--------------- "King Of Xtreme" happens only once a year. It is the most pivotal tournament, and the most Xtreme event that the XWF will ever host. With 8 men vowing to become the new King of Xtreme on this night. Who will survive the odds? From the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona with a soldout crowd of 23,272 people. Coming to you on October 9th, 2011 .. it's "KING of XTREME!"

The poster, and the bracket for King of Xtreme is laid out. The 8 participants for tonight's tournament are flashed up on the big screen in the arena. The XWF fans in Arizona pop like crazy when the pryos start going off!! Fans are excited, and they are holding up various signs such as: "Dimter for King", "APOSTLE", "Who is The Ray?", "DUNGEON of DEATH", "Shotgun's #1", and finally a bunch of "KOX", "TV_MA", and "XWF 4 Life" signs.

The official King of Xtreme theme song begins blaring over the loud speakers, and the fans rise to their feet!! We then spin it down to Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler at ringside for commentary.

Jim Ross: Hello everyone! I'm Jim Ross, and alongside me is my colleague Jerry "The King" Lawler ..

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Great to be here J.R.! I just got one question .... where are the puppies?!?

"Where are the puppies?!?" Well, there aren't no puppies tonight King. But, there will be 8 men going at it in our annual King of Xtreme tournament.. you should know something about being a King.

I do. But, I don't know a lick about being Xtreme. Meanwhile, these guys are about to risk it all. They are about to lay it all on the line. We'll start with the First Round, work our way up to Round 2, and then ... we'll practically end the night with our KING OF XTREME Finals match!! J.R. I can't wait..

Well, it won't be much longer. Our first match of the night is a Fatal Fourway encounter.. pitting some of the newest names on the XWF roster against each other. All these men have a chance to make a name for themselves on one of the biggest stages of the year.

KOX is always my favorite time a year! Lets get to it --

Suddenly, 4 letters flash across the titan tron, and the fans immediately jump back to their feet in excitement!! "TV_MA" appears, and these people begin to lose it for the XWF World Heavyweight Champion as his theme song wakes the stadium up!!!

Out comes "TV_MA" Mark Adkins with the XWF World Title draped over his shoulder. He looks determined tonight as he makes his way down the ramp to a roaring Phoenix, Arizona crowd. Sasha Shotgun appears at the top of the ramp, and she looks all goth'ed out. She doesn't make her way down the ring. Instead with some sort of spike dog collar on she just keeps to herself at the top of the ramp. Mark Adkins enters the ring, and paces around inside there for a moment. He eventually snatches the mic from Danielle Worley, and faces his Apostles. The people in Phoenix, Arizona go absolutely nuts for the XWF Champion as he just soaks up the cheers. Even when his music dies down people are still letting him have it!! They are pumped for this event, and they are letting Adkins know it. He smiles to himself, and then makes a gesture with his 'hand across his throat'. Telling the production crew to completely cut the music. But, the echoes of cheers fills the building as the music quits playing. Then a chant of "TV_MA" breaks out throughout the US Airways Center.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: Listen up everybody. Because, I got a lot of things to say, and I'm only going to say 'em once. So listen up!

The fans POP for him!!!!

You see. It's only fitting we start this night off with Mark Adkins explaining why we're here. How the XWF has gotten all fucked up. How nobody is in control, and that's fine. But, we're here to discuss how I'm about to take matters in to my own hands. That's why I changed the contract to get this FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE match signed! To give the fans what they want. It seems people in the back forgot allll about that. They forgot the importance of entertaining these people. They forgot what the XWF World Title picture, and the main event scene even looks like. They see run-ins every week, and complete chaos throughout this entire XWF locker room. There's no sense of security. Nobody is safe around here, and hey-- I don't mind it. I'm obviously a rebel without a cause. But, the thing is ... well, you'll see tonight. Because, I'll be taking all my personal frustrations out on one man tonight. "THEE man" .. Jon Hampton! You see... ladies and gents... I promise to drag that man out in to the stands tonight, and beat his ass... ..then I'm going to pin poor Hampton in front of the world!! I'm going to end his dream once in for all. I'm going to show these people why I am the XWF World Champion, and tonight you find out what King of Xtreme is really all about!! I'll see you all later tonight ..

Adkins drops the mic, and the crowd goes crazy for him!! They cheer him all the way back up the ramp, and through the curtains as we prepare for our first bout of the evening.

Draven vs. Hellion vs. Oblivion vs. The Ray - Fatal Fourway Encounter -(Written by Connor)

Danielle Worley is in the center of the ring to make the official announcement.

Danielle Worley: Ladies & Gentlemen this opening contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Fatal 4-Way Encounter Match!! Introducing first...

Oblivion's song hits the P.A.

He hails from Parts Unknown, weighing in tonight at 307 POUNDS!!! THIS IS.....OOOOO-BBBBB-LIVVVVVVVVVVIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

He comes from behind the curtain wearing a white inmate suit, he stretches his arms out as the fans boo him.

Oblivion continues to walk to the ring as he gets to the bottom of the ramp the fans are yelling insults at him, he turns around and looks at one fan; he flips him off and then gets in the ring.

This man is a sick freak!!

I actually like the guy, come on the fans hate him someones gotta like him.

He goes over to the ropes and leans on them, looking toward the crowd. The music stops.

Now introducing...

Hellion's theme music hits the P.A.

He hails from Hells Gates, Los Angeles he weighs in tonight at 175 POUNDS!! THIS IS...HELLION!!!!!

He walks out to the top of the ramp and taunts the crowd as he gets a mixed reaction..

He runs down the ring and gets into it as Oblivion laughs at Hellion. Then Hellion goes to the corner and taunts Oblivion. The music stops as Danielle Worley continues.

Introducing next...

The Ray's theme songs hits the P.A. as the crowd actually goes wild...

He hails from Parts Unknown, he weighs in tonight at 200 POUNDS!! THIS IS...THE RAY!!!!!!!

The Ray gets to the top of the ramp quickly as the fans go wild. He continues down the ramp as he bites his bottom lip.

He high fives the fans on his way around the ring, he then jumps onto the apron and gets on a turnbuckle pulling his shirt and headband off and posing..

What a true fan favorite!

Not too many of those anymore.

The Ray jumps down from the turnbuckle as Oblivion taunts the fans, and Hellion watches from a distance.

And the 4th, and final opponent...

Draven's song hits the P.A.

He hails from Hannover, Germany weighing in tonight at 215 POUNDS! THIS IS..DRAAAAAVEEEEENNN!!!!!

The crowd goes crazy as Draven kneels down on the ramp and does his signature hand gesture.

Looks like he's the fan favorite now!!

Can it JR!!!

Draven gets up and walks down the ramp making his fans proud, he gets to the middle of the ramp and runs to the ring, he slides in to it and gets on the turnbuckle to pose.

Oblivion runs into the ropes knocking Draven off the turnbuckle smashing his nuts off the turnbuckle. Danielle Worley gets out of the ring as the ref calls for the bell.


Oblivion goes to work on the fallen Draven as Ray & Hellion exchange blows .. Oblivion picks Draven up and swings him into Ray & Hellion, Oblivion runs over to the 3 men but is hit in the nuts by Hellion, Ray elbows Oblivion in the mid-section knocking him to his knees, Draven gets up and dropkicks Oblivion.

Looks like a 3 on 1

Not for long

Ray superkicks Hellion, Hellion falls hard as Draven clotheslines Ray. Draven is the only one standing..he taunts his opponents but Oblivion gets up and elbows the back of Dravens head, he turns him around and lays him out with a Check Out Time, Draven falls then Oblivion executes the S.T.O.M.P, he goes for the cover.



Ray punts Oblivion in the head.

Oblivion looked good there for a minute

He sure did.

Ray is almost clotheslined by Hellion, but turns around at the right time and trips him, he gains the upper hand and goes for a Sharpshooter! Draven quickly rises and boots Ray in the face. Oblivion comes over and goes to chokeslam Draven but Hellion gets up and douple dropkicks the two men who tumble onto the referee knocking him down.



Draven went down hard under Oblivion, he looks unconcious. Ray and Hellion work on the fallen Oblivion, they let him get up then double clothesline him over the ropes, they both get out of the ring and grab weapons from beneath the ring. Ray holds a trash can and Hellion holds a kendo stick. They both strike Oblivion in the face as he gets up, back and forth hits to the face from the weapons!! Oblivion gets knocked down.


Great Teamwork.

Draven helps the ref up ..

What a good guy!

He just ruined the hardcoreness!

Ray and Hellion drop the weapons and slide into the ring, Draven stomps both of them and then picks Hellion up, he executes a Dream Krusher; Oblivion lies motionless outside as Draven hurls insults at him. Ray gets up and rolls Draven into a pin!




WOW what a match!

He almost had that!

Hellion gets up but quickened Ray and Draven both superkick him, Oblivion is just getting his consciousness back. Draven goes to trip a running Ray, but Ray reverses it and puts Draven into a SHARPSHOOTER!!

Crowd: WOOO!! TAP! TAP! TAP!



The Ray's theme song hits the P.A.

Here is your winner, THE RAY!!!!

Woah! What a win!

Poor Oblivion!

Oblivion watches Ray celebrate from the outside.

The Ray celebrates! He then walks over towards the commentator's table before he leaves the ringside. He gets up there, and starts pointing at Jerry "The King" Lawler. He then waves his finger at him to 'bring it on'!

Is he talking to you King??

I think so. What is this bozo's problem. What is your problem guy ?

The Ray shouts "you're my problem KING!"

Why don't you get out of here. Leave us alone! We got a job to do.

The Ray holds his 2 fingers to his own eyes, and points at Jerry Lawler as to say 'I'm watching you'. Then he turns around, and raises his arms in the air celebrating with the XWF fans as he makes his way towards the back now.

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 2 minutes, and 59 seconds, Match Result: The Ray via submission.

Backstage Ryan Ryder is standing by with Dark Stranger.

Ryan Ryder: You know there's lots at stake in this tag division. That if you win tonight we're right back in position of holding on to that tag team gold yet again ...

Dark Stranger: That is true Ryan. But, you have an even bigger matchup in a little bit. You'll be entering the first round of the King of Xtreme tournament. And I just wanted to wish you luck ..

Thank you Dark Stranger. I think we both have a lot riding on tonight's matchups. Lets go out there, and do what we do best!

They shake each other's hands, and The Dark Stranger makes his way towards the entrance ramp for his matchup that's up next.

Gigantis is backstage with the rest of S.O.S.

Gigantis: I am looking forward to us becoming #1 contenders for the tag titles tonight Saxton. With you guys as current Tag Champs, and someone in the Skeletons of Society the soon to be King of Xtreme.. we will soon rule the XWF hallways...

We cut away from the Skeletons Of Society's locker room for a moment.


Draven, and Hellion are in 'General Manager' Shawn Taylor's office.

GM Shawn Taylor: You know what. I don't know what to think about you 2. Very bizarre indeed. You know you guys got to start shaping up, and getting your heads on straight around here! Now, NEXT EPISODE of Showdown! you two will team up with somebody.. Draven will be teaming up with The Ray, and Hellion you will team up with your friend Yarmouth Blade... next Showdown! Got it? Now get out of my office!

The General Manager points towards the door, and both men head out of his office. As we cut to ringside for the next matchup of the evening.

The Dark Stranger vs. Gigantis - The winner of this matchup will earn the right for his tag team to become the new #1 contenders for the XWF Tag Team Titles - (Written by Mr. Lucente)

We cut to the ring with Danielle Worley ready to announce the next matchup..

This matchup will help to decide who the new #1 contenders for the XWF Tag Team Titles are going to be. The winner will earn that right for his tag team!

The fans cheer that.

Introducing first. He resides in Flint, Michigan .. he is standing in at 7 feet tall, and 323 POUNDS!! He is ... the DARRRRKKK STRRRRANNNNGERRRRR!!

Dark Stranger walks out from behind the curtain, and actually receives a decent reaction from the XWF crowd! The people are excited to see him here tonight trying to help his team become the new #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles. He makes his way down the ramp, and looks all buisness tonight. He steps through the ropes, and circles around Danielle Worley. She laughs at his gesture, and looks really scared deep down inside. She backs away from him as he poses for the XWF fans here in Phoenix, Arizona.

Dark Stranger is ready to roll, and Danielle Worley announces his opponent.

He resides in Tokyo, Japan .. standing in at a remarkable 7 foot 8 inches tall, and a weight of 450 POUNDS!! He is The Beast ... GIIIIGGGANNTTIISSSS!!!

Out comes Gigantis to a chorus of boo's from the crowd who is not happy to see this guy.

Hey. What was up with The Dark Stranger's new theme earlier? Rob Zombie "Dragula"??

Yeah. So. What are you talking about King?

Nothing. What was that guy's problem with me earlier by the way?

What? The Ray??

Yeah ..

No idea. We got a BIG tournament coming up here soon.. we've got the #1 contenders for the tag team titles about to go down in a 1-on-1 match to determine which team it'll be, and you're worried about some guy who came out 'pointing at you' earlier?

It was weird J.R.

We got a match coming up. Don't lose focus. It's the two biggest athletes maybe in the world today.. certainly on the XWF roster!! I mean, LOOK at the SIZE of THEM men!! LOOK at 'em KING!

I know J.R. I feel like I'm watching King Kong versus Godzilla. I'll leave it up to you to decide which is which . ...

Good one.

Tsk. Tsk. tsk.

First Gigantis poses for these XWF fans who boo his ass.

Then he steps over the top rope, and Gigantis gets right up in The Dark Stranger's space. They are as close as face-to-face as anyone can get with these bohemoths. They eye each other down, and it gets real tense in the US Airways Center. They back up a few feet, and that's when the bell sounds! DING! DING! DING!! Dark Stranger goes to lock up with Gigantis, and he shoves him backwards in to the ropes instead. Dark Stranger can't believe he was moved so easily. He goes to kick Gigantis, and he blocks it. Dark Stranger goes to punch him, and Gigantis blocks it. He headbutts the crap out of The Dark Stranger, and knocks him off his feet!!

Look at that!


Amazing power by Gigantis!

Gigantis stays on the offensive, and works the Dark Stranger back in to the corner. Gigantis pounds on Dark Stranger a minute. Inside knees, chops to the shoulder blade. He works Stranger over!! The Beast gets the upperhand early, and the 7'8'' man tossing Dark Stranger's 7 foot frame clear across the ring!!

What might.

That's what I'm talking about. Clear as that. Gigantis is a force in that ring out there!

Gigantis goes for his pattened stomp. But, Dark Stranger grabs his foot, and stands up with him. Gigantis goes to grab him by the throat. And Dark Stranger grabs him by the throat instead. Gigantis goes to do an overhand chop. But, Dark Stranger hits him with 2 uppercuts to mid-section, and chest,.. then he boots him in the shin, and Gigantis falls to a knee. Dark Stranger backs up, and goes to rush in for a BIG BOOT. But, Gigantis grabs his foot, and on one-knee he tosses Dark Stranger backwards, and he bumps in to the official. The Dark Stranger gets mad, and starts arguing with the official. He gets in the referee's face, and allows Gigantis to Give him the BIG BOOT!! Gigantis goes in for his move known as the "Radiation Fallout".

It's the GARVIN STOMP! He's going for the GARVIN STOMP for the win!!

Gigantis stomps him out with his finisher, and then covers him up with his 7'8 450 pound enourmous body. For the 1, 2, 3!!

He gets him with the Garvin Stomp, and wins fair, and square with a brutal stomp.

The winner of this match is THE BEAST... Gigantis!!! Him, and his partner "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton are now the #1 contenders for the XWF Tag Team Titles...... ..

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 2 minutes, and 11 seconds, Match Result: Gigantis via pinfall.

The Game is backstage with Stephanie McMahon. The King of Kings with the Billion Dollar Princess.

Let me tell you something Steph. I'm the reason this tournament even exist.. everyone KNOWS that I am the KING of KINGS .. and this is my tournament to win..

We cut away from them, and we go straight to an interview backstage with Mitch Keller on the scene. Mitch?

Backstage Tyroneus Del Rio is stopped by Mitch Keller, and he asks one question.

How do you think you'll fair against The Game in Round 1 of this King of Xtreme tournament??

"The Game"? No problemo. He does not know the meaning of the word.. "Xtreme". I'm going to show him.... I'm going to dispose of The Game with my deadly Cross Armbreaker!!

Tyroneus Del Rio pushes passed Mitch Keller, and heads for the ring for this first of the KING OF XTREME tournament matches. 8-men... 1- king of xtreme ...



The Game vs. Tyroneus Del Rio - King of Xtreme tournament Round 1 - (Written by Connor)

The beautiful, and lovely Danielle Worley at ringside to announce the next contest. It is the 1st of the King of Xtreme tournament matches.

Ladies & Gentlemen this next contest is an Xtreme Rules Match in The King Of Xtreme Tournament. Introducing first, he hails from Greenwhich,Connecticut weighing in tonight at 235 POUNDS !!! THIS IS..THE GAME!!!

hits the P.A. as the lights go out and white, red and blue lights flash throughout the arena, the lights comeback on as a misty green light. The Game walks down the ramp

The Game walks down the ramp, and mouths the words "I'm the KING of KINGS!" The Game then gets onto the apron and spits water out onto his fans and poses.

He gets into the ring as the music stops.

And his opponent...

Del Rio's theme music hits the P.A.

He hails from Madrid ,Spain weighing in tonight at 263 POUNDS!! THIS IS..TYRONEOUS DEEEELLLL RRRRIIIIIOOOO!!!!!!

Del Rio walks down the ramp to a boo'ing crowd.

He wears the towel around his neck proudly as he gets into the ring and taunts The Game.


Del Rio throws his towel into the crowd as the two men exchange blows early. The Game pushes Del Rio down as the crowd cheers. The Game gets out of the ring and loads up on a trash can full of chains, straps, signs, cookie sheets and even a cheese grater. He slides them in to the ring and climbs back in but Del Rio runs over and knees game in the face. He goes for the quick cover



Well that wasn't even close!

Good try!

Del Rio searches and grabs a strap out of the trash can. He gets up and smacks the rising Game in the stomach.

Fans: WOOO!!

The Game: AHHHHHH!!!

Del Rio smacks The Game another 3 times over his body. Game falls and Del Rio goes for the cover again




Del Rio gets up and gets the cheese grater he walks over to where Game is and grates the skin off of his head!



The crowd loves it!!!

Game is on his knees as Del Rio goes to superkick him however Game dodges it and Del Rio crashes to the mat; Game grabs a stop sign that's close by and goes to smack Del Rio with it, Del Rio reverses it by smacking Game with one of those leather straps! He quickly goes for the Cross Arm Breaker!

He's got it!

Come On DEL RIO!!!


Tyroneus Del Rio's theme music hits the P.A., and he is the first one to advance to the 2nd round of the KOX tournament.


Del Rio celebrates, and bows to the crowd who throws trash his way. He feels very disrespected as he exits the ring, and heads back up the ramp. He seems to even be cursing at the crowd in spanish.

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 3 minutes, and 4 seconds, Match Result: Tyroneus Del Rio via submission.

Del Rio disappears through the curtains to a very distraught crowd. They didn't want to see any Skeletons of Society members move on, and now Phoenix, Arizona has to deal with Tyroneus Del Rio for Round 2.


What a big win for Del Rio.

Certainly was. He is the 1st man in this 8-man King of Xtreme tournament to advance to the semi-finals. If he wins this next one.. he's going on to the KING OF XTREME Finals... who knows who his next opponent will be. Either Mike Dimter, or his stablemate... another member of the Skeletons of Society .. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton?!

Anything can happen J.R. And that Dimter vs. Saxton FIRST ROUND match .. is NEXT.

Mike Dimter is backstage being scolded by GM Shawn Taylor.

What's your problem Dimter. You missed your flight.. you missed the meeting for King of Xtreme.. you've just been missing in action all around here these days. So, tonight.. maybe you should miss this tournament ....

Hey! No way! First of all Mr. "General Manager" .. my flight got screwed up by XWF officials. I was also suppose to have a camera man, and one of your pin-headed interviewers to come show up at my house last week.. NOBODY showed!! So, if anything.. it's YOUR PRODUCTION TEAM that's been missing in action. Why don't you suspend all those knuckle heads, and find someone else to man your cameras??

That's ENOUGH! Enough Dimter. Fine. You get to still compete tonight.. but, if you pull this sherade again. You WILL be suspended for 2 weeks!!

Dimter huffs, and puffs before exiting the GM's office. Shawn Taylor readjusts his tie, and clears his throat as we cut away from him.


We then cut to Bob Levy standing by with "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton before this FIRST ROUND "King of Xtreme" matchup.

Listen Cliff. You just heard. The rumors have been put to rest. Dimter has been allowed to compete in this tourney tonight.. despite his absence...

Listen here! BOB. I'm all about buisness, and I'm going to handle mine tonight. I don't care what Dimter's situation is. I'm not worried about what anyone thinks. The Skeletons of Society are my only family now. Tonight, I'm going to advance to round 2 to face off against someone in my stable. Then .. I will go on be the next King of Xtreme.

Saxton flashes a smirk at Bob Levy, and then we fade back to ringside.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton vs. Mike Dimter - King of Xtreme tournament Round 1 - (Written by Connor)

In the ring is Danielle Worley.

Ladies & Gentlemen this next contest is an Xtreme Rules Match in the King Of Xtreme Tournament! Introducing first...

Cliff Saxton's music hits the P.A.

He hails from Des Moines, Iowa weighing in tonight at 218 POUNDS! THIS IS..."DANGEROUS" CLLLLIIIIIFFFFFFF SAAAAXXXXTOOONNNNN!!!

Saxton comes out to blue lights flashing and a so/so reaction by the crowd. He walks down the ramp determiend to win the match.

He continues to walk to the ring as strobe lights flash thorughout the arena as well as the cameras flashes. He goes up the stairs and gets in the ring and poses on the turnbuckle.

The music stops.

And his opponent...

Dimter's music hits the P.A.

He hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in toninght at 243 POUNDS!! THIS IS...MIIIIKKKKEEEEE DIIIIIMMMMTTEEEERRR!!!

The crowd boos as Dimter coems out to lights flashing to the beat of the music, he runs to the ring and enters.


Saxton goes to work on him early by punching him numerous times and then elbowing him to the back. He pciks him up and then irish whips him, he clotheslines him and then points out to the crowd.

Saxton is going to work early!

That will really help in this tournament!

Saxton goes to get Dimter up, however Dimter low blows him and gains teh upper hand. He DDT's Saxton then exits the ring going to get a weapon. He lifts up the apron and grabs a cookie sheet from under the ring. Saxton gets up however Dimter doesn't realize it, Saxton baseball slides kicking the cookie sheet into Dimter's face, pushing him back to the railing. Saxton gets up and grabs a pipe from under the ring, he wacks Dimter in the stomach with it a couple times and then smacks him over the back with it.

Wow what domination by Saxton.

You got that right JR!

Saxton goes to hit Dimter again but Dimter dodges it and Saxton hits the railing instead. Dimter turns saxton around and irish whips him into the steel steps! Dimter looks under the ring and finds a barbed wire 2x4 he throws it in the ring and then grabs a steel chair and throws that in aswell. He puts Saxton in the ring and goes for the cover.



Not even close.

Not at all!

Dimter goes and grabs the steel chair he goes to hit the fallen Saxton but Saxton rolls quickly , tripping Dimter..Dimter smashes his nose off of the chair and it starts to gush blood! Saxton quickly exits the ring and grabs another steel chair! He runs back into the ring and smashes the chair on the back of Dimter's head making his head bust open and his nose to gush more blood. Dimter rolls in pain as the chair is covered in blood as well as Dimter's face.

Look at the blood on that chair!

And Saxton is just loving it!!!

Saxton goes to jump and elbow Dimter in the stomach but gets a knee in the face! Saxton rolls around in pain as the fans cheer.


Listen to them!!!


They're loving it!!!!

Dimter gets up and goes for the cover.




How is he surviving?

That's passion, courage & determination!!

Dimter gets up and grabs the barbed wire 2x4 he runs to hit Saxton in the back but Saxton reverses and trips Dimter into falling into the ropes, the barbed wire 2x4 gets stuck and Dimter tries to pull it out, but Saxton runs and dropkicks Dimter's face into the barbed wire!!

Dimter screams as the crowd loves it!


These fans got their money's worth and we aren't even halfway through the show!


Saxton pulls Dimter out of the barbed-wire, turns him around and executes The Finisher!!

He goes for the pin, he hooks the leg.



foot on the rope!!

Cliff Saxton thinks he's won! He's celebrating now. He's jumping up, and down... ..

Of course he thinks he won. He should have the win right now JR. Dimter has no buisness being in this tournament in the first place..

Oh you're kidding me!

Saxton is celebrating, and actually starts exiting the ring. He's making his way down the steel steps, and the ref informs him the match isn't over. But, Cliff Saxton does not believe it! He snaps, and starts slamming his fists on the outside barricade. He slaps his palms against the top of the steel steps out of frustration. He decides to slide in the ring, and goes for that bloody steel chair. He smiles to himself, and over at Mike Dimter. Saxton walks over, and picks that steel chair up. Dimter starts stirring in the corner. Falling all over himself. Saxton lays the steel chair down flat near that corner, and then goes to work on Mike Dimter. He punches away on him! He then forces him up on the top turnbuckle, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton goes for the Superplex on the steel chair!! As Cliff Saxton lifts him up in the air however, that's when Dimter reverses it, and he turns it in to a Crossbody of some sort. The back of Saxton's skull crushes the steel chair, and Dimter lands on top of him for the cover.

1.. ....

2... .

. ....

.... kick out!!

I thought he had him there.

Unbelievable match so far JR. I can't believe Saxton kicked out!!

They are both stirring on opposite sides of the ring. As Saxton starts crawling for Dimter. That's when Dimter pops out of nowhere, and goes for a kick. But, Saxton catches his foot-- spins Dimter around, and kicks him straight in the gut! He then goes to set him up for Samoan Drop. But, Dimter wiggles out, and kicks Saxton in the balls!!! Dimter waste no time, and hits him with his finisher a Leg Hook, Reverse STO better known as "The Cracked Skull"!!!!

That should do it.

Dimter hooks the leg, and gets the 1,




Mike Dimter's theme music begins playing over the P.A. system. Then he gets to his 2 knees, and raises his arms in victory!! A lot of fans have mixed reactions on this contest. Some pulling for Saxton surprisingly, and some wanting to see Dimter advance to round 2. The referee officially raises his hand for the victory.

He moves on to Round 2 where he'll be facing off against Tyroneus Del Rio now.

Match Grade: B+, Match Duration: 6 minutes, and 43 seconds, Match Result: Mike Dimter via pinfall.

We cut to William Knighthawk watching the monitor backstage.

William Knighthawk: THAT'S obsurd!! Cliff Saxton deserved to win. It should be two members of the S.O.S. already advancing on to the next round!! Not like this ..

Suddenly, Hawking Ripper walks right up to him. They are pretty much 2 feet from each other. Hawking Ripper looks "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk square in the eye, and says the following to him.

Hawking Ripper: You see Willie boy. It doesn't matter who's on the other side of that bracket. It's me, and you next.. 1 - on - 1 ... winner goes on, and loser goes home! What do you think about that big guy?

Knighthawk simply grunts, and adjusts his XWF Tag Team Title on his shoulder. He looks Hawking Ripper over, and Ripper actually taps him across the face twice.

Hey. It's no big deal William. Just a friendly smack .... .. see you out there buddy ..

William Knighthawk's face is beat red, and he doesn't say a word as Ripper heads for the entrance ramp.

Hawking Ripper vs. William Knighthawk - King of Xtreme tournament Round 1 - (Written by Mr. Lucente)

Danielle Worley announces the first competitor.

Introducing first.. from Toronto, Ontario Canada.. weighing in at 247 pounds.. .. he is .... HAWWWWKKKINNNGG RIPPPPERRRRRRRR!!!!!

The man's theme music plays, and out comes Hawking Ripper to a great ovation from the crowd here in Phoenix, Arizona!! The XWF fans love this guy, and are in full support of him tonight heading in to this "King of Xtreme" tournament. First Hawking Ripper bows to the fans in attendance.

Then he does a little headbang dance, and then rushes towards the ring. He slides inside, and then poses for all the people.

And his opponent... hailing from Dartmoor, England .. weighing in at 235 pounds. He goes by the name of "The Dark Prince" WILLLLLIIIAAMMMM.. KNIIIGHTTHAWWWWWKKKK!!

His theme music begins blaring over the loud speakers, and William Knighthawk immediately receives boo's from the crowd. The lights dim down low, and pyros begin going off on the stage area!!! He gets a ton of heat on his way out from behind the curtains, and these fans won't ease off of him. They let him hear it on his way down the ramp, and he hollers back at them. Finally Knighthawk makes his way up the steels steps, and in to the squared-circle. He stares across the ring at his FIRST ROUND opponent Hawking Ripper.

They both look each other over, and then the lights come back to normal as his music dies down. The referee quickly instructs them of the rules, and then calls for the bell to start this matchup. DING! DING! DING! They circle around each other, and the crowd gets in to it already!! Clapping, and cheering for Hawking Ripper. Boo'ing, and rooting against William Knighthawk the leader of the Skeletons of Society. This match seems very intense as the 2 lock up in the center of the ring to do battle. Hawking Ripper wins the battle of strength, and works Knighthawk back in to the corner. Ripper backs up, and nods at Knighthawk. Some reason that sets Knighthawk off, and veins are pulsating out of his neck. He rushes in on Hawking Ripper, and he simply Hip Tosses him to the mat. William Knighthawk rolls back to his feet embarassed, and charges again. Ripper turns it in to a Deep Arm Drag!! He takes Knighthawk down to the mat, and wrenches back on that arm of his. The fans cheer!!!! They are backing Ripper as he wears on Knighthawk early here. People hoot, and roller for the first autistic King of Xtreme competitor ever.

Hawking Ripper looks sharp out there so far.

He sure does JR. Already frustrating William Knighthawk who is trying to fight his way out of that arm bar he's placed in...

Knighthawk tries to fight back with right hands. But, Ripper knees him in the back, and then another solid knee to the spine! He then goes to the ropes, and comes back DROPKICKING William Knighthawk across the back of the head. He then goes for the early roll up...

.. 1....

. ... .2. .....

... kick out!

Close one there King!

Hawking Ripper stays on the offensive, and continues pounding on Knighthawk on the mat. Solid elbows to his shoulder, and neck area. Digging his knee in his lower back, and just taking it to William Knighthawk right now. The fans happy to see Ripper on top for the moment!

Not how I thought this one would start off JR.

Ripper then drags Knighthawk by the arm towards the corner, and then throws a couple jabs at his face. Ripper shoves Knighthawk back in the corner, and delivers a vicious chop, "WOOOOOOOOO!" The fans celebrate as Ripper does a drumroll with his hands, and then drills Knighthawk with a hard right hand to the face. Knighthawk falls back in the corner, and slides down to the bottom turnbuckle. Hawking Ripper ceases his moment, and backs up clear across the ring. He rushes in, and throws a boot RIGHT in to Knighthawk's skull!!!

Whoa! That was a shot right there.

Hawking Ripper drags William Knighthawk by his foot to the center of the ring, and covers him up.


....2 .... ..

.. .. kick out!

Ripper doesn't hesitate. He gets up, and plants an elbow in his mid-section. He covers him up again.

1. ...

.. 2. ... Kick out!

The fans clap for Hawking Ripper as he picks Knighthawk up by the hair, and scoops him up for a Bodyslam! He plants him with 1 bodyslam, and then picks him up for a second Bodyslam! Then he points out at all the fans, and does a little headbang. Before scooping William Knighthawk up, and BODYSLAMMING him for a 3rd time!! William Knighthawk goes to the ropes, and comes back DROPPING A BIG LEG across William Knighthawk's throat. He covers him up for the count,

1 ... ...

2. .. ... .. .

... KICK OUT!!

Well, Knighthawk showing off early on here that he won't be taken out of this tournament easily. This is only ROUND 1, and we already seen some brutal contests.

Yeah, quite the matches so far. But, I'm anxious to see where this match is going. Ripper has been in control the whole time.

Ripper goes to lift Knighthawk up, and plants him with a quick Snap Suplex!! Ripper then pulls him up by the hair, and Knighthawk thrusts his hands up at Ripper's chest. Then out of nowhere Knighthawk leaps up, and Dropkicks Hawking Ripper back in to the corner!! Knighthawk then rolls to his feet, and stands in the opposite corner. He rushes in, and Ripper gets a hard BOOT up in his grill!! Knighthawk falls to a knee, and the fans applaud this move. The autistic kids, and nearly everyone else marks out for Hawking Ripper!!! As he claws the eyes of Knighthawk, and fights his way back in this one.

Lot of fans of Ripper's tonight.

Sure are. No one wants to see the S.O.S. win this whole thing. I don't really have a favorite.. but, I would have to put my money on Dimter. What about that bounty that Ripper has out? What was it.. 100 million or some ridiculous figure like that?

I think so.

If anyone takes out a member of the Skeletons of Society, .. that person will receive they huge reward from Hawking Ripper. But, he may not need it. Looks pretty good out there so far!

Ripper goes to irishwhip Knighthawk to the ropes. But, instead Knighthawk blocks it, and stomps on Ripper's foot. He then grabs Ripper's mask, and pulls it down a bit so he can't see. He then grabs him by the back of that buckethead, and dumps him out of the ring.

He just tosses him through those ropes! Now, Knighthawk in control of this, and he takes off towards the opposite ropes-- bouncing back, he then leaps between the ropes, and CONNECTS with a well-executed SUICIDE DIVE!!! That shot blasts Ripper back in to the announce table, and Knighthawk falls hard to the mat. Both men down for a moment, and the fans are cheering this scenario as they see the replay on the titan tron. An "XWF" chant breaks out, and even a small "S.O.S." chant somehow breaks out in the arena.

These fans are loving the action JR. They are hyped on every move!! They want to see who the next KING of XTREME is going to be!!

2 matches down in round 1 .. there are 2 more matches left to decide who goes on to the semi-finals of this King of Xtreme tournament. You've got Del Rio vs. Dimter in round 2 already coming up...

Knighthawk is up first, and he goes to irishwhip Ripper in to the steel steps. But, Ripper reverses it, and instead Knighthawk's back smashes the steel steps!! Knighthawk looks underneath the ring, and he pulls out that famous Tire Iron. He eyes Knighthawk down, and walks over to him with that tire iron raised high in the air for all the fans to see it. But, William Knighthawk raises up, and kicks Hawking Ripper in the gut making him drop it. Ripper gets mad, and starts pummeling on Knighthawk with open fists!!! Knighthawk is vunerable, and can't fight back. Ripper stomps away at him, and then slides him in the ring. Hawking Ripper raises his arms to the crowd, and they respond with lots of cheers back!! He gets the biggest pop of the night by far as he bends over for that Tire Iron again. He slides in the ring, and Knighthawk begins putting the boots to him right away!!

Both men staying on top of each other in this match. They won't let up. No one can slip! Or their dream is over...

KING of XTREME is what it's all about.

Knighthawk picks Ripper up by the head, and slings him over in to the corner. Knighthawk starts whailing on him now, and shouts out at Hawking Ripper that he's "nothing but a wanker!" Ripper fights back with fists of fury. But, William Knighthawk kicks him in the knee, and then grabs the back of his buckethead. He then whips Ripper around, and swings him shoulder-first in to the steel post. You can hear the loud CRACK at Ripper screams out in pain!!

That could've done it's damage.

Knighthawk snatches Ripper by the arm, and suddenly throws him to the ground in the Crippler Crossface!!!!! He's got Hawking Ripper right where he wants him, and the fans give him an incredible amount of heat. They boo him real bad as he wrenches back on Ripper's shoulder, and tries to get him to tap here!! But, Ripper crawls for the ropes.

He's crawling for it.

He's crawling for it ... will he get there?? .... He does!!

Hawking Ripper grabs the rope with his free hand, and the referee forces him to break the hold. The XWF fans cheer, and immediately rejoice. They are excited to see Ripper hold on. Knighthawk don't let up, and gets to his feet. He stomps on the back of Ripper, and drops an elbow square across his spine!! Knighthawk then starts mounting the turnbuckle, and he shouts something out at the crowd before trying to stand to his feet up there. But, Hawking Ripper reaches down deep, and finds some energy. He springs up, and grabs Knighthawk by the arm-- slinging him back in to the ring!! William Knighthawk splatters across the canvas!!! The XWF fans POP as Ripper crawls for the ropes, and pulls himself up. Hawking Ripper deciding what to do now. He looks down at the tire iron. But, decides not to use it. He instead hurries up, and goes for his signature move the Anaconda Vice. However, William Knighthawk knows what is happening, and crawls for the ropes fast. He grasps on to the bottom rope tight, and cuddles up on them.

He doesn't want to let go of those ropes J.R.!!

Ripper picks up the tire iron, and using the bolt side- he JAMS it in to the back of Knighthawk repeatidly. Knighthawk rolls to the outside apron, and eventually steps to the outside mat. Ripper throws the tire iron down, and calls William Knighthawk back in to this ring right now!! Knighthawk slides in immediately, and Ripper starts to stomp on him. However, Knighthawk fights through it, and the 2 exchange blows in the center of the ring!! Right, left! Right, left! Back n' fourth!! Back n' fourth!! Ripper hits Knighthawk!! Knighthawk hits RIPPER!! The crowd Cheers! The crowd Boos!! They are hanging on the edge of their seats. Knighthawk springs up for a Dropkick but Hawking Ripper side swipes him. Ripper then grabs William Knighthawk's legs, and turns him over for his finishing maneuver known as "The Puzzle". Hawking Ripper turns him over, and he has Knighthawk locked in that Elevated Boston Crab!!!! The fans are marking out hard for this moment.

Can he do it? Can he put him away here? Will the Dark Prince tap??? Wait. What's this?!? It's GIGANTIS. What's HE doing out here?!?

What you think J.R. To join me, and you on commentary ...

However, Gigantis simply walks up, and steps up on the apron. He yells out at Hawking Ripper, and at first the kid ignores him. He leans back on William Knighthawk, and tries to get him to tap here!! Hawking Ripper wants advance to the 2nd round of this King of Xtreme tournament. But, Gigantis is calling him all sorts of names, and mocks the autistic children in the crowd. So, Ripper doesn't take kindly to that. He releases the hold, and walks over towards Gigantis. The 7'8'' man looks down on the 6'1'' Hawking Ripper. However, it's Ripper who is barking orders at Gigantis, and not looking intimidated at all. Suddenly, Gigantis goes for a big chop, and Hawking Ripper blocks it. He kicks Gigantis through the ropes, and the big man falls backwards off the apron. Hawking Ripper turns around, and that Gigantis distraction was long enough for Knighthawk to mount the top turnbuckle. So, when Hawking Ripper turns around he is hit with a direct Missle Dropkick from the top rope!!! William Knighthawk then quickly covers Hawking Ripper up, and the fans BOO as Knighthawk puts his feet on the middle rope to gain leverage

.. ..1.. ....

.... 2. ....

. ..... ..

.. .. 3!

No! Damnit! It shouldn't have to end that way. Hawking Ripper putting up the fight of his life. He has Knighthawk on the ropes. He literally has him face-down on the canvas, and Gigantis sticks his nose where it don't belong.

He's S.O.S. JR!!

What's that mean??

Those S.O.S. guys stick together. Skeletons of Society is like a family.

Oh, baloney.

Well, 2 of the 3 men that advanced were from the Skeletons of Society. They almost were 3 for 3 tonight JR! If it wasn't for that low blow by Dimter..

Everything is legal in King of Xtreme. As you just saw here!

William Knighthawk celebrates up the ramp, and has the 7'8'' Gigantis by his side the whole way. The fans terroize him with evil words, and mean things. But, Knighthawk fires back on his way towards the back.

The winner of this match, and advancing to the 2nd round of this King of Xtreme tournament...... WILLLLIAMMMMMMMM KNIIIIGHHTTTTHAWWWWWKKKK!!

Hawking Ripper looks confused as he gets up off the mat, and stares out at Knighthawk exiting through the curtains.

He can't seem to believe what happend. He explains somethings to the official. But, he says that his decision is final. Knighthawk goes on to ROUND 2, and Ripper has been eliminated.

Match Grade: B+, Match Duration: 8 minutes, and 32 seconds, Match Result: William Knighthawk via pinfall.

Ryan Ryder is backstage with Flo Stanley, and she looks more excited than he is to be there.

Flo Stanley: So what's your strategy Ryan?

Ryan Ryder: Strategy? You know Flo when it comes down to it... I'm just going to go out there. I'm going to give it my all against Flip Johnson. I'm going to put him away, and advance to round 2! Because, you're not only looking at the Real Deal, and the Top Dawg. Oh no! Not only am I the Perfect Specimen .. I'm your soon-to-be King of Xtreme baby!

Ryan flashes a smile at Flo Stanley, and taps her on the behind. She giggles, and shrugs her shoulders at it. As we cut away from those 2.


We then cut to Flip Johnson who is getting a pep talk from Brutality before this FIRST ROUND "King of Xtreme" matchup.

Brutality: This is it. This is what the tournament is all about! I can feel it FLIP. Can't you feel it??

Flip Johnson: Hell yeah I feel it.

I'm serious. I'm like real excited about this opportunity for you. I mean, we'll always be the Wreckin' Crew pal. But tonight. Tonight is YOUR night Flip!

You're right about that. And I'm going to get that sum'bitch right now!!

Get him Flip! ...."LIGHTS OUT"!!!!!

Flip is already heading for the ring, and Brutality sounds real about his happiness for his tag team partner who finds himself in the FIRST ROUND of this "King of Xtreme" tournament. Up Next!

Ryan Ryder vs. Flip Johnson - King of Xtreme tournament Round 1 - (Written by Connor)

Cut to Danielle Worley at ringside.

Ladies & Gentlemen this next contest is an Xtreme Rules Match in The King Of Xtreme Tournament! Introducing first...

Flip Johnson's theme songs hits over the P.A. system.

He hails from Montgomery,Alabama weighing in tonight at 228 POUNDS!! THIS IS...FLIIIIIPPPP JOOOOHHHHNNNNSOOOOONNNN!!!

Johnson has a good strategy as he runs into the ring and gets weapons, wasting no time he throws in a baseball bat, stop sign, trash can, crutch & a chain.

He gets in the ring and waits for his opponent.

And his opponent...

Ryan Ryder's theme plays over the P.A.

He hails from Los Angeles, California he weighs in tonight at 220 POUNDS!! THIS IS.."The Real Deal" Ryan Ryder!!

Ryder comes out to flashing lights and a wicked crowd as they cheer him on against one of his biggest rivals.

He continues to walk down the ramp and get cheered on. He gets in the ring and poses on the turnbuckle. That's when his theme music starts to die down.


The two men lock up in the middle of the ring, they both kneel as Ryder gets the upper hand , he kicks Johnson but Johnson grabs Ryder's leg and slams him to the mat. Johnson quickly goes to grab the stop sign, he gets it and smashes it over the back of Ryder ..Johnson picks Ryder up and drives the sign into his throat forcing him into the turnbuckle, Johnson performs a crazy move on Ryder and goes for the cover.



Well he tried, haha!

Not even close!

Ryder holds his throat as Johnson gets the chain, he wraps it around Ryders neck as Ryder's face turns purple, Johnson lets go. Ryder rolls in pain as Johnson picks him up and throws him out of the ring. He gets out of the ring as they exchange blows infront of the announcer table , Johnson smacks Ryder's back off the table and Ryder screams in pain. Ryder swears in anger.

Watch it Ryder!

This may be KOX but there's no need for that!

Ryder grabs the ring bell and smashes it over Johnson's head busting him wide open. Johnson fights back, slamming Ryder onto the announcer table. Ryder lays there and Johnson grabs a loop of barbed wire from under the ring, he grates Ryder's face skin with it!



Johnson pulls Ryder off the table and throws him into the crowd, he then pulls the announcer table apart and grabs a ladder and two tables from under the ring!

Well our table is gonna be destroyed!

It's a great thing we got two!!!

Johnson stacks both tables ontop of the announcer table and sets up the 20-foot ladder! He goes in the crowd and Ryder grabs a fans pop, throwing it into the face of Johnson, stinging his eyes. A fan gives his water to Johnson and Johnson quickly flushes out his eyes. Ryder gets in a verbal fight with a fan, Johnson chucks Ryder over the securityrail. He follows behind him and grabs Ryder by the head, he pulls him up the ladder and they exchange blows. They both loose some balance as the punches are heavy.


Someone is finished here!

Johnson grabs Ryder by the throat.


Johnson chokeslams Ryder through the 2 tables and the announcer table!!


The ref runs over to Ryder to see if he's conscious , however he calls for the bell.


He can't continue. Ryan Ryder is completely knocked out.

Ladies & Gentlemen here is your winner....FLIIPPP JOOOHHHNNNNSSOOOONNN!!!!

His titan tron package hits as Johnson climbs down the ladder, the paramedics runs down the ramp pushing a stretcher to help Ryan Ryder. They move the broken table parts and move Ryder onto the stretcher.

Match Grade: C, Match Duration: 6 minutes, and 58 seconds, Match Result: Flip Johnson via referee's decision.

Flip Johnson limps towards the back, and Ryan Ryder looks completely out of it as he's attended to by the paramedics.

Lets hope he is ok!

Ladies & Gentlemen we will update you with his condition later on.

Del Rio, and Saxton are in GM Shawn Taylor's office- they are angry with what happend out there!!

Cliff Saxton: How could you? How could you let Dimter get away with something like that out there??

Tyroneus Del Rio: Yeah, no offence. But, allowing someone to enter the tournament that way.. what a disgrace. Dimter should've been suspended!!

You got that right!

That's it!! ENOUGH. Get out of here!! You heard me. GET OUT! It's my night. It's my show. I'll do things the way I want around here, and you just have to deal with it!!

Both those members of the S.O.S. very disappointed at the GM's actions tonight, and they don't look too happy at all.

We then cut to Carlos Shotgun backstag for the 1st time all night. The fans immediately POP!! Though he receives somewhat of a mixed reaction. It seems as though he has a lot of fans back on his side as of recently.

Carlos A. Shotgun: Here we are in Phoenix, Arizona. To think. A year ago I was facing off with Mark Adkins for the first time in years, and now.. I'm going up against someone I've never faced before in my life. The fact of the matter is I never really had a problem with this kid. Sure maybe I cost him a spot in the KOX tournament. Big deal. I'm a man of my word however, and I'm ready to get this night going. "Thank you ver--

Suddenly, Justice Legal attacks him, and puts him face-forward through a monitor backstage!!! Shotgun's entourage shows up, and Legal's group of misfits get his back. Their 2 groups fight each other as well, and security is forced to break them all up. Ceaser Torres. Professor Logan. Mr. Malenko. Justin Sane. Pain, and even Synner get surrounded by security as GM Shawn Taylor pops up at the last second. Justice Legal walks off on his own, and leaves a bloody Shotgun holding his head on the cold pavement.

We then cut to our official theme song for the 2011 "King of Xtreme" pay per view event. It is Radiohead with "High & Dry".


PART 3 --

Back at ringside Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler discuss what's just happend.

Welcome back folks, Justice Legal has just attacked Carlos Shotgun backstage and we are now wondering if Shotgun will still be able to compete at 100% tonight!

The guy's a trooper he'll be fine!


Tyroneus Del Rio vs. Mike Dimter - King of Xtreme tournament Round 2 - (Written by Connor)

Danielle Worley is in the ring to announce the first of the ROUND 2 "King of Xtreme" tournament matches... but, suddenly there's a ruckus heard up on the titan tron. It's Tyroneus Del Rio, and Mike Dimter fist fighting in the back. As Dimter chucks Del Rio into the wall and the ref tries to break them up. But, Dimter sees Del Rio getting off the ground so he runs over and punts Del Rio's head into the wall!! Forcing him to bleed quickly. Mike Dimter drags Tyroneus Del Rio down to the hallway towards some vanity mirror looking like it's set up for some diva. As he grabs Marlena's hair straightener that's plugged in already. Dimter then grabs Del Rio's head and burns his face with the straightener.



Dimter picks up the burnt Del Rio and pulls him to where the wrestlers go out at the gorilla position. Mike Dimter beats on Tyroneus Del Rio through that long corridor. Just slamming his head off posts, and hitting him with strong right hands. He drags him through the curtain, and crowd goes wild as they come through. They walk out onto the ramp, and Del RIo tries to get Dimter off of him but no luck! Dimter kicks him in the nuts, and then lifts Del Rio up POWER BOMBING him onto the ramp!!!



Dimter is just dominating.

And he's got the fans on his side tonight too.

Dimter pulls Del Rio up and takes him down to the ring throwing him in. The ref gets in too, and Dimter goes under the ring. He pulls out a bag full of thumbtacks from under the ring. He slides in the ring, and pours the thumbtacks out everywhere.


I guess so!


The match has just officially started!

What next!?

Dimter laughs at the fallen burnt Del Rio, and at first he waits for him to get to a knee. But, Del Rio looks dazed from that Powerbomb on the ramp. He could barely get to a knee. Mike Dimter hovers over him, and the crowd doesn't know what to expect from this guy.

He's tired of waiting, and he goes to scoop him off the ground. But, Del Rio tries to him with an uppercut. It barely stalls Dimter who starts kicking away at Tyroneus Del Rio. Then Mike Dimter picks up Del Rio who has burnt, and bloodied face. As Mike Dimter taunts him, and then executes a 'Cracked Skull' right onto the thumbtacks! Dimter taunts the crowd and then goes for the pin, he hooks the leg as Amari Scottsdale counts.





Mike Dimter has won this 2nd round match just like that.

His theme music hits the P.A.

What domination!

Mike Dimter took it to Del Rio in the back, and brought him out here. Del Rio never honestly had a chance to even go on the offensive. Incredible what we just witnessed here.

Mike Dimter, and the rest of the XWF crowd celebrate this victory!

Match Grade: C+, Match Duration: 23 seconds, Match Result: Mike Dimter via pinfall

The match is officially over, and the commentators are discussing what just happend in the first of these ROUND 2 "King of Xtreme" matches.

Apparently. No offense to Del Rio. But, that was the quickest victory in KING OF XTREME tournament history!!

Well, they're not counting the 2 minutes he beat him up backstage, or the few moments it took to hit that Powerbomb on the ramp... they didn't ring the bell officially til they got in the ring. But, what impact from Dimter who is still celebrating in the ring there.

Wait. Look who it is!!

As Mike Dimter is facing the crowd, and raising his arms in victory. Suddenly, Cliff Saxton runs from the side of the ramp, and quickly slides in the ring. He puts a forearm to the back of Dimter's skull! He knocks Mike Dimter over with one hard shot, and starts stomping away at him!! Cliff tries to get Del Rio up to join in. Cliff picks Dimter up, and drops him with that devlish Killswitch known simply as "The Finisher". He PLANTS him with that crushing maneuver right on the thumbtacks!!! Del Rio does start getting up slowly, and he sees what is happening. He joins in Cliff Saxton stomping away at him! The referee tries to pull them away, and Saxton shoves him to the ground. They beat his ass for a bit on the canvas.

What IS this?? Someone STOP this now!

That's when Gigantis comes out, and the crowd starts to boo more now. They can't believe their eyes as he walks to the ring, and pulls himself up on the apron. Gigantis steps in the ring with his 7'8'' frame, and tells the other 2 to clear out the way. Gigantis then growls out at the XWF fans before he stomps away at Dimter!!

The RADIATION FALLOUT on the already injured Mike Dimter!

Quit this!!! QUIT THIS damnit!! Someone get out here, and stops this.

Gigantis lifts him off the ground, and manically CHOKESLAMS him back to the canvas!! Right on those very thumbtacks!! The fans are pissed, and boo'ing this whole scenario. As the S.O.S. poses, and taunts the crowd. Then Tyroneus Del Rio slaps the helpless Dimter across the face while he's laying unconscious on the ground. Cliff Saxton gives him one more swift kick to the face for good measure, and receives a lot of heat from this crowd. Gigantis raises his arms in the air, and all 3 men celebrate as the XWF crowd is angered!!!! EMTs run out, and hurry up to pull out a stretcher. They take their time securing Mike Dimter's neck in a brace, and place him on the stretcher. The XWF fans are stirring at ringside as they roll Dimter away ..

What just happend out here JR?? What if Dimter can't go on to compete??

Beats me. You're guess is as good as mine. I'll tell you what. I don't think he'll be coming back after that brutal sneak attack by the Skeletons of Society..

Is this a plan to help make it an easy road for William Knighthawk? Maybe they thought one of them would make it to the finals, and it would be real possible then for the S.O.S. leader to be crowned the new King of Xtreme. Now, with the man who was suppose to advance to the finals.. completely out of it... now what?

I have no idea King.

We cut away from ringside a moment.


Flip Johnson is backstage with Mitch Keller, and he looks fumed.

What an outrage! This is suppose to be the most precedented King of Xtreme tournament of all time, and you got some jokers ruining teverything? Tell me exactly Mitch Keller. Who will I face when I wins here tonight against William Knighthawk, and advance to the Finals? Huh? Hmmm. Well, maybe... just maybe. I mean, purely speculation. But, maybe I'll automatically become the King of Xtreme if I just beat Knighthawk up next!!

Unsure about what is happening. Flip flashes a quick smirk to Mitch Keller, and walks off on his own.

In the General Manager's office now, and we see 2 of the men responsible for that blatant attack on Mike Dimter out there moments ago. Tyroneus Del Rio, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton are up in GM Shawn Taylor's grill.

As you see. There is no more Dimter. No more Mike Dimter, and so you have no one to advance to the finals. We both know you're not going to do that .. so... hambre.. you need someone.. with grandure. Someone .. like me. You need Tyroneus Del Rio to advance now. Huh?

Yeah, and if anything. That's MY rightful spot in the finals anyway.

Del Rio, and Saxton whisper to each other for a second as it appears they are arguing.

... no... ..


What do you MEAN "no"?? This is a great night. It is suppose to be capped off with an all S.O.S. finals. They should change the pay per view name to the S.O.S.!! Cause it should all be about us ..

That's right!

Listen guys. I'm going to have to make a tough decision here soon. I might have to find a replacement opponent. But, if I have to get a replacement opponent for Mike Dimter. It won't be you 2 vigilanties. ...

GM Shawn Taylor ponders that thought, and exits his own office to find that person to replace Mike Dimter who is shown being driven away in an ambulance as we speak.

Flip Johnson vs. William Knighthawk - King of Xtreme tournament Round 2 - (Written by Connor)

Danielle Worley in the ring now.

Ladies & gentlemen this match is an Xtreme Rules Match in the King of Xtreme Semi-Finals! In the ring... he hails from Dartmoor, England weighing in tonight at 235 POUNDS!! THIS IS...."THE DARK PRINCE" WILLIAM KNIGHTHAWK!!

His theme music hits over the loud speakers, and Knighthawk appears from behind the curtain. The crowd really giving him heat here tonight. The leader of the S.O.S. makes his way to the ring, and he looks determined to win this 2nd round match tonight. As he enters the ring, and pounces around that thing.

Lets see what Knighthawk can do in this match. If he wins. He might actually be automatically named the new King of Xtreme because of what happend just a few moments ago. His group members the Skeletons of Society jumped poor Mike Dimter after his victory!

He is just standing there unintimidated!

But, you're right J.R. I mean, .. you've got to look at it the S.O.S. way ..

The hell I do. They ruined a damn tournament out here now!!

Yeah, but.. technically Mike Dimter low-blowed Saxton earlier, and then he jumps Del Rio backstage!

We don't know if he was jumping him or not. Looked mutual to me. And just who's side are you on anyway?!? These guys have done it before. They dragged Caleb Cross out of the arena, and basically ended his career in some back alley somewhere.... they took out Xavier Phoenix just last pay per view at Meltdown! They had their hands in everything. Knighthawk is one-half of the tag champs, and look what happens tonight? Those 3 did it on purpose! They want to see William Knighthawk go on to the FINALS, and not have to really beat anyone of significance. They took Dimter out tonight! He can't even compete.. heading to the damn local hospital.. what do you think of that ya idiot?!?

Calm down J.R. It's KING of XTREME! Things happen like that.

And his opponent...

Flip Johnson's song hits the P.A.

He hails from Montgomery, Alabama weighing in tonight at 228 POUNDS! THIS IS..FLIPP JOHHHNNNNSSSSOOOOONNNNNN!!!

Johnson walks through the crowd with a cooler, he climbs over the security rail and puts the cooler by the announcer table. He climbs up on one of the turnbuckles and poses.

Johnson takes his vest off and him and Knighthawk tap hands .

Here We GO!!!!!

The winner of this one will advance to the finals!! But, who will they face??


The two men lock up and Johnson trips Knighthawk quickly sending him to the mat. He kicks Knighthawk in the face a good four times and then pulls him up. Knighthawk goes to irish whip Johnson but Johnson jumps up and knees Knghthawk in the face. The ref checks on Knighthawk as Flip Johnson gets out of the ring.

What the hell is he doing?

Flip Johnson walks over to the cooler and opens it, he dips his hands in and pulls out two bottles of Miller Lights.. he opens one and chugs one.

Well that is just wrong!

:Who the hell does that? What a Beer Money Inc. wannabe!

Johnson drops the empty bottle and goes in the ring with the other one. Knighthawk goes to spear Johnson but Johnson smashes the bottle of beer right into the face of Wiliam Knighthawk.




Knighthawk falls to the ground and rolls in apin as ohnson goes and gets a chain, barbed wire bat, 2x4 and bag of thumbtacks from under the ring. He puts everything in the ring and gets back in. Knighthawk gets up quickly and the two men exchange blows. They both lose balance and Knighthawk grabs the 2x4 that's close by. He picks it up and jabs it right into the stomach of FLIP JOHNSON!

What a back and forth battle!


Knighthawk picks up Johnson and throws him out of the ring. Blood is pouring from William Knighthawk's forehead. He gets out and beats on Johnson, he throws him into the steel steps.


The steps fall apart as Johnson tries to get up. Knighthawk grabs one of the steps and smacks Johnson in the face with it.. forcing him to bleed quickly.

Knighthawk: I need water! WATER!

The beer must be soaking in!


A fan taunts Knighthawk with it, and so Knighthawk rips the bottle of water out of his hand. He pours it all over his face. Johnson gets up and Knighthawk turns around walking right into a LIGHTS OUT!! The crowd cheers and Johnson grabs a can of pepper spray and a steel chair. Knighthawk gets up and Johnson doesn't realize it.. Johnson goes to hit Knighthawk with the chair but Knighthawk dropkicks it and it smacks Johnson in the face sending him to the floor! Knighthawk takes the pepper spray and throws it into the ring... He gets in and pours the thumbtacks onto the ring mat!



Johnson gets up and gets back in the ring to try and end this match. He kicks the shins of the turned Knighthawk sending Knighthawk's neck onto the top rope and bouncing him off the ropes turning him around in time for just another LIGHTS OUT!!

He is done!






Knighthawk rolls over and Johnson gets up, Knighthawk secretly picks up the pepper spray. Johnson picks him up and goes for another LIGHTS OUT! BUT...BUT Knighthawk sprays the pepper spray into the eyes of Flip Johnson! He executes the OUT OF YOUR MISERY! This sends more misery into the body of Flip Johnson as he lands on the thumbtacks!!!!




Knighthawk goes for the cover..he hooks the leg..




Knighthawk rolls off of him, and gets to his knees. He throws his hands up in victory!!

His music hits, and the crowd actually has a mixed reaction now. Though most are boo'ing him because they hate the guy. A lot of people wouldn't mind seeing him with this tournament.


Knighthawk poses on the turnbuckles even though people are angry with his stable's actions tonight.


I never lost faith!!! Even when he busted him over the head with a fricken beer bottle .. ..

I must admit. Despite the fact what his goons did earlier. Knighthawk put on a great performance out there. I wish they would do that alll the time, and leave it for the ring. We don't need all these run-ins, and people being jumped. Mano-y-mano is the way I like it.

What do you think they are going to do now with the FINALS? Knighthawk has no one to face.... Dimter's out ..

That's on THEM to decide. Not me King.

Knighthawk celebrates, and the crowd is growing restless as he mouths the words "I beat you for the Tag Title, and now I'm going to BE YOUR NEW KING OF XTREME!!!!"

Match Grade: B, Match Duration: 8 minutes, and 35 seconds, Match Result: William Knighthawk via pinfall.

Backstage we see Carlos Shotgun being attended to by some doctor. He is putting a bandage over his left eye which was busted wide open by Justice Legal earlier. That's when GM Shawn Taylor walks up to give him the news.

I'm just here to inform you that your entourage has been banned from the arena for their scuffle earlier!! Ceaser. Logan. Malenko! They are all BANNED for tonight... so, whatever you had planned--

Can it Taylor! Can't you see I got a Street Fight up next??

A frustrated Shawn Taylor walks out of the room.


Backstage, and at ringside everyone is speculating who GM Shawn Taylor will pick to square off against Knighthawk in the Finals.

You know King. I for one believe that we might just see Xavier Phoenix come back out of the wood work.

Really JR? Because, I was thinking someone more from the past. I was thinking it'll be Shiru Vanchiez like last year.

What if they just hand the damn crown over to William Knighthawk??

You know. I could see Shawn Taylor announcing William Knighthawk is the soul winner. Absolutely. What else choice does he have? Dimter has been taken out of the building in an ambulance.....

We then cut from ringside to the backstage area. Where Justice Legal is in his locker room talking with his mentor Crimson Tide.

Justice Legal: Hey Tide! I really don't care if you think that was the right decision or not. It weakend Carlos Shotgun! That attack weakend him, and he will be more vunerable tonight.

Crimson Tide: I hear what you're saying young friend. But, .. .. well, I believe it only woke the sleeping giant! You've only been around the XWF hallways maybe 6 months. I've been here for 13 years!! Shotgun is going to be pissed once he recovers from this, and he's going to take all his frustations out on you!!

Now, hold it right ther--

Suddenly GM Shawn Taylor walks in, and looks Legal over.

I'm just hear to inform you that .... everyone involved in that backstage brawl has been banned from the arena tonight. Tide.. you didn't get involved so I'm going to allow you to stay. But, if you stick your nose in where it doesn't belong-- there will be consequences for you, and the rest of the D.O.D. I could promise you that!

How dare you barge in here like that?? GET OUT!! I've got a Street Fight up next ...

Shawn Taylor scoffs at Justice Legal, and walks out of there now.

Carlos Shotgun vs. Justice Legal - Street Fight - (Written by Mr. Lucente)

Danielle Worley is in the ring, and the crowd is really hyped for this next contest.

Ladies, and gentlemen... this next contest is scheduled to be ... a STREET FIGHT!!

The crowd POPS.

Introducing first .... he's from PARTS UNKNOWN ... weighing in at 205 pounds.. he is the "INSANE HOMICIDAL ONE" .... JUSSSTTIICCCE ... LEEEEGAAALLLLLLL!!!!

The crowd goes wild for Justice Legal as his theme music hits.

Out from the curtains comes Legal, and he looks ready for this one! As he makes his way down the ramp, and has a stone cold look on his face. He enters the ring, and hops around it a bit trying to loosen up.

And his opponent ... from San Juan, Puerto Rico ..... CARRRRLOSSSS.. A. ... SHOTTTGUNNNNNN!!!

The fans rise to their feet, and the lights dim low.

Carlos Shotgun theme hits over the P.A. system, and here comes the former 2-time XWF World Heavyweight Champion. The fans go nuts for him here in Phoenix, Arizona!! By far the biggest pop of the night thus far. Some fans are boo'ing him, and giving him some heat. But, as Shotgun steps through that curtains, he pauses to soak it up for a second. Then he eyes Legal down in the ring, and heads straight for him.

You know none of this would be happening J.R. if Shotgun didn't interrupt Legal's qualifying matchup to get in to the King of Xtreme tournament. It was that DQ that caused Legal the opportunity to be King, and now it's Legal's vendetta to put Shotgun away! Him, and his mentor Crimson Tide believe it's the best way to make a name for himself around here...

Well, he may just be right. I hate to say it. But, he may just be right. If you want to make an impact-- you go after the biggest name on the roster. That's for sure!

Shotgun actually does a dead sprint to the ring, and slides in fast. Very unlike him to rush in to a match, but he starts firing shots away at Legal. He works Legal back in to the ropes with hard right, and left hands. Justice Legal starts throwing punches back, and works Shotgun to the center of the ring. Legal, and Shotgun exchange shots!!! They go back, and fourth in front of allll these diehard XWF fans!! They are loving it! As Shotgun kicks Legal in the knee, and goes for a DDT. But, Legal reverses it somehow in to a FISHERMAN'S SUPLEX!!!




The fans already feeling anxious in the battle as both men roll to their feet, and eye each other down across the ring.

This is what it's all about! These 2 men want to beat the other.. for pride... for respect... there's no crown up for grabs... there's no status of calling yourself King ... there's no XWF World Title on the line out here. It's just 2 men who are going to give it their all to win this damn contest!!

They lock up in the center of the ring for a battle of strength. Legal works Shotgun in to the corner, and gets a forearm up in his face. He grades Shotgun with that forearm, and Shotgun knees him in the mid-section. He knees him again, and then headbutts him out of nowhere! Legal falls to the mat, and Shotgun quickly mounts the turnbuckle. He gets all the way up top, and leaps off for a big Elbow Drop!! But, Legal rolls out the way, and Shotgun catches the stiff mat. Legal rolls up on Shotgun fast, and places him in a Labell Lock!!! He wrenches back hard on Shotgun, and the fans are cheering for him now. He is pulling back on that neck, and arm .. he is trying to get the 2005 XWF Hall of Famer to tap right away here!! But, Shotgun wiggles out of it, and he places Justice Legal in an STF now!!

Ahhh! He's got him! STF! No where to go!!!

However, Legal wiggles out of it, and rolls to the outside apron. Shotgun gets to his feet, and approaches him. Legal goes for a big right hand, and Shotgun ducks it. He throws his shoulder in to Legal's mid-section through the ropes. Legal bends down holding his gut, and Shotgun grabs him by the head. He pulls him so that his legs are dangling on the 2nd rope, and he poses there a second before DROPPING Justice Legal with a very devestating DDT!!! Shotgun rolls Legal to the middle of the ring, and hooks the leg.




Shotgun claps his hands in front of the refs face, and then grabs Legal by the hair. He picks him up off the ground, and simply tosses him out of the ring. Shotgun raises his arms, and the crowd MARKS OUT for him!! He then goes to step to the outside apron, and before he can Legal reaches up-- pulls him out by the hair!! Shotgun goes flopping to the outside mat, and crashes down hard! Justice Legal immediately puts the boots to him, and the fans turn on him. They start to boo Legal as he stomps away. Legal then walks over to the time keeper, and pushes him off his chair. He grabs his steel chair, and folds it up. He walks over to Shotgun now on the ground, and starts beating him with that chair!!! He hits him a good 4 times, and a hard 5th time for good measure!! He tosses the chair aside, and picks Shotgun off the ground. He goes to whip him in to the barricade-- but, Shotgun reverses it, and sends Justice Legal flying in to the steel steps!! His knees smack the top of the steps, and Legal curls over in pain. Shotgun takes his sweet time walking over, and actually claps a few hands near the front row. He goes to pick Legal up by the hair, and Legal throws a hard right hand in his stomach. Legal tries to fight back. But, Shotgun kicks him with a swift boot to the CHOPS!!

Stiff kick there by Carlos Shotgun!

Shotgun then pulls the steel steps apart, and places Legal's leg on the bottom half of the steps. Legal tries to fight him off. But, Shotgun jumps up, and steps down HARD on that ankle!! Legal screams out in pain as Shotgun places the leg back on the bottom half again, and grabs the top half of the steel steps. He raises it high above his head, and just DROPS it on Legal's ankle!! Justice Legal screams out in agony! The fans cheer this hardcore action. As Shotgun walks over to Jim Ross, and snatches his headset off him.

Who does this kid .. think he is? Huh? I'm Carlos Shotgun. I'm a freaking legend around these parts!! He wants to make a name for himself? He wants to attack me before our match. Well, I got news for him! He won't be walking after this one's over... ..I'm going to rip his damn leg off that body!!

Shotgun takes the headset off, and looks down at that steel chair that Legal used on him moments ago. He picks that steel chair up, and slides it in the ring. He walks over to Legal who is rolling around on the outside mat grasping his leg. He picks him up, and Legal struggles to get to his feet. As Shotgun rolls him in the ring, and slides in right after.

He's not going to do what I think he's going to do is he??

I hope not damnit! I hope not. This has destroyed too many careers. It has injured too many people, and cut careers short! Damnit. I hope he don't do this..

Shotgun places Legal's injured leg in between that folded steel chair. He then walks over to the corner, and mounts the top turnbuckle.

He's about to leap off, and jump on that steel chair! Don't do it Shotgun! DON'T DO IT!!!

Shotgun points out at all the fans in Phoenix, Arizona! He takes it all in, and then leaps off the top rope. He goes to jump directly on that steel chair, and shatter Legal's leg. But, at the last second Justice Legal managed to wiggle his leg out of there, and Shotgun doesn't do any damage. Shotgun mustve twisted his ankle on that one, and he kind of hobbles around a moment. He looks back, and sees that it missed. He limps over to Legal, and goes to pick him up by the hair. But, Legal decks him with an open right hand. Legal then uses the ropes to pull himself up. He goes to kick Shotgun with that injured leg, and Shotgun grabs it. He then sweeps Legal's other leg out from underneath him, and mounts him to start whailing away on his face!! Legal tries to cover up, and the ref tries to pry Shotgun away but he keeps firing punches!!

This is all legal too JR. Pain is Justice, and it's Legal!! Ahh!

Shotgun gets to his feet, and he snatches Legal off the ground. He goes to set him up for a Suplex. But, Legal escapes his grasp, and starts punching away at Shotgun. He works him back to the ropes, and irishwhips him across the ring. Shotgun bounces back, and Legal nearly takes his head off with a hard CLOTHESLINE!! Shotgun does almost a full flip as he crashes to the canvas, and actually rolls to the outside of the ring.

What a SHOT.

Legal follows Shotgun out of the ring, and he looks underneath for something. He pulls out a table, and slides that in the ring. Shotgun is crawling for the barricade to lift himself up. But, Legal walks over, and grabs Shotgun by the back of the head. He grabs him by the hair, and he throws Shotgun's face in to the top of the barricade. Over, and over!! The fans count it out with him, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!! Legal peels Shotgun's face back, and yells something in his grill. Legal goes to slam him face-first in that barricade again. But, Shotgun elbows him in the gut. Shotgun rakes his eyes, and goes to grab Legal by the arm. But, Legal suddenly reverses it, and sends Shotgun face-first in to that steel post!!

My gawd!! Right in to that forehead he busted open earlier. There is blood pouring out from Shotgun now!!

He cut him open. He cut the former champion WIDE OPEN.

Legal doesn't hesitate, and rolls Shotgun back in the ring. He has some blood on his hands, and he wipes it across his chest to show the fans. The XWF crowd marks out hard for Justice Legal as he rolls back in the ring, and eyes Shotgun down. He first grabs the steel chair, and starts swinging it on Shotgun's back!! You can hear him cracking him throughout the arena!!! He then picks it up so the steel chair is straight up, and down-- he DRIVES it in the back of Shotgun!! And then AGAIN he drives it in to his spine!! Justice Legal tosses the chair aside, and goes to set the table up in the corner. He lays it flat on the turnbuckles, and proceeds to walk over to Shotgun. He taunts him as he yells down at him. Justice Legal goes to pick Carlos Shotgun up, and holds him by the back of his pants.

He is going to try to throw him head-first through that wooden table.

But, Carlos fights out of it, and trips Legal up so that his back smacks the table. He doesn't go through it, he just slams in to it. Carlos Shotgun falls to a knee, and looks up at Justice Legal leaning up against that table in the corner. So, Shotgun takes off, and goes for a SPEAR!! But, Legal moves out of the way just in time, and Shotgun goes right through that wooden table!!

Oh my! This might be it for Shotgun!!

Justice Legal peals him back out from that rubble, and rolls him to the center of the ring. He gets real cocky as he covers him up, and the ref makes the count.




The look on Justice Legal's face tells the story.

I thought it was over there!

Justice Legal then looks around the ring at all the weapons. He kicks the steel chair out of the ring. He looks back at the broken pieces of table and laughs to himself. Legal than walks over to Shotgun, and he signals to the crowd that it's over! He picks Carlos Shotgun off the ground, and he is setting him up for his finisher known as "The Justice Hammer"!! But, as he goes to lift him up- Carlos grabs ahold of his head, and wraps him up tight for the pin.





The XWF fans are up on their feet, and can't believe Legal barely escaped that pinfall out of nowhere. Legal rolls to the corner, and Shotgun slowly gets to a knee. He sees Legal standing up in the corner, and Shotgun goes to walk in. But, Justice Legal rushes him, and CLOCKS him with a BIG BOOT to the face!!! That is one of Legal's signature moves, and he covers him up.



.. kickout!!

Another tough kick out!

Justice Legal picks Carlos Shotgun off the ground, and goes for a Russian Legsweep. But, Carlos blocks it, and tries to do a Russian Legsweep of his own. But, Justice Legal hits him in the gut, and readjusts. He then lays Shotgun out flat with his version of the RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP!! Justice Legal pops back up, and points down at Shotgun yelling stuff. Some fans boo him now. But, some fans cheer him on!! Justice Legal has had enough, and rolls to the outside of the ring. He goes underneath, and grabs another table.. he slides it in the ring. He then grabs a ladder, and pulls that out from underneath. He slides that in the ring now. Justice Legal then grabs a toolbox, and tosses that up n' over the top rope!! It splatters across the mat, and various tools pop out all over the place. Justice Legal gets lot of cheers from the crowd now.


Legal actually pulls himself up on the top turnbuckle, and points down at Shotgun with all the weapons laying around. The fans POP HARD for him!!

FANS: Lets go LEGAL!! .. Lets go LEGAL!.... Lets go LEGAL!!!!

Justice Legal hops back in the ring, and goes right for Carlos Shotgun. He irishwhips him to the one corner clear of weapons. Justice Legal rushes in, and throws a hard shoulder at his rib-cage. Shotgun falls to his butt on the canvas, and Legal inspects his weapons. He sets the table up near the far corner of the ring, and then slides the ladder in to the middle of the ring. He looks like he wants to do something with that ladder. It's lying flat on the mat, and he scoops Carlos off the ground. He tosses him over his shoulder, and rushes in for a Powerslam. But, Shotgun wiggles out, and drops down behind him. Legal turns around, and is met with a boot to the injured leg. Followed by a brilliant Swinging Neckbreaker!!! Both men are laid out in the center of the ring, and the fans begin cheering wrecklessly!!! They are all over the place in Phoenix, Arizona. The US Airways Center is jam packed with lots of great XWF wrestling fans!!

What a night! WHAT a match J.R.

Both men giving it their all.

Carlos Shotgun gets to a knee first, and Justice Legals gets to a knee himself. Carlos gets up, and grabs him by the hair. He picks him up off the ground, and irish whips him to the ropes. Carlos bends down, and goes for a Back Body Drop on the ladder. However, Legal senses it, and KICKS Shotgun in the jaw! That shot straightens Carlos up, and Justice Legal backs up to the ropes a moment. He rushes in, and Carlos this time bends down an sort of GORILLA PRESSES Legal in the air! So, he comes LANDING DOWN HARD on that ladder!!

His stomach, and chest area coming down hard on that one King!

Justice Legal calls himself the King of Xtreme ironically. But, I think Carlos Shotgun is showing him the meaning of the phrase.. I mean, it was here last year Carlos Shotgun beat Mark Adkins in a brutal one-on-one contest that saw an End on 5 thru this damn table!!

Almost as scary as it seems Carlos looks out at the commentators, and sees the new table they have set up from taking that accident from Ryan Ryder earlier. He picks Legal off the ground, and sends him face-first out of the ring. Legal stumbles through the ropes, and crashes to the outside. Shotgun eyes the new commentator's table up, and they both quickly move to the side. Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler want no part of this. Shotgun yells out to his fans, and they mark out for him. As he walks over to Legal, and rolls him on the commentator's table. Carlos gets up on the table, and the fans are anticipating the next big move here at our "King of Xtreme" pay per view. It's Shotgun who gets up there, and sets Legal up for a Bulletbomb!! But, as he goes to lift him up. Legal fights out of it, and tries to send Carlos up over his head for a Back Body Drop. But, Carlos catches himself just in time, and resets the move back up. Legal refusing to be lifted up for any Bulletbomb. So, Carlos does the next best thing, and hooks Legal's arms instead. He looks around at all the shocked fans who see him actually execute a PEDIGREE through the table!!!


Both men looked annihilated from that move. The monitors were still attached, and things spilled out everywhere.


Jim Ross gets close as he can, and puts his headset on.

Can you hear me? Can you hear me?? ... We lost King out here momentarily. But, what a move. What .. an incredible spot by one Carlos Shotgun. He just put Justice Legal through that table with of alll things a damn Pedigree! He took them both out, and neither man appears to be moving. These XWF fans are livid though right now as we go to the replay on the titan tron up there... simply devestating maneuver!!!

FANS: LETS go SHOTGUN!!! ... Lets go Legal... LETS GO SHOTGUN!!! .. Lets go Legal!!.. LETS GO SHOTGUN!!!!.. Lets go Legal... LETS GO SHOTGUN!!!!

Neither man is moving, and Carlos Shotgun suddenly starts crawling out of the rubble. He crawls for the ring, and pulls himself up on the apron. He crawls in the ring, almost unaware of his surroundings. Justice Legal is starting to come to, and he starts crawling out of the rubble now. But, neither man appears to know where they're at. Justice Legal falls at the ring apron, and can't crawl any further. Shotgun gets to a knee in the ring, and his face is covered in a bloody crimson mask. His wounds from earlier have stained his face, and parts of this ring with his red blood. Shotgun is lackadasial, and pulls himself to his feet. He notices Legal isn't over by the table no more. He looks around nervously for him at first, and then spots him on the outside. Legal is trying to crawl up the apron. But, he just can't find the strength.

I don't know if either man can recover from that move. Now, here comes Tide ... I thought he was told not to get involved in this.

Carlos Shotgun steps to the outside, and grabs Legal by the head. He rolls him in the ring. Crimson Tide walks down, and then stands on the outside watching on. Shotgun rolls in the ring, and spots Tide. He points at him, and warns him to stay out of this! Shotgun goes to pick Justice Legal up, and looks like he wants to Bulletbomb him on the ladder. Crimson Tide steps up on the outside apron. But, he doesn't step through the ropes. Shotgun sets Legal up, and lifts him in the air for the Bulletbomb. But, as Legal gets up there- he starts punching back, and holding on tight with his legs wrapped around Shotgun's neck. He refuses to be Bulletbomb'ed here. Then Legal fights out of it, and manages to somehow plant Shotgun face-first in to the ladder with a modified X-Factor!!!

He pulls that out of nowhere!! Justice Legal hits him with that X-Factor seemingly out of nowhere. I thought it was alll over for him! I thought Shotgun had him beat in this brutal Street Fight. But, Legal refuses to give up...

Both men appeared to be laid out. Legal starts moving, and crawls for the ladder. He rolls Carlos off of it, and covers him up.




No! He can't do it with that one!

The fans cheer, and some really can't believe it. Justice Legal can't believe it either, and he decides to actually work on setting up the ladder. He crawls for it, and then with all his might he lifts the ladder up. He stands it up, and sets it up so that he can potentially climb it. He sees the table set up already, and places the ladder near that. He looks down at Carlos Shotgun on the mat, and goes to pick him off the ground. But, then Legal spots Tide on the outside apron. Legal lets go of Shotgun's hair, and lets him fall to the mat. Legal then walks over to Crimson Tide, and says a few things to him. "Look at HIM now! Look at that old man now!! He's not so tough now is he?!? I'm going to do something that you could never do Tide. I'm going to put this man away. .. when I drop his ass through that table .."

He better stop wasting time.

Justice Legal turns around, and walks right in to Carlos Shotgun who WHACKS him with a crowbar to the face!! It's the same crowbar that spilled out when he tossed in the toolbox earlier. His own weapon coming back to haunt him. Legal is busted up now, and he lays motionless on the canvas. Shotgun crawls over, and puts an arm on him.



.. KICK OUT!!!

He's taken a Pedigree. He's been laid out across that ladder, and took a hard shot from that metal crowbar! Not to mention the work that Shotgun did on his leg earlier out here... but, Legal refuses to quit! He wants to prove his point to everybody. That HE is INDEED the real KING of XTREME. What a great match!

Carlos Shotgun gets up, and looks down at the bloody kid. He looks over at Crimson Tide, and mouths the words: "This is all YOUR fault!" He then peals Justice Legal off the ground, and goes to set him up for the Bullet Bomb. But, Legal tries fighting out of it. Still a stiff forearm shot to the back is enough to stall Justice Legal, and Carlos Shotgun picks him up in the air. He then viciously DROPS him with a BULLET BOMB!! And immediately places him in a Sharp Shooter known as the "Bullet Shock". His face covered in blood in the center of the ring. Crimson Tide is up on the apron. Justice Legal looks pretty hurt. He tries crawling for the ropes.

He's TRYING to get there. TRYING to get there!

Legal gets real close, and reaches out. But, he can't get his finger tips on it. Carlos Shotgun pulls him to the center of the ring, and readjusts the submission hold. He's got Justice Legal locked in a beautiful looking Bulletshock right now. Crimson Tide is on the outside apron. But, he just watches on. The fans are rooting for Legal, and hoping he can get to the ropes.

You know. It's a Street Fight. I don't even think the ropes count in this match ..

Carlos Shotgun has got it locked in tight. He has his finisher locked on Justice Legal, and you see Legal push himself up off the ground. Blood covers his face, and he can no longer take the pain. Justice Legal is forced to finally tap out to Carlos A. Shotgun!!!

He taps! He taps! Justice Legal held on all night long. He held on all he could. He came THIS close to putting Shotgun away, and just couldn't do it. He got over zealous there at the end. I think a Justice Hammer would've done the job. He wastes time setting up the ladder, and arguing with Tide. He missed his opportunity, and Justice Legal has lost a close on here tonight. No reason to hang his head though! Carlos Shotgun is a great competitior. Already a Hall of Famer! Terrific match by the young Legal. But, it was Shotgun who gets the victory here tonight in this Street Fight.

Carlos Shotgun doesn't really celebrate. He rolls out of the ring, and wipes the blood from his face. He whips his bloody dark hair back out of his eyes, and starts heading up the ramp on his own 2 feet. The XWF fans cheer him on, and appreciate the hard work he put in to this Street Fight. He barely beat Justice Legal but he finally got the job done.

Match Grade: A, Match Duration: 20 minutes, and 18 seconds, Match Result: Carlos Shotgun via submission.

After the match Justice Legal gets to his feet, and Shotgun's music dies down. It is absolutely quiet, and very tense in the crowd right now. Crimson Tide still stands on the outside apron, and he did not get involved at all. So, Justice Legal seems confused, and can not understand his problem. He accuses him of distracting him, and costing him the biggest match of his life! He just yells out at Tide who doesn't say a thing back to him. And then Justice Legal's new mentor Crimson Tide walks away from him up the ramp. Justice Legal is pissed! He demands a microphone from Danielle Worley right now!

TIDE!!!! LISTEN TO ME DAMN IT!! Listen to me RIGHT NOW!! Hey! Don't you walk away from me you son of a bitch!!! HEY!!!

The crowd cheers, and they don't know what else to do. They love the exchange between these 2 members of the D.O.D.

I want answers damn it! And I want them now!! If Tide. If you or someone don't give me those answers. I'm going to BEAT it OUT of YOU!!!!!

Justice Legal goes out of the ring, and grabs the lone steel chair. He starts hobbling over towards the ramp, and limps his way up the ramp. He follows up behind Tide with his hand over his bloody forehead, and a steel chair in his hand for not wanting to clock Tide with it. That's when out of nowhere XWF Owner & President Mr. Lucente comes out on the ramp to apologize, and Legal CRACKS him with steel chair to the face!!!

What a WICKED SHOT!! The XWF Owner.. Mr. Lucente just takes a chair to the face from Legal!! Here comes GM Shawn Taylor, and he has a microphone screaming at Justice Legal.

SECURITY!! Officers!! ARREST that damn man ...

Suddenly, a slew of security guards flood out there, and hurry up to corral him. It takes 6 officers to surround him, and end up handcuffing Justice Legal out on the top of the ramp. The XWF fans mark out hard for Justice Legal, and even start a chant for him.

FANS: JUSTICE Legal!! Justice LEGAL!!!! JUSTICE LEGAL!!!!! Justice LEGAL!!

Legal gets escorted out of the building by the police officers, and GM Shawn Taylor directs them along. Mr. Lucente is attended to by officials, and EMTs who come out to check on him the stage area.


We cut backstage where Jon Hampton is standing by with Flo Stanley.

Jon Hampton: Flo I don't care what happens during this announcement coming up next with GM Shawn Taylor. Who cares who is going on to the finals to face William Knighthawk?? Everyone should know by now. If they don't. That tonight is all about me! It's about "The Man" being crowned XWF World Champion for the 1st time here in Phoenix, Arizona! It's about getting my respect.. it's JUST THAT SIMPLE.

The scene cuts away from the #1 contender Jon Hampton, and we head for Knighthawk backstage with Bob Levy.

Well, Bob. You ask an interesting question. But, I'm not sure what they're about to decide out there. But, make no mistake about it. The S.O.S. has been getting jerked around all night. These wankers don't know how to do their job.. I once thought Shawn Taylor was a competant man. Putting forklifts in front of his door slowed him down. But, it didn't stop him from still trying to get the upperhand. It should be an S.O.S. Finals. It should be 2 members of the Skeletons of Society going head-to-head.. but, Taylor had to allow his boy Dimter to compete here tonight. Well, just like Xavier Phoenix, and Caleb Cross.. .. now, Mike Dimter has felt our WRATH. Tonight it will not end. If there's not justice.. if Taylor doesn't hand me the crown, and give me an XWF World Title shot after this. There will be hell to pay!! By the way Bob .. there's a mole amongst you.. that's a right.. there's an XWF superstar on your roster right now. There is actually a new 5th member of the SKELETONS of SOCIETY!! There's more of us now Bob .... let everyone know... they aren't safe. Every last one of them is a suspect, and only we know the truth. Soon... you all will find out why we're the baddest stable known to man. I just hope Taylor makes the right decision ....

William Knighthawk grins at Bob Levy, and walks off towards the ring it looks like. As we fade away from this scene, and take a look at some of our sponsors. Such as "GoDaddy.com", "Ford - Built FORD tough", and "Skittles - Taste the rainbow!"


MORE to COME!! Who will GM Shawn Taylor announce (if anybody) for the replacement to Mike Dimter in the "King of Xtreme" finals against William Knighthawk??? And what exactly will happen when "TV_MA" Mark Adkins can finally get his hands around Jon Hampton's neck??? Those 2 big matches .. are coming up... NEXT ....


PART 4---

Ryan Ryder who is all bandaged up, and is holding his ribs as he's passing by Flip Johnson who is also being evaluated by a doctor backstage who says he should be okay.

Hey! Ryan. I just want to say.. ahem... this ain't like me. But, I'd like he apologize for what happend out there earlier between me, and you. But, it was the heat of the moment, and I wanted to win that crown!

As Flip Johnson stands up off that doctor's bench, and looks to shake Ryan Ryder's hand. Suddenly, Dark Stranger attacks from behind, and so Ryder joins in on the beat down!! They beat him up, and Dark Stranger throws his head against the wall at the very end. The 7 foot giant looks over Flip Johnson, and Dark Stranger says the following to him.

We're next in line for the tag titles!

Ryan Ryder slaps Dark Stranger across the chest, and confirms what his tag team partner just said.

Yeah, that's it. That's right big guy.

Don't forget ....your soul is mine!

Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder exits down the hallway, leaving an injured Flip Johnson to tend to his wounds.



William Knighthawk vs. ??? - Lumberjack Match - for the 2011 King of Xtreme crown! (Written by Mr. Lucente)

William Knighthawk is already in the ring, and his theme music is still playing in the background. The lumberjacks that could make it out are surrounding the ring now as well.

Let me explain what's going on here King. Because, some people may be confused. First of all.. Dimter is out! We saw him moments ago be driven out of here in an ambulance after taking a vicious beating from the S.O.S. Now, if you take a look around the ring at these Lumberjacks scheduled to be out here. Well, ..

Well, you don't got many lumberjacks left J.R.

Right. Flip Johnson doesn't make it out. He's been injured backstage. Ryan Ryder decided not to come out. He is nursing injuries, and apparently he's left the arena along with Dark Stranger running from Brutality in the parking lot as we speak!! Mike Dimter is injured, and on an ambulance heading to the hospital as we just stated. Cliff Saxton, and Tyroneus Del Rio are out here. They are clapping, cheering, and rooting their leader on. The Skeletons of Society are here. The Game has decided to come out as well, and that man standing in the ring is "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk...

He's been through a lot tonight. Beating first Hawking Ripper in Round 1, and then taking out Flip Johnson in Round 2. He's had quite the night.. but, the other side of the bracket was blown up moments ago. So, how will GM Shawn Taylor handle this now that Mr. Lucente is also out it appears??

Here he comes now.

Fans are boo'ing. Some are cheering. Out comes General Manager Shawn Taylor, and he walks out on top of the stage area. He paces around the top of the ramp, and directs his attention to the XWF universe.

Well, I'm sure you all know why I'm out here. Just like those men are well aware of their actions, and what brings me here tonight. Making a tough decision. A buisness decision that needs to be made. Well, we have to make a replacement for Mike Dimter .. who was just injured..

The fans boo even though Dimter has always rubbed them the wrong way, and maybe they're just angry at what is taking place. Also the XWF crowds don't tend to like GM Shawn Taylor much. He arrogantly parades around in his brown suit. As he looks over the ring from a distance.

So it's my esteemed pleasured to introduce to you the man who you WILL be facing in this year's 2011 King Of Xtreme FINALS.... ... if you notice a couple people missing from around the ring. A few lumberjacks couldn't make it tonight..... but, I found an opponent for you to face in the finals Knighthawk.. you might remember him from ROUND 1 ....

His theme music hits over the P.A. system, and people rise to their feet. Out comes Hawking Ripper!! The fans POP, and Knighthawk is PISSED. The crowd goes bizerk as the pyros go off, and lights flash all around the arena. Hawking Ripper comes out spinning a pair of nunchucks.

He makes his way straight down the ramp.



Well, these guys are sure to have another great battle. But, with the Lumberjacks out here.. I'm not so sure the odds aren't still stacked against Ripper in winning this thing..

The S.O.S. has to be upset. Especially their leader William Knighthawk who makes it all the way to the FINALS, and only to come to find he has to face the guy he already beat round 1.

Well, it looks official now as the referee breaks down the rules for these men, and these lumberjacks at ringside. There's only 3 of 'em now.. Dimter, Ryder, and Johnson didn't make it out.. so, it's just Del Rio, Saxton, and The Game! Not looking good for the underdog Hawking Ripper in this one. But he's made it to the FINALS perhaps where he belongs!!

The crowd sure thinks so, and they are overwhelmed right now with this decision!!! People still going ape shit, and Hawking Ripper keeps waving his arms to pump them up!! Autistic kids, and adults alike are rooting for him!!!!

William Knighthawk vs. Hawking Ripper II - Lumberjack Match - for the 2011 King of Xtreme crown! (Written by Mr. Lucente)

The 2 men stare directly in to each other's souls, and they are ready for action. This King of Xtreme FINALS is ready to take place as soon as that bell sounds.


Here we go JR!

Knighthawk goes right for him, and tries to tackle him. He tries to take out his legs, and Ripper pushes him away. Ripper clobbers Knighthawk over the back with those nunchucks!! He spins, and slams them across his back again!! Knighthawk shrills in pain! Hawking Ripper then tosses the nunchucks down, and actually pulls Knighthawk in for a Powerbomb. But, Knighthawk wiggles out of it, and rolls to the outside of the ring. Hawking Ripper looks out at him, and is about to step through the ropes to the outside. But, he really can't. Del Rio, and Saxton come to Knighthawk's aid. They 'talk their boss up', and get their leader's head back in the game. Knighthawk crawls under the apron, and goes for some weapon. Ripper grabs his nunchucks, and hops to the opposite side of the ring. He backs The Game down with those nunchucks, and he looks terrified of him. The Game backs up, and looks like he's ready to leave ringside if this continues. Ripper goes under the apron, and looks for something. Meanwhile, Saxton rushes over, and sees his moment. He goes to attack. But, Ripper stands up from under the apron with nunchucks still in hand, and he strikes Saxton HARD across the wrist! Saxton grasps his arm, and walks off almost weeping. As Knighthawk slides a table in the ring. Hawking Ripper decides to roll in quick, and soon as Knighthawk rolls in- he's met with a shot to the head from those nunchucks. Hawking Ripper backs up to the center of the ring, and entertains the fans with those nunchucks. He puts on a little show, and Knighthawk charges at him-- only to be met with a ROUND HOUSE KICK to the skull!! That knocks Knighthawk off his feet, and the XWF crowd marks out for that moment.

FANS: XWF!! KOX!! XWF!!! KOX!!!!

William Knighthawk crawls for the ropes, and Ripper mounts his back. He places the nunchucks around his neck, and chokes out Knighthawk from behind!! He yanks on those nunchucks, and cuts his circulation off. Then Ripper simply pushes his head down to the canvas, and stomps on him!

You think these fans are excited for Ripper because he was screwed earlier??

Sure. Sure! Why the hell not? I'm excited for him. He deserves it! He should be in the FINALS. He was taking it to Knighthawk earlier, and Gigantis got involved. It's really not been fair out here all night... all thanks to the Skeletons Of Society.. those guys are everywhere!! Now they say they added a 5th member!

Who can THAT be JR?

I have no clue. I'm surprised Ripper is back out here... he has a chance to still win this KING of XTREME crown! Unbelievable! Can you believe it King?

I really can't. He's really taking it to him too with that Bruce Lee style of wrestling. Where he learn all that kung fu?

You're barking up the wrong tree pal. I don't know these guys half as well as I use to. I'm out of the loop ...

Ripper backs Knighthawk in to the corner, and unleashes on him. With open hands, and a spinning heel kick to the jaw! That shot knocks Knighthawk to the mat, and Ripper backs up. He does his signature running BOOT to the skull!! As William Knighthawk is completely laid out in the corner now. Saxton, and Del Rio yell out at him to get back up! Hawking Ripper drags him by the feet to the center of the ring, and drops an elbow across on his head. He then picks up his leg, and stretches it out. He drops an elbow to Knighthawk's inner thigh!! He then drags his leg over on the ropes, and jumps up-- sitting down HARD on that leg of his!! The crowd marks out for Knighthawk. A lot of people around the XWF would like to see Hawking Ripper walk out the 2011 King of Xtreme. He works William Knighthawk over further. Placing him in a headlock, and then forcing him to the canvas for a Camel Clutch!! He sits on Knighthawk's back, and rips back on his chin. He works Knighthawk over, and tells the ref to ask him. Knighthawk refuses to quit however.

What's it going to take in this tournament?

King of Xtreme is a different type of monster. Stephen Blood barely won it last year. We saw Ryan Ryder unable to finish his FIRST ROUND match here tonight... we saw Mike Dimter win, only to be carted out, and put on an ambulance ... which I just heard.. was last seen being driven by Gigantis of all people! You wonder if Dimter was really that hurt??

Gigantis was driving the ambulance? ? What?!?!?

That's what I just heard. Dimter was last seen heading out of the building in an ambulance reportedly driven by Gigantis....

That's crazy.

I felt we've seen so much tonight. Tough faught battles early on lead us to this match. We had the Street Fight moments ago, and Shotgun held on there! Now, we got the ring surrounded by 3 Lumberjacks.. 2 of which are a part of the Skeletons of Society!! Hawking Ripper in full control here. He STOMPS away at William Knighthawk's back, and shows no mercy to one-half of the Tag Team Champions.

Ripper peals Knighthawk off the ground, and lays him out with that critical Impaler DDT!! He crawls over, and hooks the leg on him.




Knighthawk stays alive, and Ripper goes back to work. He stomps away on him more, and picks him off the ground. He irish whips William Knighthawk to the corner, and charges in. He knees William with a Shining Wizard, and drops him with a Bulldog in the center of the ring!! The crowd gets excited for Hawking Ripper, and he decides to head for the top ropes. He makes his way up top, and waits for Knighthawk to get to a knee. Then as Knighthawk is starting to stand up, and is bent over- that's when Ripper signals to the crowd who POPS for him. As he leaps off connecting with a BIG LEG from the top!! That shot chops Knighthawk down to size, and Hawking Ripper covers him up.




.. foot on the rope!

I thought he HAD him!

I was ready to crown a new King of Xtreme right now...

Not quite yet.

You know the thing that was nevr answered. What will happen to the winner?

What you mean?

You know LAST YEAR it was Stephen Blood who won. They awarded him with a golden crown of thorns.. that was apparently melted down from that Xtreme Ring-Bell that "The Original" was owned... and it was handed to Stephen Blood out of respect for that Xtreme division. But, also as the winner of last year's King Of Xtreme tournament. Well, he received an XWF World Title shot at any event he wanted... he just the first Showdown! of 2011 to get that match .. bailing at Collision Course months before..

Yeah, it was quite the year for last year's winner Stephen Blood. But, I'm not sure this year's winner gets anything. I think he just gets a crown, and the right to call himself the new King of Xtreme.

Hawking Ripper works "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk over in the corner!! He pounds on him, and irish whips him to the opposite corner. Knighthawk's back smashes the corner, and Ripper rushes in for a Bodysplash. But, Knighthawk sticks a BOOT of in his face, and then mounts the turnbuckle. Aiming an elbow directly for Ripper's forehead, and knocking him off his feet finally! Knighthawk falls to the mat, and tries to recover. The crowd boo, and these XWF fans stir in Phoenix, Arizona. As William Knighthawk starts to pull himself up on the ropes, and Hawking Ripper rolls to a knee. Ripper notices him getting up, and rushes in- but, Knighthawk tosses him through the ropes to the outside. This was the moment Knighthawk was looking for, and the S.O.S. start working on him! Cliff Saxton, and Tyroneus Del Rio beat up on Hawking Ripper on the outside as legal Lumberjacks!

Well, here we go.. we knew it was gonna come in to play...

Well, they're Lumberjacks J.R. .. thats their job!

Yeah, right. I didn't see them attack Knighthawk like this. I didn't see The Game do anything.

Because, Ripper backed him down like Chuck Norris with of all things some nunchucks!!!

William Knighthawk sets the table up in the ring, and calls for them to send in Hawking Ripper. They get their last few punches in, and roll him in the ring. William Knighthawk scoops Hawking Ripper up, and places him on the table. He then decides to go up top, and he points out at all the fans taunting them. As the XWF crowd doesn't like that one bit! They boo him as he leaps off, and goes for an Elbow Drop on Ripper. But, instead Ripper rolls out of the way, and Knighthawk crashes through the table on his own!!!! The XWF fans now pop, and love to see the momentum switch.


Ripper rolls over, and lays with his back on Knighthawk in the rubble. Saxton screams out "noo!" As the ref makes the count.



... ...

... KICK OUT!!

That was a close one.

Ripper pulls Knighthawk by the hair up off the canvas, and goes for an "Attitude Adjustment". But, Knighthawk fights his way out of it, and lands on his feet. Ripper turns around, and kicks Ripper in the stomach. He goes to leap over him for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. But, Hawking Ripper counters, and instead manages to sit on Knighthawk for a pinning combination.



.. kickout!

Ripper wanting to put Knighthawk away in this their 2nd encounter of the night. They met earlier in Round 1, and Gigantis got himself involved. He is reportedily driving Mike Dimter in an ambulance god know's where... meanwhile, the rest of the S.O.S. surround the ring as Lumberjacks.

Don't forget The Game is out here.

He is. But, Ripper has been in control most of this match so far. He may just walk out of here with the right to call himself the new King of Xtreme after this one.

Ripper works Knighthawk back in the corner again, and goes to irish whip him across the ring. But, Knighthawk hits the breaks, and pulls Ripper in for a hard clothesline!! That shot takes Ripper down, and so Knighthawk simply gets on his knees. He begins rolling Ripper to the outside apron, and shove him to the outside mat with his feet! As Knighthawk pulls the ref by the collar, and starts warning him of some of Hawking Ripper's bad tactics. That's when Tyroneus Del Rio, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton pounce Hawking Ripper now!! They start putting the boots to him. Saxton picks him up, and swings him right in to the barricade!! Hawking Ripper SLAMS that wall!!!! William Knighthawk tells them to step aside, and he backs up to the opposite of the ring. He then rushes in, and risks his body to fly through the ropes-- knocking in to Ripper as he's getting off the ground. br>

What a SUICIDE DIVE out here!!

I thought you weren't a fan of Knighthawk?

I'm not. But, he's got some good moves King. I'm just calling the match like I see it... doesn't mean what's happend tonight isn't screwed up a bit. It should be Dimter in this FINALS after all. Hell, it should've been--

Could've. Should've. Would've.

What do you mean?

At the end of the day .... William Knighthawk just crashed in to Hawking Ripper on the outside!! I happen to think that Knighthawk versus Ripper for a 2nd time here tonight was quite GENIUS by the General Manager. He picked the right opponent... you agree Ripper got cheated out of Round 1... well, here he is. Everyone in the XWF deserves 2nd chances!! But, what more do you want? These Lumberjacks were pre-picked ahead of time, and they could all be out here tonight. Some decided not come show.

Knighthawk slowly gets up, and goes to lift Ripper off the ground. Knighthawk tries to drag him to the ring by his hair. But, Ripper fires back with some hard punches!! Knighthawk tries to fight back. But, Ripper stalls him with a knee to to mid-section. Saxton charges, and Ripper delivers a BACK ELBOW to him!! Del Rio charges in, and Ripper ducks his punch. Instead Del Rio accidentally punches Knighthawk. Then Ripper digs his shoulder in to Del Rio's ribs, and drives him all the way in to the ring post on the outside!!!! The XWF fans mark out for Ripper's sudden burst of energy. But, he turns right in to William Knighthawk who knees him in the mid-section now, and rolls him in the ring. Knighthawk goes under the ring, and he pulls out a large fluorescent lightbulb.

What is that long piece of glass??

That's a fluorescent lightbulb.

Knighthawk rolls in the ring, and as Ripper starts getting to a knee. Knighthawk doesn't hesitate, and lifts the fluorescent lightbulb above his head. He then SMASHES it across the buckethead of Hawking Ripper!!!!!


The lightbulb or Ripper's face??

Knighthawk brings Ripper in who is still stalled on one knee. Just frozen in space as William Knighthawk picks him off the ground, and then simutaneously places his fingers in his mouth for that infamous Inciser Claw!!! The XWF fans mark out for a moment. Though most of them give him a lot of heat. He falls to the ground with Ripper, and wears on him with that Inciser Claw. Hawking Ripper looks near passed out, and William Knighthawk releases the hold on his own. He gets to his feet, and works the crowd in to a frenzy!! He starts posing, and then pointing out at the Phoenix, Arizona people. He mocks them, and pretends to place a fake crown on his own head. He stands tall with his hand in the air as if he was holding a sabre! The XWF fans boo him a lot, and he gets ton of heat as he goes to lift Hawking Ripper off the ground for his finisher. But, before he can do that. Hawking Ripper trips him up, and sends William Knighthawk face-first through the ropes. Knighthawk splatters to the outside mat, and Cliff Saxton quickly checks on him. The Game is now leaving the ringside, and heading to the back after the Billion Dollar Princess comes out to plead with him. The XWF fans are really angry now, and that leaves just the 2 remaining S.O.S. members to be the Lumberjacks for this KOX Finals matchup.

Where is he going?? Now the odds are really stacked against Ripper. Not like they weren't before. But, it's more obvious now... that Ripper is alll alone out there!

Hawking Ripper gets to a knee in the ring, and picks himself off the ground. William Knighthawk shakes off the cobwebs on the outside, and Cliff Saxton hands him a kendo stick. As Knighthawk thinks he has the difference maker he slides in the ring. But, then Ripper rolls over, and quickly snatches the nunchucks off the ground.

Looks like he's evened the odds.

Knighthawk charges with the kendo stick. But, Ripper spins out of it, and clocks Knighthawk with that whipping nunchuck to the cheek!! Ripper draws some blood from Knighthawk's face, and he looks upset about it. William Knighthawk goes to hit Hawking Ripper with that kendo stick. But, instead Ripper rips it out of his hand, and tosses his nunchucks to the ground. Hawking Ripper starts whailing on William Knighthawk with that kendo stick!!! Just whipping on him with it!!! The XWF fans mark out as Ripper makes him feel his pain. Ripper grabs him by the hair, and drags him over to the corner. He slams his head face-first against the top turnbuckle repeatidly. The XWF fans count along with him. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...9, .. 10!!! Ripper grabs him by the back of the hair, and whips him to the ground. He then bends over, and picks that kendo stick up. He holds it above his head, and SMACKS William Knighthawk across the stomach with it. Ripper than LAUNCHES that kendo stick in the crowd, and fans fight over it.

Souvenir for a fan!

Hawking Ripper goes for his nunchucks. But, Cliff Saxton puts his hands on them reaching in from the outside. Ripper tells him to back off. Ripper stands up, and ducks a clothesline attempt from Knighthawk. He spills him over the top rope, and Knighthawk lands on the outside apron. Hawking Ripper turns around, and William Knighthawk grabs him by the neck. He tries to jump off backwards. But, Ripper grabs him by the head, and instead flips Knighthawk back in the ring!!! His back smacks the canvas, and Hawking Ripper then turns him over for the Puzzle!!!

He has that Elevated Boston Crab locked on!!!!!

The XWF fans are buzzing as Hawking Ripper tries to hold this one off. He tries to put William Knighthawk away with his finishing submission hold. But, Knighthawk crawls for the ropes, and gets there!!! Ripper is forced to break the hold, and he does. Ripper then tries to sneak to the outside, and Del Rio won't let him. He rushes to the other side, and Saxton rushes over to stop him. Ripper can't exit the ring, and can't get his hands on any weapons. Hawking Ripper argues with the referee, and the fans boo the situation. That's when Hawking Ripper decides to knock Del Rio off the apron with a hard forearm shot. Ripper turns around cautiously, and notices Knighthawk trying to sneak in. Ripper pulls him in, and goes for a DDT. But, Knighthawk fights out of it. Hawking Ripper stalls him with a knick, and goes for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex!! But, Knighthawk blocks it, and works his way behind Hawking Ripper. He could go for a German Suplex on him. But, Saxton rushes in the ring with a steel chair, and lifts it up in the air. William Knighthawk sees him, and holds Hawking Ripper's hands back behind him. As "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton goes for that steel chair shot, and accidentally drills Knighthawk with a steel chair when Ripper ducks. Hawking Ripper dropkicks Cliff Saxton out of the ring, and sees his moment.

How poetic. He gets to put William Knighthawk away like this. Hawking Ripper sizes William Knighthawk up on the ground, and goes for a Scissors Kick! He connects with it, and then rolls him over for the pin.



But, Knighthawk gets his foot on the rope.

I don't believe it. He stays alive once again in this tournament. Knighthawk finds a way to keep his dream of becoming the King of Xtreme an actual reality. Hawking Ripper has been close. But, can't put him away yet.

Hawking Ripper pounds his fist on the mat, and then points out at a group of autistic kids in the front row holding signs up. Hawking turns his attention to William, and scoops him up off the ground. He BODYSLAMS him in the center of the ring!! He then puts his hand to his ear, and waves around much like Hulk Hogan use to. He tries to get the XWF fans involved, and pulling for him!!! They do cheer him on!! They do root for Hawking Ripper!! He goes to the ropes, and comes in for a BIG LEG drop. But, William Knighthawk moves out of the way just in time. The fans boo as Ripper misses his mark. Knighthawk crawls for the corner, and tries to pick himself up. Hawking Ripper gets to his feet, and walks over to Knighthawk. He grabs him by the arm, and goes to irishwhip him in to the corner. But, Knighthawk instead reverses it, and sends Hawking Ripper to the outside of the ring!!

He dumps him through the ropes, and here we go again!!!

They're lumberjacks J.R., and they are chopping away at him now!

The S.O.S. completely dominating out here, and unlike so many other times.. this time it's actually legal what they're doing. If you believe it! It's not against the rules.. they are the lumberjacks in this FINALS of the King of Xtreme tournament.....

Saxton throws hard punches at Ripper as Del Rio holds him up. Then Tyroneus Del Rio hands him to Cliff Saxton, and he picks him off the ground. Planting him with a Samoan Drop on the outside mat!! The XWF fans at ringside are pissed. They are giving the S.O.S. a great amount of heat. But, atlast William Knighthawk is calling him back in the ring. Del Rio, and Saxton peal Ripper off the ground. They toss him back in the ring. Hawking Ripper tries to gather himself on the canvas. He picks himself up to one knee, and that's when William Knighthawk riches down in his trunks. Suddenly, "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. He pulls Ripper in, and begins drilling him with those brass knucks in the face!!! He hits him over, and over!! The XWF fans boo. As William Knighthawk then picks him up, and PLANTS him with a famous craddle piledriver known as "Out of your Misery"!!! He then hooks the leg of Hawking Ripper, and the referee makes the count.




... ..3!!!

The crowd starts really giving the Skeletons Of Society some heat, and Knighthawk begins celebrating his big tournament victory!!

He has outlasted 8 other men, and he is now the 'King of Xtreme'.

Here is your winner... and the new 2011 King of Xtreme winner.... The Dark Prince WILLLLLIIIAMMMM KNNNIIIGHTTTHAWWWWWK!!!!

The other 2 Skeletons of Society members jump in the ring. Saxton, and Del Rio embrace the new 'King of Xtreme' William Knighthawk with a few hugs, and handshakes. They all jump up, and down celebrating this fact.

Welp. He's done it, and I'm not surprised. It was another night much like Meltdown!.... where the S.O.S. dictated the pace, and they came out the victors again! Not only is that man one-half of the tag champs. But, he is the now reigning King of Xtreme here in the XWF!!

Get use to it JR. Knighthawk, and the Skeletons of Society are here to stay!! Believe me!

William Knighthawk poses alone on the turnbuckles, and the S.O.S. makes their way to the back. As William Knighthawk gets ready to be awared with the golden King of Xtreme crown afterwards.

Match Grade: A+, Match Duration: 21 minutes, and 30 seconds, Match Result: William Knighthawk via pinfall.

Afterwards the XWF holds a "KING OF XTREME" ceremony. It is held up on the top of the ramp, and it's real festive looking for KOX. There's a huge throne, a velvet robe, and of course everyone is awaiting the golden crown presentation. All of a sudden a familiar theme music hits, and Stephen Blood last year's winner comes out from behind the curtains. The XWF crowd goes insane for the F'N Legend Stephen Blood.

He is a former XWF World Champion, and an XWF Hall of Famer!! What's he doing back here King??

To award William Knighthawk with the crown of course. To give him his due!

Stephen Blood theme music dies down, and he hands the crown to William Knighthawk. The XWF fans look on as William Knighthawk places the golden crown on his own head. He then looks over at Stephen Blood who address him properly.

Stephen Blood: Well, well, well. Looks like you're the new King of Xtreme around here! Congratulations. Do us all proud. I know the XWF believes in you, and these people respect you for what you did tonight!!

Some cheer. But, there's mixed reations in the crowd. William Knighthawk snatches the mic out of Stephen Blood's hands, and looks upset.

Alright. The fun & games are all over. You might be the most bloodiest wanker I've ever laid eyes on. But, my question to you .. since you look like you have some of the answers around here. Is .. when will I be getting my XWF World Title shot?

Stephen Blood leans over the mic, and looks Knighthawk in the eyes.

Hey. There is no title shot. Okay?

Well, what did I win then?

Blood leans over again, and says to him.

Well, you won that shining new crown. Don't go, and pawn that thing or nothing. I know you can get at least a brand new sleeve of tattoos with that thing. But, take it from me.. you'll regret ever having some bitch's name tattooed on you!!

Hey. This is unfair! THAT is UNFAIR!!!

Well, I know William. But, tattoos are permanent, and you can get those things removed.. but, you need some sort of laser surgery ..

The crowd chuckles at his attempt at comedy.

No. Not that! Last year you won, and you got a title shot whenever you wanted.. you blew your opportunity but I won't blow mine! So, I'll ask again.. where's my title shot!!??!

Stephen Blood turns, and then CLOCKS him hard across the face! Stephen Blood stands over William Knighthawk, and looks down at what he's just done. The XWF fans marking out for the F'N Legend!!!!!

I told ya. Are you hard of hearing??!? There ain't going to be any title shot.. you ungrateful punks these days!! It took me nearly 5 years to capture the XWF World Title!! You bums want everything handed your way!!! Make ONE THING clear here... you're NOT me. You're NOT me Knighthawk!! I'm Stephen Blood .. I'm the F'N Legend ... ... REMEMBER the NAME. REMEMBER...


Stephen Blood walks off the set, and leaves William Knighthawk grasping his face on the ground. His golden crown has spilled off his head. We cut away from that controversial King of Xtreme tournament ceremony to bring you the current 2-time XWF World Heavyweight Champion.


TV MA Mark Adkins is backstage with a goth'ed out Sasha Shotgun.

It was only a year ago. A year ago I facing off against Carlos to get Sasha to be my personal slave for ONE YEAR. Who knew I wouldn't have to even win that match to make that dream a reality? Because, for the past 5 months.. you've been my slave, and that's the way I like it. With Carlos on the outskirts, and me with everything he's ever wanted. His beautiful wife, and his XWF championship are mine. They belong to "TV_MA" now!! Jon Hampton is just a speed bump on my road to IMMORTALITY.

Mark Adkins chuckles like a mad man as he rolls up his sleeves, and lets Sasha Shotgun kiss his neck. She licks his neck as well, and whispers something dirty in his ear.

XWF World Title - MAIN EVENT -

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins (c) vs. Jon "The Man" Hampton - FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE - No interference allowed - for the XWF World Heavyweight Championship - (Written by Mr. Lucente)

As Danielle Worley announces the #1 contender. The fans start to boo to the high heavens. Basically calling for this guy's head tonight.

Introducing first.. the challenger... from Knoxville, Tennessee ..weighing in at 248 pounds.. he's the #1 contender.... JON "The Man" HAAMMMPTONNN!!

His theme music plays, and he comes out to a bad reaction from the crowd.

The XWF fans let him hear it in Phoenix tonight!! He walks down, and poses like an idiot on the apron. He hops in the ring, and does a funky dance of some sort. He poses again, and smiles real big. Then Danielle Worley goes to announce Mark Adkins.

And the XWF World Heavyweight Champion ... from Chicago, Illinois ... weighing in at 227 pounds ... he is The Extreme Icon, The Messiah of Malice, The Wrestler Still Known As Mark .. he is the always illustrious "TV_MA" MARRRRKKK ADDKINNNNSSS!!!

The arena goes pitch black, and then those four letters pop up on the titan tron "TV_MA"

Then there's no Adkins. The crowd is still very excited, and hollering at an enourmous level. Suddenly, he appears on the titan tron. He looks to be sitting on a couch somewhere, and doesn't have a care in the world. The crowd starts to die down as Mark Adkins talks out to Jon Hampton who is already in the ring.

You know WHAT Jon. NOBODY wants to see you out there! I haven't been so uninspired since my amateur wrestling days ... I have always been one to shoot for the moon. To set the bar high, and to not give a damn about rules. Here you are. A guy who doesn't deserve to even be here! I had a great match last pay per view ruined by the Skeletons of Society. From what I've seen earlier.. looks like they completely ruined another pay per view already. Great! That's all we need around here is "new blood" trying to take over. LOOK AT ME right now Jonnny boy!! This is between ME and YOU still. You see you're not happy you've always been runner up. You promise to step it up, and you never pick the right moment to shine. You always come in late, or not at all... you're worse than Jeff Hardy all pilled up in the gorilla position... you're worse off than any of these shlubs out here. Yet. You get countless chance, after chance.. to prove yourself! It's OVER. Tonight, I was going to take it easy on you! But, now.. I added my own personal stip. Falls COUNT ANYWHERE!! And though fighting you would be like fighting a giant pencil... well, hell.. I think a GIANT pencil has more talent, and personality in it's giant tip than you do in your entire being! You're pathetic Jon. I know it. All these Apostles know it. And it's sad.. because, deep down... you're FINALLY realizing it. At first you denied it, and it was cute. It was funny. You thought you had talent, and that false belief in yourself... it fooled someone.. Mr. Lucente.. someone! Whoever is signing the checks. But, time, and time again you fail. Hell... Jon! I say. We call this match off. That's right! It won't be you verus me.. screw that!! Who wants to see that SQUASH fest?? After all.. I was LATE again. I didn't have my promos out on time.. yet again!! Well, forget it then .. we've seen the XWF make poor decisions before. So, tonight.. I'M TAKING IT IN MY OWN HANDS!! No match tonight. Forget that! I'm going over SHAWN TAYLOR's head... since Mr. Lucente is laid up somewhere on a gurney .. all thanks to Justice Legal. Well, since that happend... I don't think Taylor HAS any true power!! I don't feel like he has any control. I won't vote no confidence. I don't vote! What I will do... is be the first person in XWF history to end a pay per view battling a GIANT PENCIL. But, don't worry folks! This way.. there really IS no interference. THIS way... I actually have an OPPONENT who can put up a fight!! Lets GO. LETS DO THIS!!!

All of a sudden this is what happens...

What is going on??

This is the CRAZIEST thing I ever witnessed! I thought Hawking Ripper returning for the finals, and Stephen Blood wiping out William Knighthawk was incredible... what the hell was that all about???

Suddenly, Mark Adkins steps from behind the curtain, and the XWF crowd goes nuts for him!!! He waves Jon Hampton on, and Hampton tells him to get to this ring! So Adkins charges down there, and slides in the ring. He doesn't even have the belt with him, and the referee tries to seperate the 2 men. But, Adkins tackles Hampton soon as he gets in the ring, and lets him have it!!! He starts beating the shit out of him with open fists! He even strangles him with his bare hands. Gauging his eye balls. Punching him with all his might!!! The referee calls for the bell, and this match has officially started.


Adkins pummels him from the word "go!" He takes him to the outside of the ring, and tosses him head-first in to the outside barrier. He beats on him in front of the fans, and clotheslines him in to the front row. Adkins follows in the crowd behind him, and beats him all the way through to an open spot on the cement floor. Hampton tries to punch back, and Adkins kicks him in the stomach. He throws him face-first in to the wall, and then lays Hampton out with an End on 5 in the middle of the floor!! Fans get closer, and surround the area. He goes to pin him, and the referee makes the count.



Adkins picks his head up, and takes his shoulder off the ground. He prevents the ref from making the 3-count, and Adkins isn't ready to end this. The fans are cheering this on!!!! They don't want this crazy night to end! He drags Hampton by the hair, and dumps him over the barricade. He asks for a steel chair from a fan, and the fan obliges. Adkins grabs the steel chair, and folds it up. As Hampton goes to stand up on the opposite side of the wall-- that's when Adkins CRACKS him over the top of the head!! Hampton falls to the mat, and Adkins hands the steel chair back. They asks him to sign it, and hand him a magic marker. He signs it with that bold black marker, and heads for the barricade. He hops over the wall, and starts punching away at Hampton! He picks him up, and throws him face-first in to the steel steps. Adkins steps back, and starts riling up the fans. All those diehard XWF fans are getting rowdy!! As Adkins works them in to a frenzy he sizes Jon Hampton up on the ground, and when Hampton turns around he walks right in to a Guttermouth superkick to the jaw!!!

The crowd liked that one! And Adkins been in control from the opening bell... ..King you got anything to say?

No. Just that that giant pencil DID put up a better fight than Hampton did here tonight! That's all..

Adkins mounts the top turnbuckle, and raises his arms in the air. He looks down at Hampton on the outside mat, and the fans think they know what's coming next. "TV_MA" Mark Adkins leaps off, and executes the Lake Shore Drive!!

He leaps off to the outside with a 630 splash! He connects with that incredible finisher!! I haven't seen that move perfected like that in years from Adkins... and he now hooks a leg on the outside mat..

Adkins looks up at the fans in the front row as he makes the easy cover.

1, 2, 3!!

Mark Adkins has officially won this main event matchup, and gets out of the night with a rather easy win over the #1 contender Jon Hampton.

Here is your winner, and STILL our XWF World Heavyweight Champion .... "TV_MA" .. MARRRK ADDDDKINNNNSSSS!!!!!

Mark Adkins celebrates as much as you'll see that man celebrate. He raises his hands in victory, and claps a few fans hands down at ringside.

Adkins looks humbled out there for the first time in his XWF career. He walked through an easy opponent. But, he feels as though his long run has been worth it. He's been champion for about 5 months, and has beat every competitor in his way.

Match Grade: F, Match Duration: 2 minutes too long, Match Result: "TV_MA" Mark Adkins via pinfall.

After the match Mark Adkins signs a few posters that say 'I'm an Apostle' as he works his way around the crowd. Jim Ross makes the last call of the night as the XWF fans celebrate the conclusion of this King of Xtreme pay per view.

Thank you ladies, and gentlemen for tuning in tonight... to everyone here in Phoenix, Arizona.. thank you for making it a memorable event!! To the rest of the world... the XWF would like to say it's been our pleasure to bring you our annual KING OF XTREME pay per view!! This event.. this 8-man tournament only happens ONCE a YEAR, and it went down in the most bizarre of circumstances. But, we saw the return of the 2010 King of Xtreme, Stephen Blood. We also saw a few bitter rivalries break out.. including The Ray, and Jerry 'The King' Lawler getting in to it! As well as Justice Legal being arrested for hitting Mr. Lucente in the face with a steel chair .... not to mention the reason we were here. The crowning of our new 2011 King of Xtreme .. "The Dark Prince" William Knighthawk! More from that, and the 'Obscured' card is all officially signed on our next episode of Showdown! It'll be going down tuesday October 18th on HBO After Dark, and our next pay per view goes down sunday October 30th!! You WON'T want to MISS it. THANKS again for a great night, and GOODNIGHT everybody!!

We go off the air with Mark Adkins being engulfed by the crowd in Phoenix, Arizona, and he helps take KOX off the air.


The matches aren't known. But, one thing is for certain. For the first time ever... the XWF will host 'Obscured'.

Coming to you from the Richmond Coliseum .. in Richmond, Virginia .. on October 30th, 2011 ... here is that official theme song .. U2 with "Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill me".

THAT OFFICIAL CARD coming soon!!

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"Showdown! card" (October 18th)

XWF NEW Showdown! Roleplaying Board - http://members.boardhost.com/xwfshowdown - (DEADLINE October 11th - October 17th at MIDNIGHT!)

XWF 1998-2011