XWF presents: the 2012 "END OF THE WORLD" tour . . ..... . ..

XWF Presents: the Showdown! following the fall out from "Total Annihilation" and more . .... welcome to the 2012 "End of the World" tour ... next stop... Oklahoma City, Oklahoma inside the newly renamed 'Chesapeake Energy Arena' . . . .


February 7th, 2012 --

Welcome to this addition of Showdown! coming to you LIVE! on HBO After Dark in High Definition. It is a huge Tuesday night in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma inside the Chesapeake Energy Arena. We open up with lots of pyros exploding everywhere!!!! XWF fans are gathered for the Showdown! following our first pay per view of the year "Total Annihilation". There's an inside shot of the soldout Chesapeake Energy Arena and people are estatic! They are holding up various signs in support of the XWF's 2012 "End of the World" tour. Posters such as: "Carlos Shotgun's Champ!", "YOU'RE A PUZZLE I ALREADY SOLVED", "I have Ryder's pills.", "Don't bury Dimter!", and "The Beauty & The Beast" is spotted with pictures of Dustin Holt & Alexis Diamond attached. As always we have The Ray's #1 fan front row in a headband holding up a sign that reads, "That's how WE roll!" Then we cut directly to ringside where Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler are doing commentary.

Jim Ross: Welcome everyone to Showdown! from my home city of Oklahoma!

The show starts off with Danielle Worley inside the squared circle. "Do The Evolution" by Pearl Jam cues over the sound system as Carlos Shotgun makes his way out to a huge ovation.

Danielle Worley: Ladies and gentleman at this time please welcome the World Heavyweight Champion. Carlos Shotgun!

Shotgun walks up the steel steps dressed swift in all black. He enters the ring as Worley hands the microphone over to The Elite Savior.

Jim Ross: Fans at Total Annhilation we witnessed a twenty minute classic between Mark Adkins and this man Carlos Shotgun.

Jerry Lawler: The thing that took everyone by suprise was how straight forward this match really was! If you took out the stipulation that Adkins requested to have in place then this would have been a throwback to some of the older mat classics that this company has had in the past.

Jim Ross: Still not quite sure as to the events that happened afterwards though. I'm sure that the champion wants answers also.

Shotgun looks to be in a very business like mood this evening as he raises the microphone up to speak.

Carlos Shotgun: Mark Adkins..Our story at this time? It's over. It was never my intention on becoming World Heavyweight Champion again. That was not my motivation. My motivation? To kick your ass. Becoming World Heavyweight Champion for the third time is just icing on the cake. Done with.

Carlos pauses for a moment as the crowd cheers on.

Carlos Shotgun: Moving on. Christian Falkenyork.

The crowd cheers again.

Carlos Shotgun: Everyone knows our history. I don't need to dive into that one. We've been friends, we've been enemies. Both of us are Elite. I understand, I'm pretty sure I know why. Why you came out after my match and decided to hit me with a steel chair. I want to hear it from you before I come to any conclusions. Get your ass out here right now!

Shotgun looks down the rampway waiting for Falkenyork to make his way out.

Carlos Shotgun: Looks like I might just have to...

Before Shotgun can continue, the Xtreme Champion Hawking Ripper makes his way out. The crowd cheers on Ripper who is walking down the eisle with the Xtreme Championship around his waist.

Jim Ross: What's Hawking Ripper doing out here?

Jerry Lawler: I don't know JR I mean..Michael Lucente had it implemented where the World Champion and the Xtreme Champion could not have any physicality with each other unless they were in an official match. I don't think Ripper is out here to make friends with Shotgun.

Ripper enters the ring with a microphone in hand as Shotgun stands with a smug cocky look on his face.

Carlos Shotgun: What?

Hawking Ripper: Hey Carlos, what's going on? I know that we don't get a chance to talk very often. You know all things considered with the fact that you've been away for so long and I've been this company's most fighting champion for the last couple months. I guess the so called "main event" scene wouldn't know anything about doing that right?

Carlos Shotgun: I think I know where this is all going. Hawking? Or is it Ripper? It doesn't matter. Look..If I were you, I would get out of here. Right. Now.

Hawking Ripper: What, is that supposed to scare me or something? It's a good thing that we cannot have any physicality with each other Carlos cause I think I might just feel the need to give you a piece of my frustration with the Xtreme Wrestling Federation!

Carlos Shotgun: Well that's all good but you're forgetting something. I've already powerbombed Michael Lucente. I've already powerbombed my own wife Sasha. Why the fuck would I care what happens with me if I snap my fingers and do the same to you?

Carlos drops the microphone and steps in the face of Ripper.

Chris Falkenyork: Wait wait wait, hold on a second!

Shotgun and Ripper turn their attention over to the videotron where Falkenyork is at a remote location.

Jim Ross: It's Falkenyork!

Chris Falkenyork: I think Carlos called me out Ripper not some dude who belongs on the short school bus.

Hawking Ripper drops his microphone looking a little pissed.

Chris Falkenyork: Don't get angry at me bro it's not my fault. Carlos you want to know why I did what I did? It's quite simple. Because I was pissed off at you.

Shotgun smiles and shakes his head in disbelief.

Chris Falkenyork: I know, a very simple answer. Maybe I should explain things a little more. When Lucente originally was going to announce who Adkins was going to face before you decided to take matters into your own hands. I WAS SUPPOSED TO FACE ADKINS!

Jim Ross: What?

Chris Falkenyork: Not that it really mattered to you. I was supposed to face Adkins. I was supposed to be the one that unseated him for his championship title. Ending the TV_MA era. But you're just so goddamn selfish that you had to...

Carlos Shotgun: Shut up! You already know why I did what I had to do. You think I did all this to ruin you winning this championship title again? I did all this because I was not going to have my career remembered for a loss against a man who took everything that mean't something to me away. Took it all Chris. Took everything. I needed this match more than you did.

Chris Falkenyork: I know you did Carlos. That's why I waited till after the match was over before I came out and gave you a piece of my mind.

Hawking Ripper: Is this love fest over yet? Nobody cares about you guys! This is MY show!

Chris Falkenyork: Ha ha ha. You have a match later tonight right?

Hawking Ripper: Of course I do. I have a match at every show unlike you two.

Chris Falkenyork: I know you're going to win Ripper. I can see that. Michael Lucente has a gift for you after your match is over. I think you'll be happy about it. Carlos...We'll catch up soon.

The videotron cuts out as Ripper and Shotgun stand in the ring exchanging words. Ripper leaves the ring as the scene fades out.

When the scene fades back in we have the 7'5'' Gigantis looking on his monitor backstage in the 'society' locker room. As we cut to ringside for our 1st match of the evening.


“Dangerous” Cliff Saxton vs. Nick Rude - Standard Rules Match -(Written by Aaron) -

Nick Rude already standing in the ring, anxiously waiting to be introduced by Danielle Worley. “Weighing in at 240 lbs. he is NICK RRRRRRRRRRUDE!!!”

The crowd is split on him; Flo Stanley is standing by with Cliff Saxton backstage:

Don’t bother Flo. I’ve only lost 4 times in the XWF. And as much as I hate admitting it: On the days in which I lost, my opponents proved they could hang with me…on…that…day. Now tonight, I’ll prove why Nick Rude can’t hang with me when I…MEAN…BUSINESS. So chew on THAT Nicky.

Scream by The Misfits begins airing as Cliff Saxton heads to the ring. The crowd’s pretty split on him. Nick Rude gets a couple of kicks in on him as he slides in, the referee Shawn Green pulls Nick Rude back, and the bell rings. DING DING DING!

Jerry: Glad Danielle’s out of there.

J.R.: So am I King, so am I.

They open with a lockup, which Nick Rude easily wins. Forcing Cliff onto the turnbuckles, Nick goes with straight lefts on Cliff Saxton’s face. Shawn Green pushes him back after the 4th, giving Cliff time to regroup. They meet again in the centre of the ring, Saxton kicking Rude in the guts over and over.

J.R.: That can’t feel good.

Cliff scores with a reverse DDT, the cover…


Jerry: Not even a 2 count, Cliff’s gotta work harder than that.

Cliff throws Nick into the ropes, he bounces, and Cliff gets him in a spinebuster, the cover…

1...2...Shoulder Up.

Cliff beginning to show some frustration gets himself AND Nick Rude up. The crowd is now about 2/3 in Saxton’s favour. Cliff screams to the crowd “Enough of this Clown” and hits “THE FINISHER”, “THE FINISHER”, the cover…


Danielle Worley: Your Winner, DANGERRRROUS CLIFF SAXTON!

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 1 minutes and 49 seconds, Match Result: Cliff Saxton via pinfall.

Shawn Green stands up with Cliff and tries to raise his hand in victory; Cliff pulls away and waves his arms towards the back. Here comes Gigantis, in his massive frame.

Jerry: Looks like a good-old fashioned double team.

J.R.: C’mon Cliff, you already won, leave the rookie Nick Rude alone.


Jerry: WHAT???

J.R.: Has the big man had enough of “the society”?

Gigantis stands tall in the ring, demanding a mic. A technician hands him one, in fear for his life.

Gigantis: I’m done playing fourth fiddle to a stable of losers; I’m done being the muscle of a group that has no heart. So to S.O.S. and the rest of XWF, I QUIT!!!

The fans are oddly embracing the Giant exiting the company.


Backstage we have The Dark Stranger giving strict orders to Ryan Ryder who seems to be unwilling to comprehend what The Dark Stranger is even try to say! But he tells Ryder exactly what needs to happen before his match starts off with The Maniac Wilson in our next contest.

The Maniac Wilson vs. Ryan Ryder - Xtreme Rules

Danielle Worley has already announced The Maniac Wilson as he stands alone in the ring waiting word from his opponent. Coming out to The Dark Stranger's music, and led by Heather Black & Lady GaGa is none other than Ryan Ryder himself! As Danielle Worley almost seems confused on all of this .."and his opponent, Ryan Ryder ?"

J.R.: What the hell is this KING?

Jerry: The Dark Stranger has got Ryan Ryder doing whatever he wants! Coming out to The Dark Stranger's theme music? Is that mind games or what? Ryan Ryder in his usual attire.. but he doesn't look like he wants to be there at all .. !

J.R.: Not beside those 2 women!

Jerry: Heck no!

Ryan Ryder gets to the end of the ramp and the 2 ladies nod at him as they turn to walk backstage now. Ryan Ryder seems puzzled as everyone else is. The fans are BOOOOing Ryan Ryder now and he just waves them off as he slides in to the ring to face The Maniac Wilson. The referee for this one is Jake Evans and he calls for the bell right away to get this one started. DING! DING!!

J.R.: Bizarre match indeed coming up.. you've got an unknown by the name of the Maniac Wilson dressed in complete brown leather basically .. from head to toe! He's got a strange mask and everything!

Jerry: I've seen a lot of weird things BUT this Maniac Wilson character takes the cake J.R.!

The Maniac Wilson extends his hand for Ryan Ryder to possibly shake it. Ryan Ryder shakes his head and mouths the words: "no way!" He goes to circle the Maniac Wilson up but before he knows it SMACK! The Maniac Wilson slaps him hard across the face drawing an "OHHH!" from the crowd who seems to be impressed with his tactics tonight! He goes right away at Ryan Ryder stomping away at his knee, and thigh! The Maniac Wilson gets stalled with a punch however by Ryan Ryder who delivers a nice one to the chops! Then another right hand! Fans BOO him as he strikes the Maniac Wilson. The man in the brown leather mask then ducks the next series of punches and kicks Ryan Ryder in the gut. He executes a Swinging Neckbreaker out of nowhere!! The crowd POPS for that move!

J.R.: Nice way for this man known as The Maniac Wilson to stay on the offensive here tonight in my hometown of Oklahoma!!

Jerry: Good ol' Oklahoma J.R. ..

The Maniac Wilson ducks an attack from Ryan Ryder and scoops him up to Bodyslam him hard to the mat! He goes off the ropes and comes back doing a dropkick to his rib cage as he lays on the mat!!

J.R.: Ouch.

The Maniac Wilson goes for a quick cover, and 1 ... kick out! He yells something at the referee Jake Evans and covers him up again. 1 .. .. 2 .. kick out! He then yells something else at the referee as he goes to put Ryan Ryder in an Anaconda Vice Grip yelling to the referee to "ASK HIM!" He goes to squeeze tight on the hold but Ryan Ryder quickly alligator rolls out of there and puts his feet on the ropes fast as he can. The ref orders for The Maniac Wilson to cease what he is doing and release the hold. The Maniac Wilson quickly does. He rolls backwards to the ropes as Ryan Ryder uses the ropes as leverage to try to stand up. Maniac Wilson charges in and Ryder ducks the attack! The Maniac Wilson only goes spilling out on to the apron. Ryan Ryder turns around- kicks The Maniac Wilson in the gut thru the ropes! He pulls his head in and sets him up for one of those VINTAGE DDT's off the ropes!! He plants the Maniac Wilson's head with that one and makes the 1 ... .. 2 .... . kick out!!

J.R.: Close one.

Ryan Ryder rolls to a knee and goes to pick The Maniac Wilson up by the head. He stands up in the center of the ring and delivers a hard right hand to the skull! The fans continue to give Ryder heat as he puts The Maniac Wilson in a sideheadlock. Maniac Wilson pushes him off towards the ropes and Ryder bounces back Shoulderblocking his opponent to the ground!! Ryder picks Wilson up again and goes to deliver the Force of Nature!! But, it's The Maniac Wilson working through it and spinning Ryan Ryder around to plant him with an awesome Codebreaker out of nowhere!! He goes to cover him up but instead goes to the ropes to perform a Lionsault to Ryan Ryder instead!! He executes that brilliant signature maneuver and makes the 1, 2, 3 for the official pinfall!

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 3 minutes, and 2 seconds, Match Result: The Maniac Wilson via pinfall.

Afterwards it is The Maniac Wilson who gets up and points up towards the titan tron. As his theme song "God's gonna cut you down" by Johnny Cash plays throughout the arena here on Showdown!

"I am the MAN known as . ."

This message on the titan tron that The Maniac Wilson is pointed at changes. It now reads: "I am The ONE AND ONLY, and I will soon"

The crowd doesn't know what is really even happening right now as he exits up the ramp towards the backstage area. It's Ryan Ryder holding his stomach and glancing up at his opponent walking away as he taste defeat yet again.


Backstage we have The Ray watching on the monitor what just happend as Chavo Guerrero also looks on in the background of this set. Bob Levy approaches both men and looks Chavo over unsuspecting of his presence. The Ray quickly jumps in baffled.

The Ray: Now hold up! What is this all even about? Some Maniac Wilson .. ohh .. woww.. "I will soon". You will soon, WHAT bro? I mean I could careless about this last matchup that took place. I could careless about what is happening in the XWF right now! You're telling me if I win tonight... I won't even get a fricken' match against the Xtreme Champion until AFTER the Xtreme Battle Zone pay per view?!?? Bro! That's over a month away... what am I waiting that long for? I want to be Xtreme Champ and Tag Champ at the same time! I want to be the first man to ever do it! So look at me Bob. Someone around here needs to make that happen, fast! I want to be in tag action.. single's xtreme action.. I want to do it all!

Bob Levy: Well, I'm sure Mr. Lucente could possibly help you out with that down the road . ..?

The Ray: "Down the road"?? What's all this DOWN THE ROAD crap? I am going to pull out ALL the STOPS tonight!! And I'm going to become the #1 contender .. remain undefeated.. then go win me that Xtreme Title.. one way or another it's coming home to me! Because Chavo .. tell 'em . ..

Chavo Guerrero: THAT'S how HE ROLLS!!!

The Ray slaps Chavo on the chest and looks fired up!

The Ray: That's right! Damn right I do.

The Ray heads out towards the ring to face Hayden Truesdale in a #1 contender's match for the Xtreme Title.

Jim Ross: Can the youngest current superstar on the XWF's roster keep his undefeated streak alive by outshining the Ray?? That's NEXT.

We cut to a look at XTREME BATTLE ZONE coming to us from Wembley Stadium this year in London, England .. 3/11/2012 ..

12 MEN .... ..

..... 2 chambers .. .

side-by-side at the same time .. there will be a possibility of up to 6 men competiting in one chamber at a time. ...


.... after both chambers are down to 1 superstar in each chamber.... the door in the middle is LIFTED OPEN ..!!!!

The 2 remaining superstars after all that carnage will be forced to go 1-on-1 to decide who will go on to main event XTREME MANIA 7 from Las Vegas, Nevada in the MGM Grand .. 4/22/2012 .....

You can only eliminate someone by PINFALL or SUBMISSION.

It starts with 2 chambers .. each having 2 competitors starting it off against each other .. it ends... with the 1-on-1 showdown to decide it all!!! Can you survive the XTREME BATTLE ZONE????????

The fans in the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma can be heard cheering for one of the most anticipated annual events in XWF history!!! The "Xtreme Battle Zone" pay per view only happens once a year. Winner goes on to main event Xtreme Mania against the World Heavyweight Champion and that gets the people excited!

The Ray vs. Hayden Truesdale - #1 Contender for Xtreme Championship

Danielle Worley is set in the ring as she introduces the first contender. "From Miami, Florida .. weighing in at 214 pounds.. he is ... THE RAYYYY!!!" The starts to BOO the heck out of The Ray right away!! But as he breaks through from behind the curtains he doesn't seem to be shaken by the hate going around right now in Oklahoma. He makes his way straight for that ring. Running down the ramp and sliding in the ring! Hopping up and down to provoke the crowd!!

Jerry: Never liked him.

J.R.: I was just about to ask King .. .

Up next you hear Danielle Worley announcing, "weighing in at 190 pounds .... the Detroit S.O.B. ...HAYYYDEENNN TRUESDALLLLE!!"The crowd goes wild for the young rookie!!

J.R.: I for one want to see more from this youngster. Definitely rose to the top of the XWF quickly with a few victories early on in his career. Say what you will! But in a buisness where people come and go.. many fail. Hayden Truesdale hasn't had a blemish on his record yet!

Jerry: It's admirable. Surely!

With his theme music blasting over the P.A. system we have Hayden Truesdale hopping in to the ring! Playing to the crowd early on here. Hayden Truesdale looks over across the room at The Ray who is on fire, ready to go! Hayden Truesdale nods at him as the ref Shawn Green calls for the bell for this match to begin. DING! DING! They circle each other up and the fans seem real in to this one. They lock up in the center of the ring and The Ray struggles forcing him back in the corner. The Ray tries to chop him but Hayden blocks it and delivers an inside shot to his temple! Hayden Truesdale then uses the top turnbuckle to lift himself up and wraps his legs around The Ray's neck for a well-executed Hurricanrana!! He covers him up for 1 . . .. 2 . . Kick out!

Jim Ross: Truesdale doesn't seem to be taking anything for granted tonight! There is a big title match attached to this victory if he were to pull it out!

Hayden Truesdale works himself off the mat with The Ray in his grasp. He dumps The Ray head-first in to the corner! He then starts unloading kicks all over on The Ray who is upside down in an awkward predictament. Hayden Truesdale sees his moment and slides out of the ring grabbing a steel chair off of a fan in the front row.

Jerry: Well that's convenient!

Hayden Truesdale slides back in the ring as quickly as he got out and The Ray is struggling to turn himself around as he lays with his back against the bottom turnbuckle. Hayden Truesdale holds the steel chair high and then runs in going for a Van Dominator just Dropkicking the chair in to The Ray's face!! That loud CRACK echos throughout the arena as Hayden Truesdale wastes no time. He calls Shawn Green over to make the count as he pulls The Ray away from the ropes.

Could this be it?

1... .. 2 ...


Wow! What resiliency by The Ray.

Yeah, yeah.

The Ray rolls around and eventually rolls to the outside apron. Hayden Truesdale backs up a few feet as he finally realizes that The Ray kicked out at of that one. He backs up and rushes in doing a Sliding Baseball Kick to knock The Ray off the ring apron completely! Hayden Truesdale then backs up a few feet as the crowd eggs him on!

J.R.: He is going to go for a Suicide Dive I believe here!

Hayden Truesdale does just that. But he wasted too much time and as The Ray stands up he spots him just in time-- using Hayden's momentum to slam him face-first in to the commentator's table!!

J.R.: My gawd! What anarchy! What a face plant by Hayden Truesdale right in to our table out at ringside here! My gawd King that was devestating!

Jerry: Brutal spot! I hope the kid's okay . .

The fans are stirring as The Ray stands to his 2 feet clearing his head a moment. He smiles to himself as he bends over rolling Hayden Truesdale in to the ring. He then pulls himself up on the apron and shouts out at all the fans who respond by BOOOO'ing him!!! He then does a Sunset Flip Leg Drop right across Hayden Truesdale's chest!!! He makes a great move and goes for the pinfall here now. .. 1 ... ..2 . ..

Foot on the rope!

Jerry: That's how you do it! That's you do it baby! Way to go Hayden! Beat that punk down!

J.R.: You surely inserting yourself now King ..

The Ray can't believe his eyes. He goes to scoop Hayden Truesdale off the ground and go for a Suplex. But it's Hayden Truesdale that blocks it and counters in to a Snap Suplex of his own! The fans pop for him as he rolls to his feet giving them all the "peace sign". He goes over to The Ray looking to lift him up possibly for the Fall of the 4 Horseman!

If he hits this it's OVER WITH!

Hayden Truesdale goes to lift him up for it but The Ray wiggles out. He lands on his feet and goes for his finisher the Rough Ryder (a Jumping Leg Lariat)!! But, Hayden Truesdale ducks out of it and turns around to face The Ray. He hits him with a Dropkick out of nowhere! Hayden then goes to Irishwhip his opponent across the ring. Yet it's The Ray who hits the brakes and attempts to reverse it sending Truesdale face-first in to the corner! However it's Hayden who catches himself from injurying that shoulder and turns around only to get clobbered by the Rough Ryder finisher from The Ray out of nowhere!!! He hooks the leg for the 1, 2, 3!!

Jerry: Ahh! Not again!

The Ray rolls to his knees and holds his arms up celebrating this big victory! While it's Hayden Truesdale rolling around the ring nursing his injuries. Both men took some brutal spots but it's The Ray who holds on and the crowd doesn't like it at all. They give him heat as his theme song hits and he makes his way towards the back with his hands raised practically the whole time. Just taunting the XWF fans.

Match Grade: C, Match Duration: 7 minutes, and 19 seconds, Match Result: The Ray via pinfall.

After the match Hayden Truesdale looks disappointed. But the crowd cheers him on! He claps fans hands near the front row seats around the barricade! He spots a sign with his name on it that someone is holding up. It reads: "Hayden Truesdale the Detroit S.O.B!!!" The fan looks real happy to see Hayden up close! They root him on even after this tough loss. The scene fades out a moment.


Backstage we cut to Josh Davis walking thru the parking deck with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Some fans can be heard cheering for him as he enters the arena!

Genesis (w/Ashton Storm) vs. Wrecking Crew (w/Lacey Fine): 3-on-3 mixed tag match -(Written by Aaron) -

We cut to a backstage brawl between the Wrecking Crew and Genesis.

J.R.: Bob? Bob? Can you hear me? What’s going on?

Bob Levy: Jim, it’s complete chaos back here. It all started when Ashton Storm and Lacey Fine were arguing as to who gets to use the makeup room first. Pandemonium ensued:

Jerry: Somebody break it up, somebody get back there, I MEAN IT!

Michael Lucente runs frantically into the brawl and maniacally starts throwing wrestlers aside left and right until all 6 are separated.

Lucente: This is NOT how you settle fights in the XWF. Genesis, you go out through the curtain. Wrecking Crew, you go out through the crowd. And if ANY of you touch ANYONE before the bell rings, ALL 6 OF YOU ARE FIRED! And NO Ashton, your precious Women’s belt won’t save your job and if you “pull a madusa” I’ll bankrupt EVERY MEMBER of Genesis in lawsuits MYSELF! Get your asses out to that ring NOW! Scottsdale, you got this match?

Camera turns to referee Amari Scottsdale.

Amari: Yes Sir.

He jogs out ahead of Genesis, while the Wrecking Crew heads the opposite direction.

The Camera cuts to the ring where Mike and Jason Blade are checking on the First Lady of XWF, Ashton Storm every 3 seconds.

“Who are you to wave your finger? You must have been out yoooouuuurrrr head”

“The pot” by Tool signals to the crowd that the Wrecking Crew are here with their new Valet, Lacey Fine! “At a combined weight of 580 pounds, the WRECKING crew and LAACCCEEEYYYYY FFFIIIINE!!!!!”

J.R.: The crowd readily embracing the new 3-time tag team champions

Jerry: Lacey’s not getting such a bad response herself.

All 3 hop the guard rail and enter the ring. Both teams huddle to decide who the legal person is. They both agree that each team’s woman will start the match out.

Jerry: Hard to imagine that both teams agree on ANYTHING after that fight backstage…

J.R.: You said it. DING DING DING! Here we go.

Lacey and Ashton begin circling around each other, until finally Lacey just says “Screw this” audibly to an Xwf camera and BITCH SLAPS Ashton Storm, causing Ashton to fall down on her ass. Her eye starting to swell.

Jerry: The NOSEBLEEDS heard that one.

Lacey sees an opening and gives Ashton Storm a bronco buster in the turnbuckle not occupied by either team. The cat-calls and applause fall on Amari Scottsdale’s deaf ears as he breaks up the buster and gets both ladies to the middle of the ring. Ashton Storm attempts a chick kick across Lacey Fine’s face. It misses, causing Lacey and most of the crowd to laugh at Ashton Storm. Ashton Storm tries diving at Lacey to start a catfight but Lacey sidesteps causing Ashton to fall outside the ring. Ashton quickly rolls back in and tags Jason Blade, Lacey just shrugs with a smirk on her face and tags in Flip Johnson.

Jason Blade connects with a dropkick, and another, and another.

J.R.: This oughta make Storm happy enough to forget her shiner.

Frantic lefts and rights are exchanged between Flip and Jason. They both bounce off a rope trying for Lou Thesz presses on each other, Jason’s connects, the cover…


Jason Blade wanting to end this early so his team can resume the brawl earlier tonight, feeding Flip Johnson uppercut after uppercut, Lacey and Brutality staring helpless. Mike Blade tries to interfere, but Amari Scottsdale cuts him off at the pass. Flip low blows Jason Blade while Scottsdale’s back is turned. After Scottsdale puts Mike Blade back in the Genesis corner he turns back to the action. Flip and Jason are crawling to their corners, looking for a tag. Lacey whipping the crowd into a frenzy, Ashton trying to tell the fans to shut the fuck up, only to get drowned out by “Wrecking Crew” chants. Flip tags Brutality, Jason tags Mike.

J.R.: Brutality lands a CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL, the cover…

1...2...NO, Mike blade gets his shoulder up. He pokes Brutality in the eye as the referee gives the timekeeper the signal of “only 2”. Brutality is dazed, and Mike Blade gets up, and then starts kicking Brutality in the face. Mike Blade tosses Brutality across the ropes, both land clotheslines on each other.

Jerry: How did Brutality land a second clothesline from hell on Mike Blade while he was blind?

Both men are down, the referee starts the count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...Brutality stands up first seemingly ok…7...8...Mike Blade gets over to tag Jason Blade back in, Jason screams “NO WAY MAN, NO WAY!!!” Jason tags Ashton in. Brutality reluctantly tags in Lacey. “Brutality don’t gotta choke a bitch”.

J.R.: Storm in disbelief that her Genesis stablemates would make her the lamb being lead to the slaughter.

Ashton screams in frustration and lunges at Lacey Fine.


Ashton dominating the cat fight, but Lacey fights out by head butting the black eye of Ashton Storm. They both get to their feet, Ashton tries for the ASO, but Lacey counters in mid-air with…is that a Shining Wizard?

J.R.: She calls it the “Geek inherits Earth”

Jerry: Whatever it was, it worked, and Lacey covers Ashton for the 1...2...Ashton grabs the rope.

Amari Scottsdale breaks them up. When Ashton’s vertical, Lacey plants Ashton with a second “Geek Inherits Earth”, this time in the middle, the cover…


Match Quality: C+, Match Duration: 5 minutes and 57 seconds, Match Result: Wreckin' Crew via pinfall.

Danielle Worley: Here are your win…

…OH, Genesis just shoved Danielle and Amari out of the way. A pier 6 brawl has just erupted in the ring. Back and forth all over the place.


The fans recognize that voice to be Michael Lucente.

HEY! All 6 of you…my office…NOW!!!


We cut to Josh Davis addressing Mitch Keller backstage who is ready to conduct this exclusive interview.

Mitch Keller: I am standing here with Josh Davis. He has recently decided to sign a 6 month contract extension with the XWF! What's to come from this relationship Josh? The word was hot on you early on.. then ..

Josh Davis: Then what? I fell off right? I didn't live up to my tough guy status. Maybe that's it. Maybe I let some people down. I definitely feel like I let myself down a bit. I felt I could give this company more. I felt it in my blood. In my bones! Deep down I was destined to be an XWF superstar. No! More than that even Mitch!

Mitch Keller: Then what??

Josh Davis: "Then what?"???! Well what do you think Mitch? I'm going to be an XWF champion one day! I'm going to be one of the best to ever come thru those doors. I have arrived! I'm back on the scene and I'm still one cool motha .. you know what .,.

Mitch Keller: I'm afraid I don't. But might I add something? This is HBO after all ..

Josh Davis: Alright. I'm one Cool Mother Fucker .. what can I say?!? I am --

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton then walks up out of nowhere. Grabbing the mic out of Mitch Keller's hands he addresses Josh Davis now.

Cliff Saxton: Okay, okay. Okay! I rather listen to paint dry .. . then waste another second hearing this crap! Do you believe what you are actually saying Josh Davis? Are you actually buying in to this? Mitch?! You ain't buying the hype too? Tell me you're not?! I mean the gosh to honest truth is Josh Davis .. you're NOT cool. You are a waste of time. A waste of my time. A waste of this company's time. Hell you aren't even worth a punch.


Cliff Saxton: In fact. I think I smell a loser all over you.

Josh Davis really looks offended as he turns his head to the side rubbing his chin.

Josh Davis: Oh is that it huh? Is that so?? Well too bad, talk is cheap!

Josh Davis simply DRILLS him across the face and knocks Cliff Saxton off his feet! Josh Davis hovers over him a second and picks the mic off the ground.

Josh Davis: You know something Mitch? I'm glad I signed a new half a year deal .. because I'm ready to go right now! I'm ready to go next week!! But I'll see you in Pittsburgh boy! Near my hometown. Next Showdown you're mine Cliff!

With that Josh Davis walks away and leaves Saxton to try to recover on the cold cement floor.

Main Event -

XC Hawking Ripper vs. The Dark Stranger - Steel Cage Match for the Xtreme Championship

The Dark Stranger's theme music hits as Danielle Worley begins to announce him! "The CHALLENGER .. from parts unknown ... he is THE DARRRKKK STRRRANNNGERRRRR!!!"He comes out to a darkened stadium as the people in the Chesapeake Energy Arena begin to BOOo him! The Dark Stranger shows no signs of holding back as he comes out alone towards the Steel Cage surrounding the ring for this main event matchup.

Jerry: Oh I'm salivating J.R. We have a Steel Cage match here tonight! And I just LOVE when we have Steel Cage matches.

J.R.: Not that often is it? Well we do have Xtreme Battle Zone coming up in March and it's going to be a treat! But this Steel Cage should be a nice warmup for it!

The Dark Stranger enters the Steel Cage structure and looks around the walls surrounding him. Then it's when "At the Gates of Manala" by Apocalypica hits that the crowd truly rises to their feet in excitement!!

J.R.: Everyone stoked to see one of their favorite superstars on the XWF roster. The current Xtreme Champion out to defend his title for the 4th straight month in a row. ..

Jerry: He has been on quite the run! It's been a spectacular passed 3 months or so if you're Hawking Ripper. But judging by his tone earlier.. doesn't feel he has been giving the proper respect for defending his title so successfully so far! Some believe maybe the competition lacking. But he did beat some big names early on and it was on some major stages for the young Ripper!

Hawking Ripper got the fans pumped up as he makes his way in to the Steel Cage that surrounds the ring currently. He hops up and down looking ready as ever!! The referee is Jake Evans and he brings the 2 together. He grabs the Xtreme Title and hoist it up over his head to indicate what we're here for!!! The Oklahoma City crowd love this kind of main event and they are on their feet for this one. Finally the ref calls for the bell. DING DING!

Jerry: Lets get it on! Am I right J.R.?

Hawking Ripper walks up and just strikes The Dark Stranger hard across the face. The Dark Stranger doesn't hesitate and grabs Ripper by the neck! But it's Ripper who kicks him in the knee and then pulls him in for a big DDT! He lays The Dark Stranger out with that and then looks to go for The Puzzle early on here! He's got the monster's legs but he wiggles out of it and kicks Hawking away from him! The Dark Stranger staggers to his feet and Ripper attacks again. Jumping on him in the corner and throwing punches his way!! He unloads on Dark Stranger and the crowd is lovingit!!!

J.R.: Where is this coming from?

Jerry: He's been pushed over the edge! He's been pushed too far..

Hawking Ripper backs up firing the crowd up and almost "Hulking up" so to speak!! He waits for the Dark Stranger to approach him and hits him with a big punch. "OHH!" He hits him again with a hard right, "OOHHH!" He kicks him in the gut and sends him across the ropes. The Dark Stranger bounces back and Hawking Ripper manages to Dropkick the big man off his feet!! Hawking Ripper then gets back to his feet and puts his hand to where his ear would be! The fans give him lots of noise and energy!!!

Jerry: The people are loving this J.R.!! They are really pulling extra hard for the Xtreme Champ here tonight!

He then goes in and drops a BIG LEG across The Dark Stranger's throat. He goes to make a cover but the referee informs him you can only win by escaping the cage tonight. So that's when The Dark Stranger tosses him off of him! The Dark Stranger rolls to a knee and Hawking Ripper goes to kick him in the face. But instead The Dark Stranger grabs his boot and dumps Ripper on his back!! Dark Stranger mounts Ripper and starts punching away on him!! The crowd not liking it as The Dark Stranger gets to his feet and signals for The Darkness.

J.R.: He wants that Chokeslam!

Hawking Ripper gets to his feet and The Dark Stranger actually does grab him by the throat connecting with THE DARKNESS!!!! He plants Ripper with authority and looks to go climb the Steel Cage. The fans are BOO'ing this scenario until they see Ripper crawling for the door! People are estatic now. They see The Dark Stranger is worried so he hops back down. He grabs Ripper by the leg and drags him back to the center of the ring. He then goes to scoop Ripper up off the ground and attempts to run him face-first in to the steel cage! Ripper hops off his shoulder though and pushes Dark Stranger forward-- right in to the steel cage himself!! Dark Stranger bounces off and Hawking Ripper kicks his knee out from underneath him! Dark Stranger falls to the mat and Hawking Ripper goes right for the Puzzle again!! This time he turns it over and he's got that Elevated Boston Crab locked in!!!!

J.R.: It's madness! Pure MADNESS. The XWF fans are going crazy for the champ right now! The Xtreme Title on the line in this Steel Cage main event here tonight!!

Jerry: Showdown! has brought us some classic matches over the years J.R. ...

The Dark Stranger is slamming his fists on the mat!! He is basically tapping but he can't lose that way! Hawking Ripper gets off of him and then heads for the door. The referees on the outside take a second to open it. Allowing the Dark Stranger to come from behind and grab Hawking Ripper by the back of the head. He turns Ripper around and grabs him by the throat. This time however he goes for THE DARKNESS FALLS. However, it's Ripper who fights his way out of it and lands on his feet. The Dark Stranger turns around and Hawking Ripper actually does a Springboard Kick to the skull!!

Jerry: He hopped up on the ropes out of nowhere and just BLASTS the challenger with that shot!

J.R.: The Xtreme Champ making his way out of the Steel Cage now. The Dark Stranger trying to make sense of things still laid out on the mat.

The Dark Stranger decides to crawl for the door but Hawking Ripper has already reached the top of the Steel Cage. He drops down to the outside floor and both 2 feet land before The Dark Stranger can even get a foot outside.

Danielle Worley: The winner of this match and STILLLL the XTREEEMME CHAMPIONNNN ... HAWWWKINNNG RIPPPERRRRRR!!!"

Of course it's fans who begin to celebrate all over this arena here in Oklahoma City! As he raises the belt high in the air for everyone to see!! The XWF fans estatic that he is still the Xtreme Champ.

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 6 minutes, and 58 seconds, Match Result: Hawking Ripper via Climbing out the Steel Cage!

Just then the Showdown! card pops up on the titan tron for next week. Hawking Ripper and the fans see who he has to face February 21st in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In the main event it reads: "Xtreme Champion - Hawking Ripper vs. Chris Falkenyork". The fans and more importantly the Xtreme Champ is shocked to see his name opposite the 2009 XWF Hall of Famer. The show goes off the air.

BELOW is the NEXT card for SHOWDOWN! the deadline is FEB 8th- Feb 20th at MIDNIGHT.


Showdown! FEB 21st from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Tuesday's HBO After Dark -

Josh Davis vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - Xtreme rules

Ashton Storm vs. Lacey Fine - Non-Title - Xtreme rules

The Ray & Hayden Truesdale vs. The Dark Stranger & Ryan Ryder - Xtreme rules

Main Event -

XC Hawking Ripper vs. Chris Falkenyork - Xtreme Title

For now you can roleplay here:

XWF Showdown! ROLEPLAY BOARD (Deadline February 8th - February 20th at MIDNIGHT!!!)