XWF established 1998.

--------------- "SEASON BEATINGS" -- Montreal Quebec, Canada - 12/25/2011 - CHRISTMAS DAY!!!

We open to a video package for the upcoming event "Season Beatings", and take a look back at the last month worth of build up. We then cut to an outside look at the soldout Olympic stadium in Montreal Quebec, Canada.

We then cut inside the stadium where the fans are going crazy!!! It is the last pay per view of the 2011 season for the XWF, and these fans are jam packed inside to see a hometown hero defend his Xtreme Title in the main event. There's pyros going off everywhere!!! The crowd is holding up various signs: "Hawking RiPp-era", "The Ray's the best!", "Bring back TV_MA!!", "They can't see behind me!", "Mike Dimter sucks", "Women Wrestling = COOL", and "THE DOG POUND Show". The camera then pans over to Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler sitting at ringside ready to commentate this next event!

Jim Ross: Welcome everyone .. to "SEASON BEATINGS"!!! We have a full house here tonight in Canada, and the people are riled up!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: You're telling me J.R.!! Quite the turnout here tonight .. I seen the people throwing snowballs at each other earlier in the parking lot.. these people are definitely HYPED up for tonight's show!

It's going to be a helluva pay per view! We have the announcement of Adkins' next opponent for our January 22nd, 2012 pay per view.. "Total Annihilation".... .. we also got the Xtreme Title up for grabs in a Ladder Match involving 3 men. The Xtreme Champ, Hawking Ripper.. defends against the last 2 men he's defeated .. Mike Dimter, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton ... he's beeen successful over them before. But, this time the stipulations are a little different . ..

Yeah, Hawking Ripper doesn't even have to be pinned in this to lose. In fact he could lose to either one of these men, and all they had to do was climb a ladder to get there.

Well, Ripper's been through a lot this year! He overcame all the odds, and I don't see a reason he can't continue that success here tonight!

It's going to be a hell of a time for him! Also, we've got the Tag Belts on the line! When The Dog Pound squares off against the Wreckin' Crew.. we've got Ryan Ryder versus The Dark Stranger .. in what should be a hellacious battle. Not to mention.. my favorite match of all...... 4 women.... in a SANTA'S LITTLE HELPER match!! Can you believe it J.R.??!

I knew that would make you excited. We've got a lot of other action on the way as well .. including The Ray taking on Xavier Star yet again! Will his fate be the same? Or will the monster finally get his hands around The Ray's neck?? That's all coming up on tonight's pay per view!! It's CHRISTMAS DAY .. welcome to "SEASON BEATINGS"!!!

A few more pyros, and fireworks go off. A video package to hype the event is shown, and the crowd is on their feet!! Everyone is growing restless for this last pay per view of 2011. We cut backstage where Bob Levy is standing by with The Hellion to conduct an interview.

Bob Levy: I'm standing by here with The Hellion. Now, Hellion when you signed a contract with this XWF this year .. did you think it would be as difficult as it was??

The Hellion: You know something Bob? You really prepare for something. You come out thinking you know what it's going to take. You feel deep down inside that you got what it takes to make some noise here! But, it just was a little more difficult than I thought, yes . .

So, with that said. Rumors have it your contract expires at the end of the year? Is this the last we seen of The Hellion??

Well guys. What can I say? It's been a hell of a run. But, this will indeed be my last match. Win or lose.

Suddenly his opponent for the opening bout Hayden Truesdale walks up, and cuts him off a bit.

Hayden Truesdale: Hey. Hellion. Don't be so dramatic about it. It's just wrestling after all. I'll see you out there . ..

Hayden Truesdale walks away, and The Hellion looks disturbed by his comments.


We cut to a limo arriving in the garage. It pulls up, and parks right in front of the camera man. No one knows who's inside yet as we cut back to ringside for our 1st match of the night.

Hayden Truesdale vs. The Hellion - Standard rules -

Hayden Truesdale is introduced is introduced first, and he gets a mixed reaction from this XWF crowd. He is wearing a trenchcoat, and has a dark look to him. As Danielle Worley introduces The Hellion next, and he comes out to also somewhat of a decent reaction from these people in Montreal Quebec, Canada. He makes his way down the ring for the last time, and slides right in the ring. He gets face to face with Hayden Truesdale, and the referee Jake Evans calls for the bell. DING DING!

Well, in one corner you've got Hayden Truesdale a promising young rookie, and on the other side.. you've got The Hellion competiting in his last XWF match ever!

Why? Why's that?? I liked the Hellion!

Beats me.

This match gets off to a quick start with Hayden Truesdale locking up with The Hellion, and giving him a nice Armdrag to the canvas!! He wears back on The Hellion's arm, and almost forces him to tap out. The Hellion rolls out of it, and both men get back to their feet. Hayden Truesdale quickly kicks him in the guts however, and executes a nice Craddle Piledriver!! He doesn't go for the pin. Instead Hayden Truesdale plays to the crowd, and Canada goes wild for him for some reason!!!! He eats it up a moment, and then goes back to work on The Hellion. He backs him up in the corner, and irishwhips him across the ring. The Hellion's back smashes the turnbuckle, and Hayden Truesdale rushes in deliverying a DROPKICK out of nowhere!! The Hellion gets blasted with that move, and falls to his ass in the corner.

Nice dropkick!

Hayden Truesdale backs up, and rushes in with a hard BOOT to the chops of The Hellion!! The crowd marks out for that one, and The Hellion looks dazed. Hayden Truesdale picks The Hellion off the ground, and Hellion goes to scratch his eyes!! Hellion blinds Truesdale momentarily, and goes for a Clothesline. But, Hayden Truesdale ducks it fast, and when The Hellion turns around Truesdale catches him with a boot to the stomach!! Then he hits him with a Snap DDT!! The XWF fans actually marks out for that move, and Hayden Truesdale looks to go to pin him at first, and then rolls off of him instead. He sizes The Hellion up as he starts getting off the ground that's when Truesdale kicks him in the gut, and then delivers the Fall of the 4 Horseman!!!

What a devestating Crucifix Powerbomb!!!

He calls that the Fall of the 4 Horesman! Golly!!

The crowd marks out for that move as well, and Hayden Truesdale makes the cover for the 1, 2, 3!!!

Hayden Truesdale wins with his finisher!

Nice move by Hayden Truesdale! He's going to be a special one in 2012 .. skies the limit!

Hayden Truesdale celebrates his first major pay per view victory in front of this crowd in the Olympic Stadium, and they receive him pretty well!! People are also clapping for The Hellion as he slowly starts to get to his knees. Hayden Truesdale hops off the top turnbuckle, and looks over at Hellion. He then goes to shake The Hellion's hand, and The Hellion simply shoves him away!! The crowd gives The Hellion a little bit of heat as he heads out of the ring, and goes to hit the showers. Meanwhile Hayden Truesdale looks offended but just shakes it off.

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 1 minutes, and 45 seconds, Match Result: Hayden Truesdale via pinfall.

We cut to that limo, and Mike Dimter steps out. The group known as Genesis follows behind him. As they enter the arena to BOOs from the crowd in Montreal Quebec, Canada.


Jon Hampton, and Corey Farmer are backstage in front of the cameras ready to cut a promo.

"The Ultimate One" Jon Hampton: God it feels good to be starring in another pay per view!!

Corey Farmer: Well, that's right Jon. We are back in buisness! The XWF has been missing our presence for quite some time, and I know we fill that void in their hearts. As long as Mr. Lucente keeps filling the void in our pockets!

Yeah! .. What?

Yeah! Mr. Lucente better keep the money consistent... or he's going to have a problem on his hands. And tonight-- tonight .. Jason Blade, and Mike Blade got a problem on their heads!! Lets go Jon . ..

Now that's how you do it! That's how you cut a hell of a promo! And this time. THIS TIME. We will win this one, and be the new #1 contenders. Because, THIS TIME we want a crack at the gold this time!

Farmer has already walked away, and Hampton follows after him. We cut to ringside where Jason Blade & Mike Blade are already set in the ring. The crowd is giving them some heat here tonight at "Season Beatings".

Jason Blade & Mike Blade vs. Jon Hampton & Corey Farmer - Standard rules -

The Blades are ready to do battle in this tag team contest, and Danielle Worley announces their opponents. The crowd errupts in a choros of BOOs for Hampton, and Farmer!! Though a couple marks are in Canada tonight! So, as they make their way out they got the intention of everyone. They step in the ring, and referee Amari Scottsdale breaks down the rules. He then calls for the bell! DING DING!

Here we go. Should be a good tag team contest.

Mike Blade tells Jason that he is going to start it off. Meanwhile, Corey Farmer convinces Jon Hampton let him start it off. Both tag teams feeling each other out early on here. As Farmer, and Mike Blade circle each other in the ring! Mike Blade goes to lock up, and forces Corey Farmer in to the corner. But, Farmer hits the brakes, and ducks behind Mike Blade. He lifts him off the ground barely, and slams Mike Blade to the ground!! Farmer mounts Mike Blade, and tries to put him in a Cobra Clutch. But, Mike Blade rolls out of it, and counters that move. They both lock up quickly in the center of the ring again!

You know I haven't got a feel of Mike Blade, and Jason Blade yet J.R.

Yeah, me neither. Meanwhile, it's Hampton, and Farmer trying to revive their careers here in the tag team division ... voted in to our Cyber Sunday "End of Days" event back in November... they were the Mystery Tag Team that returned to the XWF, and now they're here!

Hah. Yeah, and they've been here ever since.

Corey Farmer puts Mike Blade in a sideheadlock, and Blade pushes him off towards the ropes. Farmer bounces back, and knocks Mike Blade down with a shoulder. Farmer tags in Hampton real quick, and then rushes over PUNCHING Jason Blade in the face!! That hard shot knocks Jason Blade off the outside apron, and the referee orders Corey Farmer back to his corner. But, Farmer points over to Jason Blade who is trying to step in between the ropes now. Jason Blade wants revenge, and Amari Scottsdale is holding him back. Jason Blade is distracting the referee because he is trying to get in the ring after Farmer just struck him. Meanwhile it's Jon Hampton who low blows Mike Blade from behind, and Corey Farmer knees Mike Blade in the face- setting him up to be rolled over in a school boy pin. The referee is done with Jason Blade, and turns to make the count. As Corey Farmer runs over, and pulls Jason Blade off the outside apron. The referee makes the count, and Hampton got the pin still locked in. 1, 2, 3!!


You sure Hampton didn't have a handful of his trunks??

He possibly could have. But, the referee didn't see it .. welp, it's Hampton, and Farmer scoring their first victory here in 2011. Quite a win for them.

Jon Hampton, and Corey Farmer celebrate up the ramp. While Jason Blade is left to clean up the pieces in the ring.

Match Duration: 58 seconds, Match Grade: D, Match Result: Hampton & Farmer by pinfall.

Backstage Mike Dimter, and Xavier Star look disappointed at what they just saw. Mike Dimter turns to Xavier Star, and looks him over a second.

Mike Dimter: Hey! Now go out there, and win.

Xavier Star nods, and walks away. That's when the VERY FIRST LADY of XWF Wrestling Ashton Storm shows up, and stands by Mike Dimter's side.

Ashton Storm: What's the matter?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Mike Dimter frustratingly looks on at the monitors backstage, and awaits the next matchup between Xavier Star vs. The Ray.


"TOTAL ANNIHILATION" is teased from Los Angeles, California in the STAPLES CENTER. January 22nd, 2012 . ..

The 1st pay per view of the XWF's 2012 "End of the World" tour ..... featuring "TV_MA" Mark Adkins defending his XWF World Heavyweight Championship ..... .

Also, the Xtreme Title, and Tag Team Belts will be on the line!!!

Rumors even have it ... that a Women's Tournament will be held to decide the new, and first XWF Women's Champion of the modern day era.

.... ... IT'S COMING .... are you ready!?!?!!

Xavier Star vs. The Ray - No DQ, No Countout -

We go back to ringside for the next match on the card.

Danielle Worley: The following is an Xtreme Rules match scheduled for one fall!

"This Fire Burns" from Killswitch Engage plays over the PA system as Xavier Star makes his way down the eisle.

Coming down the eisle from Houston, Texas. Weighing in at 295 pounds. Xavier Star!

Xavier Star enters the ring as the music cuts out. "Radio" by Matt White hits the speakers as The Ray makes his way out.

And his opponent weighing in tonight at..

Before Worley can continue, Xavier Star runs down and goes for a clothesline. The referee calls for the bell.

Apparently Star does not want to wait any longer!

The Ray ducks under and backdrops Xavier Star onto the floor.


The Ray covers Xavier Star and hooks the leg. One... Two... Kickout.

The Ray almost got the quickest win ever there!

Star should have known better then running down the eisle like that. He left himself wide open.

The Ray picks up Xavier Star and tosses him back into the ring. Star cuts him off hitting him in the back as he rolled back in. Xavier Star sets him up for a suplex.

Star trying to use his power advantage here.

The Ray flips over and lands on his feet.

The Ray countered the suplex!

The Ray goes for a Skull Crushing Finale but Xavier Star elbows out of it. Xavier Star calls for a big boot and runs towards the ropes. Star hits the ropes and runs right into a Rough Rider!

Rough Rider by The Ray!!!

The Ray covers Xavier Star and hooks the leg. 1..... 2..... 3!!!

The Ray picks up the victory!!!

The winner of this match, The Ray!!!

Oh great!

After the match The Ray doesn't even bother to celebrate. Though half the arena is split on this decision here in Montreal Quebec, Canada. It's The Ray who rolls out of the ring, and walks right up to the commentator's table. He faces Jerry "The King" Lawler, and begins to taunt him once again.

The Ray: Hey! How's it feel Jerry? How's the arm feel King? Huh?! I'm asking you .. how the burnt arm feels?

Jerry Lawler looks furious as Jim Ross tries to calm him down.

Don't do it King. Don't stoop to his level. Come on now.

But, suddenly Jerry Lawler reaches for, and tosses hot cocoa in The Ray's face!!


My gawd! My goodness! King, are you alright? My god. What was that all about?? Was that your hot chocolate??! KING!? Are you listening to me?!?

Jim Ross is trying to shake The King out of it. But, Jerry Lawler just watches on as The Ray squirms on the ground a moment. His eyes nearly blinded by that scolding hot cocoa, and now he is rolling around the outside mat in obvious pain. Eventually it's The Ray who is taken away by EMT's who wrap his eyes in some sort of gauge, and roll him back on a stretcher.

KING?!? King!? What was THAT about?!?

He got what was coming to him!

I thought it was over between you two. Is that? Is that revenge from him burning your arm a few weeks back ...??!

Lawler exposes the burnt arm.

This has nothing to do with it!

His arm is scarred up in 3rd degree burns.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 39 seconds, Match Result: The Ray via pinfall.

Backstage Alexis Diamond is trying to cut an interview, and Kelsey Marxx walks up to confront her.

Alexis Diamond: Hey!! Can't you see I'm conducting an interview here?? What is your problem?? Huh? You jealous is that it? You jealous like the rest of these girls?? Well, take a back seat.. whoever you are... because, I know I'm the prettiest, and the meanest Santa's Little Helper here tonight! And I'm going to prove it out there tonight.. in that ring .... so, you .. you need to back down!

They are about to start clawing away at each other in their santa's little helper outfits. But, then the always reliable Rachael Manning shows up, and tries to defuse the situation.

Rachael Manning: Girls. Girls. Lets save it for the ring. Please.

Alexis Diamond gets in her face, and scoffs at her.

Rachael. You're pathetic.

That's all she says and walks away. Now it's Kelsey Marxx not taking too kindly to Rachael Manning budding it.

Kelsey Marxx: Listen here Rachael Manning. I'm warning you! I don't care if you're with the Dog Pound. You better mind your own buisness! Or next time ... you won't have a chance to make it to the ring .. .

You can hear the crowd in the arena go "OHHHH!!" As they hoot in holler inside the Olympic Stadium preparing for the next Santa's Little Helper's match.

Ashton Storm vs. Alexis Diamond vs. Rachael Manning vs. Kelsey Marxx - Santa's Little Helpers match -

This is an interesting match to say the least. Maybe the most interesting match of the night as all 4 women are announced to the crowd. Ashton Storm comes out first, and she gets a decent ovation! Mixed reactions mostly. Alexis Diamond gets lots of cheers it seems like! People appear to be backing her as the #1 female superstar. She almost gets in to it with Ashton Storm off the bat. The referee Shawn Green has to seperate them. Rachael Manning comes out next, and the fans try to support her! There looks to be a lot of Dog Pound fans barking for her!! They got a "Woof! Woof!" chant going, and she loves it as she makes her way down that eisle. Up next Danielle Worley announces Kelsey Marxx, and she gets the most BOO's of the night so far!! Some reason the Canadian fans marking out, and letting her hear a ton of heat right now!! She doesn't like it, and yells back at the crowd as she makes her way towards the ring. She gets in the ring, and all 4 women dressed in different Santa's Little Helper outfits.

What's wrong King? You seem tense? Usually enjoying this type of thing??! Women in skimpy outfits.. there you go King .... say something about puppies like you do .. .

I don't want to talk right now. I'm heated.

You still heated??

Oh! I'm heated!

Good! We got a match to call! 4 beautiful women who can wrestle, and ready to showcase their talents in front of the world here... on the last pay per view of the 2011 year .... what a year it's been .... and "Season Beatings" already shaping up to be quite the Christmas spectacular!! Don't forget we got "NEW YEARS BASH" coming up January 1st .. that's New Year's Day we take a look back at 2011, and the year that was ... with 7 awards to pass out as well!! So tune in with Mitch Keller's LIVE! New Year's Bash ...

The referee Shawn Green instructs all the women, and calls for the bell. DING DING!

But, this match is underway, and we got 4 women sizing each other up here ...

Ashton Storm goes for Alexis Diamond, and they start battling it out right away on the ropes. As Kelsey Marxx, and Rachael Manning both lock up. Marxx grabs Manning by her hair, and whips her around the ring. Manning smacks the canvas, and rolls to the outside apron. Kelsey Marxx approaches her, and kicks her in the gut. She pulls Manning thru the ropes, and let her feet dangle on the 2nd rope. She holds Ranning Manning up, and Kelsey Marxx plants her with that vicious DDT!!

First one to score a pinfall. Wins here tonight!

Just then Kelsey Marxx goes for a pin, and out of nowhere Ashton Storm rushes over to break it up before the count of 2! Suddenly, Alexis Diamond sneaks up on Ashton Storm as she's getting back to her feet, and rolls her over for the 1, 2, but no! Kelsey Marxx breaks that up!! Kelsey grabs Ashton Storm by the hair now, and plants her with some fall out X-Factor!! She goes to pin her, and Ashton Storm rolls out of it. Alexis Diamond walks up for the Face Cut (Chick Kick) on Ashton Storm but she ducks, and Kelsey Marxx gets drilled with it instead!! Diamond can't believe it, and suddenly Ashton Storm rolls her up for the 1, 2, no!! Rachael Manning just bails her out, and drops an Ax Handle Smash on the back of Storm's head. Manning then goes for a pin of her own. 1, 2, kick out!!

Almost a cover there!! What's wrong with you King? You're normally more in to these type of matches.. especially ... with 4 gorgeous women involved.

I'm just out of it J.R.

Kelsey Marxx staggers in the corner, and Alexis Diamond rushes in for a Body Splash! But, Marxx moves out the way, and Diamond catches a face full of turnbuckle. Marxx rolls Diamond up from behind, and gets the 1, 2, no!! Storm breaks it up!! Manning then clobbers Storm from behind again!! She works Ashton Storm over in the corner, and the crowd seems to be pulling more for Rachael Manning!!! She gives Storm a hard chop. "Woooo!!" She then slaps her across the face, and the crowd cheers! Manning grabs Storm by the hair, and rushes forward planting her with a beautiful Bulldog!!! She goes for the pinfall, and gets the 1, 2, but not again!! Kelsey Marxx breaks up that count, and starts stomping away at Rachael Manning!! Alexis Diamond comes up, and kicks Marxx in the back of her knee!! Kelsey Marxx collapses to the canvas, and that's when Alexis Diamond sees her moment. She begins to set her up for "Royal Mutilation" (a Samoan Drop Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)!! But, as she's doing that it's Ashton Storm who reverses an armbar on Rachael Manning, and drops her with the ASO (Ace Crusher)!!!

Both women hit devestating finishers!! Who will be the first to score the pinfall???

It'sAlexis Diamond who hit her finisher, and goes for a pin over Kelsey Marxx!! However, it was Ashton Storm who hits her finisher first, and that's the one referee Shawn Green counts for. As Ashton Storm gets the 1, 2, 3 over Rachael Manning! The referee awards Storm the winner of this match!! And the fans begin to boo as she rolls out of the ring as fast as she can. Alexis Diamond at first thought she might have won, and then she hears Ashton Storm's theme music playing. She's confused, and she's pissed!! She demands a mic, and Diamond gets on the mic in front of this large soldout crowd in The Olympic Stadium in Montreal Quebece, Canada.

I don't know how! I don't know how I'm going to do it!! I don't know how! But, I will settle the score with them all in 2012 .. I will be the first XWF Women's Champion in nearly 10 years!!!!

She throws the mic to the ground, and exits the ring on her own. As Kelsey Marxx, and Rachael Manning slowly recover from a hard faught Santa's Little Helper matchup.

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 4 minutes, and 11 seconds, Match Result: Ashton Storm via pinfall.

Backstage Yarmouth Blade is talking with his friend The Hellion, and says he thinks he "might just walk away from the XWF too." The Hellion urges him not to quit, that "one day your destiny is to be the XWF World Champion. Trust me! Don't give up."


Backstage Josh Davis says he's "had enough." He "didn't even want to compete here tonight." He "wanted the holidays off to visit some sick relatives.. but, since Mr. Lucente doesn't have a heart. This is why this match is happening! Tonight, I'll do what I have to do ... but, don't mean I got to like it .. .. "

Yarmouth Blade looked unsure about this matchup at first, and now Josh Davis is having second thoughts. What is going to happen as both men make their way out towards that squared-circle???

"The Savior" Josh Davis vs. Yarmouth Blade - Standard rules -

Josh Davis is announced by Danielle Worley first, and he doesn't get received well here in Canada where they hardly know him. He doesn't care, and simply blows the fans off! He hops around in the ring, and awaits his opponent. Danielle Worley announces Yarmouth Blade next, and he comes out to a poor reaction to say the least!! Both men taking flack here tonight from the XWF fans who seemed more excited about that last women's match then this contest. The referee is Jake Evans, and he calls for the bell!! DING DING!

Well, you got 2 men not so sure about themselves here in the XWF. What do you think King? You still with me here tonight??

Yes. I am, and I just want to apologize. I had a lot on my mind regarding that ... that 'situation' you just saw out here moments ago. But, I'm over it now! I feel like a fool.. since it's the holidays.. it's Christmas, and afterall.... I .. well, I just lost my temper.. that's all ...

Hey, The Ray has giving a lot of people problems. Including yourself! So, I do not blame you for doing what you felt you needed to do to protect yourself.. The Ray will be feeling that burn thru the new year.. I can promise you that ...

Well, I hope it woke him up!

As Yarmouth Blade locks up with Josh Davis, and works him back in to the ropes. He gets an inside Forearm in the throat of Josh Davis!! He works him over, and the crowd is boo'ing both men it appears!! Yarmouth Blade gives Josh Davis a Hip Toss to the canvas, and locks on with a Sleeperhold from behind!! He wears Josh Davis down on the mat, and then backs up to his feet. He backs up against the ropes, and rushes in to drop a knee on Davis' head. But, Josh Davis moves out the way just in time! He kicks Yarmouth Blade in the gut, and goes for a Gutwrench Powerbomb. But, Yarmouth Blade is too big, and strong for that. Yarmouth fights out of it, and clobbers Davis across the skull with his big palm!

Hard open right hand!

They're like Bear Claws!!

The kind that might go with some coffee.. or hot cocoa??

Hahaha. 'Something' like that J.R.

Yarmouth Blade tries to beat down on Josh Davis. But, out of nowhere Davis hits him with a Spinning Heel Kick to the face!!

Wait! What's this!!?

Suddenly, the man known as The Maniac Wilson with a full leather brown mask, and matching outfit runs down the ramp!! He slides in the ring, and this man in a leather hannibal lecter mask begins attacking both men!!!!

Who is this?!?

I believe that's the man known as The Maniac Wilson! I don't know a lot about him. Strange fella. Appears to have some unique skills, and planned to restore some order here in the XWF in 2012!! I thought he wasn't debuting til then .. I don't know what he's doing out here!!

The referee Jake Evans isn't exactly sure what to do, and calls for the bell! This match ends in a DQ as he Spear Tackles "The Savior" Josh Davis, and begins pummeling on him!!! The XWF fans in Canada not sure how to take all this! Lot of them rooting him on!! He then goes after Yarmouth Blade who tries to fight back at first, and goes to swing on this crazy man. But, The Maniac Wilson instead gives him a nasty Codebreaker out of nowhere!! He rolls out of the ring on his own, and sizes Josh Davis up who slid to the outside as well. But, Josh Davis wants no part of him, and hops over the guardrill disappearing through the crowd. This man known as The Maniac Wilson goes over to Danielle Worley, and gets on the mic to say a few things.

The countout ends in a few days .. the END OF THE WORLD is coming for some of you .. very soon!!! THE end is near. The END is here. ....

Some fans begin boo'ing! As others laugh, and actually cheer the strange man on!! He exits the ring to some dark music, and this match ends in a double DQ.

Match Grade: F, Match Duration: 1 minute, and 2 seconds, Match Result: Double-Disqualification.

Backstage we have the Wreckin' Crew standing by with Flo Stanley.

Flip Johnson: So you want to know how me and Brute feel about tonight's Tag Team Title match? Well, to be quite honest with you Flo we're tired of The Dog Pound as tag champs already. Pains us to even have to say it. But, soon that will all change!!

Flip Johnson, and "Brute" walk away.


The Dog Pound is standing by with Bob Levy, and all their gold.

Dustin Holt: Well it feels damn good to be the XWF Tag Team Champions! Damn good! And if they don't like that? If the Wreckin' Crew can't respect that ... well, Too Damn Bad.

Aaron Wilson: Deal With It!

They say their famous catchphrase, and promise a victory here tonight on CHRISTMAS DAY!! As The Dog Pound heads out to defend their Tag Team Belts.


"TV_MA" is teased to be defending his XWF World Title at "Total Annihilation" ... it is the first pay per view of the new year, and airs January 22nd, 2012 .. .....

The Dog Pound (TTC) vs. Wreckin' Crew - XWF Tag Team Championship -

Danielle Worley announces the challengers first, and out comes the Wreckin' Crew to a strong ovation from the fans in Canada! They come out to the crowd roaring for them as they make their way down the eisle. Flip Johnson, and Brutality already appear to be talking over strategy as they approach the ring. Their theme music dies down as they pose in the ring for all the fans!! The Dog Pound is introduced next by Danille Worley.

And their opponents... the XWF Tag Team Champions ..... the DOG POUND!!!!!

Here comes the Dog Pound to some barking fans!! They get by far the biggest pop of the night so far, and they feed off the crowd's energy as they make their way out. Dustin Holt, and Aaron Wilson both look motivated tonight. They slide in the ring with their gold around their waists, and after posing on the turnbuckles they hand their belts over to referee Amari Scottsdale. The crowd is a buzz for the first time tonight, and they're not really sure who's going to come out this victorious. Both teams charge face-to-face. All 4 men only seperated by Amari Scottsdale raising the Tag Team Belts high in the air for the world to see!!

This is going to be a splendid contest. Between 2 of the best tag teams the XWF has seen in recent years... if you ask me... they're the best 2 Tag Teams in the XWF today! No doubt about it. This going to be a good ol' fashioned --

Say it J.R.

Slobberknocker!! I'll say it, "slobberknocker". How bout that??

Sounds good J.R. Ready to see it! The Dog Pound versus The Wreckin' Crew! Very cool if you ask me. Definitely a great way to end this year ...

Both teams decide who to start off. Brutality decides to go first, and so Aaron Wilson thinks he'll have more luck with him. The referee calls for the bell. DING DING! This match begins, and Wilson does his best trying to make a move on Brutality first. But, Brutality raises his arm in the air, and wants Wilson to try him in a measure of strength. However, as soon as Wilson goes to lock up he is about to go, and kick Brutality in the side. Instead it's Brute who twists Wilson's arm back behind his head, and Wilson screams out in pain!! Brutality quickly turns it in to a deadly Armbar, and Wilson tries to twist out of it. He counters by flipping thru it, and standing back to his own 2. Aaron Wilson then turns the move on Brutality, and goes to lock him up in a submission hold. But, Brutality fights back with his power, and simply uses his leverage to SLAM Wilson back-first on the canvas!! Wilson's head slams the back of the mat, and bounces right off it!!

Nasty hit!

Brutality backs up on the ropes, and goes for a Big Boot. But, Aaron Wilson ducks it, and turns it in to an Inside Craddle for the 1, 2, kick out!! Brutality breaks out of it, and looks furious. The crowd is on their feet, and they are buzzing right now in the Olympic Stadium. As they eye each other from across the ring. Wilson rushes in for an Enziguri. But, Brutality ducks the kick, and grabs hold of Aaron Wilson's leg. He goes for an Ankle Lock submission!!!! The crowd POPS momentarily as Aaron Wilson scratches, and claws for the ropes!

Could this be it? Will the tag champs tap out here??!? Ahh!

But, Aaron Wilson rolls out of it, and crawls fast for the tag! He manages to tag in his partner Dustin Holt, and Holt just hops right in the ring ready to go! Brutality looks over at him, and smiles. He looks at Flip, and sees if he wants in. Flip shakes his head no, and tells him to go ahead! So, Brutality rushes in for an inside knee shot on Dustin Holt. But, Holt uses the ropes as leverage to leap up, and drill Brute with a hard kick to the temple seemingly out of nowhere!! That hard spinning kick knocks Brutality to his knees, and Dustin Holt begins working him over with hard shots!! Dustin Holt lays in to Brutality, and backs up to the ropes. He rushes in, and Dropkicks Brutality in the chest knocking him face-down on the canvas. Dustin Holt isn't done there, and does a makeshift Lionsault to plant his knees across Brutality's back! Brutality screams out in pain as Dustin Holt rolls him over, and gets the 1, 2, kick out!! Dustin Holt goes in for the cover again. 1, 2, kick out!!

Going to be a lot harder to take Brutality out quite frankly! The Wreckin' Crew is one of the baddest group of individuals I ever seen!

They're just 2 damn guys. But, they take care of buisness. The Dog Pound with the upperhand now however.

They are the defending Tag Team Champions, and they are going to put up a fight that's for sure!

Dustin Holt drags Brutality over by the arm, and tags in Aaron Wilson. They are trying to set up a double-team move. But, Brutality instead pulls Dustin Holt in, and clotheslines him down hard to the ground! Aaron Wilson tries to Springboard in to the ring now, and Brutality catches him in mid-air! He then turns, and executes a wicked Running Powerslam!!! He puts Aaron Wilson down, and makes the cover. 1, 2, no! Dustin Holt breaks it up with a stomp to the back of the head. Referee Amari Sscottsdale urges Dustin Holt back to the outside, and Flip Johnson enters the ring now all heated!! So the referee rushes over to him, and prevents him from getting involved in the action. Now the Dog Pound ceases their moment, and Dustin Holt sneaks back in the ring hitting a Zig Zag on Brutality!! Holt quickly rolls out of the ring, and Wilson covers Brutality up for the 1, 2, kick out!!!

Nice kick out!

The fans are estatic!! What a crazy sequence of events! The Dog Pound back in control. But, Brute remains alive in this one!

Flip Johnson is on fire, and begins calling for the Hot Tag. He starts waving the fans on, and stomping around the outside apron!!! He tries work the crowd up in to a frenzy, and it's partially working. Dustin Holt tries to rile up some people near him in the front row, and they start getting behind the Dog Pound now as well! This crowd seems split down the middle as Brutality crawls for the tag, and Wilson puts the boots right to him!!! Wilson drags Brutality over to his corner, and tags in Holt! That's when Holt steps between the ropes, and with help from his teammate exposing his ribs-- he lays a HARD kick right in to his rib cage!!

Such a hard shot!

Brutality buckles, and falls to the ground. Dustin Holt backs him in to the corner, and delivers a chop. "Woooo!!" Another chop, "Woooooo!" You could see the red marks across the beast's chest, and he gives him a 3rd chop! "WoooOOOOoo!!!" The crowd marks out for that as Holt goes to irish whip Brutality across the ring, and then hits the brakes pulling Brutality back in for a hard knee to the stomach. Brutality nearly does a fullflip over that hard knee shot from Dustin Holt!! The crowd is cheering for this match, and Holt goes back over to tag in Wilson! You see Dustin Holt laughing, and raising his arms in victory on the outside apron!! He's clapping his hands high up in the air for everyone to see. He is mocking the Wreckin' Crew, and Flip Johnson's lack of effort on the opposite side of the ring. It's Brutality who is staggering to his feet. But, it's Aaron Wilson celebrating a little bit too early himself. He sizes up "Brute" on the mat, and waits for him to get to his feet. He goes in to grab him by the head, and maybe pull him in for an Underhook DDT. However, it's Brutality who blocks it, and escapes that maneuver. He grabs Aaron Wilson by the throat, and the referee counts him off. But, Brutality lifts him up, and plants him with a hard Chokeslam!! The crowd POPS for that one, and he looks to make the cover.

Can he get there?? ... 1... 2.. NO! Kick out by Aaron Wilson!!

Another close cover, and Brutality gave all he got on that one. Taking a beating over in the Dog Pound's corner tonight .. .

It's been tough hard faught battle. But, Brutality crawling for the tag now. ..

Brutality slowly crawls over to Flip Johnson, and the crowd wants to see the tag made!! They are excited for the Wreckin' Crew to switch the momentum up. But, Aaron Wilson grabs him by the ankle. The fans are on their feet, and rooting both teams on!!! It's a crazy atmosphere in here tonight for "Season Beatings", and Brutality kicks his way out of the hold. He leaps forward, and tags in Flip Johnson!! The crowd erupts, and he ducks right in to the ring! He drills Aaron Wilson with a Back Elbow shot to the face, and Wilson falls to a knee. Dustin Holt comes in the ring out of nowhere, and Flip Johnson gives him a nice Hip Toss!! Aaron Wilson tries grabbing hold of Flip Johnson, and instead Johnson manages to reverse it tossing Wilson over the top ropes to the outside!!

Chaos J.R.!! Utter Chaos!!

Flip Johnson flicks Dustin Holt off as he starts getting off the canvas, and he kicks him in the gut. He gives him the Lights Out!!!

Flip Johnson drops Dustin Holt with that stone cold stunner!!!

But, he's not the legal man, and so Flip Johnson begins rolling him to the outside apron. He starts kicking him down by the bottom rope as Aaron Wilson slides back in behind him. Wilson goes for a hard punch on Flip Johnson, but it's blocked! Flip fires back with 5 hard shots, and kicks Wilson in the gut!! He then hits him with the Lights Out!!!!

Flip Johnson drops Aaron Wilson with his finisher!! And he IS the legal man!! Is this it? Are we about to have new Tag Team Champions!?!?

Flip hooks the leg in the center of the ring, and gets the 1, 2, no!! Dustin Holt breaks the count up, and starts stomping away at Flip Johnson. You see Brutality looking to get in the ring. But, the referee Amari Scottsdale orders Holt out the ring, and warns Brute he will be Disqualifed if he gets involved! The fans are loving this tag team action, and Dustin Holt is trying to get the fans completely on his side!! But the people in Montreal Quebec, Canada seem torn!! It's Aaron Wilson who is close enough to reach for a quick tag. Dustin Holt enters the ring, and Flip Johnson ducks the immediate clothesline. Flip kicks him in the gut, and flips Dustin Holt off again!! This time Holt sees the gesture, and manages to reverse the Lights Out finisher in to an Atomic Drop!! Flip Johnson bounces forward, and Aaron Wilson punches him from the outside apron! He hits him hard in the nose, and Brutality is fuming now!!!! He tries to get in the ring but the referee calms him down.

Both teams with a lot at stake! You can feel it!!

Flip Johnson gets to a knee, and tries to recover as Dustin Holt goes for his finisher known as the Prone Row (a Rear Naked Choke)!! But, Flip manages to get himself out of that, and roll to his own 2 feet. He rushes at Holt, and gets him with the Lou Thesz Press!!! Flip Johnson starts throwing rappid punches at Dustin Holt!!!! The crowd is stirring as Brutality hops off the apron, and goes around the outside of the ring towards Aaron Wilson. That's when Wilson hops down off the apron, and begins to battle with Brutality on the outside!!! The fans up front are loving this stuff!! As Flip Johnson sees what is going on, and loses his concentration a moment by glaring over the ropes at his tag team partner duking it out! He then turns, and gets caught up in with Dustin Holt who trips Flip Johnson up in to his finisher "The 352" (Wheelbarrow Dragon Suplex Pin), for the clean 1, 2, 3!!!

I'll be damned.

What a sick match! What a sick ending J.R. I really didn't want that match to end. But tonight it was just the Dog Pound's time!!

They retain the Tag Team Belts all thanks to the smart thinking of Dustin Holt. He takes advantage of a situation when he sees one, and tonight he capitalizes on a great victory for his tag team!!

Oh, I'm excited for them! I'm excited for the rest of the night!! I mean, what a big win for our Tag Team Champions! That was there first real pay per view title defense, and they handled themselves well. Looking forward to Ryan Ryder versus The Dark Stranger up next!! Falls Count Anywhere. Looking forward to finding out who Mark Adkins next opponent will be. That's happening later tonight!!!

Yep. We'll find out who goes on to main event Total Annihilation for the XWF World Heavyweight Championship. But, tonight... we still have the Xtreme Title up for grabs!! Literally "UP FOR GRABS" in an Xtreme Title Ladder Match!! But, not just any kind of ladder match.. a TRIPLE THREAT Ladder Match!! A lot at stake for 3 men who have laid it on the line this year ...

3 men who could argue that they deserve to be Rookie of the Year.

Indeed. But as The Dog Pound celebrates up the ramp with their music playing in the background here!! You can feel the level of excitement in the air!! Buisness bout to pick up here King. ..

I think so J.R.

The Wreckin' Crew is figuring out just what happend as the Dog Pound taunts them with the Tag Belts held high above their heads at the top of the ramp!!! The XWF diehard fans here in Canada are loving every bit of this!!! They wanted to see great tag team action, and they did here tonight.

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 10 minutes, and 4 seconds, Match Result: The Dog Pound via pinfall.

Ryan Ryder backstage with Mitch Keller, and looks pumped for the evening!!

Ryan Ryder: Mitch you want to know what I feel about tonight's matchup against The Dark Stranger?? Well, it's not going to be your ordinary match!! Nobody would want to get involved in this one ... nobody would want to spoil this feud... let alone see what either one of us has to offer! Because trust me .. as much as I hate him.. The Dark Stranger is a monster!! But, I have just the anecdote for him. I have the answer for him right here!! When I hit him with the Forces of Nature, and lay him out for good!! Last time I was just toying with him. Tonight I am in sync, and ready for this big Christmas showdown!!

Ryan Ryder blows passed Mitch Keller, and goes to take his spot in the Gorilla Position.


The Dark Stranger is shown with Lady Gaga, and Heather Black backstage.

The Dark Stranger: Tonight ladies. I am going out to that ring to end Ryder's life!! I am going to take the man's head off, and mount it on my wall!! Everybody already knows it... but, Ryan Ryder... YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!!!

He yells at the camera nearby, and then puts both the ladies underneath his arms. He heads out to face Ryan Ryder in a Falls Count Anywhere match.


Tune in on NEW YEARS DAY on HBO! That's when the XWF gives out all the awards, and takes a look back at the year that was 2011. XWF Fans .. you won't want to miss it!! Don't forget XWF presents: "NEW YEARS BASH" on January 1st, 2012 ... only on HBO.

Ryan Ryder vs. The Dark Stranger - Falls Count Anywhere -

Ryan Ryder is introduced first by Danielle Worley, and he receives a decent reaction from the people in Canada. He makes his way down the eisle, and poses for a couple fans. He claps some hands, and enters the ring up the steel steps. Danielle Worley announces The Dark Stranger next, and a bizarre theme song begins playing over the loud speakers. The light are dimmed down low as The Dark Stranger walks out with his girlfriend Heather Black, and his #1 fan Lady Gaga.

Well, looks like The Dark Stranger wants to give the ladies a first hand look here tonight ...

Maybe not the best idea for them to be out here, and see this. Both these men hate each other! It's going to get bad J.R. You can guarantee that!

The referee is Shawn Green, and he calls for the bell. DING DING!! The Dark Stranger points out at Heather Black, and Lady Gaga yelling something to them!! He then turns to face Ryan Ryder, and charges with a Big Boot. But, Ryder ducks that attempt, and spins The Dark Stranger around. He begins hammering in to his skull! Shot after shot!! Ryan Ryder punches on The Dark Stranger, and the crowd gets behind him. But, one stiff UPPERCUT from The Dark Stranger, and Ryder is put on his keester.

The Dark Stranger's not going to take it easy on him ..

And the last time these 2 did battle it was in a Strap Match .. this time... Falls Count Anywhere.. much different!!

Sure is ..

The Dark Stranger lifts Ryan Ryder off the ground by his throat! He holds his hand around his neck, and looks Ryan Ryder in the eyes. But, Ryder rakes Dark Stranger's eyes, and puts a boot to his shin! He then hits him with a hard Inside Forearm shot! Followed by going for an Irish Whip. But, Dark Stranger hits the brakes, and pulls Ryan Ryder back in. This time he DRILLS him with that massive Boot to the skull!! The Dark Stranger then covers Ryder up, and gets the 1, 2, kick out! Fans totaly on Ryder's side, and The Dark Stranger looks angry as they boo him. He picks Ryan Ryder up off the ground, and then plants him with a gnarly Back Breaker in the center of the ring!! The Dark Stranger gets to his feet, and then starts stomping away on Ryan Ryder!! The crowd giving him lots of heat as he makes his way over to the corner. The Dark Stranger mounts the top turnbuckle, and waits for Ryan Ryder to get off the ground. Soon as he does The Dark Stranger flies thru the sky with a brilliant Top Rope Larriat!!

He nearly takes Ryan Ryder's head off as he makes the pin now... 1... 2... no!! Ryan Ryder stays alive by kicking out of that one!

The Dark Stranger looks mad, and rolls off of Ryder. But, he decides to pick him up by the head, and dump him over the top rope. Ryan Ryder spills to the outside, and The Dark Stranger goes out after him. The referee urges him to get it back in the ring but he follows them out regardless. The Dark Stranger waits for Ryan Ryder to get up, and uppercuts him hard! Ryder falls back in to the barricade, and Dark Stranger comes in whacking him with a BIG BOOT to the face!! Ryan Ryder nearly goes backwards over that barricade wall. But, manages to just fall to a knee, and The Dark Stranger doesn't stop there. He grabs Ryder by the arm, and swings him back-first in to the steel steps!!! The steps break apart, and the crowd gives him massive amount of heat now!!!!

The fans not on his side. That's for sure.

The Dark Stranger then drops to his knees, and tells the referee Shawn Green to make the count. 1, 2, kick out!! The Dark Stranger tells the referee he needs to count faster. The Dark Stranger picks Ryan Ryder up to his feet, and goes to swing him in to the outside post. But, Ryder reverses it, and The Dark Stranger's face bounces off the outside steel post instead!!! Heather Black, and Lady Gaga look concerned for their man. They are very upset at Ryan Ryder right now, and are cursing him out!! Ryan Ryder tries to recover on the outside, and eventually just rolls in to the ring on his own. Heather Black, and Lady Gaga encourage The Dark Stranger not to give up!! They tell him to get back in there!! So, The Dark Stranger shakes it all off, and heads in the ring. Ryan Ryder begins stomping away at him, and tries to keep him down!!! Ryder then goes for a Full Nelson. But, Dark Stranger fights out of it, and gives Ryder a Hiptoss!! Dark Stranger goes to the ropes, and comes back for a Big Leg Drop!! But, Ryan Ryder rolls out the way, and Dark Stranger misses with that one!!

He catches nothing but a stiff canvas!! As Ryan Ryder tries to outsmart his old tag team partner. ..

The Dark Stranger crawls for the corner as Ryder uses the ropes to pull himself up. Ryan Ryder charges in, and Splashes him in the corner!! Ryder starts firing right hands at him, and then backs up a few feet. Ryder goes to rush in for a Bodysplash again! But, Dark Stranger sticks a foot up in his grill!! Ryder goes bouncing back, and is laid out on the mat. As The Dark Stranger rushes over, and covers him up for the 1, 2, foot on the rope!! The referee points out his foot, and Dark Stranger is pissed!!!

It's Falls Count Anywhere... he can avoid that if he wants!

The Dark Stranger then ends up Clotheslining him over the top rope!! Ryan Ryder spills to the outside, and he gets taunted by Dark Stranger's girlfriend. But, Dark Stranger waste no time. He hops to the outside, and begins pounding on Ryder's back!! He goes to swing him in to the outside barricade. But, Ryder reverses it, and The Dark Stranger's head smacks off the outside post again!! Ryan Ryder then rolls Dark Stranger back in the ring. Ryan Ryder sizes him up. He picks him off the ground, and goes for the Force of Nature!!!

He drills him with that Cross Rhodes move, and The Dark Stranger looks laid out!!

But before Ryan Ryder can get the pinfall. It's Lady Gaga who distracts the ref Shawn Green, as Heather Black places The Dark Stranger's foot on the rope, and points it out!!! Ryan Ryder doesn't even get an official count, and he's left to argue with the ref a moment. Ryan Ryder then has to deal with Heather Black on the apron, and Lady Gaga also yelling at him. He turns around, and walks right in a BIG BOOT. It's the Dark Stranger who tosses him to the outside of the ring. Ryan Ryder starts heading up the ramp, and The Dark Stranger gives chase! Ryan Ryder turns, and tries to fire a few shots in there-- but, Dark Stranger drills him with a sickening uppercut!! The Dark Stranger then drags him to the top of the ramp, and without hesitiation he gives him "The Darkness" off the ramp!!

My gawd! The Dark Stranger just Chokeslammed him off the damn ramp, and through that table below!!!

That was incredible J.R.!! I didn't see that coming. I thought he might .. but, out of nowhere he sends Ryan Ryder down thru that rubble with his finisher "The Darkness"!!

The Dark Stranger finds a way to hop down off the ramp, and over to where Ryan Ryder's helpless body is laying. He calls the referee over, and Shawn Green makes the count on him. 1, 2, 3!!! The Dark Stranger has won this devilish Falls Count Anywhere match!

He had Ryan Ryder on the ropes the whole time, and walks away the victor!

Heather Black, and Lady Gaga rushes up to see The Dark Stranger!! They hug him, congradulate him, and celebrate with him in front of all these Canadian fans who are boo'ing the heck out of him!!! The Dark Stranger laughs it all off, and gives the XWF crowd an evil smirk. He heads towards the backstage area, and EMTs rush out to check on the injured Ryan Ryder.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 8 minutes, and 21 seconds, Match Result: The Dark Stranger via pinfall.

Backstage we have Bob Levy discussing with Mitch Keller, and Flo Stanley the possibilities for Total Annihilation, the end of the night, and also the award show coming up. ..

Bob Levy: You know I'm not sure what to expect at Annihilation. But, that it's going to be the main event of a life time!! That I can promise.

Mitch Keller: Listen tonight is going to be blockbuster as well! Triple Threat LADDER MATCH!! Who knows who is going to win?

Flo Stanley: Mitch you're so lucky you get to host the award show .. NEW YEARS BASH.

Hey that's what makes me the lead guy . ...

I don't care. My vote for superstar of the year HAS to be "TV_MA" Mark Adkins. I mean he became a 2-time XWF World Champ. He beat everyone they put in his way!

We'll see about that . ..

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton walks up with Gigantis, and they try to intimidate them.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton: Don't forget the MOMENT of the year.. when the S.O.S. beat him down! When the S.O.S. single-handedly .. with my help, and the help of this monster beside me ... we destroyed the champion, and the number one contender! For that we deserve a lifetime achivement award. But, I'll settle for one of your crappy awards this year instead..

Don't be so sure about that. But, good luck....

"Goodluck"? Did you really just say that? I'm insulted! And I want to remind you 3 of something ... that none of you would have a job if it wasn't for me selling out arenas worldwide!! You remember that ... and you remember.. that "I MEAN BUISNESS!!!"

Cliff Saxton taps the huge 7'5'' Gigantis on the shoulder, and walks down the hallway with him.


We return to as the crowd focuses their attention to the XWF Tron. Mr. Lucente is standing by in his personal office backstage.

Mr. Lucente: Is this thing on?

The camera turns towards the owner of the XWF. Mr Lucente is in a wheelchair and is wearing a neck brace due to the Bullet Bomb he received from Carlos Shotgun on the last episode of Showdown. The boss does not appear to be in a really good mood tonight.

Mr Lucente was injured at the hands of Carlos Shotgun who is not in the arena tonight.

Can you imagine what would go down if Shotgun was here tonight??

I'm not going take too long here because honestly I cannot stand being on camera in this sort of condition. At the same time there is business that needs to be taken care of!

Mr Lucente clutches his neck in pain.

I didn't want to do this.

What is the boss talking about?


Mr. Lucente takes a deep breath.

At the next Pay Per View, Mark Adkins will be defending his World Heavyweight Title against ... Carlos Shotgun!

The crowd gives a loud pop on that announcement.

So it's official!

Now I know after what happened on Showdown that it might not come as a huge suprise. What people need to realize however was that Carlos Shotgun was NOT the original opponent for Mark Adkins... But after what Shotgun did to me? Plans change. You see .. Some people might look and ask .. Why are you giving Carlos Shotgun another championship title match? Afterall .. Mark Adkins has pretty much ruined Shotgun's entire life! Well that's exactly what I have in mind! This is not to the benefit of Carlos Shotgun. This is punishment! This is .. (audio cut off) ..

There appears to be some technical difficulties here.

The XWF Tron turns to static before the screen fades to black. It cuts back over a few moments later.

Okay it appears to be working now.

A caption on the screen reads, "The following is brought to you in High Definition..."

Carlos Shotgun: Miss me?

The video clears up to a shot of Carlos Shotgun who is standing by in what remains of the Beer Domain. The crowd pops again.

It's the Elite Savior!

Shotgun is completely dressed in black with sunglasses covering his eyes. An unlit cigarette hangs from his lip as he stands completely motionless with an expressionless look on his face.

At Showdown, I had two thoughts running through my head. One was to allow the future to form right before my very eyes.

Shotgun lights the cigarette and looks back towards the camera.

Two was to Bullet Bomb Michael Lucente and show Mark Adkins that the story is not over.

Shotgun takes his sunglasses off and looks at the camera again.

Don't take what I did to heart Mike. I had no other choice. This situation between Adkins and myself is not business, it's personal. I knew this would be the only way. Adkins, what do you do to stop a man who has nothing left to lose? At Annihilation you will be begging god for mercy because I will not have any. Thank you very much.

The screen cuts out.

When they cut back on Mr. Lucente is in shock, he yells for the camera man to CUT!! To cut, and go to ringside for the main event damnit!!

Main Event -

Hawking Ripper (XC) vs. Mike Dimter vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - Xtreme Championship - Triple Threat - LADDER MATCH -

Mike Dimter is announced first, and the crowd boos him. He gets in the ring, and eyes the Xtreme Title hanging above the rafters. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is introduced next! When he comes out the crowd gives him lots of heat, and he talks trash back to the fans as he makes his way out. Hawking Ripper is announced next, and the people go absolutely bizerk for him!!

And their opponent.. the Xtreme Champion... HAWKING RIPPER!!!!!

They raise the roof in the Olympic Stadium near the hometown of Hawking Ripper!! The people in Canada love him, and support him tonight in the main event. He has a microphone in his hand.

Hawking Ripper: I am a FIGHTING Champion. I am the PEOPLE'S KING OF XTREME and mostly importantly I'm the current XTREME CHAMPION. So, there's no need to worry .. because, as I already know ... as these people here in Montreal Quebec already suspect . ..... . those 2 men ... are a PUZZLE .. I already SOLVED!!!"

The crowd cheers along with him as Hawking Ripper makes his way out to the ring, and the crowd is completely on his side in this main event here tonight.

The hometown boy Hawking Ripper receiving a lot of cheers here tonight.

And look at that ladder set up in the ring.. you've got another one outside here at ringside set up.. these 3 men are ready to go.

Who will walk out Xtreme Champion?

The referee Jake Evans instructs the guys about what is about to take place, and calls for the bell. DING DING! Immediately Mike Dimter tries to climb up the ladder. But, Cliff Saxton pulls him down, and tries to start climbing. However, Ripper pulls them both away from the ladder, and grabbing their heads he CLUNKS them together!!!

Ouch! That'll wake ya up!

The crowd cheers for him as Ripper starts putting the boots to Mike Dimter, and when he goes to grab Cliff Saxton he is instead thrown out the ring by Saxton!! Now, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton quickly kicks Mike Dimter in the gut, and sets him up for a deadly Samoan Drop!!! He lays Mike Dimter out with that move, and points for the Xtreme Title hanging above him! But, the crowd begins to BOO him as he begins to make his climb up the ladder. However, the crowd begins to cheer as Hawking Ripper rolls back in the ring, and pulls Saxton down by his feet. Cliff Saxton's face hits every rung on the way down, and then to make matters worse it's Ripper who sets him up for an old school Razor's Edge!!! He drops Cliff Saxton hard to the mat, and the crowd pops for him! Hawking Ripper rises to his feet, and the crowd is on the edge of their seat as he makes his climb for the belt. But, Mike Dimter suddenly grabs his foot out of nowhere. Hawking Ripper tries desperately to kick him off!

Hawking Ripper trying to capture that belt!

He's trying to remain the undefeated Xtreme Champion. He's already beat both these men before... taking them out with Submission Holds!!

He's going to have to shake him off, and make his move to the top when he gets his chance!

You don't want to leave this 2 men hanging around.. that's for sure King ..

Hawking Ripper gets pulled down by Mike Dimter. But, it's Ripper who headbutts him with that large bucket head. He then stomps on Dimter's foot, and plants him with a modern DDT! The people in Canada mark out for it!! They pop for Ripper as he hops to his feet, and signals he's going for the Xtreme Title again. But, then Cliff Saxton turns him around, and starts firing shots at him!! Saxton irish whips Hawking Ripper to the ropes, and drills him with a Spinning Heel Kick of some sort! He knocks Ripper down, and Saxton sees his chance to make the climb. But, notices Mike Dimter coming for him. So, Saxton punches Dimter in the gut, and does a Running Scissorskick to the back of Dimter!! The crowd gives Saxton heat for that one as he rolls out of the ring, and grabs the other ladder. He folds it up, and goes to slide it in the ring. But, Hawking Ripper notices him, and rushes over- kicking the ladder with both feet-- right in to Cliff Saxton's face!!!

Now, that's "Dangerous" J.R. ...

Hawking Ripper then turns, and grabs the ladder in the ring. He folds it up, and sets it in the corner. Mike Dimter charges at him, and Ripper just throws him face-first in to the steel ladder!! Mike Dimter's face smashes off the ladder, and he bounces back around the ring!! Hawking Ripper starts stomping away at him, and then at the last second notices that "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton has mounted the top turnbuckle. Before he can think it's Cliff Saxton flying thru the air with a great looking Crossbody!! He lays Hawking Ripper out, and then rolls right off of him. Saxton goes, and picks the one ladder off the ground that he slid in. He sets it up right, and begins making his climb to the top. He almost gets there, and gets a finger tip on it. But, Ripper starts climbing the opposite side. He gets up there, and starts throwing punches at Saxton!!! The crowd really on his side as Hawking Ripper tries to defend his title in this brutal ladder match!!! Hawking Ripper gives Cliff Saxton another hard shot, and he goes stumbling backwards off the ladder. Hawking Ripper looks to grib the Xtreme Title. But, Mike Dimter comes out of nowhere, and tries Dropkicking him in the back!! That causes the ladder to wobble, and knocks Ripper off of it!

Neither man wants to lose this one! It's more than about the Xtreme Title itself.. though that's the prize at stake.. it's all about pride for these men! It's about being the best in this buisness!! You've got 3 extraordinary competitors out there. Who wants it more?!?

Cliff Saxton is first to his feet, and he lifts Mike Dimter up off the ground. He gives him a hard uppercut, and knocks him back in the corner. Saxton then picks Ripper off the ground, and looks to irish whip him in to that corner. But, Ripper hits the brakes, and reverses the move-- sending Saxton back-first in to that ladder he propped up in the corner!! All the people in Montreal Quebec, Canada pop for that one, and Mike Dimter rushes in to attack Hawking Ripper now. But, Ripper sees him, and simply gives him a Hip Toss to the canvas. Cliff Saxton tries to come off that ladder, and go for a Spinning Heel Kick. But, Ripper ducks it, and then leaps up connecting with an awesome Dropkick that knocks Cliff Saxton back in to the ladder again!! The fans laugh, and cheer for the current Xtreme Champion!

Ripper pulling out the moves here tonight!!

It's Hawking Ripper who now goes on the offensive, and delivers a nasty chop to "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton, "WOOOO!" The Canadian fans in full support of Hawking Ripper as he walks over to Mike Dimter now, and picks him up off the ground. He then irish whips him in the same corner as Saxton, and he smashes right in to him!! Ripper peals Dimter off the canvas, and tosses shoulder-first in to the steel post!! Mike Dimter screams out in sheer pain!! As we see Hawking Ripper begin to climb the ladder now. He slowly makes his way to the top, and he's almost got his hand on the belt. But, Saxton grabs the ladder from off the corner, and walks up ramming it in to the back of Ripper!!! It's Hawking Ripper who falls a few feet off that ladder, and smashes the canvas below! The crowd gives Cliff Saxton heat as he lifts the ladder up, and rams it down in to Hawking Ripper's ribs now. He lifts it up, and smashes it down on him again. Cliff Saxton then dumps that ladder over the top rope, and out of the ring. We now see Cliff Saxton turn to go climb the lone ladder by himself. Both his opponents still laid out.

He might do this! He might actually do this!!

All you can hear is BOO's coming from the crowd here in the Olympic Stadium!! The people here would love to see Hawking Ripper walk out still the Xtreme Champion, and no other scenario would make them happy! They are giving Saxton plenty of heat as he makes his climb up the ladder. He reaches for the belt, and he looks to may have got it. But, then Ripper stands up, and kicks the ladder-- enough for it to start to tip, and Saxton has to bail off of it!! Saxton jumps to the canvas below, and lands pretty hard! The ladder remains leaned up on the ropes, and Hawking Ripper walks over to it. He sits it back up straight, and gets is set underneath the Xtreme Title. He goes to attack Cliff Saxton but it's Mike Dimter who jumps on his back out of nowhere, and begins choking him out with an ugly looking Sleeperhold!! He is all over his face, and has his legs wrapped around his waist. Mike Dimter refuses to let go, and Ripper looks like he is about to collapse. Instead it's Ripper who reaches his arm back, and grabs the back of Dimter's head. He then leans forward, and whips Dimter over his head SLAMMING down on to the canvas!!!

Now that's going to leave a mark J.R.

Fans cheer for Hawking Ripper as he looks around the ring, and then decides to go for "The Puzzle" on Cliff Saxton! The people really start to mark out in Canada now as he goes for his finishing submission hold. He's got it locked in tight now on Saxton, and he can not escape it!! Cliff Saxton begins pounding his palms on the mat, and tapping out rapidly!!!! But, Hawking Ripper doesn't have to release the hold, and he doesn't. Instead he sees Mike Dimter starting to stir, and he walks over planting a hard boot to his shoulder blade! He then goes to lift Mike Dimter off the ground, and go for a giant Suplex. But, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton comes in out of nowhere, and kicks Ripper in the lower back. That forces Ripper to release the hold on Dimter, and Saxton spins him around before connecting with a terrific Swinging Neckbreaker!!! He completely changes the momentum of this match, and the crowd hates him for it!!!

No "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton supporters in the house tonight! You won't find them anywhere. ..

What about the rest of the world? Canada isn't the only people that hate Saxton now are they??

I doubt that very much.

Cliff Saxton then walks over to the ladder, and folds it back up. He decides he is going to use it as a weapon. So, soon as Hawking Ripper starts using the ropes to pull himself to his feet- he turns around-- only to get BLASTED by the ladder across the face!!! Cliff Saxton tattoos him across that large bucket head of his, and Ripper spills over the top rope to the outside. The fans in Canada are starting to worry that Ripper's place in history might not be so safe! Cliff Saxton then sets the ladder back up, and he looks to be going up top to snatch the Xtreme Title. However, he notices Mike Dimter approaching the ladder, and so he hops down to face him! Dimter starts throwing punches, and Saxton throws some back. Dimter blocks a punch, and hits him with a hard headbutt! But, Saxton fires back with 2 solid right hands, and a nice uppercut! He then grabs him by the back of the head, and tosses Mike Dimter out of the ring.

Taking the action to the outside now!

So those 2 men begin fighting each other on the outside. Dimter tries to hold his own. But, Cliff Saxton pounds him down on the outside!! He pummels his back, and gives him a swift knee across the face!! He levels him with that shot, and then signals for his finisher. The crowd is giving him hell as he sets Mike Dimter up on the outside, and then Saxton hits him with an incredible Killswitch on the outside mat! The fans are boo'ing as Saxton smiles to himself, and rolls in the ring. He thinks this is his moment! This is his chance to become the Xtreme Champion. He ceases his opportunity, and goes for the gold. But, Hawking Ripper is stirring on the outside right now, and is trying to lift himself up on the apron. The fans are rooting the home guy on!! But, it looks like Saxton is getting closer, and closer. He is mere inches awau from snatching the Xtreme Title!! Just then it's Hawking Ripper who sneaks in the ring, and shoves the ladder so that it tips again to the side. Only this time Cliff Saxton can't bail out, and instead he goes tipping with the ladder. .. falling all the way to the outside mat!!

My gawd! My gawd! He just fell about 20 feet to the outside!!

That did not look good for Saxton ..

Cliff Saxton looks done for, and Mike Dimter is still knocked out. The entire Olympic Stadium in Montreal Quebec, Canada with over 79,000 people jammed back inside.. they all rise to their feet!!! They all begin to cheer him on, and start an early celebration! It almost seems to good to be true as Hawking Ripper makes his ascension to the top of the ladder, and his Xtreme Title is just dangling above his head. Hawking Ripper reaches up for it, and the fans seem real excited!! They are extremely pleased as he takes the Xtreme Title off the hook, and he pulls it down with him!!!

Hawking Ripper has won it!!! Hawking Ripper has won it!!!

The place is livid!!!!! You can barely hear yourself think in this place!!! Hawking Ripper has just come, and conquered the main event of the last pay per view of 2011. He came in with the Xtreme Title, and he is leaving with it around his waist! He begins celebrating on all 4 corners!!! He shows his Xtreme Championship gold off to everyone in the stadium!! Hawking Ripper poses with it in the center of the ring. He even mounts the ladder that helped him win it, and he shows his belt off high in the air to all the people!!!! Canada is loving their Xtreme Champ, and he is living it up!!!!

What a grear match! What an extraordinary contest! 3 men giving it their all. In the end it was the champion Hawking Ripper who was too much for them! He retains his Xtreme Title, and will start off the new year.. as still the Xtreme Champion!!! Congratulations to Ripper!!

Yeah, he really works hard, and he really deserves it. I can go the rest of my life without hearing another christmas carol rendition from him... but, Ripper proved to be a great champion here in 2011. He ends the year.. he ends CHRISTMAS NIGHT as the Xtreme Champion still, and that has got to make his dreams come true!! To win it HERE. To win it in his HOMETOWN! Congrats to Ripper!!

Hawking Ripper continues to celebrate as his theme music jams throughout the arena, and confetti falls down on him.

Match Grade: B, Match Duration: 17 minutes, and 39 seconds, Match Result: Hawking Ripper retaining Xtreme Title.

Afterwards it's Cliff Saxton who tries to pounce on the Xtreme Champion. But, Ripper fights out of it and puts him in The Puzzle!! The crowd goes craazzy!! Then it's Dimter who tries to break it up. But, Ripper dumps him on his butt, and turns him over for The Puzzle as well ... Hawking Ripper lets go on his own, and faces Cliff Saxton down. As Saxton rolls back out of the ring, and heads towards the locker room. While Mike Dimter tries to recover on the canvas now. It's Hawking Ripper who celebrates with all his estactic fans!!! The scene fades to black on the current Xtreme Champion holding his title above his head!

HERE IS THE NEXT CARD coming up. The DEADLINE is December 30th - January 9th at MIDNIGHT (eastern standard time) ... you can begin roleplaying NOW!!! Here is the official Showdown! roleplay board to do that at ... .


Showdown! (January 10th) - The first Showdown! of the new year from Denver, Colorado!!!

Nick Rude vs. The Maniac Wilson

Hayden Truesdale vs. Yarmouth Blade

Alexis Diamond vs. Kelsey Marxx

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton vs. "The Savior" Josh Davis - Xtreme Rules

Ryan Ryder vs. The Ray - Xtreme Rules

(TTC) The Dog Pound & Rachael Manning vs. Mike Dimter & Xavier Star & Ashton Storm - 3-on-3 match

Wreckin Crew vs. Jon Hampton & Corey Farmer - #1 Contender's Match

Main Event -

(XC) Hawking Ripper vs. The Dark Stranger - Xtreme Title match

DON'T FORGET TO TUNE IN on January 1st, 2012 ... for "NEW YEARS BASH".. the official XWF Award Show, and look back at 2011 .. .. ..

.... the "END OF THE WORLD" tour begins ....

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XWF Roleplaying Board- (DEADLINE December 30th - January 9th at MIDNIGHT!)

XWF established in 1998.