gets first glimpse at what I'm about to do to him.. soon. In just a matter of time. That belt will be mine! Which means Carlos Shotgun is mine!! But first things first. The Ray and more importantly.. Hawking Ripper! They get what is coming to them... tonight.

He walks off and Bob Levy is left holding the mic.

Flip Johnson (of the Wreckin' Crew) vs. Jason Blade (of Genesis) - Standard rules

Jason Blade of Genesis is already in the ring and the fans are booing him as Danielle Worley gets ready to announced his opponent.

And his opponent! One-half of the XWF Tag Team Champions... he is ... FLIP JOHNSONNNNN!

"The Pot" by Tools starts playing over the loud speakers and people get excited. Flip Johnson makes his way out looking like a mad dog ready to eat. He storms to the ring in a hurry and slides on in. He raises his arms in Jason Blade's face and Jason Blade looks pissed off by that. The referee for this match is Shawn Green and he steps in between them. He tries to calm Jason Blade down as Flip Johnson continues raising his arms high in the air taunting Jason Blade of Genesis.

Jim Ross: This should be a good one King .. what you think?

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Should be pretty good to start this show off. You know.. lots of rumors swirling right now.. as we approach Xtreme Battle Zone in less than 2 weeks.

Yeah we are 11 days away from Xtreme Battle Zone. Where I'm told these 2 teams of Wreckin' Crew vs. Genesis will take place at the pay per view with the Tag Team Belts on the line! Also .. go on tell 'em King ..

Well, I believe they are about to get this match started. But I will say. We might have some controversy coming for you later.. tune in to that ...

The match starts off as Shawn Green calls for the bell. DING DING!! Jason Blade immediately attacks Flip Johnson and then Johnson fights back!! They are exchanging shots in the center of the ring. Flip ducks a big Haymaker and comes back with a hard Clothesline to take Jason Blade down! Flip takes off to the ropes and leaps over Jason Blade who lays face-first on the ground. Flip then hits the other ropes and bounces back. This time taking down Jason Blade with a Running Shoulder Block as he goes to stand up!

Nice shot by the 3-time Tag Champ.

The crowd gets riled up as Flip Johnson crouches in the corner and waits for Jason Blade to get up. Instead when Flip goes to grab him we have Jason Blade roll through it and trip Flip Johnson up so he lands face-first on the 2nd turnbuckle! The fans mark out for that as Jason Blade backs up and then waits for Flip Johnson to get to his feet in the corner. Then when he turns around Jason Blade comes in with a Spinning Heel Kick!! He takes Johnson down hard with that one and the crowd marks out for it as well. He drags Flip Johnson away from the ropes and covers him up. " .. .. 1.... 2... kick out!"

Flip able to get a shoulder up.

Jason Blade picks Johnson up by the head and lays him in the corner. He gives him a Knife Edge Chop! The fans cheer for that as the loud sound echoes throughout the arena. Jason Blade then pulls Flip closer to the center of the ring and sets up for a Crossarm Breaker!! He's got it latched on and Flip Johnson is already near tapping! The fans pulling for Flip to stay alive in this one. Both men struggling to do anything now. As finally we see Flip roll over to get his foot on the rope. The referee orders he breaks the hold. Jason Blade gets back to his feet and kicks Flip Johnson in the gut! He kicks him in the ribs again!! Flip grabs his foot the 3rd time and stands up with his foot in his hand. Jason Blade attempt an Enziguri. But instead Flip ducks it. He then turns Jason Blade over for a Boston Crab!! The fans cheering for that! Some booing however. As both wrestlers received mixed reactions tonight.

Can he put him away? Can he put him away with that??

Jason Blade rolls out of it and turns it in to a Figure Four out of nowhere!! But before he can get it on tight Flip rolls out of it. He stands to his feet and Jason Blade pops up deliverying a Hip Toss to him!! Flip pops backs up and Jason Blade nails him with a solid Dropkick to the face! That one lays Flip Johnson out and Jason Blade likes the spot he's in. He points up top and fans start buzzing as he mounts the top turnbuckle. He signals for the "Blade Cycle" and goes for that 450 Splash!! But, Flip Johnson rolls out the way. Jason Blade smacks the canvas hard and Flip Johnson quickly hooks a leg. ".... 1. ... 2. ... 3!!"

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 5 minutes and 17 seconds, Match Result: Flip Johnson via pinfall.

Mike Blade rushes down the ramp and slides in the ring. He jumps Flip from behind and begins pounding on him! He knocks him to the ground and stomps away at 1-half of the Tag Team Champs!! Jason Blade eventually gets back up and he joins in on stomping away at Flip Johnson!!! Mike Blade then picks Flip off the ground. He goes for that "Blade Slam" and connects with that twisted Cobra Clutch Backbreaker!!! The crowd is booing them and then suddenly Brutality runs out to a nice POP from the crowd!! He sprints to the ring and slides in. Mike Blade & Jason Blade sees him just in time. They dip out the opposite side of the ring and start heading for the ramp. Some of the crowd begins to boo. As we see Brutality tend to his partner Flip Johnson and he eyes up the Blades as they make their way towards the back.


"XtremeMania 7" hosted this year by the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada ...

April 22nd, 2012 .. the XWF will induct 4 more Hall of Famers and celebrate the biggest event of the year!

"XtremeMania 7" - All bets are off!


Backstage we have The Dark Stranger talking with "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton and suddenly The Ray walks in. You could see that Ryan Ryder is tied up in the background with a dog collar on. He is chained to a pole and Heather Black throws a bucket of tar on him. As you see Lady GaGa douse him with feathers!! Ryan Ryder looks like a fool and The Ray points it out.

The Ray: What's HIS deal?

The Dark Stranger: He is a Souless Puppet of mine. Do not worry about him. But what happend last week with you anyway?

ARE YOU SERIOUS Bro? I thought that I had it all figured out. I was going to ask if you wanted to be my tag team partner and go for the tag team belts soon!! I mean.. after Xtreme Battle Zone and all.. because I know that we both have our chance to prove ourselves inside there!! But.. . how bou-- .. ook- .. ut .fo- .. ..

We start having "technical difficulties". The lights begin to flicker. The screen then begins to get all fuzzy and scratchy as static appears. Blood slowly trickles down the screen as the footage scrambles back to them LIVE! backstage. The Ray looks around anxiously as "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton even looks confused.

What was THAT about?

I don't know. But it was weird.

You know The Detroit S.O.B. got laid out last week. You think that was a message to you too??

I don't care bro! Because I got bigger fish to fry now.. you see what I did to Falkenyork? LAID HIM OUT with the Ray of Light last week!! This week I'm going to do much of the same. As for Shotgun... that little punk ...

Cliff Saxton butts in and adds his 2 cents.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton: Tell me about it! Carlos Shotgun thinks he is all high and mighty around this place. When he is just someone who has no idea what he is getting himself in to! He better realize I mean business around here!!

I know bro. I know. You will get your chance to prove your World Champion material by winning Xtreme Battle Zone. We all will! But tonight.. is MY night. Tonight I get to pin Shotgun or York. That Ripper better stay out of my way though Broski! For real .... because THAT'S HOW I ROLL! ...



Scene fades on The Dark Stranger's masked face.


That awkward backstage segment leads us to the ring where Nick Rude, The Maniac Wilson, and The Hellion are already awaiting the next contestants for this 8-person Battle Royale to decide who will enter Xtreme Battle Zone this year at #12. We watch as the Women's Champ Ashton Storm comes out to mostly boos from the crowd!!! Out next comes The Dark Stranger dragging along Ryan Ryder with his leash and he has some kind of weird attire on. Apparently that is the same outfit that Lady GaGa wore in her video Poker Face. Up next we have "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton come out. Finally Mr. Lucente steps to the stage.

Mr. Lucente: I told you tonight was going to be BIG. That tonight was going to be special! Not just for this Battle Royale but in all of Showdown! history. Well that's because a few days ago I called Ripper in to my office and he put his hands on me. He pointed his finger in to my chest. He grabbed me by my tie! Damnit.

Fans boo him.

I don't put up with that. I'm the XWF President! I'm the Owner of this company since 1998 and I'll be damned if I let that happen. I was going to fire your boy. I was going to let him go tonight. But I decided there's something else I could do. I'm not going to suspend him. I'm not going to fire him... yet. I'm even going to allow him to compete one last time at Xtreme Battle Zone. But before we get to our main event of the evening. Before I announce that 8th person in the Battle Royale tonight. I want you to know there's more at stake!

Fans begin stirring more in the Wells Fargo Arena.

Well .. not only will the winner be #12 in the Xtreme Battle Zone. But he will now become the NEW Xtreme Champion by winning this Battle Royale tonight!!

Fans cheer!!!!! Some boo as they look around unsure of what is happening.

I don't put up with it. I won't put up with it. And due to contractual agreements made prior to this week... I must allow him in the Xtreme Battle Zone. But that's as far that goes! He won't be winning the damn thing. I'll make sure of that. He won't be headlining XtremeMania 7 .. like one of you may get the chance to. Oh no! Tonight he will fulfill his obligations to the XWF and at Xtreme Battle Zone it all ends for you Ripper! It's the end.. of your era. The beginning of something more brand new!!

Fans stunned by this announcement. Unsure of what to make of it.

Now with that out of the way. With knowing the Xtreme Title is up for grabs tonight. I told you I had a special guest to announce for this Battle Royale. So without further adue.. the BEAST.. The Florida Dog .... DUSTIN HOLT!!!

Out comes the return of Dustin Holt to some major heat from this audience in Des Moines, Iowa. He comes out with Alexis Diamond the Beauty by his side. He kisses her and then makes his way down the ramp by himself. He gets in the ring and all 8 people start staring at each other. Some sizing up The Dark Stranger who is the biggest man in the competition at 7 foot tall!!! Meanwhile it looks like Ashton Storm looks unsure of herself. The Maniac Wilson is pointing and talking trash to "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton as Nick Rude looks over at The Hellion making his return to the XWF squared-circle as well tonight.

8-person 'Battle Royale' to decide who will get the special privilege of entering the Xtreme Battle Zone last (at #12) this year AND who will become the new Xtreme Champion here tonight:

The Dark Stranger, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, Nick Rude, The Maniac Wilson, Ryan Ryder, WC Ashton Storm, The Hellion, and "The BEAST" Dustin Holt!!

There are a couple referees surrounding the ring to confirm who lands where their 2 feet on the outside mat. That person will then be officially eliminated from the Battle Royale. Jake Evans calls for the bell. DING DING! This match starts off!

Here we go KING!

The Dark Stranger orders Ryan Ryder out of the ring. But when The Hellion goes to attack Dark Stranger. Beating up on him in the corner. However, Ryan Ryder helps out! He begins punching the Hellion in the kidneys and ribs!! Ashton Storm goes for Nick Rude. While it's The Maniac Wilson who goes right after "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton. Dustin Holt pulls Ryan Ryder away and clotheslines him over the top rope- eliminating him right away!!

Well, there goes Ryan Ryder already! Looking silly in that damn outfit.

What kind of hex does The Dark Stranger have on Ryan Ryder? I don't get it J.R.?

Who said he had a hex on him? I think the damn kid is just being BRAINWASHED if you ask me. Brainwashed to the fullest extent. Ever since he lost to him at Total Annihilation.

Maybe he really DOES have his Soul now J.R. Maybe Ryan Ryder lost his soul to the devil himself.. The Dark Stranger!

Nick Rude dumps Ashton Storm over the top rope but she lands on apron. Dark Stranger goes after The Hellion and beats up the little guy a bit. The Dark Stranger gets SLAPPED from behind by Ashton Storm. The Dark Stranger puts his hand around her throat, and shoves her back over the top rope!! She hits the ground and is eliminated.

And there goes Ashton Storm!

She's the First Lady in XWF history to be in the Xtreme Battle Zone event J.R. Give her that!

Yeah, she's damn good. Been on a slide ever since her first time being pinned here in the XWF by some valet of the Wreckin' Crew.. a girl by the name of Lacey Fine!

Lacey is MIGHTY Fine J.R. But to get to the matter at hand. I mean, Ashton Storm has been in a slump! She's in Xtreme Battle Zone. But, I'm not so sure she shouldn't be defending her Woman's Title against Lacey Fine here very soon!

Nick Rude goes for Dustin Holt but he gets kicked in the gut and laid out with a Swinging Neck Breaker!! The Maniac Wilson wears on Cliff Saxton in the corner. He lays a shoulder in to his stomach! He starts pounding away on him and delivers a vicious chop. "Woooo!" We then see Dustin Holt work on Nick Rude in the opposite corner. He's punching away on the kid! He then leaps up and connects with an enourmous Dropkick out of nowhere! He lays Nick Rude out with that shot. The Dark Stranger dumps The Hellion over the top rope. But he holds on!! The crowd cheers for the Hellion!!!

Very close there King. But the resilient Hellion holding on tight!

Dustin Holt backs up and goes to punt Nick Rude in the face. But, Nick Rude moves his head in time and Holt kicks the bottom rope instead! Rude gets to his feet and quickly dumps Holt over the top rope! But he lands on the outside apron and is still alive. The crowd is stirring as Nick Rude turns his back and raises his arms!! He thinks he eliminated Mr. Lucente's handpicked guy. But then Dustin Holt sneaks back in the ring behind him and tosses Nick Rude over the top rope to the outside! Eliminating him.

Welp. There you go Nick Rude. Got to be more on your game son!

You're a little hard on him. Aren't you J.R.??

The Dark Stranger attacks The Maniac Wilson from behind. But The Maniac Wilson kicks him in the shin and delivers a swift DDT. He's then going about putting The Dark Stranger in the Liontamer!! The crowd marks out for that move as the man in all brown leather equipped with a full brown leather mask has the big man on the ground tapping out!! But he's not eliminated for tapping. He must be thrown over the top ropes. Suddenly, Cliff Saxton dropkicks the man known as The Maniac Wilson in the face!! The Maniac Wilson rolls out of the ring and walks away. The crowd begins to give him a lot of heat.

They should boo him J.R. He's walking away! He hasn't even been eliminated from this and he's just leaving ... why?

I don't know. The winner gets to go last in the Xtreme Battle Zone and gets to become the new Xtreme Champion. Maybe he doesn't want to be last in to XBZ?

Oh. Come on. Who doesn't want to be last at XBZ? Who doesn't want to be Xtreme Champ??

Apparently the man known as the Maniac Wilson ...

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is attacked by The Hellion out of nowhere!! We see The Hellion going over with a Lou Thesz Press for starters!! He begins whailing on Cliff Saxton's face! Just pummeling him in to the canvas and the fans are loving it!

These people marking out for the Hellion. But will it be long before he's eliminated from this Battle Royale?

Dustin Holt goes for The Dark Stranger. But instead we see Dark Stranger wrap his hand around Holt's throat and now Holt gets THE DARKNESS for his troubles!! The Dark Stranger drills him with that nasty chokeslam and goes to scoop Holt off the ground. He hoist Dustin Holt up over his shoulders, and goes to dump him over the ropes. However, Dustin Holt hangs on!! We see Cliff Saxton and The Hellion rolling around the ring exchanging punches. The Dark Stranger unaware that Dustin Holt is still holding on the 2nd rope. His feet dangling as the referees confirm "only 1 foot hit".

Holt's not eliminated. He's pulling himself back in the ring!

Cliff Saxton and The Hellion get to their feet together. Cliff ducks a big punch and goes for a Samoan Drop! But, then The Hellion wiggles out of it. He spins Cliff Saxton around and then leaps up to Dropkick Cliff Saxton out of the ring!! He's eliminated.

There goes the "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton!

The Dark Stranger goes to grab The Hellion by the throat. He then turns him around to go scoop him on his shoulder. The Dark Stranger leans forward with him and has The Hellion hanging over the top rope. He is trying to get rid of the Hellion and eliminate him from this contest! The fans are cheering. They are stirring because The Hellion remains holding on the ropes. The Dark Stranger then gets tangled up with him on the ropes and here comes Dustin Holt from behind!! He dumps them both over and they hit the outside mat!! They are both eliminated and DUSTIN HOLT is the winner!!!!

No way! These superstars didn't see this coming... they didn't even know he was going to be in this Battle Royale tonight. And now the man who left the XWF television the night he lost the Tag Team Titles.. comes back on his FIRST NIGHT BACK.. and he's already the Xtreme Champ! Unbelievable.

Yeah, that's right. I forgot about that. Holt loses the tag belts and now is the Xtreme Champ over night! Nobody even knew this belt was going to be up for grabs. On top of that. He's going to be the last entry for Xtreme Battle Zone. Watch out everybody!

Dustin Holt is a tough guy J.R. He's been around a few arenas and knows how to put on a show! I don't mind him representing us as the new Xtreme Champ. I'll tell ya that.

Dustin Holt celebrates in the ring with his brand new Xtreme Title!

The man going to be entering the XTREME BATTLE ZONE last at #12 this year... and your NEW Xtreme Champion ..... DUSSTTINNNNNN HOLLLLT!!

He hoist it up high in the air for everyone to see. But the fans still give him crap!!!! They BOO him excessively as he poses on the corners with the belt. He wraps it around his waist and shows off on the top turnbuckles!! Just egging this crowd on. He hops back down and Alexis Diamond rushes to his side. She's there almost out of nowhere and then The Beauty & The Beast engage in an intimate kiss in the center of the ring. He smiles and shes raises his hand in the air. The crowd didn't expect this and a lot of them are unhappy!

Lot of fans not liking that Dustin Holt is the new Xtreme Champ. But he did well here in this Battle Royale tonight.

Oh give guys like The Hellion and The Dark Stranger credit! They put up a fight. But neither one could get it done when it counted. Dustin Holt is the new Xtreme Champ and he's going on to be the last entry in to the Xtreme Battle Zone this year!

Congratultions to him.

He exits up the ramp with Alexis Diamond under his arm and the Xtreme Title belt raised high!!

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 12 minutes and 28 seconds, Match Result: Dustin Holt via last man remaining.

Carlos Shotgun backstage standing by with Flo Stanley and he just cuts her off. Lighting a cigarette in the process. He hits the cig and points to the gold on his shoulder.

Carlos A. Shotgun: See this Flo. This is all that matters. Tonight's main event. Ultimately it means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I really don't understand where Mr. Lucente's head is at. I certainly don't know where Chris Falkenyork's mind is at!! Tonight I just wants to get it over with and find out who I'm facing at Xtreme Battle Zone.

The fans can be heard cheering for that statement!!

It's all about winning at XBZ and going on to main event the grand daddy of them all. XtremeMania 7!! Believe it or not. I'm going to VEGAS, baby!! VIVA LAS VEGAS!!! I will main event my 2nd straight Xtreme Mania with this gold around my waist.

He takes a big hit of the cigarette and just flicks it to the ground.

My suggestion .. skip all the shenanigans... book me versus Falkenyork at XBZ. I'll gladly put the title up against my ol' friend. We can tear down the roof one last time for this World Heavyweight Championship! "The Elite" can take center stage again and show all these rookies how it's done. So my suggestion is to you Mr. Lucente ... make it happen!

The fans POP for Shotgun. They want to see that match happen too!!! As he tips his hat to Flo Stanley and smiles wide at her as he thinks about the brilliant idea he just had.

.... "Thank you very much".

Scene fades away and we cut to an HBO promo for a moment. Then we send it back to the ring.


Before the main event we have The Original inside the ring in a wheelchair. You can hear the crowd is clapping for him!!! His theme music is just ending when he lifts the microphone up to speak.

The Original: I came out here. I came here rather.. for one reason. For one reason and one reason only! To put my name in the hat at Xtreme Battle Zone!

The fans POP for that!!!!

That's right. I know you can see that I might be a bit handicapped. That's just an understatement. I'm paralyzed from the waist down.. all thanks to a Piledriver I took at the hands of Falkenyork last XtremeMania!! But... that doesn't matter. I'm not here to dwell on the past. I am here because I want to be the 1st ever WHEELCHAIR entry in to Xtreme Battle Zone.

The crowd cheers! But some of them really seem confused by this notion that he can compete in the most dangerous pay per view event of the year.

"XTREME BATTLE ZONE" is not for the weak at heart. I'll give you that. And I'd like to go over the bozos from the battle royale. But they are all a bunch of Nobodies! People I've never heard of before. The XWF has went to shit! I could do what half of you can't do and that's sad. Because I don't even have legs that operate anymore!! I don't even have legs and I'm better than the LOT of you! But I digress... I want to be the first ever WHEELCHAIR entry!! It's only fair. It's only right. I deserve my shot.. of anybody else.. to be World Champion.. NOW ...

--The Original is CUT OFF by the music of HAWKING RIPPER!! Out comes Ripper to a HUGE mixed reaction from the crowd!! He marches down the ramp and some fans booing him. While others try to reach out and touch him. Some have signs up with positive messages. Some ripping Ripper with the messages on their posters. He enters the ring and walks over to grab a mic from Danielle Worley. He then walks back and stands in front of The Original who is wearing a grey suit. He has 4 large bouncers outside the ring ready to assist him with his wheelchair at any moment. But the Original waves them off the apron. Hawking Ripper grabs the mic tight and looks out at the crowd once more who isn't sure what to think of all this.

Hawking Ripper: I came out here. Not to defend myself. But to expose you for the fraud you are. To tell these people-- .. to SHOW these people ... that you are a LIAR. That the man known as The Original is lying. He is ONE BIG GIANT LIE and I can't take it anymore!! STAND UP!!

Fans in the audience really can't believe what they are hearing.

Did Ripper just ask him to stand up??

The Original shakes his head no and points at his legs. He insist he can't.

There's no way I'm getting up off this wheelchair. I haven't walked since that LAST MAN STANDING match at XtremeMania 6!! Something you wouldn't know anything about Hawking Ripper!! And seeing as though you are about to be given your walking papers after Xtreme Battle Zone.. seems like you won't have a chance to star on the biggest stage of them all. HOW'S that FEEL??!?

STAND UP! Stand up now! I'm tired of playing games! I saw what Falkenyork was capable of last week. I know all about the Stephen Blood scam. But what I see before me.. sickens me. I know you aren't injured! Reveal yourself. Show the people what kind of man you really are!!

The people in Des Moines, Iowa are on their feet. They are disturbed at what is going on.


He goes to lift him up and The Original collapses like he has no power in his legs. He screams out in pain!! The fans hold on their mouths in desperation. They can't bare to see a man look that way! The Original falls lifeless to the mat and Hawking Ripper takes a step back stunned. The Original shoes him away as he pulls himself up only by his arms to sitting position in the wheelchair again. He barely gets situated and yells at Ripper the whole time!!

"What is the matter with you?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? You see me! You see me now! You son of a bitch! What's wrong with youu?"

The Original fake cries and rolls over to the ropes where 2 large men come in to lift him up over the top rope. They hand him to 2 other large men on the outside of the ring and they gently place him down. He immediately unlocks his brakes and begins hightailing it up the ramp to boo's from the crowd! A real mixed reaction in Des Moines, Iowa. It appears that Hawking Ripper seems stunned and embarassed. While the Original also looks hurt and embarassed. He wheels himself thru the curtains towards the back and that's the last we see of him. Hawking Ripper paces around the ring as we cut backstage.


Mr. Lucente is shown shaking his head in disgust. He then reaches for his phone and begins placing a call. The winner of the Battle Royale and the #12 entry in to the Xtreme Battle Zone enters Mr. Lucente's office. So he hangs up the phone to talk to him.

Dustin Holt: Mr. Lucente. Just the man I wanted to see! I already know the person who wins Xtreme Battle Zone goes on to get a World Title shot at Xtreme Mania in the main event!! But what's the rules of Xtreme Battle Zone again? Over the top rope eliminations orr??


Mr. Lucente snaps back.

Pinfall or submission only. Until both chambers are down to 1 superstar remaining ... then the middle door will be LIFTED and we will have those 2 finalists go 1-on-1 to decide who headlines XtremeMania 7. Got me? Now get out of here! We'll see you in London, England ... March 11th, 2012 ... oh yeahh .. ...

Dustin Holt exits the room off camera. Then suddenly some dork wearing a dress shirt and headset runs in to Mr. Lucente's office handing him a letter.

What's this?

Mr. Lucente opens the envelope just handed to him. He begins reading the letter to himself and doesn't like what he's seeing. Suddenly, the door to his office flings open and he looks up to see who it is.

Oh shoot! It's just you. Come in. Close the door behind you!

The scene fades on Mr. Lucente's office and we cut to ringside now for our main event of the evening.


Main Event -

WHC Carlos Shotgun & Chris Falkenyork vs. Hawking Ripper & The Ray - Xtreme rules

Danielle Worley is in the ring and she announces the first opponent of this tag team main event.

From Miami Florida .... weighing in at 214 pounds. THE RAYYYY!!

The Ray's music hits and the people start to give him some heat.

JR: The Ray seems very confident walking down the ramp tonight, he seems like he is ready to prove to all the non-believers just how dangerous he is in the XWF.

Jerry Lawler: Even his own tag team partner isn’t sold on The Ray, so tonight is a big night for him.

Just as the King finishes, the Ray stops in his tracks on the ramp, as the lights in the arena begin to flicker. The rate of the flicker slows down until eventually the lights in the arena are completely dark.

JR: Seem to be having some troubles with our light folks just bear with us for a few seconds.

The lights come on with a very dim red tint all around the arena and the Ray is still on the ramp looking around, confused with everyone else in the areana.

Jerry Lawler: I’m not sure if these are just normal problems JR, but what could it be?

TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES flashes in deep blood red on the titan tron, and suddenly a deep voice can be heard.

Voice: I’ve been watching all along, and your time is almost up Ray. Do not underestimate the power of the unknown, because if you think this is powerful, wait until you actually know what is causing you all of this fear and pain. I will make my presence felt, and when I do I will rid this company of all the trash, starting with you.

Technical difficulties vanishes from the screen and the Ray’s music begins to play again as the lights come back on. The Ray is clearly confused but slowly makes his way to the ring.

JR: What the hell was that King?

Jerry Lawler: I have no clue, but I know I wouldn’t want to be in the Ray’s shoes, that gave me creeps.

The Ray hops in the ring and Danielle Worley announces Hawking Ripper next.

And his partner.... HAWKING RIPPERRRRR!

The fans have mixed emotions as Hawking Ripper comes out to some cheers. But a lot of the crowd giving him heat!! He makes his way out slowly looking around at all the people. He finally enters the ring to his theme music playing. As she gets to announce the next competitors.

And there opponents....... weighing in at 220 pounds.... CHRIS FALKENYORRRKKK!!!!!

"Slaves and Bulldozers" by Soundgarden plays over the loud speakers and Chris Falkenyork comes out to a nice ovation from this crowd!!! Lot of supporters of his in the building tonight. They let him hear it as he makes his way down the ramp!!

Look in those eyes... Chris Falkenyork is ready for this one.

It's not long before Danielle Worley is set to announce his tag team partner.

And his partner..... the World Heavyweight Champion...... CARLOSSSSS SHOTGUNNNNNN!!!!

"Do the Evolution" by Pearl Jam plays over the P.A. System and out comes the XWF World Champ. He has the belt slung over his shoulder and the fans pop like mad!!!! They let the 3-time World Champion hear it as he makes his way down to get close to Chris Falkenyork as he can get.

Keeping a slight distance from his old tag team partner. The former tag team champs known as the Elite. But tonight they are still known enemies and they aren't in this match by choice. That's for sure!

Well now. I don't know about that! A lot of people want to get their hands on Hawking Ripper.

The referee for this match is Amari Scottsdale and he is ready to call this right down the middle. He instructs both teams of the rules real quick and then goes about asking for the bell. DING DING! Shotgun's theme music dies out completely and he stands on the outside apron instructing Chris Falkenyork to stay in the ring. On the other side it's The Ray holding his hands out to Ripper on the apron and says, "Don't worry. I GOT this BRO."

That Ray's got a BIG mouth!

The Ray turns around and walks right in to a hard right hand from Chris Falkenyork! Falkenyork delivers another hard overhand right to his chops! And another right hand! He goes to irishwhip The Ray to the ropes. But instead The Ray reverses it. No, instead Falkenyork reverses it again and sends The Ray to the opposite ropes. The Ray bounces back and Falkenyork catches him for a sick Spinning Powerslam!!! He covers the leg. ".. ...1 ... 2.. kickout!"

Falkenyork's hot.

Chris gets to his feet and before The Ray can move it's Chris who delivers a jumping Double Leg Drop to The Ray's chest!! He goes to cover him up again. ".... 1 .... 2... kick out!!" Falkenyork quickly turns around and slaps Shotgun on the chest. He tags him in and the crowd is feeling entertained at the moment. Chris points for Carlos to get his ass in the ring! Carlos mumbles something to him and ducks in between the ropes. The Ray out of nowhere hits him with a Spinning Heelkick! He takes Shotgun off his feet and The Ray goes right back after him. He grabs Shotgun by the legs and he sets him up for a SLINGSHOT in to post!! Carlos Shotgun nails his noggin off the top of the post and The Ray rolls him up for a Schoolboy Pin.

He's going for the upset!

".... 1..... 2.... kick out!!"

Ohh boyy. I was a little worried for a second J.R. I'm not going to lie.

The Ray. Undefeated in non-title matchups ..

The Ray goes to work on Carlos. He pounds on his head and back. The Ray lifts Carlos off the ground and connects with a giant Suplex! The Ray hops to his feet and taunts Hawking Ripper like he's about to tag him in. But instead he pulls his hand back and wipes it through his spiked hair. The Ray mocks Ripper some more and shouts, "You WANT IN? You want in Bro? NO way!" He goes to go back and pin Shotgun for the " .... 1... kick out!!" The fans cheer as The Ray goes for another cover. " .... 1.... kick out!!" The Ray slams his fists on the ground furious. He backs up to the ropes and goes on deliverying a Dropkick to Carlos Shotgun as he's getting to one knee. That shot knocks Shotgun so hard that he's forced to roll to the outside apron to recover. The Ray sees his moment and walks back up to Carlos Shotgun. He reaches over the top rope and The Ray's got him by the hair.

He has the World Champion in his grasps..

The Ray wants to go for a Suplex back in to the ring. But Carlos blocks it and goes for a Suplex of his own. He almost lift The Ray up. But instead The Ray fights out of it by throwing some wild punches. He goes to hook Shotgun for that Suplex again. But this time Shotgun ducks and lays a shoulder in to his mid-section. The Ray holds his gut and backs away from the ropes. Shotgun comes in to the ring and as The Ray turns around that's when Shotgun delivers a Swinging Neckbreaker!! He then pops back to his feet and picks The Ray up off his feet. The frustration on Carlos Shotgun's face tells the whole story.

He's upset. Wanting to put this kid away early ..

Carlos A. Shotgun then goes for a Fisherman's Suplex and drops The Ray on his shoulders for the " .... 1 ... .. 2 ... . kick out!!" The Ray barely gets out and the crowd wanted to see it all end there! Hawking Ripper points towards the Ray and begs for a tag. Meanwhile it's Shotgun who turns around SLAPS Falkenyork on the chest with both hands. Falkenyork looks mad. But he blows right by Carlos and just ducks in the ring. He goes to grab The Ray's foot but he leaps and tags in Hawking Ripper!! The fans going crazy!! Hawking Ripper sneaks in the ring and gets right in Chris Falkenyork's face.

Ohh man. You think the rumors are true? That maybe somehow there was more to Hawking Ripper being stripped of the Xtreme Title?

Oh yeah, it's possible. But we will never know the true story .... just what Mr. Lucente has told us ..

Chris Falkenyork doesn't waste anymore time and starts unloading shots on him!! Hawking Ripper tries fighting back. But Falkenyork irish whips him to the ropes and then comes thru connecting with a Flying Shoulderblock! Ripper rolls back to his feet and Falkenyork goes for a Springboard Crossbody in to a pinfall. " .... 1.... .. 2 .... kick out!"

He's on fire J.R.

Chris Falkenyork picks Hawking Ripper up by his buckethead and shoves him in to the corner. He rips the shirt off Ripper's body and delivers a chop!! "WOOOOO!" He delivers another hard chop! "WOOOOOOO!!" The crowd getting in to it as Falkenyork then starts punching away at Hawking Ripper. He then delivers a hard Hip Toss!! That loud shot takes Ripper down and the people in the crowd are cheering Chris Falkenyork on!! Fans can be heard hopping up and down as Falkenyork stalks his prey much of the same. He then gets behind Ripper for a Rolling German Suplex!! He hits ONE. He keeps his arms connected and rolls up with him for a 2nd GERMAN SUPLEX!! He nails it. He doesn't let go of his arms around his waist however and goes for a 3rd GERMAN SUPLEX!!

Oh god! NOT a THIRD one!!

Chris Falkenyork lifts him up and PLANTS him HARD for a 3rd Rolling German Suplex!! Chris Falkenyork then hovers on Hawking Ripper on the ground. He points out at The Ray and says, "This could be YOU." Suddenly the former longest reigning World Champ ever snatches Ripper by the legs and turns him over for a Version Seven. He has Hawking Ripper face down ready to tap out right now!

Can he tap? WILL he tap??

The fans stirring as suddenly it's Carlos Shotgun who gets in the ring before he can tap out. The ref approaches Shotgun who gets a couple feet in the ring before Falkenyork spots him and lets go of the legs of Hawking Ripper. He walks right up to the World Heavyweight Champion and starts barking out orders at him! Shotgun shakes his head no and the referee insist he gets out of the ring. That's when The Ray rushes over to attack Carlos Shotgun. But instead Shotgun sidesteps him and grabs him by the back of the head-- dumping him over the top rope!!

The Ray trying to go after Carlos Shotgun but it BACK FIRES.

Chris Falkenyork goes to put Hawking Ripper back in his Submission Finisher as Shotgun steps back to the outside apron like he's told. But it's Shotgun who keeps antagonizing and irritating Falkenyork who is about to put Hawking Ripper away with this Version Seven. Instead somehow Shotgun talks Falkenyork in to releasing the hold and walking back up to him. Falkenyork keeps shouting, "WHAT?!" .."What do you want?!" Finally when Falkenyork walks over close enough the World Champ slaps him on the chest and tags himself in. Shotgun steps in through the ropes and points his thumb backwards for Chris Falkenyork to get out of the ring, "TAKE A HIKE." But Falkenyork doesn't take kindly to that. He tries to step to Carlos but the referee Amari Scottsdale holds him up and forces Falkenyork to the outside. With that it's Carlos Shotgun who now grabs Hawking Ripper by the legs as he is trying to crawl for the ropes. Instead Shotgun pulls him to the center of the ring. He kicks Ripper across the back of the leg. He turns him over on his back and then grabs his legs. The XWF fans mark out as Carlos Shotgun glances out at all of the people in Des Moines, Iowa before turning him back over face down but this time with his legs twisted up inside the Bullet Shock!! He's got that painful Sharp Shooter locked in!!

He's got his FINISHER on him! Is that going to be enough for Carlos Shotgun? Can he put the man away?

A few seconds later it's Hawking Ripper who is tapping out in the center of the ring!!!


Carlos A. Shotgun keeps the hold locked in even after Hawking Ripper taps out. The referee is trying to pry Shotgun off of him. It takes Falkenyork getting in the ring and walking up to Shotgun to get him to release the hold. He walks up to him and they are both face-to-face. They are jawing at each other and the crowd is excited!!! That's when the Ray sneaks back in the ring and goes to attack Chris Falkenyork. But instead Falkenyork ducks it and grabs The Ray by the head-- running with him all the way to the opposite side of the ring to dump him over the top ropes again!! The fans mark out for that moment as The Ray goes flying, he spills out near the front row where his Number 1 fan is seated with all the Ray's gear on and a signs that says: "Are you SERIOUS?"

Match Grade: B-, Match Duration: 8 minute, and 50 seconds, Match Result: Carlos Shotgun via Submission.

Chris Falkenyork and Carlos Shotgun are back to being face-to-face in the ring. Shotgun stops jawing for a second and walks over to the side of the ropes. He leans over and grabs his belt from Danielle Worley who hands it to him. Carlos Shotgun then walks back up to Chris Falkenyork and holds that World Heavyweight Title high in the air!! Chris Falkenyork eyes it and he looks ready to explode. But as Falkenyork says his piece to Carlos Shotgun he then goes to turn and walk away for a moment. That's when Mark Adkins sneaks through the crowd who is roaring an anticipation as he slides in behind Carlos Shotgun. The fans are livid as he taps Shotgun on the back. You see Shotgun look puzzled as he slowly turns around and walks right in to an End on 5!!!

End on 5!! END ON 5 by the former World Champion to the current CHAMP!! He just laid Carlos Shotgun out with that one!!

I don't even know if Falkenyork realizes it yet ....

Falkenyork is facing the other direction leaning over the top rope looking at the fans in attendance. He hears all the commotion and slowly turns around to see "TV_MA" Mark Adkins staring him back on the other end of the ring.

Oh my gawd! These 2 look ready to go. Mark Adkins eye balls are about popped out of his skull ...

What about Falkenyork? He looks surprised to see "TV_MA" back on his property.. of Showdown!

Mark Adkins keeps eyeing him up and the fans are estatic now!!! The arena feels like it's going to burst wide open!! The people are going absolutely bizerk for these 2 men right now! Mark Adkins especially who they haven't seen since he took that Flying Headbutt from Chris Falkenyork.

But what is he doing here?? What is MARK ADKINS doing back here?

Isn't it obvious? He still must have his rematch clause. I mean... he never got a proper rematch against Carlos Shotgun. It's only fitting the week before Xtreme Battle Zone we have something like this go down!!!

I didn't really expect it .. and look at Falkenyork .. he don't know what to think ....

The fans are still going wild!

What's about to happen between these 2??

Suddenly Mr. Lucente's theme music blares over the P.A. system!!!

Out comes the XWF Owner/President on top of the ramp. He stands there and calls out to the 2 men standing in the ring. The fans almost in a frenzy here in Des Moines, Iowa. As he lets his theme music play for a few seconds and the crowd starts to really get heated over the course of the next few minutes. Mr. Lucente's new theme starts to die down and he wastes no time.

Okay, so let's get to it. Falkenyork! Adkins! .. *ahem .. Shotgun! You know why we're here. You know why we're here tonight. You know what is at stake at Xtreme Battle Zone. The winner goes on the HEADLINE XtremeMania 7 ... but maybe, more importantly for some ..... that World Heavyweight Championship is going to be on the line in a 1-on-1 encounter!! Not just ANY 1-on-1 encounter..

Adkins inches towards Falkenyork and you can tell Falkenyork looks ready to pounce him too.

HEY! Hey. FOCUS. Up HERE! Look at me damnit! There's something going on bigger than you 2.. it's called the road to XtremeMania 7... here's how it's going down now.

XWF diehard fans buzzing in the arena tonight and the energy can be felt all around the world.

York walks straight over to the opposite end of the ring and calls for a mic. He makes sure to look over his shoulder at Adkins who is edging closer to the middle of the ring now. Falkenyork backs up to where he was standing with a mic and puts one finger up at Adkins. While looking over his shoulder talking to Mr. Lucente. He has his back to him now and is actually pointing at Adkins as he says this. But he wants to make sure EVERYONE hears it.

So Lucente! What you are trying to say is ... that you know I deserve to have my Chris Falkenyork Championship around my waist again. Is that what you're saying? Is that what I hear you getting at??

York still locking eyes with Adkins who has made his way to the center of the squared-circle wearing just a "TV_MA" shirt with the intentions to take someone down tonight. He's already succeeded with Carlos Shotgun laid out on the canvas still trying to recover from the sudden End on 5.

What you hear me getting at?? Do you HEAR yourself Falkenyork? WHO you think runs this company? WHO do you think the President is? WHO's the OWNER huh?! Me!! That's right. It's me. Not you. Not anybody else... I call the shots and here's what I want...

Lucente. I think I can speak for everyone when I say... you wouldn't be saying that if you were standing in the ring with me. None the less. Get to talking!

York still pointing his finger on Adkins. Keeping his full attention on him.

Oh Falkenyork. I remember what I did to you last year. At "Xtreme Battle Zone 2011" ..

The crowd starts to really to buzz around the Wells Fargo Arena as they recall what happend last year as well. Mr. Lucente smiles to himself and Chris Falkenyork turns his attention fully to Mr. Lucente now on the ramp. Leaving his back towards Adkins.

You remember Chris Falkenyork? Well, we won't over do it. But last year at Xtreme Battle Zone you lost that Championship.... you lost that very belt that you will stand in the ring and be officiating this time around! Oh yeah you will.

WHAT!? No!! NOO! You can't do this to me.

The fans shocked and are really starting to bring the heat now. They BOOO Mr. Lucente loud as ever as Falkenyork looks stressed. His veins are popping out of his neck and his face is beat red.

You can't do that. That Chris Falkenyork Championship belongs to me! I'm not a referee.

On March 11th, 2012 .. you're gonna be ...


You will CALL IT RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE... ... oh yeah! YOU WILL. And if you DON'T. If you don't call it straight Falkenyork... that's it. No Xtreme Battle Zone for you. There will be no opportunity to go on to main event XtremeMania 7. Since I can't have anything fishy going on in my World Title match at our Xtreme Battle Zone pay per view. Since I can't risk that! I guarantee nothing will happen now. Because you will be the Special Ref! And Lord help me Falkenyork. Lord help me York! Lord help me Chris... if you don't call that match down the middle. YOU WON'T BE ENTERED in to the XTREME BATTLE ZONE!! It will be OVER.


It will be IT for you. For good. No more chance for you to become the World Champ and get your hands on that Title belt.

The fans start to BOO. Though some are excited at the idea of Falkenyork being the Special Ref for Shotgun versus Adkins at our next pay per view.

What do you say Falkenyork? You going to play by the rules??

You KNOW WHAT Lucente? You KNOW WHAT? That's fine! That's it. YOU GOT IT. I'll be the stupid special official for this matchup at Xtreme Battle Zone. As long as I get my shot to main event XtremeMania 7 and get my Chris Falkenyork Championship back!

About that ..

The fans are growing restless as they suspect Mr. Lucente has another twist. We see as Carlos Shotgun starts to stir on the canvas.

You want in that Xtreme Battle Zone? You want to main event XtremeMania 7? You must enter the XTREME BATTLE ZONE at #1!! You must go from start to finish and literally go through 12 other men .....

The fans stirring. Not sure how they feel about all this.

Oh, and Adkins! I forgot to tell you. If you don't win this thing damnit. Well you better win this thing if you know what I'm saying! IF YOU knew what was GOOD FOR YOU!! You would win this damn thing against Shotgun and get that belt off of him. YOU would!

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins is in the ring and he gives Mr. Lucente the "double salute". He flicks him off with both middle fingers and the crowd loves it!! They eat that shit up and begin a chant of "TV_MA" "TV_MA" "TV_MA"!!!!!

Damn you Adkins. Shotgun! Shotgun! Listen to me Shotgun. Listen to me all of you .. when Shotgun gets up.. I want you to tell him.. he'll be defending his belt against the very man that haunted his nightmares all of 2011! The man who was more than just the thorn in his side ..... ... Shotgun will go one-on-one with Mark Adkins ONE MORE TIME!! With that dirty son of a bitch. Chris Falkenyork as the referee! Now you tell him .... my job here is done! I'll see all you cowards at Xtreme Battle Zone! DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?? XTREME BATTLE ZONE!!! Do you have what it takes .. I ask ??

Mr. Lucente drops the mic on the top of the ramp and heads to the back with his theme music playing again!!! The crowd giving him heat as he leaves and Falkenyork tries to talk but his mic is cut out. He yells at Mr. Lucente as he exits through the curtains and turns right around in to an END ON 5 from ADKINS!!!

End on 5!!! My gawd!! He DRILLED him with that! He DRILLED him with that out of nowhere!! "TV_MA" strikes again!

That crazy son of a bitch.

Carlos Shotgun starts to come to and sees Mark Adkins. Out of nowhere The Ray gets in the ring and Shotgun throws him to Mark Adkins. So it's Mark Adkins who hits The Ray with the End on 5 out of nowhere!!! The crowd POPS hard for that one! Then all the wrestlers spill out from the back. They flood the ring. Chaos ensues!! All 12 competitors come out!! Dark Stranger! Maniac Wilson!! Nick Rude!! Cliff Saxton! Ashton Storm!! The locker room empties!! Shotgun sees Adkins through the mess and actually goes for him. Adkins leaps through everybody knocking a few people down in the process!!! The Hellion comes back out here and so does Ryan Ryder! Finally it's Alexis Diamond pointing for Dustin Holt to take out the competitors!! The ring is filled with the entire XWF roster!!! Carlos Shotgun and Mark Adkins rolling around in the ring fighting each other!!

Things have gotten out of control before XTREME BATTLE ZONE!! What will take place at the pay per view in 11 days?? March 11th, 2012.. tune in.. you WON'T want to miss it!!!

Showdown! ends with that last image of a ring filled of battling superstars.

BELOW is the PAY PER VIEW card for "XTREME BATTLE ZONE"! the deadline is FEB 29th- March 10th at MIDNIGHT.


"Xtreme Battle Zone" from London, England in the Wembley Stadium at 7PM only on Pay Per View. -

TTC Wreckin' Crew vs. Mike Blade & Jason Blade - Tag Team Championship

WHC Carlos Shotgun vs. "TV_MA" Mark Adkins - w/special ref Chris Falkenyork - World Heavyweight Championship

The participants for XTREME BATTLE ZONE:

Chamber 1 -

The Dark Stranger
Ryan Ryder
Hayden Truesdale
Ashton Storm
The Hellion
Chris Falkenyork ???

Chamber 2 -

The Ray
XC Dustin Holt
The Maniac Wilson
"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton
Nick Rude
Hawking Ripper

(THE WAY OF "XTREME BATTLE ZONE": Contestants will start it off much like an Elimination Chamber. Only there are 2 Chambers that are attached to each other. However, they are both seperated by a steel door. There will be 2 superstars in each of the chambers starting it off against each other. Every few minutes someone will be released until all 12 competitors are entered in to the Xtreme Battle Zone. There they have to do battle with one another and you can only be eliminated by PINFALL or SUBMISSION. We do this until there is 1 superstar remaining in each chamber. Then when that finally happens the MIDDLE DOOR WILL BE LIFTED!! Thus allowing the final 2 superstars to resume in battle in a 1-on-1 showdown. The winner of this XTREME BATTLE ZONE event will go on to main event XtremeMania 7 against the World Heavyweight Champion. How will it all play out? "12 superstars. 2 chambers. 1 winner.")

For now you can roleplay here (3 RP MAX):

XWF Pay Per View ROLEPLAY BOARD (Deadline February 29th - March 10th at MIDNIGHT!!!)