XWF presents: the 2012 "END OF THE WORLD" tour . . ..... . ..

XWF Presents: the Showdown! following Chris Falkenyork's surprise return and more . .... welcome to the 2012 "End of the World" tour ... next stop... Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania inside the Civic Center known simply as 'The Igloo. . . .


February 21st, 2012 --

Welcome to this addition of Showdown! coming to you LIVE! on HBO After Dark in High Definition. It is a very big Tuesday night in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania inside the Civic Center with a soldout crowd of 18,793 people. The people are livid here inside "The Igloo" celebrating the return of the XWF to the Pennsylvania-area. Known wildy around the Ohio, and P.A. area the XWF was born around here so the audiences always have more ties to the superstars that come thru. People are decked out in all kinds of merchandise. Falkenyork t-shirts. "TV_MA" apparel. Shotgun hats are being worn by the fans. People mimicking Hawking Ripper with his buckethead. We could even spot The Ray's only fan out there with a Headband on. Various signs in the arena tonight read: "THE BEAST is BACK.", "Down with Shotgun!", "Ryder sucks", "The Ray + Hayden = Crap", and of course "XWF 4 Life" posters everywhere tonight. A lot of fans supporting this wrestling brand for years and are really behind us this evening!!!

****FLASHBACK**** Show opens with a run down from "Total Annihilation" pay per view and last episode of Showdown! We see as Mark Adkins loses to Carlos Shotgun and gets placed on a cross. Then next thing you know Falkenyork is shown attacking Shotgun and hitting Adkins with a FLYING HEADBUTT!!!! We cut to last Showdown! with Ripper interrupting Shotgun who is calling out Falkenyork. But then Falkenyork cuts in to say that he's had enough of Hawking Ripper already he wants to end that talk soon with a surprise from Mr. Lucente. The show ends with Ripper easily beating The Dark Stranger in a Steel Cage match. Only to see his name versus Chris Falkenyork for this week's coming main event of Showdown! So the battle lines have been drawn and these 2 are set to do battle for the first time ever. Over that coveted (and yet very hard to keep) Xtreme Championship belt. Who will walk out of Pittsburgh with the Xtreme Title?????

Back at ringside we have Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Jim Ross hyping tonight's MAIN EVENT.

Jim Ross: For the first time ever it's the legendary Chris Falkenyork versus the Xtreme Champion Hawking Ripper. Who will walk out victorious here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania??

Jerry Lawler: I don't know J.R. I don't know. For the first time I'm very clueless on this whole thing. Falkenyork back to action out of nowhere? I can almost not take it. I know these fans are about to explode. They might just internally combust J.R. on the spot!! But lets not forget who the legendary Chris Falkenyork is up against. I mean Hawking Ripper has some very succesful title defenses. Taking the belt originally from Stephen Blood. Also winning at Season Beatings in a triple threat Ladder Match!! Not to mention the other victories he has had over the past 3-4 months. Can he get it done again? Can Hawking Ripper really stake his claim here in the XWF?

Going to be a tough one. Going to be a tough one indeed. 2 superstars who really want it. Only 1 winner can be decided. Who will it be? Tune in later for our Main Event to find out. But up first .. well ... let's take you backstage where Bob Levy is standing by with Chris Falkenyork right now!

Chris Falkenyork backstage with Bob Levy holding the mic up to him.

Chris Falkenyork: Of course Bob. No matter how hard Hawking Ripper tries. Tonight he will lose. It's in the cards. It's going to happen! Tune in later for the main event to see me take home some brand new gold. Albeit. Not the belt I really intended on getting in the first place. But it's strange how things work out. Hawking Ripper. Let this be a lesson to you! "Hawking Ripper" .. heh.

Chris Falkenyork walks off scoffing at the idea of Ripper actually being a challenge to an "Elite like him.

We cut it back to ringside for the first match of the evening. We have Truesdale teaming up with The Ray for the first time ever. Meanwhile it will be the last time that The Dark Stranger pairs with Ryan Ryder. As this match is ready to get underway!

The Ray & Hayden Truesdale vs. The Dark Stranger & Ryan Ryder - Xtreme rules -

Hayden Truesdale is already in the ring and he's arguing with The Ray. They are waiting for their opponents and that's when the disturbing theme song of The Dark Stranger. The crowd rises to their feet as Heather Black and The Dark Stranger walk out first. Then that's when Lady GaGa comes out holding a chain. On the other end Ryan Ryan is attached to a dog collar on all four's. She drags him out and all 4 of them continue to the ring. The Ray is pointing out at Ryder laughing. As they make their way to the ring.

This is going to be an interesting one King.

Sure is J.R. Let's get this started!

The Dark Stranger's theme music finally dies down and Shawn Green is the current referee for this tag team match. He calls for the bell. DING DING!!

What's the deal with Dark Stranger and The Ray anyway?

The Dark Stranger decides to start it off versus The Ray. They come face-to-face with each other in the center of the ring and start smiling. So then The Dark Stranger turns around and slaps Ryan Ryder across the chest. He tags him in and the fans start to boo them all!!

What's he doing?

It's obvious him and that pipsqueak The Ray have something going on here. Maybe they are in cahoots with each other.

Ryan Ryder crawls in with a dog collar and dressed like a weirdo. The fans are giving him heat. As the Ray starts to kick and stomp away on him!!! The Ray is enjoying himself and The Dark Stranger yells for him to get up!! Eventually Ryan Ryder tries but The Ray picks him up and plants him with a DDT. He then walks over and tags in Hayden Truesdale! The Detroit S.O.B. gets in the ring and now Ryan Ryder is forced to tag in The Dark Stranger.

The Dark Stranger has no problem beating up on the Detroit S.O.B. that's for sure!!

As his girlfriend Heather Black and his number one fan Lady GaGa root him on out here!!

Hayden Truesdale ducks a big right hand by the Dark Stranger. He then irishwhips him to the ropes and The Dark Stranger bounces off the ropes ducking a clothesline by Hayden Truesdale. Dark Stranger then goes off the ropes again and comes back with a Flying Clothesline! Right away he looks to go for that Chokeslam known as The Darkness. However you see Hayden Truesdale give him a thumb to the eye and kick The Dark Stranger in the shin. He turns to tag in The Ray. But the Ray turns his back on him and looks out at the fans taunting them!!!

What's he doing now?

The Ray is a sniveling weasel. He only cares about himself!

Hayden Truesdale turns and begins throwing wild punches at The Dark Stranger. But it's the Dark Stranger who blocks the combo and nails him with an uppercut! He then pulls Hayden Truesdale in for a huge knee to the mid-section!! Finally we have the Dark Stranger whip him to the ropes and puts a BIG BOOT to Truesdale!!! The Dark Stranger has had enough and signals for the end. The crowd giving him heat as he follows that with THE DARKNESS!! That devestating Chokeslam puts Hayden Truesdale down for the count!!! The Dark Stranger hooks the leg. And the 1, 2, 3!!

Match Grade: D+, Match Duration: 3 minutes, and 56 seconds, Match Results: The Dark Stranger via pinfall.

Afte the match is over we see The Ray snatching the microphone out of Danielle Worley's hands.

The Ray: Hold on a second here! I didn't want to be paired up with this nobody. With this joke. I want myself a new partner... I want to be going for the tag belts next!! Oh, and another thing! I haven't forgot my Xtreme Title shot! Even though my match got pushed back.. for Chris Falkenyork.. whoever THAT is?!? That doesn't mean--

SUDDENLY we start having TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES. The mic starts to cut away from The Ray and the lights even begin to flicker in the arena. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler's commentating keeps breaking out on them. They aren't able to speak really. The lights go off and the titan tron then reads: ******TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES******

When the lights come back on Hayden Truesdale the Detroit S.O.B. is laid out on the ramp. He was exiting on his own accord a moment ago in the background. But after the lights come back on he is laid with his arms spread out and blood trickling down his forehead.

Wha-- on Eart-- ..st hap-- ... ...

A voice then is heard speaking over the arena.

"THE RAY's days are NUMBERED. . .. .6 .. . 6 .. .6 ,.. hahahahhaha!!"

The voice is then gone and everything returns to normal. Everyone seems very 'put-off' by this situation. You see The Ray look around nervously as he heads towards the back now a little upset he was cut off by all this.

We cut to Rachel Manning and Aaron Wilson looking on the back monitors confused at what is happening around here lately. Hayden Truesdale is laid out bloody on the ramp. The "Technical Difficulties" has everyone talking backstage about the current state of the XWF. What could be going on? Who could be behind all of this??


We come to Michael Lucente, who was with Josh Davis earlier today.

“Josh, my condolences on your family. You did the right thing by announcing it to the XWF. The fans will respect you. Just…do the match with Saxton and you’re out of your contract. Deal?”

Josh Davis shakes Michael Lucente’s hand, "Deal”.

That was from earlier today as we now cut back to ringside for the next contest.

Josh Davis vs "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - Xtreme Rules - (Written by Aaron) -

The broadcast cuts to the ring with both Davis and Saxton already in.

J.R.: Tonight we have a new announce table. For our Japanese fans, we have Tomoaki Katae doing commentary solo.

Jerry: A Japanese Joey Styles? That’ll be a treat for the rising sun.

The bell rings. Saxton strolls over to Davis with his hands behind his back and starts throwing hooks and jabs with Davis defenseless.

Jerry: Are those brass knuckles on BOTH hands?

J.R.: Yup, welcome to Xtreme rules. It IS creative that Cliff has each hand in one and not just his stronger hand.

After a few hard shots you see that Josh Davis has lost AT LEAST 3 teeth! It's possible his jaw and nose may be broken. And Saxton is not covering him. He’s dragging him outside the ring towards the Japanese announce table.

J.R.: Will the Japanese table be as cursed as the Spanish?

Jerry: Saxton is going for “The Finisher” on top of Tomoaki’s table

CLIFF CONNECTS! Amari Scottsdale counts the pin as Saxton covers him admist the rubble.


Match Grade: F, Match Duration: 1 minute, Match Results: "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton via pinfall.

“Scream” by the Misfits begins to play amidst a “Holy Shit” chant, Cliff doesn’t even want his hand raised or his name announced as he looks for (and finds) a mic.

“CUT MY MUSIC!” The fans are still in shock over what could be Davis’ last match in any company EVER.

“I guess now that I ended Josh’s career, Lucente’s got some extra money to hire a guy. I want Gigantis RE-HIRED so I can get my hands on him. And I want my hands on him in a…SADISTIC MADNESS MATCH! For those who didn’t read that blog our Xtreme Champ wrote listing dozens of match types, I’ll explain: Pinfall only, but you can’t pin your opponent UNTIL THEY START BLEEDING! Maybe that’ll show you stupid “fans” that I…MEAN…BUSINESS. CHEW ON THAT!!!"

Cliff drops the mic and walks to the back, drowning in a sea of boos and utter shock.


A promo for Xtreme Battle Zone is shown.

>>>>>>>HALL OF FAME hype for XTREME MANIA 7. The final 4 names for the last induction ever will be announced over the next few weeks leading up to Xtreme Mania. The Hall of Fame will grow from 31 members to a total of 35 and there all 35 members will be permanently enshrined forever! It will be the last induction in XWF history ... the HALL OF FAME will stand as is for the next 5-10 years without another single induction!!<<<<<<<

Mitch Keller backstage confirms a story he just heard.

Mitch Keller: I have been hearing rumors that The Original will be arriving to Showdown! next week for the first time since his injury suffered at Xtreme Mania 6. Word on the streets around here is that he won't just be coming for any regular ol' visit. Instead he vows to make a huge announcement that will rock the foundation of the XWF forever!!! People may want to tune in for that .. next week.. when we head to Des Moines, Iowa for our first ever LIVE! showing at 9 PM on Wednesdays!! Jerry, and J.R. back to you at ringside!!

Wow, the Original? But why? What for??

Well, that's certainly strange. But, what's this.. we've got word backstage that this next match is already about to get started.

It is?

WC Ashton Storm vs Lacey Fine - Non Title Xtreme Rules -(Written by Aaron) -

We cut to a backstage camera, showing Lacey Fine with a Singapore Cane, Ashton Storm with a chain, referee Shawn Green and XWF Owner/President Mr. Lucente.

Mr. Lucente: Both of you agree to start back here and waive all liability on my part and Shawn Green’s part?

Storm: I asked for it.

Fine: Bring it, Skank!



Ashton Storm and Lacey Fine were arguing as to who gets to use the makeup room on our last showdown, since then it has grown beyond a simple “catfight”

Here we go.

Lacey and Ashton begin circling around each other. Ashton is swinging her chain to build up steam when Lacey CRACKS the cane over her still black eye.

Jerry: Storm needs a cutman

Storm swings the chain, connecting with Lacey Fine’s legs, knocking her down. The fans applaud as Lacey moves closer only to kicked against the wall by Storm! Fine winds up on her back and Storm begins to egg her on some more!! Fine does a kip-up, grabs the cane just goes to town on Storm’s thighs and ribs. Ashton Storm attempts to choke out Lacey Fine. She flips herself over Storm’s head. Ashton Storm turns around and BITCH SLAPS Lacey!

J.R.: A role reversal from last week?

Rights are exchanged between them. They both try for chick kicks, Ashton’s connects, the cover…


Jerry: Almost beat Fine already…

Lacey grabs Ashton under her arm and DDT ON THE BACKSTAGE CONCRETE FLOOR, the cover…

1...2...NO, Ashton gets her shoulder up.

J.R.: Storm is obviously frustrated as Ashton throws a pot of coffee from catering at Lacey Fine and misses.

Lacey head butts the black eye of Ashton Storm. They both get to their feet, Ashton tries for a Double Axe Handle Smash but Lacey counters in mid-air with…SHINING WIZARD! The cover…


Match Grade: C, Match Duration: 4 minutes, and 47 seconds, Match Results: Lacey Fine via pinfall.

Danielle Worley: Here is your win…

Mike Dimter hobbles up on crutches, silencing Danielle Worley and the crowd.

“I’ve got no quarrel with you Lacey”

Lacey nods and walks slowly to her dressing room.

“Better to be on a pair of crutches than to have a title and lose a non-title match. OUR ENGAGEMENT IS OFF!”

Mike Dimter throws his engagement ring at Ashton Storm and hobbles away as tears ruin whatever’s left of Ashton Storm’s eye makeup.


Mr. Lucente comes out on stage and the fans don't seem to know how to react. Some boo him while others cheer for the XWF Owner/President of the company. He walks out with mic in hand and has a few announcements to make.

Mr. Lucente: I am here to announce that a lot will come in to place for 'Xtreme Battle Zone' next week on Showdown! when we take our LEAP from Afterdark to PRIMETIME here on HBO. But with that .. we will have a BATTLE ROYALE to decide who will be entering the 'Xtreme Battle Zone' #12 this year... that's the last number you can possibly come out! So the odds of you winning and earning an XWF World Heavyweight Title shot.. are in your favor!! With that said .. here's the 8 names for next week's Battle Royale... the other 4 names in the Xtreme Battle Zone... are being held back at this moment. They won't have a chance to go last. But they'll still have their chance to go on to main event Xtreme Mania 7. So goodluck to all involved....

Just then he points to the titan tron and it reads:


The Dark Stranger
"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton

Nick Rude
The Maniac Wilson
Ryan Ryder

Ashton Storm


The Hellion!!

Mr. Lucente then breaks back in the conversation.

"Oh, and the 8th superstar in that Battle Royale will be a surprise entry of mine! But you won't have to wait long to find out who it is. Tune in next week on Showdown! to find out and see who gets the better odds to win Xtreme Battle Zone 2012!! For now it's time for our main event of the evening. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania .. thank you for having us and as always .. ENJOY THE SHOW!!

Mr. Lucente exits through the curtains as a promo for Xtreme Battle Zone is shown.

Backstage it's Hawking Ripper standing by with Flo Stanley. He has the Xtreme Title draped over his shoulder. The fans begin to POP soon as they see him!!

Flo Stanley: So Hawking Ripper. Tonight you square off in the main event against Chris Falkenyok. The former longest reigning World Champion ever! How do you feel about what is about to take place here in front of all these fans in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania??

Hawking Ripper: I'd be lying if I didn't say this was the moment I have been waiting for. A chance to prove I really am one of the best. Worthy of Legendary status. But it's not Falkenyork's time. His time has past. It's my time now. It's the RIPP-era. I will have my hand raised at the end of the night. Because Chris Falkenyork.. like many others.. like many others before him.. is JUST A PUZZLE... I have ALREADY solved!!!!

The fans chant along with his catchphrase and cheer that statement!!!! They are ready as ever for this terrific main event.

Main Event -

XC Hawking Ripper vs. Chris Falkenyork - Xtreme Title -

We have Danielle Worley standing in the middle of the ring ready to make the announcement for this week's main event. She stands in front of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania crowd in the Civic Center ready to make the official call.

Welcome everyone to the IGLOO where the XWF plans to set the building on fire here tonight!! In our main event for the Xtreme Title. First ... the Challenger ... weighing in tonight at 225 pounds .... from Astoria, Oregon ... ... he is CHRISSSS FALKENNYORRRKKKKK!!

The crowd rises to their feet as Chris Falkenyork comes out to wrestle his first match in over a 10-month hiatus. He looks ready to go as he breaks thru the curtains with his theme song blaring!!

Chris Falkenyork comes out to loud cheers from the crowd! He gets a great ovation near his hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The diehard fans are marking out for this moment as one of the greatest ever makes their way down the aisle. He hops up on the apron and pulls himself through the ropes into the ring. He hops around and feels right at home in the squared-circle. Right away he has a good feeling about tonight's main event. Then it's time for Danielle Worley to announce the current Xtreme Champ who has been undefeated since November.

"And the Xtreme Champion.. ..weighing in at 245 pounds tonight. He's from Toronto, Ontario Canada ... he is HAWWKINNG RIPPERRRR!!!"

Out comes Hawking Ripper to one of the best responces he's ever gotten!!! The people let him hear it! The people are as loud as ever! They mark out for him almost much as Falkenyork. In some sections of the stadium even more so than he did!! The fans eat this up as the current Xtreme Champ makes his way out in his trademark unmarked Buckethead. No sponsors to show off for. Just his Xtreme Title draped over his shoulder for tonight's main event. He makes his way down the ramp like he has many times before. Staring out at a few fans. Acknowledging a few up close & personal. He seems a little more on edge tonight as he doesn't really clap anyone's hands. He sort of stares up at Chris Falkenyork in the ring unaware of himself maybe at the moment. His theme music with not a single word on the whole track echoes throughout the arena ....

... the Xtreme Champion feels good about himself also. Maybe not as well as Falkenyork does. But then again Falkenyork has been there many times before. Holding the World Heavyweight Championship longer than any man in XWF history ... he's undefeated at Xtreme Mania. Then again. He hasn't wrestled since last Xtreme Mania there King ..

Yeah, well. Doesn't mean Falkenyork hasn't been training. Staying on his game. He said it himself. His legs are 10-months fresh. He's had some much needed time off perhaps after that brutal Last Man Standing match with The Original. No. I think Falkenyork will be just fine! It's Hawking Ripper who needs to watch out .. his title really is in Jeopardy tonight.. if you get what I'm saying J.R... .

I do. I think I really do. I understand completely. As he enters this ring and these 2 get face-to-face it's quite obvious we got a fight on our hands tonight!

Both men size each other up and the referee Jake Evans is having a hard time keeping space in between the 2. They want to get this started right away! Neither man wants to hold back here tonight or give edge to their opponent in any way. The referee explains the rules and then calls for the bell. DING DING!

This match about to get started. This is why we're here. This is why we signed up for this! This moment right here. This match.

It's the MAIN EVENT J.R.!! The Main Event of all Main Events here on Showdown! .... Falkenyork is back in action. Against the illustrious Xtreme Champ! He's been undefeated since he beat Stephen Blood back in November ...

They circle each other up. Falkenyork trying to get a read on Ripper. But it's Hawking Ripper who bounces in first and takes a stab at Falkenyork. He tries to pull the vet off his feet with a Hiptoss. Instead it's Falkenyork who blocks it and goes for a Hiptoss of his own! Ripper blocks it. Ducks a punch thrown by Falkenyork. Steps through it and sets up Falkenyork with a suplex in to a pin! "... 1 .... .2.... kick out!!"

Modified "Fisherman's Suplex". Wow! He almost got him there. Wow. Early on here. ..

I thought it was close myself J.R. Especially this early on in the match like you elluded to. I didn't think anyone can take Falkenyork off his feet anymore like that. It's been awhile.

It HAS been awhile for the former World Champion.

Hawking Ripper wears on the arm of Falkenyork and stays on the offensive! He pulls his arm back over his head and digs his knee in to the spine of Falkenyork. The fans cheering on Ripper. But both men appear to be "fan favorites" here tonight. The crowd staying in to it as Falkenyork works himself off the mat. He turns the tables on Ripper with a kick to the mid-section followed by a Swinging Neckbreaker attempt. However it's Hawking Ripper who steps thru it and delivers a Swinging Neckbreaker of his own!! The crowd POPS as Ripper goes for his 2nd cover. ".... 1.... 2 .... kick out!" The referee Jake Evans indicates to Ripper it's only a "two" as the Xtreme Champ stays on top of Falkenyork. Grinding his fingers in to his face and trying to pry away at his eyes. Falkenyork rips out of it and rolls Ripper over for an attempt at a Lebell Lock of some sort. But Ripper fights his way out of it!!

Hawking not trying to go away like that!

Falkenyork pulls him by the arm back down to the mat however and hooks Hawking Ripper in to his own signature move the Anaconda Vice!!! He gets it locked in and the fans POP for this one as well!!! He's got it locked on right. He's got him almost in the center of the ring. Ripper tries to pull himself closer to the ropes. He tries to reach a foot out. Falkenyork squeezes tighter and Hawking Ripper looks near tapping out!! But the fans encourage him some more and he drags himself a foot closer to the ropes. He reaches his foot out and gets it!! The referee orders Falkenyork to break the hold. At first he doesn't want to. Then he pushes Jake Evans aside and starts punching away on Ripper on the mat!! Ripper tries to roll for the outside apron. But Falkenyork gets up and starts stomping away!! Then Falkenyork uses his feet to actually push Ripper to the outside apron. Then stomping on him some more he shoves him out with his feet!! Ripper falls off the apron and splatters to the outside. Chris Falkenyork backs up for a Suicide Dive. But instead he pulls up a second as Ripper looks to anticipate it. Falkenyork then hits the brakes and hops up on the top rope instead. He goes for a huge Crossbody Dive. And he actually connects with it!!! He takes him and Hawking Ripper down as the XWF fans mark out hard for that move!!!

He goes "high risk" and it pulls off for him.

Nice one by Falkenyork. It worked!

The referee begins his outside 10-count as Falkenyork slowly picks Ripper up to his feet and slings him in to the outside barrier!! Ripper's back smashes that wall. Falkenyork rushes in and Ripper hops up putting a BOOT to his jaw! Falkenyork gets turnt around and stumbles to a knee. Ripper then hops his butt up on the top of the outside barrier wall. He looks to maybe pick himself up to his feet for a high risk move himself. But before he gets a chance Falkenyork comes in and elbows him off the top of the barrier wall!! Hawking Ripper falls backwards in to a group of fans. As the referee reaches a ... "4-count" ... he calls out .. "5 ....... . 6..... " as the fans count along it doesn't look good for Hawking Ripper.

But if he gets counted out. The belt can't switch hands.

And I think Falkenyork knows that!

Falkenyork reaches over and starts picking Hawking Ripper up by the bucket head. The referee reaches a "7-count".. followed by .. ".. .. 8 ..... ... 9.... ."

Can this be it??

Falkenyork tosses Ripper back inside the ring and slides inside right after him. The ref breaks the count and the fans breathe a sigh of relief. As Falkenyork goes back to stomping away at Hawking Ripper!! He backs up to the ropes and comes in dropping an Elbow on his skull!! Chris Falkenyork then drags Ripper over by the arm near the corner. Falkenyork climbs the 2nd turnbuckle and goes for a classic Elbow from 'squating position'. But Ripper gets a BOOT up in his face!! That hard shot lays Falkenyork out! The fans begin to cheer and some start to stir as Hawking Ripper crawls for a pinfall. The referee counts the "... 1..... 2.... kick out!!" The fans cheer as this match goes on!!

Oh it's going to be one of those matches J.R.

Hawking Ripper is back in control. He gets to his feet first and starts stomping away at Falkenyork!! He works on him by tossing him in to the corner and laying shots on him!! He opens up with huge right and lefts!! He starts stomping him in the corner!!

Just stomping a "mud hole" in him if you will!

Hawking Ripper has got a lot to prove tonight! He said it himself J.R. This is the biggest match of his career I believe!

Certainly is . . .

Hawking Ripper irishwhips Chris Falkenyork to the opposite corner and his back smashes the turnbuckle hard! Ripper turns around and begins to "un-do" the top turnbuckle in his corner. The referee checking on York and not noticing as Ripper then charges in for a "Stinger Splash". But it's York who moves out the way and Ripper catches a face full of that turnbuckle. Falkenyork rolls him up from behind in to a "school boy" pin for the " .. 1. ... 2 .. kick out!" The fans pop as Ripper rolls to his feet and Falkenyork sort of stares at him in crotching position. Thinking about what to do next. Thinking about Hawking Ripper's tendencies.

Both men. Trying to school the other. But who will win it all. The Xtreme Title on the line... in our last night before we permanently move to Wednesdays at 9PM LIVE! on HBO .. starting next week.. right here on Showdown!

Yeah but right now. Both men have dished it out. Both have got a dose of what the other has to offer. Now who do you think wins J.R.?

I'd like to go with the Champion. But Falkenyork is very schooled. Very schooled in this department. Going to be a close one I think here.

Hawking Ripper claps his hands trying to get the fans back in to it as he circles up the ring near the ropes. Falkenyork on the other hand grins at the opposition and the situation they're in. He circles him up fast and goes for the legs. Ripper steps away from it and in one swoop goes for a Dropick knocking an unbalanced Chris Falkenyork off his feet and through the ropes. Chris lays on the outside apron and looks shaken. He tries to stand to his feet and Ripper comes over firing a punch at his skull. Another right hand! Then it's York who ducks through and shoulders him in the gut. Followed by a Sunset Flip Powerbomb in a pin out of nowhere!!!

" .. 1 .. . .2 ... KICK OUT!" My gawd! That was close. Kicks out at two here.

Close is not the word to describe it J.R. I thought he had him! So did lots of these fans. ....

Fans cheer them both on as Falkenyork rolls out of it and then grabs Hawking Ripper by the legs before he can get up. He pulls him in and Hawking Ripper manages to somehow hop to one foot and goes for an Enziguri. But Falkenyork ducks that attempt and now he wraps him up in to the Version 7. Right there! He got him!! The fans CHEER!!! They pop for the former World Champion. They go nuts for him as he almost has Hawking Ripper put away for good.

The Xtreme Champ looks in trouble J.R.. ..

He sure does. Could be over for him.

But Hawking Ripper crawls for the ropes and gets there!! Some fans let out a cheer!! Happy he survived. Some sighing at the idea that he could somehow put this off. However as Jake Evans instructs Falkenyork to let go he refuses. The ref counts him off and threatens him with Disqualification. So Chris finally gets off him. He turns back around and puts the boots to Hawking Ripper instead!! Ripper clings to the ropes! But Falkenyork tries to pull him back by the head. Ripper elbows him in the gut and leaps up out of nowhere for a Springboard Roundhouse kick to the skull!! That incredible shot rocks Falkenyork and he falls to 2 knees. Ripper then plants him with a Double Underhook DDT!

He delivers the BIG SHOT for Good Measures!!

The BIG SHOT might put him away!

The fans cheering as Hawking Ripper covers him up. " .. 1 ... 2 .... foot on the rope!"

No way!

The XWF fans can't believe it!

A lot of people thought he had him. Many diehards were cheering for him and are now disappointed he didn't pick up the victory there. They continue rooting Hawking Ripper on as he rolls to his feet and sizes Falkenyork up. He signals for The Puzzle and he goes for that Elevated Boston Crab!! But he can't manage to turn Falkenyork over on his stomach. York kicks his way out of it and crawls for the ropes. He clings to 'em and Ripper pulls him off by his feet-- SLAMMING him to the mat!! Ripper then makes the cover ".. 1 ... 2 .. kick out!!"

The Xtreme Champ looks frustrated.

Neither man going for weapons or nothing yet either J.R. It's like they want to fight mano-y-mano.

Absolutely. Seems that way. They've earned each other's trust as for as loyalty goes perhaps.. maybe they both realize they are in it for the same reason... not only to be Xtreme Champ but to be the best in the XWF. More importantly to do what's right for the XWF! Seems they will go to any lengths to prove that. These 2 especially love a good show .. and a good match it's been so far.. .

But he's frustrated J.R. Look he is now climbing up top after that Bodyslam he just delivered to Falkenyork there. Now he's going up top.. what is he doing!?

Hawking Ripper waits and goes for a top rope Hurricanrana. But Falkenyork catches him and works him around to where he's got Ripper face down with his legs in his arms at the moment. Chris Falkenyork sees his chance and the fans mark out as he goes for the Version 7 again!!! He's got it locked in. They are in the center of that ring. The high risk move didn't pay off.

He couldn't pull it off. He went up top for that big move and he got caught! He's face down in Falkenyork's deadly finisher for the 2nd time tonight! Doesn't look like he's going to escape. Is he going to tap here? Is Hawking Ripper going to tap??

Is he J.R.?? Can he hold on or not???

Okay so the fans are growing restless. They are all on the edge of their seats!! Nobody knows what to expect. What is going to happen? Is he going to tap?!? Is Hawking Ripper going to tap here and lose his belt after a huge 3-month reign as champ?? He can't seem to crawl there. But then he finds the energy! He digs down and the fans pull for him. They get behind him as he scratches and claws for the ropes. He FINALLY GETS THERE!! He stays alive. He reaches the ropes and Falkenyork can't believe it. He releases him immediately and looks upset. He pushes past referee Jake Evans and goes to hop outside the ring. He looks under the apron and pulls out a steel chair. Chris Falkenyork shows it off to the fans and goes to slide back in the ring. When suddenly Ripper comes sprinting for a Baseball Slide in to the steel chair!! It CRACKS Falkenyork in the face!! Hawking Ripper then looks around the Civic Center a moment. The fans cheering for him! Falkenyork falls to a knee and Ripper grabs the top rope. Spontaneously he leaps out for a great Springboard Crossbody to the outside!!! He takes both men down hard.

What a move! What a maneuver by the Xtreme Champ! The fans are loving this action.

Hawking Ripper ceases his moment and rolls Falkenyork in the ring. He rolls in after him and covers him up. " .. 1..... 2... kick out!!" Hawking Ripper immediately goes for an Anaconda Vice. The fans POP but it's Falkenyork who punches his way out of it!! He violently delivers punches to Ripper's skull and rolls away from the scrum. He gets to his feet and charges in at Hawking Ripper. The Xtreme Champ ducks the attack and trips Falkenyork up. His head BANGS off that already exposed top turnbuckle!! Falkenyork looks rocked from that move.

He's dazed. Chris Falkenyork is shook up right now.

Hawking Ripper having the instincts goes for the quick roll up in to a Schoolboy Pin. He even grabs Falkenyork's trunks for the " .. 1.... 2....


He got him! He got him! The Xtreme Champion got him! Hawking Ripper is STILL the Xtreme Champ. Let's go to Danielle Worley for the official word.


The fans are livid! A lot of people seem shocked at what just happend. The people are talking it over. The crowd is stunned and so are the commentators. Hawking Ripper rolls to his knees and throws his arms up in celebration! The XWF diehard fans go wild for him!! A lot of people are estatic for the ultimate underdog!! To come out of this with a huge victory over an XWF Hall of Famer. Not a lot of people thought it could be done and as his theme music "At the Gates of Manala" by Apocalypica hits over the loud speakers!! The fans get extra loud all over again!! They root for Hawking Ripper and even begin a chant of "HAWKING RIPPER! HAWKING RIPPER! HAWKING RIPPER!"

Match Grade: A-, Match Duration: 16 minutes, and 33 seconds, Match Results: Hawking Ripper via pinfall.

Afterwards it's Chris Falkenyork holding his head in shock as Hawking Ripper jumps to his feet celebrating this huge victory!!!

Jim Ross: Fans what a match we just witnessed. Some might call it an upset but is it really an upset King?

Jerry Lawler: I think the only person upset at this time is Chris Falkenyork. Everyone else seemed to know by know that Ripper is the real deal. Falkenyork was the one who underestimated this man.

Jim Ross: Falkenyork has made a career out of underestimating people compared to his own abilities. I think that's just overconfidence on his part.

Jerry Lawler: Well either way I don't think this was the return that Chris had in mind.

Ripper continues to celebrate before turning around towards Chris who is face to face with the Xtreme Champion.

Jim Ross: What's going to happen here?

Falkenyork gets a microphone and walks back up towards the Xtreme Champion.

Falkenyork: I was wrong. Now I know what has to be done. If you're a man, you'll accept my challenge for one more match next Showdown!

Jim Ross: Ripper and Falkenyork one more time? Sounds good to me!

Ripper takes the microphone away from Chris who is waiting for an answer.

Ripper: Chris with all due respect towards what you've done in this company. That was then and this is now. You, just like everyone else who's faced me, has to get to the back of the line. No.

Ripper drops the microphone and turns around. Chris runs up, locks a full nelson, and DROPS Ripper on his head with a release Dragon Suplex.

Jim Ross: No!

Jerry Lawler: What the hell was that for?

Chris grabs the microphone and stands over Ripper who is clutching his head and neck.

Falkenyork: I gave you an opportunity to kindly accept. Maybe you forgot that I'm one of the guys in charge around here! We are HAVING that rematch next week Ripper!

Chris takes the microphone and starts beating Ripper in the head with it. Chris continues the attack. The crowd turns their attention as THE RAY charges into the ring and pulls Chris off the Xtreme Champion.

Jim Ross: The Ray is making the save!

Jerry Lawler: But why? The Ray and Hawking Ripper aren't exactly friends you know.

Jim Ross: No but Chris has spent the last week running the Ray down in his promos. He's not out here to help Ripper. He's out here to make a statement!

Chris takes a swing at The Ray. The Ray blocks and starts hitting rights and lefts. Chris pokes the eyes and takes another swing. The Ray ducks under, jumps up, and hits Chris with a Rough Ryder!

Jim Ross: Rough Ryder on Falkenyork!

The crowd cannot believe it as the Ray starts to shout towards Chris. Before anything else can happen, "Do the Evolution" by Pearl Jam plays over the PA system.

The crowd starts to go crazy as Carlos Shotgun makes his way down the aisle.

Jim Ross: Falkenyork better get the hell out of there!

Jerry Lawler: After what he did to Shotgun at the Pay Per View? Yeah I would say so.

The Ray is standing in the ring taunting Falkenyork as Shotgun steps through the ropes. The Ray continues to taunt and laugh at Falkenyork who is still on the canvas. The Ray picks up Falkenyork and holds him up as Shotgun looks around the ring. Hawking Ripper is in the corner trying to recover from the beatdown he received from Chris. The Ray continues to act all sorts of obnoxious towards Chris who is completely out of it at this time. Shotgun pie faces Chris out of the way and kicks The Ray in the midsection.

Jim Ross: What?

Shotgun grabs a hold of the Ray and drops him with a jackknife powerbomb.

Jim Ross: Shotgun just Bullet Bombed The Ray!

Shotgun looks over toward Chris who is still on the ground. Shotgun just shakes his head in disgust not knowing whether to walk away or to beat the hell out of Chris.

Shotgun: What the hell has gotten into you. You're an Elite, start acting like one!

Lucente: Look at what we have out here!

Jim Ross: Now the boss is here?

Jerry Lawler: Now what?

Mr Lucente steps through the curtains and looks down the aisle.

Lucente: I'm going to make this as quick as possible before anybody else decides to come out here and join the party! Chris Falkenyork.. Everyone probably knows by now that your position here in the XWF gives you certain liberties over others. Well that power was not given to you so that you can come out here and do whatever the hell you want! From this point on until after XtremeMania. Everything that you do will be placed under review and if you want to keep that position? You will keep yourself UNDER CONTROL!

The crowd reacts to that last statement.

Lucente: You're not getting a title match with Ripper next week. That's not going to happen. However I see something inside the ring right now that I find interesting.

Shotgun looks towards Mr Lucente and starts shaking his head.

Lucente: Yeah Carlos you seem to know what I'm going to say even before I do. Ripper, you've been defending that title every show for the last few months. Not this next Showdown. Ray, you want to find yourself in the spotlight? You'll get your chance. Falkenyork, you want another piece of Ripper? You'll get your chance also. Carlos a lot of people have been giving you and Mark Adkins a bunch of BS because of your schedules. Well Adkins has not been cleared yet because of his concussion at the Pay Per View. But you're medically able to compete.

Mr Lucente gives off a big smile.

Lucente: Next Showdown. It will be....the Xtreme Champion Hawking Ripper...and The Ray...versus Chris Falkenyork...and the World Heavyweight Champion...Carlos Shotgun!

Jim Ross: What??

Lucente: If I were any of you guys. I would put all differences aside. You don't have much of a choice right now. As Shotgun would say...Thank you very much!

Mr Lucente drops the microphone and walks backstage.

J.R.: What will happen NEXT Showdown! on our first LIVE! Wednesday showing at 9PM eastern?!! The XWF makes the LEAP from Tuesdays on HBO After Dark to Wednesdays on Primetime starting at 9PM.. that happens on LEAP day you won't want to miss it!! Huge tag team match and an 8-person Battle Royale planned for Des Moines, Iowa! See you February 29th. Thank you. Goodnight everybody!!

BELOW is the NEXT card for SHOWDOWN! the deadline is FEB 21st- Feb 28th at MIDNIGHT.


Showdown! FEB 29th from Des Moines, Iowa at 9 PM only on HBO. -

Flip Johnson (of the Wreckin' Crew) vs. Jason Blade (of Genesis) - Standard rules

8-person Battle Royale to decide who will enter the Xtreme Battle Zone last:
The Dark Stranger, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, Nick Rude, The Maniac Wilson, Ryan Ryder, WC Ashton Storm, The Hellion, and a person to be named later by Mr. Lucente himself!!

Also, for the first time ever in the main event before Xtreme Battle Zone.

Main Event -

WHC Carlos Shotgun & Chris Falkenyork vs. XC Hawking Ripper & The Ray - Xtreme rules

For now you can roleplay here:

XWF Showdown! ROLEPLAY BOARD (Deadline February 22nd - February 28th at MIDNIGHT!!!)