XWFED - Your EFED Wrestling Fix since 1998

Wednesday Night Massacre Ep 33 Results

January 19th, 2017

"Last time on Massacre..."

>>> This Flashback brings us back to the main event of "Massacre 32"...

Manic: The XWF Undisputed Title is on the line...

Chico: Can Mastro pull it out for the XWF?

--- We are shown back and fourth action, a couple of near falls and then finally. ---

Adkins starts to get up as Mastro catches him with a Spinning Heel Kick out of nowhere and Adkins gets sent through the ropes to the outside. Mastro goes over to the ropes, reaches through to grab him but Adkins clocks him with the XWF Undisputed Championship belt that was laying on the outside. The referee immediately calls for the bell.

Manic: What's this?

BJL: It's over. I told you. I told you he'd do it. Adkins is still going on to XtremeMania.

The referee goes check on Mastro and declare him the winner.

Worley: The winner of this match, by Disqualification, Robert Mastro!

The fans can't believe it.

Worley: But still the XWF Undisputed Champion, "TV MA" Mark Adkins! The boos pour in as Mastro shoves the referee away and tries to go for Adkins but Adkins ducks out of the ring with the belt and hugs on it tightly as he starts to walk away.


Mr. Lucente and Lars come out on stage.

Lucente: Lars! Lars! Get that belt from Adkins damn it.

The fans pop for Lucente as he barks orders from the top of the ramp.


Lars starts walking towards the ring as Lucente continues yelling.

Lucente: Hand it back to the official. This match isn't going to end that way! Hell no. Adkins, we're going to have a real winner here tonight. This match is being restarted... under Xtreme Rules!

The crowd pops like mad.

BJL: Did he say "restarted"?

Lucente: Ring that bell!

Mastro starts working Adkins in the corner right away as the referee listens to the Owner's instructions and calls for the match to restart.


* ding ding ding *

Mastro starts hammering away on Adkins in the corner and headbutts him hard, sending Adkins down to the mat. Mastro backs up and goes in for a Rolling Senton that connects. The fans pop as he drags him from the corner. Mastro looks down at the injured Adkins but has something else in mind as he signals for his finisher and goes to lift him up for the RM Piledriver. When suddenly, soon as he starts lifting him off the mat, Lars crawls in the ring and low blows Mastro from behind. The crowd is stunned. Lucente is watching from the top of the ramp when this happens and his eyes are wide. He can't believe what just took place.

Chico: Wha-- what?

Manic: Not this way!

Mastro falls to the mat, holding his balls when Adkins grabs him by the head and simply plants him with a devastating "End on 5" in the center of the ring.

Lucente: No! No! No damnit! Don't let him do it. Don't count that pin!

But it's too late, the referee counts the one, two, three and Adkins is declared the winner.

BJL: And STILL the XWF Undisputed Champion!

Manic: Yeah, all thanks to President, Lars Douglas.

Chico: That dirty, rotten, son of a bitch!

Lucente just stands there at the top of the stage, he's frozen with his jaw dropped and eyes wide open looking down at Lars raising Adkins hand in the ring.

Manic: I can not believe what we just saw.

The fans are giving them heat as they watch on.

Crowd: "Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

Lars gets his hands on a microphone as he lets the crowd continue to boo the crap out of them.

Lars: Lucente!

Fans pour in more heat as Adkins nods at everything Lars is saying, belt pressed against his sweaty chest.

Lars: I got in your ear. I told you what you wanted to hear Lucente and you bought it... hook, line and sinker.

Fans give them heat and you overhear Adkins says "it's true" before he leans in and grabs the mic a second to say it to the crowd.

Lars: There you have it. Ladies and gentlemen. The XWF was taken from the inside, we ripped it's guts out... we ripped it's heart out.... Mark here, he injected a little virus that is setting in on you all, individually, right now.

Lucente still looks frozen, barely moving on the top of the stage as he listens to everything.

Lars: The XWF is dying. It's dying Lucente. And you let it.....

Lucente looks around at the audience, unsure what to think at this moment as the fans boo some more before breaking out in a supportive chant.

Crowd: "XWF! XWF! XWF! XWF! XWF! XWF!"

Lars: The XWF you love. The XWF you grew up with. The XWF you were all just chanting for... DIES.... DIES... at the hands of THIS man...

He points at Adkins who smiles and gives a "Four Horseman" symbol with his fingers before standing at attention and saluting the camera with his belt dangling at his side, in his other hand.

Lars: It will die at MY hands!

Lars looks up at Lucente, almost kind of surprised.

Lars: What? What Lucente? Nothing? No?... Not even a thank you? ...... What you have to say for yourself?

The fans are on the edge of their seat, heat still being directed at the XWF Undisputed Champion, Adkins and the now defunct President, Lars Douglas. They both stare up at Lucente and all eyes are on him as he slowly raises the microphone up and looks them both over.

Lucente: You got me....... you won....

The fans start booing louder as Lucente lowers his head a second and then snaps it back up.

Lucente: For now.

Lars: "For now"? Oh "for now"? No, Adkins is going on to XtremeMania 10, weather you like it or not... Dark Stranger is your last hope. Good luck with that one pal.

Lucente: That's where your dead wrong. Because I'm a Lucente. Because I helped build the XWF with my blood, sweat and tears! Because the XWF will never die on my watch..... you might have won this little battle, but you didn't win the war... there's always a Plan B.... and in your case, possibly a Plan C, D, EFed, all the way to X! Because no way you're walking out of "XtremeMania 10" with that belt. No chance in hell Adkins. And Lars, you should know better....

Lucente drops the microphone

- End of the Flashback from the last episode of "Massacre" -



We cut to the opening video package.


"Massacre 33" then opens in a darkened Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri with a chorus of boos from the fans who are shown Mark Adkins under a spotlight, with a leather jacket, a black t-shirt that reads "Suckers" underneath and the XWF Undisputed Championship belt slung over his shoulder. He lets them continue to put heat on him as he milks the first few seconds of the show.

Adkins: You all see that right? You all saw what took place last week? Lucente's last ditch effort to get the ball out of Stranger's hands. He knows that freak, that awkward, big piece of crap... he's never going to beat me. It's not even a question on anyone's mind if he could pull the upset or not. He won't.

Adkins looks at the crowd in attendance.

Adkins: He doesn't have what it takes... you all chanted he "deserved it" at Xtreme Battle Zone, but he didn't. He didn't deserve to win that thing. He doesn't deserve to be the guy who goes against me at the biggest event of the year. Good thing for him, I no longer care much about these things.... these wrestling events... really quite silly..... you all paid money to be here tonight?

Fans start booing heavily.

Adkins: You should be ashamed. The XWF won't be around much longer anyway, it's like investing in the X F L!! How well that go? The fact that the XWF is still alive is quite the embarrassment.

The Kansas City crowd voices their displeasure for Adkins tonight and give him the full heel treatment, not letting up with the heat.

Adkins: The truth is... it's over. It's already over. Stranger's not going to get the job done at Mania. And Lucente, with all his threats he made at the end of last week's show.... he seems to forget, we got him.

He smiles.

Adkins: We got you Luch. We got you good too. Ha ha haa.

Adkins has a laugh at the XWF Owner's expense.

Adkins: It didn't take long for me to convince Lars that his salary wasn't worth the headache of having to put up with you for another decade..... hell, everything was practically his idea. The referee we bribed at Xtreme Battle Zone with the fast count, all of it... all of it a ploy. We knew you would try something last week. And what happened? It was time for Lars to reveal himself.... you know why? Because the plan is almost complete. Because we've already completed the steps necessary... in order to carry this out to the end. We must see that the XWF be put down at XtremeMania. We must see it all come crashing down on you Lucente! And allll these fannns tooo...

The fans continue to lay it on him.

Crowd: "Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

Adkins: You marks make me sick. I'm the Champion here. I'm the XWF's number one guy, this belt means that... and I don't give a damn about this place... or this belt. Or any of you! So what's that say about alll of you?? Huh?


Adkins: Screw the XWF. Screw Lucente. I told you the virus was injected. I told you all, that it would --

Lucente's theme music hits and the owner makes his way out on the stage to a tremendous pop.

Lucente: You're good. You're good Adkins. You really do talk so damn much. You talk so damn much crazy nonsense, you actually start to believe your own bullshit. It's impressive.

Luch gestures at Adkins in the ring and Adkins bites back.

Adkins: Give it a rest Lucente! No one is buying this. This.. this.. tough guy act. You don't have the balls to do anything about it. We all know that. Instead, you rely on others to do your dirty work. Only this time my friend.... this time.... you have no one. At least, no one capable of helping you get the job done. Now, if you don't mind...

Lucente: Adkins. I don't know who you're trying to convince. But I know deep down, you're scared. You scared of losing that thing.

Adkins: "Scared"? Reality is, no one gives a damn about this thing. About this belt. And truth is, no one gives a damn about XtremeMania 10 or the XWF.

The crowd boos as Lucente is taken back by that statement.

Adkins: The bottom line of the damn thing is... it should die tonight. It should end here.

Mark Adkins cracks a wild smile and he leans over the ropes looking out at Lucente.

Lucente: You would like that wouldn't you?

Adkins: Hell yeah I would. They all would! Right? Come on,... "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Adkins starts doing the Yes chant but the crowd is furiously waving their arms and chanting the complete opposite.

Crowd: "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

Lucente: You think I should go down to that ring and knock Mark the hell out??

Crowd: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Adkins: I'd like to see you try, I really would. But we all know that's not going to happen. You wouldn't be that stupid... and these people are stupid for believing it...

Lucente starts walking down the aisle, stripping his jacket off and tossing it in to the crowd. The people are hype in Kansas City.

Chico: He's not going to really do this is he?

BJL: He'd be suicidal...

Adkins: Don't do it Luch. Don't let these people talk you in to doing something you might regret.

Lucente instead runs in and slides in the ring and Adkins takes a step back as Lucente comes in jawing.

Adkins: Whoa whoa, step back. Relax. Here I'll tell you what Luch. I don't want to have to hurt you today. Just.... let it go man.....

Fans are buzzing as they root on XWF Owner, Mr. Lucente.

Adkins: Let it go..... let it die. Let the XWF die tonight. Nobody wants to be here anymore.

Lucente takes a quick glance around one of the most hyped arenas in recent memory.


Adkins: Don't do it... don't listen to these people Lucente. You lay one hand on me.... I'll..... you know what? On second thought. I'll tell you what. You deserve this. You deserve this moment. If anything, I owe this to you... at least....

Adkins extends his arms, dropping the XWF Undisputed Champion belt to the ground, he temporarily lifts his head back and closes his eyes. And then reaffirms what he is doing here.

Adkins: Now Lucente. Luch? I'm going to give you.... one shot. One... free... shot. At the guy, who took everything you stood for. Everything you loved, you cherished. Everything you refuse to let go. But remember, it's only one free one. After this, it's open season on Lucentes. And I'd take it, I'd take that shot if I were you Luch. You're never going to get this again. Not on XWF TV, not anywhere. And definitely not offered by TV MA himself. This is live. Take your shot big guy.... make it good....

Adkins drops the mic, extends his arms and closes his eyes. He extends his face out, baiting Lucente to just hit him across the face. The fans are chanting "Yes!" and cheering Lucente on. Instead he drops to his knees and he low blows Adkins in the middle of the ring, to the roar of the crowd. Lucente then scrambles for the microphone and looks up at the ramp.

Lucente: Come on! Come on! Come on! Get out here! Get out here! Come on Wallstreet.... come on!

The fans are buzzing, unsure what's going on.

Manic: Did he say Wallstreet? As in Mr. Wallstreet? The guy who beat Lucente last year at XtremeMania 9 and tried to buy his company off him?

BJL: He should've let him, Wallstreet might've turned this place around... but it CAN'T be. It can't be him.

Mr. Wallstreet's theme music hits and the crowd absolutely erupts.

Chico: Guys! You're forgetting one thing... Wallstreet won a contract for an XWF Championship match whenever he wanted it... he's cashing in!!

BJL: No way!!

Wallstreet comes out with a briefcase in hand and he's dragging a referee with him.

Lucente: Hurry up! Hurry up damn it! Get in here. Get your asses in here!

Manic: Leave it to Mr. Lucente, to go out and get the guy who tried to buy the XWF out last year out from under him... to try to cash in and win the title off of Adkins here tonight. Right after his low blow!

Wallstreet slides in the ring and clocks Adkins with the briefcase as he's trying to get to his feet. He is laid out and the fans can't believe what they're seeing.

Wallstreet: I'm cashing this in...

Manic: He is! He is! He's cashing in for his Undisputed Title match.

Chico: Oh my God! I didn't see this coming. Where the hell has Wallstreet even been since last XtremeMania?

BJL: I'm glad he crawled out of whatever rock he was hiding under.... because we might save our jobs!

Wallstreet hands the briefcase to the referee and he informs the time keeper of the instructions as well as the announcer.


CASHING IN! - Impromptu match - Mr. Wallstreet vs XWF Undisputed Champion, Mark Adkins - Due to Wallstreet winning an XWF Title match anytime he wanted at XtremeMania 9 vs Lucente, he is rewarded this XWF Championship match

Worley: Mr. Wallstreet is cashing in on his XWF Championship opportunity!

Chico: Oh my God! This is so out of left field.

Lucente is getting frantic on the outside as Wallstreet stalks Adkins on the mat.

Lucente: Start it. Start it! Start it! Start the damn match, finish him!

*ding ding ding*

Manic: Do not adjust your sets. This is an XWF Impromptu Championship match.

Wallstreet waits for Adkins to get up and goes for the "Stock Market Crash" (RKO) and the crowd is on their feet but Adkins blocks it, shoves him off the ropes and then Adkins connects with a Super Kick. Fans are stirring as Wallstreet staggers to his feet in to Adkins who delivers the "Full Retard" (Dirty Deeds) and he rolls him up for the one, two... and gets the three-count to retain his Title.

Lucente: No! Don't!

Lucente is frozen in time, he can't believe he couldn't stop the referee's count in time or do anything to prevent Wallstreet from blowing this easy opportunity to cash-in and take the XWF Title off of Adkins.

Chico: Wasted opportunity.

Adkins is up and he looks Lucente over, before rolling out of the ring to get a closer look. He grabs his XWF Undisputed Championship off the referee and sits on top of the guard rail a moment.

Manic: Unbelievable.

His theme music plays as he stares at Lucente a moment and then blows him a kiss before exiting through the ruckus crowd. Fans aren't making it easy on him and he just pushes passed everyone and Lucente gets so frustrated he launches a cup full of soda, that he stole out of a lady's hand and it doesn't even come close to hitting Adkins, just drenches a few lucky fans in the first few rows. Lucente is obviously frustrated. He sees Wallstreet in the ring and he enters up the steps slowly, the fans still stirring over that scene.

Winner and Still XWF Undisputed Champion: "TV MA" Mark Adkins

Lucente gets a microphone and hovers over Mr. Wallstreet a moment.

Lucente: You.

Lucente looks him over like he's a dog.

Lucente: You.... you son of a bitch!

Lucente kicks Wallstreet in the ribs as he's getting up.

Lucente: YOU!

He shouts it even louder and then hauls back and kicks him harder in the ribs.

Lucente: You filthy son of a bitch! You miserable bAStard!

He kicks him some more and once more and then slaps his face the best he can from that angle.

Lucente: What are you good for? What are any of you good for, huh? Mr. Wallstreet? You wanted my company? You wanted to buy me out? And now! And now.... now Adkins wants to make sure he puts me out of business for good? He wants to kill me off!? He wants the XWF to DIE!?

Lucente's face gets red as he leans over, yelling at Wallstreet now.

Lucente: He's got another thing coming!

Lucente pulls his leg back and kicks him square in the ribs again, Wallstreet buckles to the mat. As Lucente takes his time leaving the ring, he looks back at Wallstreet one more time.

Lucente: By the way......... Wallstreet....... the stock market just came crashing down!! And you...... you're terminated.

Lucente flips the microphone back and exits through the ropes as his music hits and the crowd is left stunned at how the first Massacre has opened in 2017.


Manic: Wow.

Chico: What did we just witness? I mean. Wallstreet back after a year, tries to take the Title off Adkins hands, solve Lucente's and lets face it... all of our big problem. Instead, this? The XWF was this close to being... well, I'm not sure in better hands. But not in those monster's hands.

Manic: Adkins has left the building. Took the Title with him. Lucente seems to have missed out on a key opportunity, he obviously was setting Adkins up tonight, caught him off guard with a low blow, but Wallstreet just couldn't get it done.

Chico: Are you worried, that Lucente is worried like the rest of us? He's worried that The Dark Stranger can't get the job done at Mania? You think that's it?

BJL: Of course that's it! He trusted Wallstreet more than he trusted damn Stranger, what does that tell you? Lucente has only competed in two matches his whole life, one was against Wallstreet! He hated his guts! Called him out to save the day. Because if Dark Stranger is our answer, we're going down at XtremeMania 10... if not before.


Manic: Well, we'd like to officially welcome you all to "Massacre 33", what a crazy opening to tonight's event!

Chico: I never saw that coming. Lucente calls back up the guy who beat him at last XtremeMania, Mr. Wallstreet, the one who earned a Title shot anytime he wanted. Wallstreet tries to cash in, you kidding me? Genius Lucente.

BJL: Only it didn't work.

Manic: No, it did not. Wallstreet tries to cash in and win the XWF Undisputed Championship here tonight... instead Adkins has escaped, possibly out of the building. Lucente took a swing, but he appeared to miss.

BJL: And a miss big! What a big miss it was! Adkins wasn't expecting something like that. Now he'll be on his toes til XtremeMania.

Manic: I'm sure he will, now let's get to our first scheduled action for tonight... these men have quite the past. It's Mastro versus Blaze!

Chico: What an opening...


Robert Mastro vs "The Wonderful" Blaze Rodriguez

Mastro's music hits and he gets the usual mixed reaction from the crowd. You either hate him or love him these days as he makes his way down, mouthing a few things to the people in first few rows before getting in the ring and leaning over the top rope, continuing to yell something out at the crowd.

Manic: Mastro disappointed the way his last few encounters with Mark Adkins went. He felt he should've been the Champion a lot longer and he feels he was unjustly robbed of the Undisputed strap.

BJL: He was! I wasn't a big fan of Mastro. But I mean, c'mon! Adkins hasn't done a damn thing around here. Hell, anytime Adkins has been Champ, it's been a letdown. This time, no different... even worse... he wants to shut us down now... permanently.

Chico: You don't think we know that?

BJL: No! Nobody gets it. We're out a damn job in a couple months. In a few weeks, this operation shuts down. The XWF was established in 1998. Almost two decades, down the tubes.

Blaze's music hits and out comes the former 2-time Xtreme Champion. He comes out to a pretty nice reaction from most of the Kansas crowd. He flexes a bit on the ramp and goes to put his shades on a lucky fan, but at the last second he pulls away and waves his finger no in the fan's face. The mom freaks out behind the child as Blaze continues on down the aisle.

BJL: What are my weeks going to be like without "The Wonderful" Blaze Rodriguez? He was an important figure in our lives.

Manic: Would you quit talking so negatively. The XWF is still producing "XtremeMania 10" from Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan this year. The XWF has still been one of the most successful brands out there. And Stranger gets his shot, that he earned by the way, over 6 years of hard work, he's 3-1 at XtremeMania and he has a good a shot as anybody.

BJL: Dark Stranger? The same Dark Stranger I'm thinking of?

Chico: Give it a rest, we have a match to call.

Mastro and Blaze have a few words in the center of the ring.


These two former stablemates of "The Resistence" bicker back and fourth before Blaze open palm slaps Mastro across the face.

Crowd: OHHH!

Mastro grasp his face a second and Blaze puts his hands up, pleading with him and Mastro slaps him hard as he can across the face.


Mastro goes for the tackle and takes Blaze down and wrestles around with him before Blaze gets to the ropes and the referee counts Mastro off and Blaze slides out of the ring.

BJL: Veteran instincts.

Blaze talks to someone in the crowd, pointing to his head and then flexing his bicep, asking the fan if they want to touch it. Blaze waves them off and then turns to see Mastro flying at him with a Suicide Dive that rocks him against the barricade. The fans mark out as Mastro rolls Blaze back in the ring and goes up top. He waits for Mastro to get to his feet and then connects with a Battering Ram from the top. He goes over the cover and gets hooks the leg for the one, two and Blaze is able to kick out!

Manic: How many times have these two got it on in an XWF ring? One a former 2-time Xtreme Champ, also held the Tag Titles, that being Blaze Rodriguez. Robert Mastro meanwhile, the former XWF Undisputed Champion. He was in the main event of XtremeMania 9 last year, falling just short.

Chico: Two incredible competitors. Some of the best the XWF has ever seen.

Blaze is in a side headlock and he shoves Mastro to the ropes but takes a shoulder block. Mastro off the ropes and Blaze gets down and Mastro hops him, goes off the ropes and Blaze goes over him with a leap frog and then follows that up with a Dropkick that hits Mastro on the button! The fans cheer as Blaze goes for the cover and Mastro rolls out the ring. Blaze comes out of nowhere with a Springboard Crossbody that takes Mastro down and knocks him in to the commentary table. The referee begins his 10-count but the fans are insistent on chanting "TEN" the whole time. The referee reaches about a 4-count when Blaze rolls Mastro back in. Blaze positions himself for the Flying Forearm and he waits for Mastro to get up but as Blaze goes to Springboard for the Flying Forearm, Mastro punches him in the gut mid-air and Blaze flips down hard to the mat. Mastro quickly goes for a cover and gets the one, two, but Blaze able to kick out before three!

Manic: Great action thus far. This, the opening contest in 2017 here for the XWF. We welcome you all to another year with us. Going on number 19...

Chico: 19 damn years. Some of these kids were still using training wheels when we first opened.

Mastro whips Blaze off the ropes and delivers a big time Clothesline that takes Blaze down. Mastro goes for another cover and a kick out before three. Mastro goes to set up for a Piledriver and Blaze instead delivers a Back Body Drop. Blaze goes for a Springboard Dropkick and connects.

Chico: Taking a page from Jericho's book...

BJL: "Y2Blaze"! Gotta love it!

Blaze goes for the pin and makes the cover. One, two and Mastro kicks out of there.

Blaze sends Mastro off the ropes but Mastro ducks a clothesline and grabs on to Blaze for a Belly to Belly Suplex. Mastro then calls for it and sets up for the RM Piledriver but Blaze fights out of it and goes to whip him in the corner but Mastro reverses it and ends up sending Blaze right in to the referee. They collide and the ref goes down hard a second. Blaze looks at him and tries to get him up and turns in to Mastro who rakes his eyes, kicks him in the gut and then delivers the RM Piledriver in the center of the ring! He makes the cover. The referee crawls over and counts the one, two and Mastro gets the three-count on this one.

Winner by Pinfall: Robert Mastro


Mastro celebrates after the match but he looks like he has some unfinished business as he yells out at the camera and heads straight for the back.


The Wreckin' Crew is backstage with Bob Levy.

Levy: Fellas. You are currently the longest reigning XWF Tag Team Champions in history. On top of that, your 5 title reigns, the most ever to go along with that. Do you feel that you have finally got your due? With this Tag Team Tournament being set up to find you the best possible opponents at XtremeMania 10?

Flip: You got to be kiddin' me Bob? I know you're out here complimenting us and all. Kissing our ass more like it... because you know we're known for Bashin' Brains in for a living.

Brute: We love it.

Flip: We do. We love Brain Bashin'. We love whooping some ass. For over a year, we have held these Tag Team Championships. Over the last 19 years... the XWF has has some great Tag Teams.

Brute: Some of the best.

Flip: Some of the best the world has ever seen!

Levy: And I don't think you'd find anyone to argue that point--

Flip: But Bob. None of them were even close to as good as us! None of them were on the level of the Wreckin' Crew. What we have done. What Brute and I have done, is legendary! It's Hall of Fame worthy. We will be put in that damn Hall of Fame this year. By hook or by crook.

Brute: Got that right.

Flip: We've earned it. We've earned that much. Only 35 names on that short Hall of Fame list... only two tag teams in the whole damn thing. Only four slots filled with those former Tag Team Champions names. But it'll be our name, that etched in gold, that sits right above the Blood Brothers and The Guerillas.

Brute: Only ones.

Flip: So no. We don't care about this stupid Tournament. We don't care who wins tonight. Galaxy? And Chambers? Are they serious? They know better than to meddle in our waters. We're THEE XWF Tag Team Champions!

Brute: The Greatest.

Flip: And the level of disrespect from that pipsqueak, Jackson Galaxy, has been atrocious. Has downright made me sick to my stomach. So I wouldn't mind getting my hands on Galaxy, or Chambers! As for the Stupid Heroes! We beat their ass at the last Pay Per View. I don't know why they even signed up for this tournament.

Brute: Too much pride.

Flip: That's right. And they will swallow that. They will swallow that pride. They'll swallow Brute's size 16 boot down their throat! Because regardless of the outcome tonight. Doesn't matter who walks out tonight. Just know that we're walking in to Mania as the 5-time Champs and then, we're walking out STILL the most dominate tag team in XWF history!

Brute gets up in Levy's face.

Brute: Still!

He lifts the Tag Team Championship up in his grill and he walks off as Flip cracks a smile and chuckles a bit at Levy's expense.

Flip: Don't piss yourself now... we ain't hurting anybody til Mania.

The Wreckin' Crew walks out of the room and Levy is standing there, visibly shaken as he's holding the mic.


Mr. Lucente is frantic in his office and trying to wrap his head around things. That's when Robert Mastro enters and he proposes something to Lucente but he isn't trying to hear it.

Mastro: Come on Lucente! You finally showed your guts here tonight, trying to cash-in. But you picked the wrong guy! You should've let me cash-in.

Lucente: You don't have a guaranteed shot at the Title like Wallstreet did. He beat me fair and square last Mania, he earned that briefcase. He just blew it tonight. He blew it for everyone!

Mastro: I can fix this. Let me fix this Lucente. You saw I just beat Blaze out there. The last two times, I should've had Adkins. It was Lars, don't you see? Lars was the culprit the whole time. I can make this right though Lucente. Let me. Let me try!

Mastro is tugging on his jacket.

Lucente: Get off me!

Lucente rips away but he appears to be calming down.

Lucente: Okay. Wait. Wait yeah. Hah. Hah. I told Adkins. I told that son of a bitch, that I had Plan A through X waiting for him. And you might some use to me after all... yeah.

Mastro: Plan X? What the hell are you talking about?

Lucente: No, just. I need your help. I need your help here tonight. If you do this, trust me, I'll take care of you.

Mastro: I... I don't know...

Lucente: Are you in or not?

Mastro: Yes, fine. What is it?

Suddenly Blaze Rodriguez walks in and he's a tad heated.

Blaze: Hey did you see that out there Lucente? Raked my eyes...

Mastro: Hey! Hey! I'm having a meeting with Lucente, the hell are you doing in here even? Shouldn't you be in front of a mirror or shooting promos with your buddy Jericho?

Blaze: Quit trying to change the subject. Mr. Lucente, I demand!

Lucente: Now hold on! Hold on a minute.

Mastro: He started it...

Blaze: No I didn't.

Lucente: Stop it. Stop it you two. I... I can use you. I can use you both tonight.

Mastro: Both of us? You just said you had something for me?

Lucente: Now damn it! I have something for both of you. So would you knock it off? Blaze?

Blaze: What? I have nothing better to do, I was just complaining for the hell of it.

Lucente: Okay, listen. We all want to save the XWF right?

Mastro: Yes.

Blaze: Absolutely.

Mastro: Positively! I would rather nothing else!

Lucente: Okay! Okay. Listen. We need to stay on the same page, because I need you sticking together tonight!

Mastro: I dunno...

Lucente: You in or out?

Mastro: Alright I'm in. Just, give me the details...

Lucente shoes the camera out of his office and closes the door as he is left to discuss thing with Mastro and Blaze, who both seemed unsure about all this.


FTW Champion, Ashton Storm vs "The Eastern King" Yoshi Masaru - Non Title

Both competitors are in the ring. The ref looks at both Storm and Masaru as he calls for the bell.


Masaru and Storm lock up as Masaru pushes Storm down. Storm scratches her head as she gets up and they lock up again. Masaru pushes him down again and Storm scratches her head again. She gets up and they go for a lock up and Storm knees Masaru in the stomach. Masaru staggers back a bit and Storm runs at Masaru and Masaru does a big boot to Storm and Storm holds her head in pain. Masaru picks up Storm and does a quick short arm clothesline. Masaru picks up Storm and throws her into the corner and Masaru runs and goes for a splash and Storm moves out of the way at the last second as Masaru crashes and burns. Storm does a school boy pin. One, and Masaru kicks out.

Manic: Masaru hot early but it's Ashton who goes for the first pin attempt.

Storm gets up and starts kicking Masaru in the leg. Storm eventually gets him to one knee and Storm runs and does a dropkick to Masaru and Storm gets him down. Storm climbs the turnbuckle and Masaru slowly gets up and Storm does a dropkick from the top rope and Masaru lands on the mat. Storm runs to the ropes and comes back and does a running elbow. She runs to the ropes a second time and does another running elbow drop, Masaru moves out of the way and Storm lands on her elbow. Masaru grabs Storm and picks her up. Masaru throws Storm into the ropes, when she rebounds back, Masaru grabs Storm and does a Spinebuster and Masaru pins Storm. One, two and she's able to kick out.

Manic: What a devastating Spinebuster that was!

Masaru picks up Storm and Masaru does a couple of shoulder thrusts to her shoulder and Masaru grabs her and does a side slam. Storm arches her back in pain. Storm slowly gets up and Masaru runs and does a sharp clothesline. Storm falls into the ropes. Masaru grabs Storm and Masaru does a rebound Suplex. Masaru runs and goes for a running Senton splash, and Storm moves out of the way.

Chico: Nobody home!

Storm slowly climbs the turnbuckle and Masaru gets up holding his back and Storm leaps off the ropes and Storm does a huge DDT.

Manic: She could have her here! What's this? It's Ki Morbid.

Ki Morbid comes out and has a Storm t-shirt on and she is mocking the FTW Champion. Storm slowly gets up and notices what Morbid is doing. Morbid then wipes a boogie in the Storm shirt and Masaru gets up as Storm looks out at her. Storm turns last second in to Masaru who does his signature move, "Okina Kikku" (Bicycle Kick) and that levels Storm. As Masaru gets down, looks out at the crowd and hooks a leg for the one, two, three!

Masaru stands up and the referee goes to raise his arm up but Junichi his manager comes in and pushes the referee aside. Junichi instead raises Masaru's arm in victory and yells out a few things in Japanese to the live crowd. Meanwhile Morbid just waves bye-bye to Storm who has rolled to the outside and is holding her head. Morbid just leaves up the ramp with a huge smile on her face.

Winner by Pinfall: "The Eastern King" Yoshi Masaru


After match, Masaru is speaking with Junichi in the ring. As Junichi pats him on the back and goes to open the ropes for him, it's Marcus Collins who slides in the ring out of nowhere, right behind Masaru and before Junichi can get a word out, Collins attacks Masaru from behind with a few forearms and then delivers a big German Suplex! The crowd pops as Collins looks fired up.

Chico: Where hell did he come from?

BJL: Collins has no business out here! He's got a match later in the main event. This was nothing but a cheap attack.

Chico: Oh you mean like last Massacre when Collins was blindsided by Masaru?

BJL: Oh boo who.

Collins yells down at Masaru when Junichi spins him around and the crowd is in to it now as Junichi points at his chest and barks orders at him. Collins looks at the fans, simply shrugs his shoulders, kicks Junichi in the stomach and drives him to the mat with a DDT. The fans cheer on Collins as he leaves those two laying in the ring, tending to their bumps.


Backstage we are Nita Spankee standing by with Ashton Storm who just lost.

Spankee: Ashton? Tonight you lost to Masaru Yoshi, can you tell us what happened out there?

Storm: This must be some kind of sick joke. You know what Nita? I don't like your attitude! You saw what happened out there. They all did. Ki Morbid is still very jealous of me. Ki you need to do us all a favor, you need to quit playing these little girly games with me. As your FTW Champion and as a woman who has beaten her every single time there was gold on the line. I have already proven to her, to every other woman that's ever stepped foot in this company. That I am the Queen of the XWF! I am the Baddest Bitch on the Plaent. I have proven time and time again Morbid isn't in my class. I don't know what else I have to do in order to keep her away for good?

Spankee: Well, in Ki Morbid's defense. She has quite the following these days. The fans love and adore her. Everyone respects her. She--

Storm has heard enough and snaps on Nita Spankee. She starts shaking her uncontrollably and then delivers a nasty "Bitch Slap"! Storm then ends up shoving her down and choking Spankee out on the cement. Referees rush in and have to pry Storm off her. Storm is being pulled away but not before yelling out at her rival.

Storm: Ki! You're next bitch! I'm going to finish this once and for all!

She screams down the hall as officials tend to Nita Spankee on the ground.


We are back and there is a table in the center of the ring, with contracts on it. Lars Douglas and Wesley Valor are down at ringside and the crowd is booing them mercilessly.

Lars: Come on! Come on Lucente, get out here, we ain't got all day!

Lucente's theme hits and the crowd pops for him. He wastes no time getting out to the ring and stands across the table from President, Lars and Adkins manager, Valor.

Lucente: So where is he? Where is he? Huh?

Lars: Oh you would like that wouldn't you? He's gone Lucente! Gone with the wind. More importantly, gone, with your XWF Title.

Fans boo.

Lars: The Title, you tried to steal off of him tonight!

Lucente: Now, now. I didn't try to steal anything. Wallstreet.... anyway.... he didn't succeed.

Lars: No he didn't. He only upset the Xtreme Icon. What do you think that is going to do for business huh? If you upset your Champion? He's already leaving at Mania, weather you like it or not... no matter what you do to stop it. We all know, Stranger got no chance.

Fans are reacting to Lars as he scolds Lucente.

Lars: And Adkins will, he will walk out of XtremeMania 10... he'll walk right out of Ford Field, scurry to his car, avoiding the people of Detroit as much as he can. Drive back home to Chicago... call it a career. With his title... *ahem* excuse me, what was once YOUR Title, your company's Championship... sitting in his lap. And knowing him, he could be walking around nude. Who knows? You know how that Adkins is.

Lucente: Very funny. Very funny Lars. You seem so sure of yourself, that he's walking out Champion.

Lars: You're damn straight I do.

Lucente: I believe you feel the same, huh Valor? Your client going to escape this one?

Lars: He doesn't answer to you. That is Wesley Valor, do I have to spell it out for you Lucente? He is acting as the power of attorney for his client, Mark Adkins. For your XWF Undisputed Champion, Mark Adkins. The one you tried to ambush, and failed at taking down, Mark Adkins. That very guy is already on the road somewhere, waiting it out. Watching the XWF die it's slow death here in the end.

Lucente: Enough Lars. You're so sure Adkins is going to get it done? Sign it. Sign the damn thing. Go on already.

Lars: Well I'm sorry Lucente, I thought we'd at least give the challenger a chance to come out here. You know? The guy who everyone knows didn't deserve to win Xtreme Battle Zone, but somehow found himself in the driver seat heading in to the main event of the Greatest Event Ever? That guy? I thought we might give Stranger a chance to at least--

Fire explodes from the four corners and the top of the ramp and the arena temporarily turns red as Dark Stranger's theme music hits and out comes Stranger to a strange pop from the crowd. The entire arena is on their feet, cheering Stranger on as he makes his way out there.

Manic: Here comes "The Demon of Destruction".

Stranger steps over the top rope and approaches the table. He grabs the microphone from Mr. Lucente, who doesn't hesitate to let him have it.

Stranger: Sign it.

Lars: Whoa. Hey. How you doing Stranger? How's it going?

Stranger: Sign. The damn. Paper.

Lars: I'm not the power of attorney here, that's Valor's job. Valor... go ahead.

Wesley Valor looks up at Stranger across the table and he seems terrified of him. Valor slowly bends down and then quickly signs the contract and pushes it across the table.

Lars: There you have it! Adkins is in. He will be there at XtremeMania 10. He will be your XWF Undisputed Champion heading in. And sorry to say Stranger, no offense to you. This has more to do with Lucente, then it has anything to do with you at all. But at XtremeMania, Adkins is going to walk out the XWF Champion, he's going to walk out of the XWF for good.... he's going to leave the XWF for dead..... and when he does Lucente. I can't wait! I can't wait to see the look on your faaayy ay ace--

Stranger reaches across the table and grabs him by the throat, he walks around it, still holding Lars' neck. The crowd is stirring as Stranger mouths something to Lars Douglas before hoisting him up high for "The Darkness" (Chokeslam) and drops him through the table. The crowd pops like crazy.

Chico: Holy cow! I can't believe what we just saw.

BJL: Ahh! Lars!

The fans can't believe their eyes.

Crowd: "Holyshit! Holyshit! Holyshit! Holyshit!"

President Lars is laid out and Lucente looks shocked at first but then a huge smile creeps over his face and he obviously loves what he just saw. Stranger looks over his work, admiring what he just did to President Lars. He then snaps his neck around and shoots a glare at Wesley Valor who has backed up in to the corner, also in shock. Stranger approaches and puts his hand around his tie and gets closer to his face. Stranger's mask is nearly touching Valor's face and as Stranger looks down, you see a stream of pee stroll down Valor's gray suit pants. The crowd laughs at him and Stranger looks disgusted as he grabs a pen out of Valor's chest pocket and he turns back to where he left Lars in a rubble. Stranger walks over and picks up the contract. He tells Valor to turn around and he signs the contract on Valor's back. Stranger walks the contract over to Lucente, he stops, looks back down at Lars who is still laid out in that broken table and then Stranger shoves the contract in Lucente's chest. Lucente looks afraid as Stranger steps over the top rope and exits to his theme song. Lucente waits a second to collect himself and then he smiles at Lars and Valor's expense. Lucente walks out of the ring sneakily with the contracts in hand.



Coming Soon

To Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan

With Special Musical Guest, Kid Rock

The XWF Presents:

'The Greatest Event Ever'

"XtremeMania 10"



Back after that video package with the conclusion of the Tag Team Tournament.

XWF Tag Team Tournament Finals: Brice Chambers & Jackson Galaxy vs "Super Duper Super Heroes" - #1 Contendership

Galaxy and Tide have decided to start this one off.


Galaxy immediately ducks a clothesline attempt from Tide and drops him with a Neck Breaker for his troubles. Galaxy goes for a quick pin. One, and a kick out. Galaxy keeps him in a headlock and Tide shoves him off, hits the mat and Galaxy leaps over but goes for a Lionsault as Tide remains on the ground and the knees of Galaxy catch Tide in the back. He rolls him over for the pin attempt. One, two and Super Steve kicks Galaxy in the back and break sup the early count. Galaxy backs Super Steve in the corner but the referee gets in between and he counts Steve off before he steps back out on the apron. Galaxy turns back to Tide who goes for an inside cradle. One, two and Galaxy kicks out fast as he goes right after Tide hammering him in to the corner and then pops up with an Enziguri that rocks Tide. Galaxy walks over to tag Chambers but Chambers pulls his hand back at the last second. Galaxy starts arguing with him but Chambers refuses the tag. Galaxy turns back to Tide but then sprints back and punches Chambers hard in the face and he flies off in to the barricade. Galaxy climbs out after him and starts pummeling him. The ref tries to regain order but Chambers starts fighting back with Galaxy and they end up brawling on the outside as the referee begins a 10-count.

Manic: It appears these two just could never put their differences aside.

BJL: Let's face it. Galaxy hated everything about his role in the XWF since he got here. Chambers damn sure is a loner. They don't play well with others and it shows right here.

The referee is up to 9 and then reaches "10" as the crowd breaks out in a playful chant of their own.

Crowd: "Ten! Ten! Ten! Ten! Ten!"

Chambers and Galaxy are counted out as Super Tide and Super Steve are announced as the winners and the referee raises their arms in victory.

Manic: They've won this Tag Team Tournament and now the "Super Duper Super Heroes" will be going on to face the XWF Tag Team Champions, the Wreckin' Crew at XtremeMania.

They enjoy their little moment before exiting.

Winner by Count out: "Super Duper Super Heroes"


Those two continue fighting on the outside. Chambers decks Galaxy and Galaxy delivers a hard chop that echoes through the stadium. Chambers starts punching back at him and Galaxy whips him in to the barricade. Galaxy calls Chambers on and Chambers rushes at him and takes him down. They roll around the outside mat, fighting with each others as a few referees and a handful of security guards rush out.

Manic: Need someone out here to maintain some kind of order. Still have a main event to get to.

Chico: This is personal between these guys now. They were tag partners tonight, but they've been at it in that ring before and there's no love loss.

BJL: I love it! Beat the hell out of each other. This is the XWF! What it's all about.

Chambers and Galaxy even force the referee and security guards away as they continue brawling. They punch anyone who tries to get close and finally Mastro and Blaze are forced to run out and separate them.

Manic: What are these two doing?

BJL: Lucente's lap dogs, out to do his dirty work.

Chico: I don't know about that. He wanted everyone on the same page... I don't know why. Is this what he was keeping Mastro and Blaze close for? To insure if something went wrong tonight? Like this?

Manic: Could be...

The brawl is over and the fans are settling down as bit in their seats.


Backstage we have Masaru and Junichi enter Lucente's office.

Junichi: Mr. Lucente! We will not stand for this. This is the great, "Eastern King" Yoshi Masaru. The way that heathen, Marcus Collins treated him was completely disrespectful. And if you don't give us him in a match. We will be getting our hands on Marcus Collins tonight!

Lucente: No you won't. You will do no such thing...

Masaru: How can you be so sure?

Lucente: Because. Because. I have something very special to announce before our main event tonight. And if you ruin that, if you ruin that announcement, so help me, I'll have you meet the same fate that Wallstreet did tonight.

Junichi: You know the way this company is going, it might not be such a bad thing.

Lucente: You want to risk that? You want to get me upset tonight? Mania's around the corner, and you'll find yourselves sitting at home if you're not careful. You'll miss out on competing at the 'Greatest Event Ever'.

Junichi: (Says something to Masaru in Japanese)

Lucente: What was that?

Masaru turns and walks out of the room.

Junichi: Masaru is a man of honor. Make sure you do not displease "The Eastern King"...

Junichi walks out after Masaru and Mr. Lucente is stuck scratching his head.


The Highlight Reel: "Derrick Trotter, This is Your Life"

There's a huge announcement, that Jericho is ready to present the "Derrick Trotter: This is your Life" historic Highlight Reel this week on "Massacre 33". Fans inside the arena are waiting word when all of a sudden "Break the Walls Down" begins to play and Jericho's pyro and fireworks go off without a hitch. He comes out, feeling extra cocky as he makes his way down to the ring. The ring already has the dark blue carpet laid down, and a few bar stools to sit on, but not much else. He gets up inside the ring and grabs a microphone as the fans give him a mixed reaction.

Jericho: Alright, lets not waste anymore time. Trotter has done plenty of that already. His life has been a complete waste. He is a "Complete Waste of Life."

He looks out at the pro-Trotter crowd, who is booing him and he keeps digging in.

Jericho: And that would be the name of this Highlight Reel, Derrick Trotter: "Complete Waste of Life". But, his life seems to have already taking on a completely different theme of it's own... his life... well, the life of Derrick Trotter, you can say whoever he crossed paths with... there's a common theme among them. His mother, his crooked teethed siblings... his stupid idiot friends... hell, any girl who has ever dated him, or had the unpleasant task of being seated an armpit sniff away from him in boarding school. They all had the same thing to say about him. It's rather quite sad.... I was trying to get one of his old flings on the show... but. They all had the same problem. They all said the same thing..... they all told a similar story about YOU Trotter. Heh.

He lets out a deep, almost devilish smile and he leans on the rope and then starts walking around the ring, talking in to the mic with a purpose.

Jericho: Because lets face it... just like your mother, when you ruined her life... by coming out that womb. By showing your ugly mug in the first place. She was the one truly "Trottered" from day one. But if that couldn't get any worse... the utter disappointment... the abomination you have become. It's sad DeerDick. It really is. So listen here Derelict. What's going to happen is... rather than talk about the endless convos I had with all the girls whoever had the misfortune of seeing that thang between your legs. Well, they all told me... all four of them, including your two cousins and that underage girl who fell asleep at the party... "allegedly" as you were later explain in court documents we dug up. However, they all spoke the same truth..... "you Ruined them".... you Ruined their lives. You ruined everything. Some of them have turned lesbo... both your cousins can't even bare to face anybody. They too, have been "Trottered"...

He lowers his head, ashamed, almost forcing back tears.

Jericho: But why? Why would he do this to them? He's suppose to be a wrestler, a role model... why must he force his fingers in to little unsuspecting girls, who just passed out on their first run in with some Boone's Farm and Mad Dog 20/20, we've been there. DeerDick Trotter should've known better. I guess that little girl... Betty Sue.... down the block.... from where the Trotters grew up... all 8 of 'em...... packed in their like sardines. Before he moved out of his old brick mansion, he made sure little Betty Sue, got introduced to a little Shock Master of her own. And boy, did she ever get "Trottered" herself. Didn't we all get "Trottered"??

He ask the crowd seriously.

Jericho: I guess, only thing next is to bring out the waiter you never tipped... the girl who's dog you ran over, running late to God knows where. Driving who knows what? Just not a damn care in the world. I guess that little girl, who you can't even remember her name, it was Angelica. She was counting on her dog.. Biscuit... to come home that night. To pet her Golden Retriever on the head again. But did she get to? She little Angelica Princess and her sisters Faith and Harmony deserve to have their puppy ripped out of their arms... by a man who constantly ruins the lives of others. You ruined their lives! You hit their Golden Retriever so hard, you knocked his head clean off his Golden Retriever body. Left those girls grieving for life. Did you care? No, I guess he should've read your stupid license plate that reads ... "TROTTERED"

He makes his case known when he's discussing Trotter's life, that he isn't going to be taking it easy on him.

Jericho: He's ruined everything! You know how some people... everything they touch turns to gold. Well everything Trotter gets his paws on, he ruins. Whatever he sinks his teeth in, ruins it! You have something important planned, if he's around, it's ruined! A favorite trend? Ruined. A brand new dress? Ruined. Is that suede? Here, let me spill my red wine all over it... is that your new car? Let me t-bone it and split the scene of the crime. Trotter, I went down the line. Called everyone I knew. The guy you left on the side of the road in Poughkeepsie, to the girl who's heart you broke when you promised her a jacuzzi suite on top of the Trump Tower and instead, got her a room at Motel 6, across the street from a Wendy's.... I guess she was "Trottered too".

Jericho holds back a smile.

Jericho: Trotter. You ruined her life. You ruined his life. You ruined all their lives. You ruined the popcorn vendor's life.

He starts pointing out at the crowd.

Jericho: You ruined BJL's life. You ruined ehh- ehh everrything. And they were better off not knowing you. I mean, c'mon you were their first Undisputed Champion? What a sham. You even ruined that. Now you're the reigning King of Xtreme? You ruined that. You ruin it all Trotter. Time and time again. Most importantly, you ruined my opportunity to go to main event "XtremeMania 10" for that XWF Undisputed Championship! I was the first World Champ to walk in at XtremeMania, beating Benoit, and walking out still the Champ. And I was going to end my career at "XtremeMania 10" with the Undisputed strap on my arch nemesis, Mark Adkins and walk out with it around my waist for good. But instead, I was "Trottered". You ruined all these peoples chance to see the Adkins-Jericho rematch they've been craving since last year! So what? What do you have to say for yourself Derelict? What do you have to say for yourself DeerDick Trotter? Get your ass out here and explain your "Complete Waste of Life" and the lives you continue to ruin! Don't make me call out Gram Gram and expose you for cheating at Baccarat when you were little... let's go. Bring your ass out here! Explain yourself?

Jericho anxiously awaits a response in the middle of the ring.

BJL: What could he say to that?

Everyone is waiting when Trotter's theme music hits and out comes the reigning King of Xtreme and first ever Undisputed Champion, Derrick Trotter himself.

Manic: Trotter's had enough!

Trotter has a microphone ready and goes right in on Jericho.

Trotter: What is this? This suppose to be your way of roasting me? What is it exactly you hope to gain from all this?

Jericho: Oh come on Trotter, this is your life! This is your Life! Tell people about it.

Trotter looks Jericho over.

Jericho: Tell these people who you are.

Trotter looks around the sold out arena a moment and then goes in on him.

Trotter: I could pull up every embarrassing, humiliating, disgusting thing you've ever done. And it would all be true, nothing to hide here. But we all know, you didn't do your due diligence.

Jericho: "Due what?" You trying to confuse us here tonight Trotter. It won't work... instead, I'm going to show the world the most humiliating thing anyone has ever seen. Everyone, direct your attention to the JeriTron 6000... and drink it in.. maaaaaaaaannnnnnnn.

Jericho closes his eyes and spreads his arms. But as he's not looking, the fans are laughing at him because instead of a flat screen TV, it's a cardboard box, with a drawing of a TV.

BJL: What is this?

Jericho finally notices what is happening and he can't believe his own eyes. He has to squint at it but it's a cardboard box TV.

Jericho: What is this? What is this?

Trotter: Chris. You... have just been Trottered!

The fans laugh at Jericho's expense and pop for Trotter. But Jericho clearly looks upset and goes to punch him but Trotter blocks it and knocks Jericho down with a single punch. Jericho goes after him again and Trotter dodges the attack and throws Jericho in to the corner, unleashing shots on him and then busts him over the head with that director's chair in the ring. Jericho is laid out. Trotter then decides to put him in his own move, "The Lion Tamer" and the fans mark out hard. Jericho is in obvious pain and starts tapping frantically. Trotter picks up the mic and looks down at Jericho.

Trotter: Oh yeah... Chris....

He looks up at the fans who are cheering for him.

Trotter: ... you just got Trottered.... again!

He drops the mic on Jericho and leaves him laying in the ring.



Coming This Spring

To Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan

With Special Musical Guest, Kid Rock

The XWF Presents:

'The Greatest Event Ever'

"XtremeMania 10"

We put the "X" back in Xtreme



The Super Duper Super Heroes are celebrating in their locker room when the Wreckin' Crew walks in.

Flip: You guys again? I thought we taught you a lesson already. But it appears you want to see if you can really fly? Well if you want to find out, Brute here can toss your ass in the 5th row if you want?

Steve: Why you little--

Tide: Calm down Steve.

Steve goes to step up to Flip of the Wreckin' Crew but Tide stops him.

Tide: We wait until Mania.

Flip: Yeah, listen to your little friend. He's only trying to save your life. Be your Hero. Because we know you don't want us to beat your ass and take you out with the trash like last time.

Steve: Just let me at 'em Tide! Come on.

Steve is about to storm them but Tide calms him down.

Tide: It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry boys, you have a few weeks to keep those titles warm before we wrap them around our waists.

Brute: Hahaha.

Flip: Hah. That's funny. Let us remind you, we're the 5-time Champs for a reason. Nobody has come close to beating us in over a year and things aren't going to change... wait and see.

Brute: They already know...

Flip: C'mon Brute, lets go.

Flip and Brute exit the Super Duper Super Heroes locker room without incident.


We cut back to the ring for the main event.

Lucente comes out on the ramp as Collins is in the ring.

Lucente: Listen up! Listen up everyone.

The crowd is waiting to see what the Owner has to say.

Lucente: Collins tonight you have a chance to show these people what you got. Show them why we hired you and ushered you in to the main event!

Some cheers from the crowd.

Lucente: And at Mania, you will have another opportunity to show everyone what you're worth. As will Jackson Galaxy, Brice Chambers, Robert Mastro, Blaze Rodriguez and... a personal favorite of yours... Masaru Yoshi.

The crowd boos that name.

Lucente: Because you 6 men will be competing at XtremeMania 10 in the first ever Money In the Bank match! That's right!

Fans pop for that huge announcement.

Lucente: Adkins was able to escape tonight. If he somehow is able to defeat Stranger and retain that Undisputed Championship, I suspect one of you better do your duty and cash-in at Mania and make sure he never leaves as the Champion. More importantly, make sure one of you are crowned as the 'Greatest Event Ever' goes off the air.

The fans like that announcement and Luch leaves to a pop. But as he's going to leave, Jester's theme hits and the crowd goes wild! Lucente and Jester share a moment at the top of the ramp, just staring at each other a second as Lucente goes to say something and Jester just keeps walking down the ramp.


Main Event: Shangri-La Jester vs Marcus Collins

Jester comes out to a thunderous ovation.

Manic: What an announcement by Mr. Lucente!

Chico: The first ever Money in the Bank in XWF history? This XtremeMania? Oh wow! The deck is stacked at XtremeMania 10, I really do think it'll be the Greatest Event Ever.

Manic: Certainly shaping up that way. As 6 men will have their chance at winning a contract for an XWF Undisputed Championship match, anytime they want it!

BJL: And of course Lucente did this to prevent Adkins from escaping with the Title at Mania. This is kind of like, the XWF's insurance policy, if Stranger can't deliver.

Manic: Absolutely.

Jester has made his way in to the ring and approached Collins like a man. They both look at each other and the sold out crowd is buzzing. The longest reigning World Champion ever, Jester extends his hand to the newest XWF signee, Collins and Collins hesitates a second but ends up shaking his hand to a loud roar from the crowd. As this match is ready to begin.


Jester and Collins lock up with Jester forcing Collins to the mat by hyper-extending the left arm of Collins. Jester doesn’t hold Collins for long and Collin's throwing Jester off the ropes. Jester evades a few times, throws Collins off the ropes for a Dropkick to the face. Jester stomps on Collins but the match evens out as Collins fights back with some feistiness. They run the ropes and Jester shows off leaping and ducking tactics to miss the swinging arms of Collins the latter of whom gives an atomic drop to Jester.

Manic: Fast paced match, both men have it well scouted.

Now it’s Collins who’s on a roll and in control. He puts Jester in a sleeper hold. Jester tries to break free a few times but can’t until he backs Collins into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Snappy clothesline by Jester. Jester picks up Collins and they trade holds. They run the ropes and Jester nails a dropkick. Jester takes Collins to the corner now. Jester with a Back Breaker and goes for the first pin attempt. One, two and a kick out by Collins!

Chico: I'm liking what I'm seeing here so far from Collins. Last Massacre he was on the short end of the stick, with outside interference of Masaru's annoying manager, Junichi. But he's hanging with the 2-time World Champion right now.

Manic: Marcus Collins, one of the more recent signings in the XWF to close out 2016.

Jester ends up going for the Juggalo Clutch but Collins makes it to the rope. Jester keeps control and goes for a scoop slam, followed by a pin attempt for the one, two and a kick out in time. Jester goes for a whip but Collins manages to reverse it. Collins runs into boots in the corner from Jester and he is staggered. Jester explodes out of the corner with a clothesline that sends Collins head over heels. Jester looks like he might be setting up for his finisher, "The Ice Over" when the lights flicker and go completely out.

Manic: I don't like the looks of this.

BJL: The looks of what? How could you see anything in all this darkness?

The lights come back on and Rage is on the apron.

Manic: It's Rage!

Chico: Has he come to accept the challenge for Hell in a Cell at Mania?

Jester goes to attack and the lights go out again.

Lights come back on and Rage is at top of ramp laughing. Jester points and mouths something as Collins sneaks up behind on him for his finisher, "My Ascension" (Crucifix Neckbreaker) and he hits him with it in the center of the ring. The crowd doesn't know how to react as Collins hooks a leg on the former longest reigning World Champion, Jester and gets the big one, two, three!

Winner by Pinfall: Marcus Collins


After the match, lights flicker again and go out.

Manic: Guys, I'm out of here!

BJL: What the hell you mean? Oh shit.

Chico: ... *headset dropped*...

Lights come back on and this time Rage is in the ring. Fans are booing as Jester is stirring and as Jester turns, Rage delivers a boot that lays him flat. Rage takes a moment but then snatches Jester off the canvas and then delivers a massive Running Powerslam. He then grabs Jester off the ground by the neck and Jester tries to fight him off but Rage lifts him up and plants him with an evil Chokeslam.

Rage: That's what you get!

He looks out at the commentators table and drags him out. Jester tries fighting back and Rage slams him in to the steel steps that explode apart from the impact. Fans at ringside are heckling Rage as he takes the monitors out of the commentators table and makes his way back over to Jester. Rage then brings the steel steps over by commentary table. He starts dragging Jester over to the steps, gets him in position for a "Straight to Hell" Powerbomb and sends Jester crashing through the commentary table. The crowd instantly erupts.

Crowd: "Holyshit! Holyshit! Holyshit! Holyshit!"

Rage looks down at what he's done. He then glances up at the XtremeMania 10 banner and gives the throat slashing gesture over Jester's body as the show goes off the air.

End of Show

Copyright 2017




"XtremeMania 10" card