XWF 1998-2011


November 8th, 2011 --

Showdown! is LIVE on HBO After Dark in High Definition on this wonderful Tuesday night in Youngstown, Ohio. XWF's last Pay Per View "Obscured" witnessed the return of The New F~cking Legend Stephen Blood to the squared-circle. He ended up defeating William Knighthawk, capturing the Xtreme Title in front of "TV_MA" Mark Adkins, and the rest of the world! Now tonight he defends his Xtreme Title belt against Hawking Ripper in this main event of this special 3-hour addition of Showdown! only on HBO After Dark.

Night starts off with a recap of "Obscured", and a look back at "King of Xtreme" ,.. how Stephen Blood has come about, and is the current Xtreme Champ. At first William Knighthawk won the King of Xtreme 2011 crown, and then he demanded an XWF World Title shot. As he got in a shouting match with last year's King of Xtreme 2010 winner, and XWF Hall of Famer Stephen Blood. However, Stephen Blood didn't take kindly to that, and laid out Knighthawk in one punch. The leader of the S.O.S. would open up last episode of Showdown! revealing the new Xtreme Title, and demanding a main event match against Mark Adkins at "Obscured". But the XWF World Champion was in hot water of his own as he pounded on the GM, who he knew was aligned with the S.O.S., and that attack forced Mark Adkins to be suspended for 45 days. The XWF Owner found a replacement however, and The New F~cking Legend answered the challenge. At "Obscured" after a hard faught battle it was Stephen Blood who planted The Dark Prince William Knighthawk with his finisher the StephenFlow DDT on top of the steel steps!!! It was enough damage to put Knighhawk away, and claim the Xtreme Championship belt. We end with a picture of his arms raised high with the Xtreme Title in his hands.

We fade back in to the arena where pyros are exploding off everywhere!! The 17,000 people in Youngstown, Ohio's very own Covelli Centre are on their feet!! There are various signs such as: "New F~cking XTREME CHAMP", "I paid to see Josh Davis!", "STEPHEN BLOOD", "S.O.S. Sucks!!", "Bring back York", "Dog Pound 4 Life", and "Legal for President." As we then fade in to Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler at ringside.

Jim Ross: Hello everyone. I'm Jim Ross, and alongside me as my colleague Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: GOD it feels great to be out here! BACK at the place that witnessed the first ever XWF event!! It was HERE in Youngstown, Ohio that XWF got it's first start, and got off the ground .. we later moved to the Philadelphia, Pennyslvania area.... working the borders between Ohio, and P.A. ... making a lot of stops in Pittsburgh, and Cleveland ... it's been a helluva run for us here in the XWF over a "decade of greatness".

Over 10 years, and it's been credible the whole way out. There have been 16 XWF World Heavyweight Champions, 31 XWF Hall of Famers ... and 5 seperate Presidents. But, the XWF Owner has always remained the same, and after Shawn Taylor took that beating at the hands of our XWF World Champion.. "TV_MA" Mark Adkins ... well, he just hasn't been the same. He's been in the hospital the whole time recovering with internal injuries ...

He looks BAD J.R. I mean he looked like HELL at "Obscured" .. and I don't know the time table of his return to the XWF. Mr. Lucente has had to step in as active President, and make things happen around here. Just how will it all play out tonight? Just over a week before our CYBER SUNDAY EVENT only on HBO ..

Cyber Sunday is going to be fun ... the last time we did something like this was 4th of July at "Independence Day"! It was Mark Adkins versus Carlos Shotgun, and Sasha Shotgun was voted in to be the special guest referee.... she swerved that night, she fooled us all when she joined Adkins' side, and has been with him ever since!!

It really was despicable. But, this Cyber Sunday Event coming up is going to be HUGE J.R.! I could feel it .... .

Yeah, and it's being called "End of Days" .. as rumors swirl that the XWF will begin something called the End of Days Series soon .. we will just see all about that .. I'm sure Mr. Lucente will have some updates soon! But, Cyber Sunday .. "End of Days".. on HBO!! That's 11/20/2011 .. going to be a great one!!!

But, up next we have the first women's match in nearly 10 years.. we are going to have the XWF Tag Team Titles on the line later! As well as Hawking Ripper getting his chance at the Xtreme Title, and Stephen Blood later here tonight!! Do you think he can do it? Do you really think he can pull the ultimate underdog story??

I'm sure he could. He's looked good out there so far. Look King .. his only 2 losses in his career came against the hands of William Knighthawk at King of Xtreme in the tournament, and we all know the rest of the S.O.S. played their part in that!

Oh yeah, Skeletons of Society .. lets count here.. they have got rid of, and I use that term loosely ... they have injured ... Caleb Cross, Xavier Phoenix, they took it to Mark Adkins at "Meltdown" as well .. I feel like they got a taste of their own medicine recently. Stephen Blood has put William Knighthawk in his place.. all these other groups, and stables emerging-- they don't look so bad anymore.

Nope. But they do have the Tag Team Titles still.. the rumors of a 5th member joining them soon .... they've certainly had their crack at the main event scene. We will see how it all goes down the next couple months here in 2011....

Lets get to that women's match next though!

Ashton Storm vs. Rachael Manning - First XWF Women's Division Match in nearly 10 years. -

Danielle Worley announces Racheal Manning first, and she comes out to a decent reaction from the crowd rooting her on. Ashton Storm is announced next, and she gets a heavy amount of heat from the Youngstown crowd who is really in to this women's match. They feel good about the division coming back in the birthplace of the XWF. They both get in the ring, and eye each other down. The referee is Shawn Green, and he calls for the bell! DING DING!

Match starts off with a great energy from the crowd, and the people are real fired up for this one! Ashton Storm yells something out at Rachael Manning, and the crowd retaliates by BOO'ing her!!!

Youngstown, Ohio is not a fan of Ashton Storm right now!

Not at all J.R.

They go at it right away, and lock up in the center of the ring. They back up, and fire shots at each other. Storm ducks a hard punch, and steps behind Racheal Manning. She places her in a sideheadlock, and rips away at her!! She yells at her, "Do you like that, huh?!?" The crowd boo's Ashton Storm some more. She pulls Manning's hair a bit, and the referee steps in. Manning pushes Storm off towards the rope, and she bounces back-- she lays a SHOULDER right in to Racheal Manning, and she goes down!! Manning pops up, and swings- Storm ducks that, and uses her momentum to set Racheal Manning up for an Atomic Drop!! Manning bounces around the ring holding her ass, and she turns right in to a hard clothesline from Ashton Storm!

Ashtom Storm just taking it to her!

Storm taunts the crowd, and they boo her.

The VERY FIRST LADY of XWF wrestling .... .

What about Jessy though J.R.? Wasn't she the first?

It's an expression King, and I think she wears it well. She's right.. she got the mission started.. the message was out there because of her... this women's division gets off the ground tonight here in Youngstown, Ohio!

Ashton Storm goes to pick her up off the ground, and Rachael Manning rolls her up for the 1, 2, KICK OUT! Close call there, and Manning quickly goes to work. She stops away at Storm, and drops an elbow on her head. She covers her up for the 1, 2, KICK OUT! Manning gets up, and Storm starts to get up. Manning sizes her up, and hops up to attempt a Hurricanrana. Rachael Manning executes it, and Ashton Storm goes splattering across the ring.

The girl. The young woman affiliated with the new tag team of the Dog Pound taking it to the VERY FIRST LADY ... and of course she's linked with The Genesis.

Manning going for another cover here ..

Rachael Manning hooks her leg, and 1, 2, kick out!! Manning looks upset, and the crowd is clapping trying to get behind her. Youngstown, Ohio fired up for this opening Women's Division Match. It's now Rachael Manning preparing to go up top. But, Ashton Storm chases her down, and hits her in the back. She then grabs Rachael by the hair, and simply YANKS her backwards off the top turnbuckle!! Rachael Manning's back CRASHES on the canvas, and appears to be in a lot of pain. Ashton Storm toys with her, and gets loud with the crowd. They bark back at her, and boo the crap out of The VERY FIRST LADY of wrestling. She slaps Manning, and stomps away at her. She pulls Rachael to the center of the ring. She looks to go for a Swinging Neckbreaker. But, Manning looks to block it! However, now Ashton Storm kicks her in the gut! Manning looks phased, and Storm ceases her moment! The VERY FIRST LADY of wrestling puts Racheal Manning down with the ASO!!!

She NAILS her with the Ace Crusher!!

Ashton Storm covers her up, and gets the 1, 2, 3!! She celebrates momentarily in the ring afterwards, and the fans give her heck! They boo her, and give her ton of heat!!!! She screams back at them, and then poses like a lady. She smiles at everyone, and walks away from the ring. Racheal Manning tries to recover. As Ashton Storm wins this one clean.

Match Grade: B, Match Duration: 4 minutes, and 2 seconds, Match Result: Ashton Storm via pinfall.

And now Ashton Storm comes back out on the ramp.

Ashton Storm: That's it! I don't want one of these sissy girls. No! I challenge anybody, and I do mean anybody.. . .. to a match --

Suddenly, this new girl Alexis Diamond steps in. The crowd doesn't know how to react as they watch on.

Alexis Diamond: If you ask me. Well, if you ask me? I say I'm up to to the test! I will face you at CYBER SUNDAY .. at END OF DAYS ... let the fans pick the match ..

The crowd could be heard cheering for that one, and Alexis Diamond looks real happy about addressing the VERY FIRST LADY. But, Ashtom Storm looks real upset as she storms off the set, and Alexis Diamond soaks it all up for a moment. As we cut backstage.


The Iranian Mafia will be heard getting arrested on Mr. Lucente's phone. Standing in his office is the XWF Mafia. Mr. Lucente suddenly hangs up his phone after that disturbance, and looks the 4 members of the XWF Mafia up & down. He steps to them all, and ask them a serious question.

Mr. Lucente: Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you guys if you think you're funny pulling what you pulled this week? Trying to get replacement opponents. That SICKENS me!!!

Scott Lennon: .. it was Steve O'Reily's idea... ..

I don't care who's idea it was. I don't care of the devil himself made a bid with you. You don't cross the line with me! I'm the XWF Owner.. I'm the active President damnit! Now you go out there, and fulfill your contractual obligations tonight... ... get out my face right now!!

Mr. Lucente is not happy, and the XWF Mafia walks out of his office. As we cut back to ringside for the next 1-on-1 contest.

"The Savior" Josh Davis vs. Steve O'Reily - Standard Rules -

Josh Davis is already out in the ring, and the fans are loving him! He plays to the people, and out comes Steve O'Reily. People boo the shit out of this character, and he makes his way down the ramp. He gets in the ring, and Josh Davis is anxious to get this started. Jake Evans is the referee, and he calls for the bell. DING DING!!

This match gets off to a quick fast paced start for Josh Davis. As he works Steve O'Reily over. The man known as "The Savior" is in control early on. He beats on him in the corner. He hits him with wicked kicks to the ribs, and head!! He tackles him down to the ground, and beats away on him!! Josh Davis stands back up, and calls Steve O'Reily on. Then he's had enough, and pulls O'Reily to his feet! Josh Davis clocks him with a hard right, and drills him with a Spinning Heel Kick to the jaw!! He knocks O'Reily on his ass, and the fans POP for the newcomer in his XWF debut here tonight.

Josh Davis not slowing down!! He is just working O'Reily of the XWF Mafia over.

He sure is!

The Savior lifts O'Reily up, and connects with the Twist of Fate seemingly out of nowhere!!! The crowd POPS for Josh Davis, and he warms up to the Youngstown, Ohio crowd. He claps along with them, and then cheers them up!! They pump him up enough to call out his finisher, and the people are very excited for it. He hops around the ring, and then grabs Steve O'Reily off the canvas. "The Savior" Josh Davis then lifts him up, and delivers the CALIFORNIA SLAM!!

Devestating finisher.

Josh Davis covers him up, and makes the 1, 2, 3!! He wins fair, and square with his California Slam finisher. As he raises his hands in victory a lot of fans seem real estastic for "The Savior" as he raises his arms in victory, and then demands a mic from Danielle Worley at ringside.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 3 minutes, and 48 seconds, Match Result: Josh Davis via pinfall.

Afterwards Josh Davis gets on the microphone, and addresses the Youngstown, Ohio crowd who is pulling for him here tonight on Showdown!

Josh Davis: As you know .. and if you don't know by now .. I am the SAVIOR of the XWF, and will challenge all comers ..

The XWF fans cheer, and he drops the mic as his theme music hits again over the loud speakers!!! He makes his way back towards the locker rooms, and we cut away to another scene backstage.


The Dog Pound is excited backstage. Even though Rachael Manning is upset she lost. Dustin Holt, and Aaron Wilson try to encourage her.

Dustin Holt: Listen Rachael! I know you're upset right now. But, don't worry about it.

Aaron Wilson: Yeah, I mean That Ashton Storm is a good talent, and .. ..

What he means to say is .. you'll get her next time! Tonight me, and Aaron got a lot to prove! The Dog Pound is reunited admist all this controversy we square off against the XWF Mafia. A bunch of chumps if you ask me!

I agree with you there Dustin. Listen why don't you say we go out there right now .. and prove to the world.

Oh yeah, cause we have a lot to prove as a tag team .. up next . ..

Hahaha. Up next baby!

The Dog Pound, woof! Woof!

They bump fists, and forearms as they head out to the ring. Rachael Manning left back to nurse her wounds.

"XWF Mafia" Terry Angle & Dante Stevenson vs. "The Dog Pound" Dustin Holt & Aaron Wilson - Tag Team Match -

Terry Angle, and Dante Stevenson are already out in the ring awaiting the Dog Pound's entrance. Here they come!! Dustin Holt, and Aaron Wilson come out to the ring to a great ovation from the crowd! They react well to these men, and they take over the Covelli Centre for a few minutes.

These guys are something else. Future XWF Tag Team Champions.. I'm telling ya what King .. ..

You've been wrong before ..

Can't argue with you there. None the less. ..

Dustin Holt, and Terry Angle start it off. As the referee Shawn Green calls for the bell. DING DING!! Dustin Holt wears him down quick! Holt goes for the shoulder, and just applies pressure early on. He kicks Angle in the back of the head. Holt then scoops him up, and Bodyslams him to the ground!! He then drops a BIG LEG across the throat of Terry Angle, and covers him up for the 1, 2, kick out!!

Crowd energetic for this one!

Dustin Holt tags in Aaron Wilson, and he gets his first XWF action-- he works Terry Angle over to the corner. He irish whips him towards their corner, and then BARKS for the fans who are chanting "DOG POUND! DOG POUND!!" Woof! Woof! As Aaron Wilson rushing in, and slams his big chest in to Terry Angle!! Angle is laid out from that HOUND DOG signature move!! Aaron Wilson covers him up, and gets the 1, 2, foot on the rope!! Aaron Wilson wastes no time, and tags in Dustin Holt. He goes for Terry Angle who is crawling for the tag, and can't get there!! Dante Stevenson hops in the ring though, and acts like he made the tag! The referee Shawn Green steps in, and tells him to back out of the ring!!

Terry Angle never made the tag!

He didn't??

And what's this?? Dustin Holt calling for it. He's riling the fans up, and they are rooting him on!! They are barking, and howling at The Dog Pound here in Ohio!!!

He kicks Terry Angle on the ground, and drags him over towards his corner. He tags in Aaron Wilson, and he mounts the turnbuckle. Dustin Holt picks Terry Angle up, and holds him up HIGH IN THE AIR for a BIG GIANT SUPLEX!!!! He drops him in the center of the ring, and Aaron Wilson leaps off with a giant HEADBUTT!! He hooks the leg on Terry Angle, and the ref spins back around to make the count. Dustin Holt drops Dante Stevenson off the apron with a hard right hand. While the ref counts the pin for Aaron Wilson, and he picks up the 1, 2, 3 on Terry Angle!!!

He's got him! Aaron Wilson makes his first pin here in his XWF career, and The Dog Pound has won this one!!

What a unique finisher.

The Dog Pound celebrate, and hug each other in the ring. They walk over to the referee, and he raises their hands in victory!!! They are excited, and the fans are loving it!! They pick up the win after Angle, and Stevenson have miscommunication problems.

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 4 minutes, and 11 seconds, Match Result: The Dog Pound via pinfall.

Afterwards The Dog Pound gets on the sticks.

We are the best tag team out there!! I don't care if you been here 5 years, or 2 days ... the DOG POUND is here to stay!!

Yeah, and we want a Tag Team Title Match!!!!

The crowd has mixed reactions. As it seems they are happy for the Dog Pound but then Terry Angle, and Dante Stevenson attack them!! Terry Angle gets on the mic, and looks them two over. The crowd is boo'ing these 2 men.

Terry Angle: Hear me out!! You barely beat us, you got lucky ... .. we're the best tag team this company has to offer!!! Remember that.

The tag team of Terry Angle, and Dante Stevenson walk away. As the Dog Pound tries to recover on the canvas. We cut it to the backstage area for a moment.


We have Yarmouth Blade backstage talking with the Hellion.

Yarmouth Blade: We both got tough matches later!

Hellion: No doubt you'll win!

I hope so.

We cut back to ringside for this next match.

Yarmouth Blade vs. Scott Lennon - Standard Rules -

Scott Lennon is already out in the ring. Yarmouth comes out a decent reaction from the crowd. The referee goes over the rules, and calls for the bell. DING DING!! Yarmouth Blade wastes no time, and pushes Lennon up on the ropes. He squares up with him, and pounds away at Lennon! He then tosses him head-over-hills!! Lennon's back smashing the canvas, and Yarmouth doesn't stop there. He picks Scott up in a Barehug, and wears him down!! Scott Lennon is near tapping, and HE DOES!! Scott Lennon has already TAPPED to Yarmouth Blade!

Well, that was fast ... .

Yarmouth Blade is a big man! I didn't know he had that type of strength. Once he locked that Barehug on.. it was over with .. take a look at the replay here ..... Scott Lennon trying to escape it. He can't pry his arms away, and Yarmouth Blade squeezes the life out of him!!!

The fans are happy. As Yarmouth Blade wins CLEAN!! Putting his opponent away with a Barehug. Scott Lennon goes to attack him afterwards, and Yarmouth Blade instead lays him down with a Huge Arm Drag!!! The fans mark out for this as he finally releases the hold, and goes to leave the ring. Yarmouth Blade exits up the ramp to some cheers!!

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 37 seconds, Match Result: Yarmouth Blade via submission.

We cut backstage where Bob Levy is standing by with Xavier Star of The Genesis. He simply says one thing to him though.

Xavier Star: Gigantis will go down!

We cut away from Xavier Star who heads to the ring for his next contest.


Backstage Mr. Lucente then takes Steve O'Reily, and Scott Lennon aside. The XWF Owner simply says to those men,

Your services are no longer needed. I have arranged for a taxi, and you no longer need to show your faces around the XWF.

Scott Lennon, and Steve O'Reily look shocked. But, they walk down that long hallway towards the parking garage. Mr. Lucente then looks over at the other 2 members of the XWF Mafia. Terry Angle looks speechless but manages to muster up a few words.

I guess that means you're cutting us too?

No. No, I have a job for you 2. How would you 2 like to stick around as a tag team in the XWF... I could see it now .. Terry Angle, and Dante Stevenson!!

Well, yeah. I mean, sure thing. Where do we sign up?

Come with me, .. I'll show you.

Mr. Lucente realizes you can make a Penn State reference here. But, keep 2 things in mind. 1 these are grown men, and 2 Mr. Lucente is not a perverted old basterd. We then cut back to ringside for the next match as we fade away from what's going on backstage.

Xavier Star vs. Gigantis - Standard Rules -

Gigantis is down there first, and the crowd is boo'ing him!! He points at his Skeletons of Society shirt, and they give him more heat! Xavier Star comes out next, and receives a mixed reaction. The referee Amari Scottsdale is officiating this matchup, and he calls for the bell. DING DING!!

The newcomer Xavier Star taking on the 7'8'' monster in GIGANTIS!! Should be a good one.

Xavier Star is a bigger man, and he won't take no crap in this one.

Xavier Star does go right at Gigantis. He pounds on him, and tries to irish whip him. But, Gigantis reverses it. Xavier Star bounces back off the ropes, and a Flying Shoulder knocks Gigantis off his feet!! Xavier Star goes to work right away. Quick boots to his face. He wears down on the big man's neck, and back!! He places him in a Leg Scissor Chokehold!! Gigantis reaches his arm back, and gets a finger on the ropes. The referee orders him to release the hold. Xavier Star lets go after 2 more seconds of squeezing away at him. He stands to his feet, and waits to Gigantis gets to a knee. Then Xavier Star rushes in with that BIG BOOT to the face known as the Shining Star!!

Clocks him with that one!! He lays the giant out, and he makes the cover now.

Xavier Star gets the 1, 2, 3 on Gigantis, and picks up another win here in his short XWF career!! He raises his arm in victory, and Amari Scottsdale the referee tries to hold his hand up-- but, Star pulls him arm away from him. Star gets boo'ed as he makes his way over to the time keeper's table, and snatches a microphone away from our ring announcer Danielle Worley. As he wins clean here tonight against Gigantis, and the people still don't like him!!

Match Grade: D- Match Duration: 1 minutes, and 29 seconds, Match Result: Xavier Star via pinfall.

Xavier Star pointing at Lawler, and Ross as he calls for his theme music to be cut.

Cut it! Cut the music!! Everybody here in Ohio, and across the world ... they know I am the next rising star!! We know what I'm capable of out here. I dispose of your giant. I could destroy anybody you throw in my path! There's not a veteran on the XWF roster that can stop me even.

That's when "The Ray" comes out on the ramp, and the crowd cracks up at this guy's outfit. He's got spiked hair, and a headband.

The Ray: Hey bro! I'm not sure what you're really trying to say out here. But I just want to say to you, and all these people ... watch my match later on. I'm going to humiliate Hellion!!

The crowd has mixed reactions on this whole segment. They laugh at the idea of The Ray going at Xavier Star. As we cut backstage with some newer members of our XWF roster.


In the The Genesis locker room we have Mike Blade & Jason Blade getting ready before their match.

Jason Blade: Is it just me?..? Or is there a reoccuring theme around here?? Everybody throwing around their weight. Claiming they are the best out there. But, truth be told Mike, and I know you feel the same way as I do. We're the best out there right now!! Lets face it! We're the new tag team in the XWF!

Here comes The Wreckin' Crew barging in, and they get right up in their faces. They confront them with this simple message.

Flip Johnson: PROVE IT OUT THERE!!

Flip Johnson directly addresses Jason Blade, and his tag team partner Mike Blade. As the Wreckin' Crew exits their locker room, and that tag team is left back to discuss what is going to happen out there in just a moment.


Justice Legal is apparently trying to get in the building.. thru the parking lot... but, security won't let him.

Justice Legal: Oh there's other ways!! There's other ways in here.. there's other ways around this!! ONE WAY or ANOTHER .. mark my words right now. I will eventually get MY hands on Mr. Lucente!!!

Justice Legal leaves the parking garage area, and heads off down the streets of Youngstown, Ohio on his own. He is suddenly mugged out in front of the Covelli Centre, and that's a normal activity in this area. As we cut back to ringside for this next big tag team match!!

Wreckin' Crew vs. "The Genesis" (Mike Blade & Jason Blade) - Tag Team Match -

We have Danielle Worley at ringside announcing the tag team of Jason Blade, and Mike Blade!! They come out to boo's from the crowd! As they make their way down the ramp. They get in the ring, and the next tag team is announced. The Wreckin' Crew comes out on a mission!! They get up in the ring, and Brutality decides to start it off. As Mike Blade decides he wants to give it a go. The referee Jake Evans calls for the bell. DING! DING!!

This tag team match about to get started!

"Brute" circles up around Mike Blade, and those 2 finally lock up in the center of the ring. Brutality forces him back in to the corner. He chops away at Mike Blade, and delivers a hard uppercut at him!! He then elbows him a few times to the jaw, and to the chest!! He collapses Mike Blade with a brutal inside knee shot! Mike Blade falls to the ground holding his ribs. Brutality picks him up off the ground, and slings him over his shoulder. He walks a few steps forward with him, and connects with a well-executed Powerslam!! Brutality hooks the leg, and gets the 1, 2, kick out!

Mike Blade getting it here early against the much larger Brutality.. ..

Brutality tags in Flip Johnson, and he goes to work on Mike Blade. He stomps away at him, and backs him up in to his corner. Flip Johnson irish whips him across the ring, and Mike Blade's back crushes the turnbuckle!! Flip backs up, and gets ready to take off towards Mike Blade. But, instead Jason Blade wraps his arm around Flip's neck from the outside apron. He chokes away on him in the corner. The referee Jake Evans finally spots him, and orders him to let go! Soon as he does it's Flip Johnson who turns around, and knocks Jason Blade off the apron with a nice right hand! Flip turns around, and Mike Blade happens to Spear him in to the corner!! Mike Blade digs his shoulder in Flip's ribs, and rams in to him again! Mike Blade then waits for Jason Blade to get on the apron, and tags him in. Mike Blade places Flip in an Armbar, and Jason Blade kicks him in the back of the leg. Flip falls to the ground, and Jason starts stomping on him!! He backs up, and comes in dropping an elbow on his head! He gets back up, and drops another quick elbow! He makes the cover, and gets the 1, 2, kick out!!

The fans don't like these guys King. They've been boo'ing the Blade brothers ever since they've come out here.. in full support of the Wreckin' Crew right now, and trying to get Flip back in this one!!

The fans cheer as Jason Blade goes to pick Flip Johnson off the ground, and Flip starts unwhailing on him!! He punches away, and backs him up to the ropes. Jason Blade knees him in the gut however, and gives him a Hip Toss towards the canvas! He gets up behind Johnson on the canvas, and places him in a Sleeperhold. The crowd claps, and tries to get Flip back in this one! As some boo Jason Blade for this maneuver. Mike Blade calls for the tag, and Jason Blade releases the hold. He stomps away at Flip Johnson, and raises his hands in the air. The crowd gives Jason Blade heat as he walks over tagging in his partner Mike Blade. But, that allowed Flip Johnson time to crawl over, and make the tag. Mike Blade tries to back up as the beast Brutality steps through the ropes.

Brute's pissed now!

Brutality grabs Mike Blade before he can run away, and drops him with a hard right hand. He gets back up, and Brutality clotheslines him down! Jason Blade rushes in, and walks right in to a big boot! The crowd is going crazy as Brutality ducks a haymaker from Mike Blade, and lays him out with another clothesline! He scoops him up, and Bodyslams him back to the mat! Then Brutality points out at Flip Johnson, and points out at the crowd. He says "it's time", and goes to lift Mike Blade up. He hoist him up on his shoulders, and the Wreckin' Crew is about to win it with Brutality having Mike Blade in Torture Rack!!! But, Jason Blade kicks him, and starts beating him up. The referee Jake Evans calls for the bell, and DQ's them! They start to double-team Brutality until Flip rushes back in, and clears the ring!! Mike Blade, and Jason Blade back up the ramp. They point out, and yell out towards the Wreckin' Crew in the ring! Brutality leans over the ropes, and calls them back in the ring! But, Mike Blade waves them off, and their team decides to head to the back.

Match Grade: D+, Match Duration: 5 minutes, and 17 seconds, Match Result: Wreckin' Crew via Disqualification.

Backstage Crimson Tide visits with Mr. Lucente in his office.

Crimson Tide: You should give the kid another chance. He was power hungry! Mr. Lucente you should know all about that...

You know what? Maybe I should've fired you too! But since I can't do that.. I'm going to give you the night off ..... think about your situation here Tide. I know you've grown close to being Justice Legal's mentor.. but, that's over now. He's gone for good. Never to return!

I wouldn't be so sure ..

Mr. Lucente looks appalled, and says,

What do you mean?

Nevermind. I'm just saying. He beat me in a brutal barbwire ropes match... Him, and Shotgun tore the building down at King of Xtreme!! He was only trying to make some noise around here... make a difference. Make the XWF better!!

Mr. Lucente is outraged, and screams at Crimson Tide now.

Get out of here! Get out of my office! I gave you the night off.. get on .. get out ... GET!

Mr. Lucente is furiously frustrated. As we cut back to ringside for this next matchup.

The Ray vs. Hellion - Xtreme Rules -

The Hellion is already down at ringside. As Danielle Worley announces "The Ray" next! He comes out to a strange ovation from the crowd. They seem split on this guy. As the referee Amari Scottsdale calls for the bell. DING DING!

Any ill feelings towards The Ray after what took place at "Obscured" King?

The man got very, very lucky.. I don't want to make excuses. I could have had him beat! He's not that good. Very overated if you ask me. In a regular match I would've pinned him, 1, 2, 3. No doubt about it!

The Ray goes right for Hellion, and the Hellion tries to fight him off. They both struggle a bit here early on, and the crowd can't seem to get in to this one. The Ray ducks a clothesline, and hits Hellion with a Dropkick! The Hellion goes down. Then that's when The Ray tackles the Hellion down. He punches away at him, and stands back up taunting the fans! The XWF crowd in Youngstown, Ohio boo him. As he sets The Hellion up for his signature move. But, the Hellion gets up, and fights back! He punches The Ray all the way back to the center of the ring! The Hellion goes for his Million Dollar Dream. However, The Ray rakes his eyes before too late and kicks him in the junk! Hellion bends down, and The Ray backs up before rushing in to connect with Scissors Kick!!! He covers Hellion up for the 1, 2, 3!

He's won. The Ray wins this one here tonight!!

Another lucky win. Kicks him below the belt, and what a dirty fighter this kid is ... never been a fan of him .. never will ..

The Ray pops to his feet, and the crowd boo's this guy! He tries to play it off, and smiles out at them. But, you can tell he's hurt as he makes his way back to the backstage area.

Match Grade: F, Match Duration: 1 minutes, and 34 seconds, Match Result: The Ray via pinfall.

The Genesis is meeting up in the hallways backstage. Ashton Storm is excited she won earlier!

Think about it guys. The first women's match in nearly a decade, and I won it! I know deep down now .. that I truly am the VERY FIRST LADY of XWF wrestling!!

Mike Dimter: I'm proud of you Ashton. We've always been friends, and you bring respect to The Genesis by winning here tonight! I got a huge match up next. If I can beat Saxton like I did back at King of Xtreme... then I'm one step closer to capturing that Xtreme Title!

Xavier Star looks around the room, and looks like he misplaced something.

I forgot something in the locker room.. I'll be right back ..

So as Xavier Star is walking to The Genesis locker room then The Ray stops him, and Xavier Stars looks put off by this.

Did you just see that bro? Did you see me out there??

No, I don't know who you even are.

I'm the guy who came out the top of the ramp earlier ...

Xavier Star scratches his chin, and simply says,

Oh yeah!

He then drops The Ray with a hard right hand!! Xavier Star continues on to his locker room. The Ray eventually gets up holding his face, and screams out at him.

This isn't the end my friend!! I'll see you CYBER SUNDAY at "END OF DAYS"!!

The scene fades out from that backstage interaction, and we send it back to ringside where Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Jim Ross are out ringside running down our sponsors. Such as Axe Spray, Snickers, Toyota, and Doritos.

Mike Dimter vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - #1 contender for the Xtreme Title -

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is already out there, and receiving boo's from the crowd. He shows off his S.O.S. t-shirt, and tosses it at one of the fans in the front row! Mike Dimter is announced next by Danielle Worley. He comes out to some heat as well from the XWF crowd here tonight. Mike Dimter gets in the ring, and locks eyes with Cliff Saxton from across the ring. The referee Shawn Green steps to both of them, and explains the rules. He calls for the bell. DING DING!!

This match is underway.... and the winner will head to the main event of our Cyber Sunday Event next week!!

They circle each other up for a few seconds, and the crowd starts to boo them. They look around, and blow the fans off. They finally lock up, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton gets the early advantage. He spins around Dimter, and locks his arms around him. Mike Dimter pries his arms away, and spins around Cliff Saxton now. Without hesitation Mike Dimter plants him with a Belly-to-Back Suplex!!! The crowd actually cheers for that as he goes for the early cover, and gets the 1, 2, kick out!!

Close one!!

Mike Dimter waits for Cliff Saxton to start to get to his feet, and clotheslines him out of the ring!! Cliff Saxton tumbles backwards, and spills on to the outside mat. He holds the back of his head in pain, and Mike Dimter sizes him up. He waits for Cliff Saxton to get to his feet, and rushes towards the ropes.. he goes for an incredible Suicide Dive!! But, Cliff Saxton ducks it, and Mike Dimter crashes in to the commentator's table!!!!

Oh my gawd!!

I can't believe that just happend J.R.!!

He just slammed in to our table out here, and he looks real banged up!

Cliff Saxton rolls to his feet, and sees his opportunity. He stomps away at Mike Dimter, and then picks him off the ground. Mike Dimter is grasping his ribs, and looks to be in lots of pain. Cliff Saxton doesn't care, and whips him face-first in to the outside steel post!!! He smacks that thing head-on, and the fans mark out a bit for that one. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton quiets them down though when he yells obscenities at them, and then they start to give him massive heat again. He goes to pick Mike Dimter up, and lays him against the barricade. He pulls his arm back, and chops him right across the chest, "WOOOO!" He chops them again, "WOOOO!" The fans boo Cliff Saxton as he rolls Mike Dimter back in the ring. Now, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton starts to slowly mount the turnbuckles.

What's he doing? This is not his style ..

Cliff Saxton going for the high risk maneuver. That's why they call him "Dangerous"!!

He raises his arms up in the air, and waits for Mike Dimter to slowly start getting up. Dimter is bent over, and Saxtons goes for a Big Leg Drop across the back of his head!! But, Dimter moves out the way, and Saxton crashes to the canvas instead! He misses his mark, and Dimter lays on top of him for the pin. He gets the 1, 2, kick out!! Dimter rolls towards the outside apron, and Saxton slowly crawls for the ropes. Cliff Saxton gets to his feet, and turns to face Mike Dimter. However, Dimter has hopped up on the top rope, and does a nice Springboard Crossbody on to Saxton!! He connects, and makes the 1, 2, kick out!!

The crowd seems to be in to this one, even though they don't like either competitor .. .

Well, despite what they stand for .. they're good talent. They are good talent J.R., and people can't deny talent .. ..

Mike Dimter looks frustrated, and rolls back to the outside of the ring. He walks over to the Time Keeper's table, and pushes him out of his chair. He grabs the steel chair, and folds it up. Dimter walks back to the ring, and slides back in. Cliff Saxton is right on him right away though!! He kicks away at Dimter, and rips the chair out of his hands. He tosses the chair across the ring, and starts kicking away on him some more! Saxton backs Dimter up in to the corner, and gives him another vicious chop, "WOOOOOOO!!" He goes to irishwhip him. But, Dimter hits the brakes, and kicks Saxton in the gut. He then performs an Aztec Suplex, and that takes Saxton down hard!! Mike Dimter wastes no time, and goes for the steel chair again. He walks it over to Saxton, and goes to place it around his leg. But, Saxton instead kicks him with his free boot to the face! Dimter stumbles back, and Saxton gets his way out of the steel chair. He rolls to his feet, and takes a boot to the stomach from Dimter! Then Dimter works him back in the corner, and socks him hard in the stomach! Saxton holds his mid-section, and Dimter goes to set him up for a top rope suplex. He places him on the turnbuckle. But, Cliff Saxton punches his way out of it, and shoves Mike Dimter down. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton stands up on the top turnbuckle, and when Mike Dimter turns around he is drilled with a Missle Dropkick from the top rope!! The fans mark out as Cliff Saxton rolls him up for the cover. 1, 2, kick out!!

He nearly kicks out, and Cliff Saxton can't believe it!!

Cliff Saxton goes off, and grabs the steel chair off the canvas. He picks it up above his head, and goes to swing it on Dimter. But, as Dimter gets to a knee he sees it, and quickly kicks Saxton in the gut! Cliff Saxton drops the steel chair, and Mike Dimter clotheslines him down!! He picks Saxton up by the head, and hits him with a beautiful Swinging Neckbreaker!!! Mike Dimter goes to set up the steel chair, and picks Cliff Saxton off the ground. He goes to go for his finisher the Liberty Bell. But, Cliff Saxton fights his way out of it, and instead "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton gets Mike Dimter up on his back. Without notice he plants him with the Samoan Drop on top of a steel chair!!!! He then goes for the pin, and picks up the 1, 2, 3!

He's won this match King! Cliff Saxton is the new number contender for the coveted Xtreme Title.

But his foot was on the rope J.R.! Mike Dimter had his foot underneath the bottom rope by the count of 3. Check it out on the replay!

You know I believe you're right. But they already awarded the match to "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton.

Cliff Saxton raises his arms in victory on the way back up the ramp. As Mike Dimter appearently might have had his foot underneath the rope. He is now arguing with the official. But none the less the referee Shawn Green has already awarded the match to "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton.

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 8 minutes, and 39 seconds, Match Result: Cliff Saxton via pinfall.

The S.O.S. is celebrating backstage for Cliff Saxton's win! Tyroneus Del Rio, and Gigantis are excited. But, William Knighthawk is not.

Tyroneus Del Rio: Hey. Amigo. What is wrong? Cliff Saxton is the new number one contender for the Xtreme Title now ... we are going to hold on to our Tag Team belts tonight!! Huh? What's your deal my friend?

William Knighthawk: Well, because the stupid rule of "no rematch" clause for the Xtreme Title. I don't just get an automatic shot at it again!

Ay caramba. That President .. the XWF Owner has lost his marbles.

I know. We got to go out there, and get the job done next in this tag title match! Then I will eventually get what's rightfully mine to begin with!!

Lets just hope the plan plays itself out tonight for the Skeletons of Society .... ..

They share a serious glance as Gigantis over looks the 2 men. We then cut away from the S.O.S. locker room, and go to Mr. Lucente's office.


Mr. Lucente gets approached by Mike Dimter backstage in his office.

Hey Mr. Lucente! I shouldn't have lost that match. My foot was under the bottom rope!!

Yeah, I happend to see that.

And what are you planning on doing about that?!? You going to just mishandle me like your General Manager always has? Push me aside, and stick your chest out? You think you're better than me Mr. Lucente? Is that it!??

If you would pipe down for one damn minute.

The crowd goes "Ohhhh!" As Mr. Lucente snaps back at Mike Dimter, and the fans laugh about it.

I was about to say. I'll give you one more chance to become the number contender for the Xtreme Title. Just ONE MORE damn chance. If you want it? You can take it ... at Cyber Sunday .. .. at "End of Days"!! MY creation ... we will have you squaring off for the number one contendership for the Xtreme Title. .. against an opponent of the XWF's choosing.

The XWF choosing?

Yeah, that's right. That's right damnit! The XWF is all about expansion. It's all about giving the fans.. the people what they want! So, right now there's 3 names posted on our website at http://xwfed.angelfire.com .. Whoever the fans vote by the end of this next match.. will be your opponent at "End of Days" on November 20th, 2011!!

Mike Dimter thinks it over for a second, and goes to shake Mr. Lucente's hand.

That sounds like a fair deal to me. I'll be there, and I'm going to win!

Mike Dimter grips Mr. Lucente's hand tighter, and pulls him in closer. He smirks at him, and backs up out of the XWF Owner's office. Mr. Lucente shakes it all off, and we cut to ringside for the big XWF Tag Team Title match.

"Skeletons of Society" (William Knighthawk & Tyroneus Del Rio) (ttc) vs. "The ReArrangers" (Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder) - Tag Team Titles on the line -

Danielle Worley actually announces the XWF Tag Team Champions first! The Youngstown, Ohio crowd responds by boo'ing as soon as the S.O.S.' theme music begins blaring over the loud speakers!! William Knighthawk, and Tyroneus Del Rio make their way out with the belts over their shoulders. They get in to the ring, and they taunt the fans further.

The XWF fans don't respect them at all it seems!

They dug their own grave J.R. Lets face it. You make your bed, and you must lie in it!

The fans boo them, and give the current XWF Tag Team Champions a bunch of heat. As Danielle Worley goes to announce their opponents the #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles. The team of the Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder of the ReArrangers! However, we cut backstage as Dark Stranger attacks Ryan Ryder before the ReArrangers can even go out there!!!!

What's he doing? What the hell is he doing?? He's going to Chokeslam him through that damn table!!

Backstage the Dark Stranger does Chokeslam his current tag team partner Ryan Ryder through the catering table!! Food flies everywhere, and Ryder immediately begins moaning out in pain. The Dark Stranger hears his groans, and hovers over him. His valet Heather Black, and his new #1 fan the very famous Lady GaGa stand right by his side. He looks down at Ryan Ryder, and laughs maniacally.

The Dark Stranger: I guess it's not too late to tell you this after all. In fact it's the best time to do it ..... Ryan Ryder.... you are looking at the 5th, and newest member of the SKELETONS OF SOCIETY!!!!! And YOUR SOUL is MINE!!!!!

The XWF fans boo inside the Covelli Centre in Youngstown, Ohio, and The Dark Stranger gives Ryan Ryder one more swift boot for good measure! Lady Gaga, and Heather Black laugh at Ryan Ryder as he lays helpless. The Dark Stranger puts them both under his arms, and walks away with his 2 beautiful ladies. He is revealed as the 5th member of the S.O.S. as they laugh it off in the ring as well. William Knighthawk, and Tyroneus Del Rio give each other high-fives!!

Match Grade: N/A, Match Duration: N/A, Match Result: William Knighthawk, and Tyroneus Del Rio via forfeit.

William Knighthawk, and his tag team partner are celebrating pretty hard in the ring! When suddenly our XWF Owner Mr. Lucente walks out on to the top of the ramp. The XWF crowd goes nuts for him as he lays down the law for the Skeletons of Society.

William Knighthawk your lucky this match was cancelled!! But you won't be lucky on Cyber Sunday at the "END OF DAYS" event. Because for the first time ever.. the XWF will host a Tag Team Battle Royale to decide who the Tag Team Champions are going to be!!

The XWF fans POP!!! They love that idea, and they cheer Mr. Lucente on!!!! William Knighthawk is screaming at him.

You can't do this!! You CAN'T do this!!!

Mr. Lucente looks down at the XWF Tag Team Champions in the ring, and doesn't even blink.

I just did.

The S.O.S. goes off in the ring, and Mr. Lucente isn't finished there.

Oh by the way. I have ONE more announcement! We have a number one contender's match coming up at Cyber Sunday as well .. I've had the fans voting the last few hours on 3 specific names to decide who will face Mike Dimter on 11/20/2011, ... they've decided the following ... run the numbers ..

The titan tron reveals the names William Knighthawk, The Ray, and Josh Davis. Then the titan tron shows the numbers as: William Knighthawk - 27%, "The Ray" - 15%, Josh Davis - 58%

... It looks like newcomer Josh Davis has brought a few fans with him!! Lets just hope "The Savior" can live up to his billing. Because he will be taking on the leader of The Genesis.. one Mike Dimter on CYBER SUNDAY ... for the number contendership to the Xtreme Title... good luck to both gentlemen!!

Knighthawk is livid!! Del Rio can't seem to get a grasp of things either! They are both still throwing a fit inside the ring. As we cut backstage for our last interviews of the night.


Hawking Ripper is backstage with the lovely Flo Stanley.

Flo Stanley: I know a lot has to be going through your mind right now. You for one felt that you were the People's King of Xtreme .. you had a nice win against Justice Legal back at Obscured ... and must've made the boss happy. Because, now you get a chance to go 1-on-1 with XWF Hall of Famer, and the current Xtreme Champion... The New F~cking Legend Stephen Blood.... how does it feel right now?? What kind of emotions are going through you??

Hawking Ripper: Happiness. Joy. Gladness. I'm thrilled! Tonight I get to do something I've only dreamed of doing. For years I've been a fan of the XWF. But I never thought possible that someone with autism would be able to penetrate the roster.. I did. I did that! I was the first one ever, and I'm damn proud of that! I have a lot of support because of it. But, then I have people telling me .. that I'm straight up good. That I don't need to claim I have any inabilities, and I don't. I never looked at my autism as a handicap, or a crutch .. I never needed to complain about it! Tonight I get to go 1-on-1 with not only a living legend... but the New F'N Legend himself! Well, I'm proud of that moment. I know it only comes once in a lifetime... my opportunity to showcase my abilities.. is tonight! The chance to go out there, and put on a performance like never seen before! That's what I plan on doing. To give the fans of Showdown! .. the XWF, and all these people in Youngstown, Ohio a show! If anyone is going to know if it's true or not.... it's these people here tonight! They will decide for me if it was worth it ..

It's your first main event ever. Any pressure on you tonight???

None at all. And that's why I'm about to pull off the biggest upset ever.

We cut away from Hawking Ripper's interview with Flo Stanley before the big Xtreme Title matchup, and we cut to the Xtreme Champion himself.


Stephen Blood is standing backstage with the Xtreme Title draped over his shoulder. He has Mitch Keller with a microphone in his face.

Stephen Blood: I already told ya! I already said it before, and I'll say it again. The fun, and games are over!! Lets do what I came here to do!!

Mitch Keller: A lot of people have been speculating. They have been saying you are overlooking this competitor. That you don't take Hawking Ripper that serious. How do you feel about that? And will you honor what you said when you said earlier this week that you would "never wrestle again" if he beat you here tonight in the Showdown! main evennt??

I said that?

You said that. Yes, you said th--

I know I said it. I know what I said jerkoff! I know what I'm going to do to this man tonight. Do you? Do YOU know what I'm about to do to him??

I have no idea--

That's right! Shut up! I'm the New F~cking Legend Stephen Blood!! I've done it all. If I don't beat this man tonight.. yeah, I'll walk away... I'll walk away from this buisness tonight...... .. But, I'm not going to lose Mitch. It's just not in me. Because, I'm INDEED everything I have said I am over the years.. ... tonight these people in Youngstown, Ohio .. in the BIRTHPLACE of the XWF!! They will find out.. if they don't already know by now ... just who I am!! "REMEMBER THE NAME ... .

"REMEMBER THE PAIN!!!!!" The XWF fans go off inside the Covelli Centre, and Stephen Blood looks to make his way towards the ring for this Xtreme Title main event here tonight on a special 3-hour addition of Showdown!

Main Event -

Stephen Blood (xc) vs. Hawking Ripper - Xtreme Title on the Line -

Hawking Ripper is announced first by Danielle Worley as the challenger!! He comes out to a nice ovation from the XWF crowd here in Ohio!! As Apocalyptica plays his entrance song!!! That gets the XWF crowd more pumped up. As Ripper jams with the band for a second at the top of the ramp. Then he gets a lot of people's support as he claps hands down the ramp, and all around the ring! He gets in the ring, and looks very pumped to be in this position. Up next Danielle Worley announces the Xtreme Champion.. the NEW F~cking Legend.. STEPHEN BLOOD!!! He comes out to a rising ovation from the fans here tonight!! They love seeing an XWF Hall of Famer of his caliber, and he takes the crowd over right away. He makes his way down the ramp, and has his eyes locked on Ripper the whole way. Stephen Blood walks up the steel steps, and steps in to the ring. He raises the belt high in the air, and then hands the Xtreme Title to the referee of the evening "Chief Luke".

Chief Luke making a rare appearance here tonight.

Ha! Oh yeah! "Chief Luke"!! Always good to see him still officiating matches for us. Now that's a true XWF legend .. a BOW legend as well ..

He's been in this buisness for years, and he goes over the rules with both men. As this huge Xtreme Championship match is about to go down!! Hawking Ripper in his first main event ever here at Showdown! .. against the man who's done it all! It's going to be quite the uphill battle for the younger, less experienced Ripper ...

Does Blood still have it is the question? And I think he showed he got what it takes against William Knighthawk at "Obscured". But, as a rule of the Xtreme Title.. it must be defended every show... so now Stephen Blood has got to try to come back, and beat another superstar here tonight! Just weeks after his big victory over Knighthawk ..

Hawking Ripper, and Stephen Blood lock up in a game of mercy. It's not even close. Stephen Blood twists his fingers, and causes Ripper to fall to the mat in pain. Ripper screams mercy, and begs for him to let go. But, Stephen Blood knees him in the face first!! Then Stephen Blood lifts Hawking Ripper off the ground, and Suplexes him hard back down to the canvas!! Blood isn't finished with him, and drags him to the center of the ring. He drops a sharp elbow on to his skull!! Stephen Blood begins grinding his elbow in Ripper's face now, and the referee counts him off. Stephen Blood rolls to his feet, and argues with "Chief Luke". But, the Chief doesn't want to hear it. He encourages Stephen to continue with his match. The New F~cking Legends lifts Hawking Ripper up, and drops him across his knee with a crucial Backbreaker!! Hawking Ripper screams out in pain. As Blood stays on him, and wrenches away on his back on the ground. Stephen Blood even manages to turn it in to a Camel Clutch!!! He pulls back on Ripper, and begins shaking him even!!

Stephen Blood looks angry! His blood vessels popping out of his freekin' neck!

Stephen Blood squeezes back on him, and tightens the hold more. He asks "Chief Luke" to check on him, and instead Hawking Ripper reaches his hand out. He gets his hand on the ropes, and "Chief Luke" orders he breaks the hold. Stephen Blood at first refuses to, and Chief Luke has to rip his arms off of him. Stephen Blood is real mad now, and pushes up on Chief Luke. He warns him never to put his hands on him again! Chief Luke points at his referee's badge, and says he can't touch him either!! Stephen Blood goes back to work on Hawking Ripper. But, as he goes to pick him up then Ripper rolls him up for the schoolboy pin. 1, 2, kick out!!

He almost had him there!!

Hawking Ripper trying to become only the 3rd holder of that Xtreme Title. He would be the 3rd champion in just a matter of weeks of the belts existence...

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me if he did. But it would take a sure heck a lot more than that to get rid of Stephen Blood!

Stephen Blood immediately goes back to work on him. He pounds on Ripper in the corner. He beats him up over there, and lays him out with a stiff knee to the mid-section! Stephen Blood then plants Hawking Ripper with a Bulldog, and actually receives heat for that!!! Stephen Blood motions for those few people to shut up! Some people cheer, and POP for Stephen Blood now!! As they root him on. He goes to pick Hawking Ripper off the ground, and tosses him through the ropes- down to the outside!! "Chief Luke" gets in his grill again, and warns him to watch out. Stephen Blood laughs him off, and goes back after Hawking Ripper. He steps to the outside, and picks Ripper up off the ground. Stephen Blood then runs him, and slams him head-first in to the outside barricade!!! Hawking Ripper hits that padded wall pretty hard, and falls to the mat. Stephen Blood laughs at him, and then goes to pull the padding off the outside mat to expose the concrete floor.

I haven't seen anyone do this in awhile.

What's he going to do? Is he going to give him the StephenFlow DDT on the concrete out there? No way! He can't do it! He can't do that! He'll nearly kill the man!!

Stephen Blood does rip the outside mat up, and exposes the concrete. He goes over to Ripper, and picks him off the ground. Some fans reach over, and slap Blood's back! A lot of people in Youngstown, Ohio cheering him on!! A lot of diehard XWF fans in the building tonight for sure. As he drags him over to the exposed concrete, and signals for a StephenFlow DDT!! But, Hawking Ripper blocks it, and tries to reverse it in to a Suplex. But, Stephen Blood blocks that, and instead performs a Snap Suplex of his own!!! Hawking Ripper's back splatters across the concrete floor. But, Stephen Blood seems to have hit the back of his head as well. He's rolling around in pain grasping his head, and Hawking Ripper is just yelling out in agony on the floor now!!

Stephen Blood tries to put a nice move on Ripper, and get him out of the match ... but, instead he might have just clunked his own head, and changed the momentum of this whole match.

The Xtreme Title is in the balance, and "Chief Luke" taking it easy on the guys for this 10-count. He doesn't want to see this match end in a Double Countout. As he's at a 7-count, and both men just rolling to their knees now.

Hawking Ripper pulls himself up on the outside apron, and slides in the ring at a count of 9. Stephen Blood finally pulls himself up, and slides in the ring. Both men still laid out, and Ripper is the first to react. He gets up, and starts stomping on the back of Blood's head!! Blood hollers out in pain, and Ripper doesn't stop there. Instead Hawking Ripper goes, and places Stephen Blood in his deadly Anaconda Vice!!!

Ahh! Hawking Ripper's got him!! He's got him right where he wants him!! Center of the ring .. caught in his signature move!!!!

He's got the Anaconda Vice locked on pretty tight Jerry. What do you think?

He does! He might put him away here.

The crowd cheering. Though most of them are split on this. Some rooting on Hawking Ripper to end this, and the others are pulling for Stephen Blood to escape this hold!! The building is about to explode as the referee checks on Stephen Blood. Suddenly, it's Stephen Blood who starts moving his body closer, and closer to the ropes. He slides over, and Hawking Ripper can only keep the move locked in!! But, Stephen Blood reaches the ropes with his foot, and "Chief Luke" makes him break the hold. Hawking Ripper lets go, and gets back to his feet. He sticks his arms out, and motions with his hands for the people to get more in to this one!!! The fans start to rise to their feet, and get a little more crazier out there in Youngstown, Ohio!!! People are stomping!!! The crowd is jumping up, and down!!!! Hawking Ripper then gets up behind Stephen Blood, and tries to turn him in to the Killswitch. But, Stephen Blood pulls himself out of it, and manages to actually clothesline Hawking Ripper to the mat!! Hawking Ripper bounces back up, and swings at Blood. But, he ducks that shot, and instead uses Ripper's momentum to set him up for a brilliant Backbreaker in the center of the ring!!

Stephen Blood goes back to work, and the fans are loving it ...

Youngstown, Ohio is a wildbunch J.R.

Stephen Blood gets Ripper to his feet, and forces him in the corner. He backs up a few feets, and charges in with a hard clothesline! Ripper falls to a knee, and tries to lift himself back up in the corner. As the New F~cking Legend backs up, and rushes in with a huge BOOT to Ripper's bucket head!! He lays Ripper down, and Stephen Blood drags him to the center of the ring. Stephen Blood goes to set Ripper up for a Powerbomb now. But, Ripper fights out of it, and Stephen Blood stalls him with a devestating knee to the guts!! The XWF crowd marks out for Blood, and you can tell they feel bad for the beating Ripper is taking here. Stephen Blood simply sends Hawking Ripper head-over-hills, and he slams across the canvas!!! Hawking Ripper rolls towards the outside of the ring.

The fans completely in to this match now, and Ripper trying to recover here ..

Hawking Ripper stirs on the outside, and Stephen Blood smiles to himself. The Xtreme Champion walks over, and the crowd is roaring with excitement. He grabs Hawking's head through the ropes, and pulls him up so his legs are laid across the 2nd rope.

Don't tell me he's going to do this a StephenFlow DDT from the ropes like that??!

He drags his body out, and gets ready to set him up for it. But, somehow Hawking Ripper pulls his legs off the ropes, and lands on his own 2 feet. He tussels with Stephen Blood who tosses him to the side again. Hawking Ripper crawls for the corner, and Stephen Blood gets up behind him. He places Hawking Ripper in the Full Nelson, and the XWF crowd in Youngstown, Ohio marks out for it!!!! He then yells like a maniac, and the people feel like they know what's coming next.

He's going for it. Don't tell me he's going for the ... FULL NELSON SLAM!!!!

He simply pulverizes him with that move!! He goes for the cover now ... . 1... , .. 2 ... kick out!! No, I don't believe it!! Hawking Ripper stays alive in this one!

How'd he do it? How'd he kick out of that??

The guts! The willingness to be the Xtreme Champion. You know about it already. The underdog story. The man fighting for his life out here. He wants to give the people a real show here in the birthplace of the XWF... this is the city where our first event ever was held back in 1998 .. featuring John Studd, and Kamakazee Ken ... among others were there that night. War Machine, Mars, and "Suicide King" Steve Hardy are known for helping to put the XWF on the map early on. Names such as Jack Tanner, and Sam Hill! They were pioneers, and they've been through Youngstown quite a bit!!

Stephen Blood is arguing with the official "Chief Luke", and the referee argues back. Stephen Blood goes to lift Hawking Ripper up, and looks like he wants to go for a StephenFlow DDT again!! He calls out to the XWF fans, and they cheer him on! This looks like it could be it. As he picks Ripper off the ground, and Blood goes for his finisher. But, Hawking Ripper blocks it, and instead counters the move. He hooks Stephen Blood up, and executes the Perfect Plex!!! He's got Stephen Blood in the middle of the ring for the 1, 2,


Stephen Blood manages to kick out of that pinning attempt by Hawking Ripper. He gets mad, and goes to attack Ripper. But, instead Ripper trips him up, and Blood falls with his neck landing right on the 2nd rope!! The XWF fans cheer as Hawking Ripper stands to his feet, and looks it all over. He goes off the ropes, and rushes in SITTING ON Stephen Blood's neck!! He straddles the Xtreme Champion, and the XWF fans root him on!! As he jumps up, and down on him!! He pretty much chokes Stephen Blood away on the ropes, and the referee eventually breaks it up. Hawking Ripper backs up, and starts running around the ring in circles. He's clapping, and trying to fire the fans back up! XWF fans are STOMPING away, and letting Hawking Ripper hear it!!!!! He sizes Stephen Blood up, and lifts him to his feet. He picks the New F~cking Legend up, and hoists him on his shoulders. He looks to be going for the GTS. He wants to his him with the Go To Sleep. But, Stephen Blood wiggles out of it. He lands on his feet, and goes to kick Ripper in the gut! But, Hawking Ripper grabs his foot, and then spins Stephen Blood around. As Hawking Ripper forms a Spinning Heel Kick of his own!! And that ROUNDHOUSE connects hard across Stephen Blood's jaw as he spins back around!!!

Hawking Ripper connects with it!! He connects with that incredible shot!

He should PIN him! He should PIN him now!!!

Instead Hawking Ripper sees his moment, and grabs Stephen Blood by the legs. He drags him towards the middle of the ring, and then he latches on with "The Puzzle". The XWF fans POP, and go CRAZY for this young rookie!!!

He's got it locked on. He's got the Elevated Boston Crab locked on!! He's got him in his finisher The Puzzle!!!

Ahh! Is this what he meant? Is this what Hawking Ripper meant about solving all his problems here tonight .. he can put the Xtreme Champ away with this submission move here!!!

The fans cheering. Chief Luke checking on Stephen Blood. Suddenly, he starts crawling for the ropes. Hawking Ripper tries to hold him off. But the Xtreme Champ gets there!! Stephen Blood reaches the ropes, and some fans let out a cheer! Some fans let out a sigh of relief. Some people pulling for Hawking Ripper groan themselves. They are upset at this! They want to see Hawking Ripper pull off the upset tonight against The New F~cking Legend Stephen Blood!!! He gets off of him, and sizes him up on the ground. Hawking Ripper looks like he might want to go for a weapon, and then decides against it. He picks Stephen Blood off the canvas, and goes instead to hit him with his own finisher the StephenFlow DDT!! But, Stephen Blood punches his way out of that one. Blood then shoves Ripper back in the corner, and starts firing away shots at him!!!

He's mad now! He's reallly mad now! Stephen Blood not liking the fact that Ripper tried his own finishing move on him, and now he's paying the price for it!!

Stephen Blood tries to latch on with his signature move known as the Blood Hunt! The same move that put Xavier Summers away at "Xtreme Mania: Decade". But, Hawking Ripper reverses it, and goes for a Neckbreaker. But, Stephen Blood stops that, and instead counters it by throwing Hawking Ripper in a deadly Sleeperhold!!! Which he then quickly turns in to an old fashioned Cobra Clutch!!!

He rips away at him!! He pries away at him, and chokes away at him with that modified Sleeperhold!!!

He looks to put him away with this submission hold. Trying to get Hawking Ripper to tap out now!!

Hawking Ripper looks like he's fading. The much large Stephen Blood squeezes away at him. He chokes back on Ripper's throat, and swings him around a bit like a rag doll. He just drains the life out of Hawking Ripper! The XWF fans are on their feet as he tries to end this match once, and for all. Stephen Blood looks like he might make him tap as Ripper falls to a knee. But, then Hawking Ripper gathers the energy from the fans cheering him on!! Stephen Blood looks around the arena shocked at all the massive supporters out for Hawking Ripper tonight!! All these people rooting the young kid on!! The chants for "Stephen Blood" are being drowned by "Hawking Ripper!!" chants. The XWF fans are fully on this kid's side now it seems, and he begins to Hulk-up a bit.

Where's he getting this?? Where's he getting this strength!?

Hawking Ripper still locked in this modified Sleeperhold is pulling himself to his feet now. He begins shaking his fists around, and trying to punch his way out of the move. But, Stephen Blood won't let go! Stephen Blood squeezes back tighter, and Hawking Ripper starts to fade again. The XWF fans dying down now, and the buzz seems to be draining from this very room. Then suddenly Hawking Ripper finds a way to pull Stephen Blood towards the corner, and kick his feet up on the top turnbuckle-- this causes Ripper to roll backwards on top of Stephen Blood, and he has the Xtreme Champion's shoulders pinned down for the 1, 2,


He's done it! He's done it. Holy crap! He's done it!!!!

I can't believe it. My jaw literally just dropped!! Did he just do it? Did Hawking Ripper just pull up the amazing upset??!?

He did! Hawking Ripper has beaten Stephen Blood, and he's our new XTREME CHAMPION!!!

I can't believe it J.R.

Believe it!! Believe it damn it.

I really can't believe it. Is this real??

The referee "Chief Luke" walks over to the time keeper, and he hands him the Xtreme Title. Then that's when Chief Luke turns around to present the belt to Hawking Ripper!!! The XWF fans are on their feet, and they are stunned!! A lot of people are estatic right now. But, some people are still in shock. There's a certain buzz in the air as the true XWF fans discuss what just happend here in Youngstown, Ohio. You see Stephen Blood react by rolling to his knees, and holding his hands over his head. His eyes are wide, and his mouth is fixed-open in complete shock. Hawking Ripper seems stunned himself. He keeps pointing at himself, and then pointing at the belt that Chief Luke is trying to hand him. Hawking Ripper pulls himself off the mat, and grabs the Xtreme Title out of the referee's hands. He holds it up in the air, and goes to celebrate with his fans. He holds the belt up near the ropes, and stands up on the nearest turnbuckle!! He gets up in the corner, and poses for the XWF fans here in Youngstown, Ohio!!!

What a moment.

What an upset. What an XWF upset. The first of it's kind! I'm still shocked here J.R.

A lot of people are. I thought Stephen Blood would have had him awhile ago. He then had him in that mean looking chokehold. I thought that sleeperhold would put him away! But he wasn't able to do it ..

I think it was more of a Cobra Clutch. But, either way.. he couldn't put him away. Hawking Ripper found some energy. From these XWF fans here in Ohio!! Just pulling for him in the end!! They wanted to see the upset, and he dug deep. He pulled it out of nowhere if you ask me!!

What an endinG! What a win for Hawking Ripper!!! He is our new Xtreme Champion!!!!

Hawking Ripper rolls out of the ring with his brand new Xtreme Title, and Stephen Blood has a personal conversation with "Chief Luke". As Hawking Ripper sprints to the top of the ramp to show his buddies Apocalyptica his new gold Xtreme Title belt!!! They celebrate with him, and the fans seem overly excited for this one! Stephen Blood can't seem to gather himself in the ring.

Match Grade: A-, Match Duration: 22 minutes, and 14 seconds, Match Result: Hawking Ripper via pinfall.

Hawking Ripper continues celebrating, and the people in Youngstown, Ohio seem very satisfied with the ending of this 3-hour special addition of Showdown! only on HBO After Dark. As some fans head for the exit, and a lot of people stick around to show their support for Hawking Ripper!! Various signs are being held up for the new Xtreme Champion such as: "We believe in YOU!", "Puzzle already SOLVED", and simply "Hawking Ripper #1 fan". The 2 commentators are ringside send us off the air here tonight in Youngstown, Ohio.

Thanks for all the people coming out here in the birthplace of the XWF!! Thanks for joining us for this 3-hour special addition of Showdown! ... we have crowned a new Xtreme Champion ... after Hawking Ripper pushes his feet up on turnbuckle, and rolls up on Blood who had him in a sleeperhold. Getting the 1, 2, 3!! He pulls off one of the biggest upsets in XWF history ladies, and gentlemen!!!

What an upset it was. It was one for the record books J.R.! Mark it down. This was the greatest, most historic Showdown! of all time ... ever!!



With that said .. I'm Jim Ross, he's Jerry "The King" Lawler.. we want to thank the people of HBO, and HBO After Dark for making this possible ... and thank you folks for tuning in once again!! We've got a very special broadcast coming up in a little over a week. We will be moving to Sunday on HBO at 7 PM! We will bring you a special Cyber Sunday Event!! Tune in then .. thank you all very much! GOODNIGHT everybody!!

The scene fades out on Stephen Blood holding his head in the ring, and Hawking Ripper raising his new Xtreme Title high in the air!! As Showdown! goes off the air .. ..


Cyber Sunday Event - 11/20/2011 - "End of Days" - from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - only on HBO! -

Alexis Diamond vs. Ashton Storm - What kind of match? Bra & Panties match, Mud Wrestling, or Pillow Fight???

The Ray vs. Xavier Star - What kind of match? Last Man Standing match, Arm Wrestling, or Submissions match???

Mike Dimter vs. Josh Davis - #1 Contender for the Xtreme Title

Ryan Ryder vs. The Dark Stranger - What kind of match? Pink Slip on a Pole match, Cage match, or Strap match???

XWF Tag Team Championship BATTLE ROYALE:

XWF Tag Team Champions - "Skeletons of Society" (William Knighthawk & Tyroneus Del Rio) vs. Wreckin' Crew vs. "The Dog Pound" vs. Jason Blade & Mike Blade vs. Terry Angle & Dante Stevenson vs. Yarmouth Blade & The Hellion - XWF Tag Team Titles on the line! -- If you are eliminated- your partner must exit the ring as well!! "6 teams, only 1 will walk out the XWF Tag Team Champions .."

Main Event -

Xtreme Champion - Hawking Ripper vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - What kind of match? 2 out of 3 falls, Falls Count Anywhere, or Hell in a Cell??? - Xtreme Title on the line!!

(This is the official card, and we will update this section on the main website this weekend) "CYBER SUNDAY EVENT" - (11/20/2011 on HBO!)

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XWF Showdown ROLEPLAY BOARD (Deadline November 9th - November 19th at MIDNIGHT!!!)