XWF 1998-2011

---------------The XWF presents a CYBER SUNDAY event known as "End of Days"... 11/20/2011 .. only on HBO! Coming to you from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the Wells Fargo Center on November, 20th, 2011. It is a special event where the XWF fans get to pick the matches!! The Xtreme Title is on the line in the main event, and for the 1st time ever a Tag Team Championship BATTLE ROYALE.

CYBER SUNDAY - "End of Days"

Show starts with flashback to last week's Showdown! on November 8th. We witness Hawking Ripper winning the Xtreme Title. Becoming the 3rd man to hold the Xtreme Title in less than 1 month... the true underdog story!!

FLASHBACK: Hawking Ripper looks like he's fading. The much large Stephen Blood squeezes away at him. He chokes back on Ripper's throat, and swings him around a bit like a rag doll. He just drains the life out of Hawking Ripper! The XWF fans are on their feet as he tries to end this match once, and for all. Stephen Blood looks like he might make him tap as Ripper falls to a knee. But, then Hawking Ripper gathers the energy from the fans cheering him on!! Stephen Blood looks around the arena shocked at all the massive supporters out for Hawking Ripper tonight!! All these people rooting the young kid on!! The chants for "Stephen Blood" are being drowned by "Hawking Ripper!!" chants. The XWF fans are fully on this kid's side now it seems, and he begins to Hulk-up a bit.

Where's he getting this?? Where's he getting this strength!?

Hawking Ripper still locked in this modified Sleeperhold is pulling himself to his feet now. He begins shaking his fists around, and trying to punch his way out of the move. But, Stephen Blood won't let go! Stephen Blood squeezes back tighter, and Hawking Ripper starts to fade again. The XWF fans dying down now, and the buzz seems to be draining from this very room. Then suddenly Hawking Ripper finds a way to pull Stephen Blood towards the corner, and kick his feet up on the top turnbuckle-- this causes Ripper to roll backwards on top of Stephen Blood, and he has the Xtreme Champion's shoulders pinned down for the 1, 2,


He's done it! He's done it. Holy crap! He's done it!!!!

I can't believe it. My jaw literally just dropped!! Did he just do it? Did Hawking Ripper just pull up the amazing upset??!?

He did! Hawking Ripper has beaten Stephen Blood, and he's our new XTREME CHAMPION!!!

I can't believe it J.R.

Believe it!! Believe it damn it.

I really can't believe it. Is this real??

The referee "Chief Luke" walks over to the time keeper, and he hands him the Xtreme Title. Then that's when Chief Luke turns around to present the belt to Hawking Ripper!!! The XWF fans are on their feet, and they are stunned!! A lot of people are estatic right now. But, some people are still in shock. There's a certain buzz in the air as the true XWF fans discuss what just happend here in Youngstown, Ohio. You see Stephen Blood react by rolling to his knees, and holding his hands over his head. His eyes are wide, and his mouth is fixed-open in complete shock. Hawking Ripper seems stunned himself. He keeps pointing at himself, and then pointing at the belt that Chief Luke is trying to hand him. Hawking Ripper pulls himself off the mat, and grabs the Xtreme Title out of the referee's hands. He holds it up in the air, and goes to celebrate with his fans. He holds the belt up near the ropes, and stands up on the nearest turnbuckle!! He gets up in the corner, and poses for the XWF fans here in Youngstown, Ohio!!!

What a moment.

What an upset. What an XWF upset. The first of it's kind! I'm still shocked here J.R.

A lot of people are. I thought Stephen Blood would have had him awhile ago. He then had him in that mean looking chokehold. I thought that sleeperhold would put him away! But he wasn't able to do it ..

I think it was more of a Cobra Clutch. But, either way.. he couldn't put him away. Hawking Ripper found some energy. From these XWF fans here in Ohio!! Just pulling for him in the end!! They wanted to see the upset, and he dug deep. He pulled it out of nowhere if you ask me!!

What an endinG! What a win for Hawking Ripper!!! He is our new Xtreme Champion!!!!

Hawking Ripper rolls out of the ring with his brand new Xtreme Title, and Stephen Blood has a personal conversation with "Chief Luke". As Hawking Ripper sprints to the top of the ramp to show his buddies Apocalyptica his new gold Xtreme Title belt!!! They celebrate with him, and the fans seem overly excited for this one! Stephen Blood can't seem to gather himself in the ring.

We fade back in to the arena with fans cheering and holding up signs. Then Apocalyptica plays over the loud speakers as Hawking Ripper comes out to a great ovation from the crowd!

The people rise to their feet, and raise their signs in the air. Such as: "Ripper #1 Fan", "HAWKING SUPPORTER", "This is RIPp-ERA", "pUZzLe ALreADy SoLvEd", and there is pyros going off everywhere!! Hawking Ripper comes out in his usual attire, and raises the Xtreme Title belt high in the air!! The fans respond by cheering him on here in Philadelphia.

Jim Ross: There he is .. the new Xtreme Champion ... the 3rd Xtreme Champion, in less than a month .... can he be the first guy to defend that belt successfully?? Hi. I'm Jim Ross, and alongside me is the legendary Jerry "The King" Lawler..

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Oh, it feels great to be here! With Hawking Ripper pulling off the greatest underdog upset in XWF history.. I wonder what's going to happen tonight here on HBO.

It's CYBER SUNDAY. Almost anything CAN happen with these type of stipulations still 'up in the air' at this point ..

Yeah, that's true J.R. But with all that's going on lately.. it's a change of pace around here in the XWF. Might be a changing of the guards with Hawking Ripper as the new Xtreme Champion.

You think he'll hold on to the belt tonight?

I think he could. ..

He's holding it now.. up high in the air.. for the XWF fans to see!!

He comes out, and shows his belt off to the fans. But before Hawking Ripper can even get on the microphone to give a victory speech-- "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton comes out with Gigantis, and The Dark Stranger behind him on top of the ramp. They stand firm, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton has a microphone in hand.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton: Tonight the Xtreme Title is coming back home to the S.O.S.!!

The crowd boo's Saxton and the rest of the S.O.S. As Hawking Ripper walks over to Danielle Worley nicely, and asks her for a microphone. He gets on the mic, and looks up at the 3 men staring out at him. He takes a look around at all the fans in the arena tonight.

Hawking Ripper: Tonight .. is all about THEM .. ..

Hawking Ripper holds tight to his Xtreme Title draped over his left shoulder, and points out to the crowd with his left hand. He acknowledges them first.

It's about these guys out here in Philly tonight. It's about the children watching all around the world. All the true underdogs across the globe who cheered me on when I won! When I pulled off the upset. But tonight. It's NOT ABOUT YOU GUYS! It's no longer about you egotistical jerkoffs. It's more about what I've done lately, and if you think you can take this belt from me? Well, only thing I could say is ... not if I have anything to say about it!! You are a "PUZZLED ALREADY SOLVED."

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton goes to speak but his mic is cut off, and he's pissed. He's fuming as he tears his S.O.S. shirt off and tosses it to the side. The 2 big giants hold him back, and the S.O.S. heads backstage to a chorus of boos. Hawking Ripper raises the belt, and his arms high in the air -- the crowd goes absolutely nuts for him!!!! The camera fades off on him as we run down a look at the event, and the first matchup of the night. It's a Women's match with a special stipulation to be voted on by the XWF fans over the past few weeks..

Cyber Sunday Event - 11/20/2011 - "End of Days" - from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - only on HBO!

Alexis Diamond vs. Ashton Storm - What kind of match? Bra & Panties match, Mud Wrestling, or Pillow Fight??? -- MUD WRESTLING --


Bra & Panties - 35%
Mud Wrestling - 42%
Pillow Fight- 21%

The small pool full of mud is outside the ring area near the side of the ramp. Both women are already in the bikinis, and ready to do battle. Danielle Worley announces THE VERY FIRST LADY of wrestling first... ASHTON STORM! People BOO her!! Then she introduces Alexis Diamond, and she gets some cheers!!! The referee is Shawn Green, and he calls for the bell. DING DING!

One woman .. Alexis Diamond making her debut tonight.. in a Mud Wrestling match of all things, and Ashton Storm looking to follow up her win from last Showdown! .. when she defeated Rachael Manning!

Both women slowly step in the pool of mud, and look scared to do it at first. Ashton Storm yells this is a disgrace! We shouldn't have to be doing this. Alexis Diamond tells her to shut up, and Ashton Storm SLAPS her hard across the face!! The crowd can't believe it, and Alexis Diamond is upset! She screams at the top of her lungs and then goes to tackle Ashton Storm in the mud. She starts punching Storm, and ripping away at her hair! The referee sort of counts Alexis Diamond off but she is not stopping!! She's pulling out her hair, and dunking her back in the mud over, and over!! The crowd is eating this up.

I don't know about you. But, I'm loving myself J.R. ..

Yeah, yeah. How's that arm doing King.. ??

No thanks to that twerp The Ray. You know I should have punched his lights out from the get go .. now he's starting with every superstar in the back. This kid has no idea what the word "respect" means.

I think you may be right.. as Alexis Diamond pulls Ashton Storm back to her feet, and PLANTS her with a DDT straight in the damn mud!

Vicious DDT by Alexis Diamond.

She goes to work on Ashton Storm, and the crowd is loving it so far. She goes to pin her, and the referee counts 1, 2, kick out! Alexis Diamond shoves a handful of mud in Ashton Storm's mouth, and covers her again for the 1, 2, kick out!! Ashton Storm starts spewing, and spitting the mud out of her mouth as Alexis Diamond grabs her hair from behind. Diamond places Storm in a headlock, and wears the young woman down.

The VERY FIRST LADY of WRESTLING getting it taking to her butt right now!

Oh, watch yourself J.R.

Ashton Storm reverses it, and connects with a nice Snapmare takedown!! Alexis Diamond splatters in to the mud, and Ashton Storm actually goes for her first pinfall of the night. 1, 2, kick out! She argues with the referee Shawn Green, and he just yells at her as he tries to keep his distance. Ashton Storm picks Alexis Diamond up by the hair, and instead Diamond rolls Storm in to a quick small package. 1, 2, kick out again!! The crowd on the edge of their seats for this one.

Alexis Diamond in her debut against Ashton Storm who debuted in the return of the Women's Division.. just this past episode of Showdown!.. squaring off against another newcomer in Rachael Manning. You know King .. lot of nice women we've brought along here.

Yeah, "very" talented.

Alexis Diamond picks Ashton Storm up by the hair, and SLAPS her hard across the face. She goes for a Swinging Neckbreacker. But, Ashton Storm counters it, and shoves Alexis Diamond in to the referee. The referee barely holds her up, and when she turns around Ashton Storm goes for a Superkick. But, Diamond catches her foot, and Storm slips up. Alexis Diamond got her in the Ankle Lock Submission, face down in the mud!! The XWF fans are cheering this on!

The fans are cheering this .. can you believe it??

The fans love mud wrestling J.R. And I can't blame 'em!

Cyber Sunday brought to you by Pep Boys, and the people of HBO.

Will she tap here??

But she doesn't tap out. Instead Storm rolls thru it, and gets Diamond in a pinning predictament. 1, 2, kick out!! Alexis Diamond snaps, and lifts Ashton Storm up to her feet. She starts choking her with her barehands. Just strangling Ashton Storm!!! The fans in Philadelphia are loving this! Then out of nowhere Ashton Storm pokes Alexis Diamond in the eye, and rolls her up for a pin. She grabs her g-string for the 1, 2, 3!!!

Match Grade: B-, Match Duration: 3 minutes, and 32 seconds, Match Result: Ashton Storm via pinfall.

We cut backstage now where Bob Levy is standing by with Josh Davis.

Bob Levy: Yeah, I'm standing by with Josh Davis.. now, Josh.. in just a few moments you will be squaring off with Mike Dimter in an number contender's match for the Xtreme Title. How do you think you have garnered this opportunity.. in only a short period of being here in the XWF??

Josh Davis: Well first let me make one thing clear. I am Josh Davis and I am the Savior of the XWF! The XWF brass knew that, and they knew what they were getting when they signed me! I am a hot commodity on the streets out there, and I sell out arenas nationwide!! I'm what you would call an underground legend in most circuits. But here in the XWF.. you can just call me your next Xtreme Champion! After I win here tonight in Philadelphia in front of all these people .. then they will know that I'm their Savior, and I came to make the XWF a better place to call home!! Mike Dimter is about to find that out . . .

"The Savior" Josh Davis brushes by Bob Levy on his way back towards his locker room.


Xavier Star is conducting an interview for his match coming up next with Mitch Keller.

Mitch Keller: Now Xavier Star you have done well for yourself here in the early running with the XWF. How do you feel about tonight's matchup? Where the fans get to pick the stipulation, and I mean it's got to be hard going in to something like this???

Xavier Star: You know.. no not really Mitch. You see I've been preparing for the XWF for quite some time before I embarked on this journey, and I knew what I was getting in to. At any moment.. anything can happen, and you got to be ready for that sort of thing. Arm Wrestling, Submission match, Last Man Standing.. doesn't mean much either way to me Mitch ...

Well, this just in .. the results are in for your matchup, and here is what the XWF fans have decided for your match against The Ray up next . ...

The results appear up on the screen:

The Ray vs. Xavier Star - What kind of match? Last Man Standing match, Arm Wrestling, or Submissions match???

Last Man Standing match - 43%
Arm Wrestling - 28%
Submissions match - 29%

Mitch Keller looks at Xavier Star after the results are in.

Well, it looks like it's going to be a Last Man Standing match--

Suddenly, The Ray attacks!!! The Ray is suppose to face Xavier Star in a Last Man Standing match .. but instead he jumps him backstage before the match, and tells the ref to ring the bell!! The referee Jake Evans with him says that this match is officially underway, and The Ray pounces on Xavier Star some more!! He gives him uppercuts on the ground, and then backs up to grab a fire extinguisher. He smashes Xavier Star over the head with it, and then sprays him down with that white myst!! He sprays him all over, and you can barely see in that hallway now.

What is going on?? Is this match officially underway?

I believe it is J.R. The referee called it, and it's a Last Man Standing match.... The Ray wasting no time! What a coward!! I can't believe referee Jack Evans is allowing this, and that XWF officials aren't doing anything about it.

Through the myst you see Xavier Star make one last ditch effort to get up. But, The Ray holding the fire extinguisher over his head-- BOOTS Xavier Star in the face, and then CRACKS him over the head with the fire extinguisher again!! Xavier Star collapses in the white myst, and you can barely see anything. The Ray is forcing the referee to count, and you can hear the 10-count now. 1, 2, 3, 4, ..

Not like this! Not like this damnit.

What did you expect? The Ray is a sissy! And he will get a win any way he can ...

The referee is still counting in this Last Man Standing match, and he is up to 7 in his 10-count. "8, .. 9, ... 10!!" He's out, and The Ray has officially won this match. He has dooped everybody, and attacked Xavier Star before he could even doing anything!! The Ray then forced the referee to start this bout, and he got an easy victory over Star using that fire extinguisher. Now, The Ray is taunting Xavier Star on the ground. He is yelling, "you aren't so bad now are you, huh??!?" The Ray then kicks Xavier Star across the ribs, and the monster growls back. The Ray gets scared, and scurries off as fast as he can down the hallway. The smoke clears, and when the dust settles it's Xavier Star laid out for the 10-count in this Last Man Standing match voted on by the XWF fans.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 49 seconds, Match Result: The Ray via 10-count.

We cut backstage where the entire S.O.S. is watching. The Ray just laid Xavier Star out with a fire extinguisher to the back of the head to keep him down for the 10-count, and the S.O.S. looks upset about it.

Tyroneus Del Rio: What a disgrace these new superstars are. Everything was fine before Mr. Lucente started signing up every superstar across the country!! He should remember sometimes less, is more ...tonight I can't take any more of these tag teams, and there's a Mystery Tag Team to boot!!

William Knighthawk turns away from Tyroneus Del Rio, and faces "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton instead.

William Knighthawk: Hey! You are awfully quiet.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton: I have a lot to think about tonight, and I got the main event of the evening on my plate!

Oh, kid. I've been in plenty of those already.. ... remember that the XWF didn't act like they needed you a few weeks ago.. now all of a sudden .. you think Mr. Lucente, and his round table full of "yes men" give a damn about you? Ha!

Knighthawk taps Del Rio, and those 2 along with Gigantis exit the S.O.S. locker room. The Dark Stranger is too busy talking with Lady Gaga, and Heather Black he didn't bother to even listen to their arguement as that scene fades out.


Mike Dimter is backstage before his next match, and he had a message for Josh Davis.

Mike Dimter: I heard what you said earlier Joshua .. about being our grand savior. But, you're wrong! And if anyone is going to win tonight in front of all these people.. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.. it's going to be the hometown boy .. ME!!

Mike Dimter exits stage left, and you can hear the crowd roaring in excitement!!! For the first time maybe ever the XWF fans are actually behind Mike Dimter, and Josh Davis the underground phenom is going to have his work cut out for him tonight! We cut to ringside for the official announcement.

Mike Dimter vs. Josh Davis - #1 Contender for the Xtreme Title -

Josh Davis is introduced first, and gets a decent underground reaction! He has some supporters in the crowd as he makes his way out, and down the ramp!! He claps people's hands, and he tries to get people fired up for this big contest! Mike Dimter is introduced next, and the fans rise to their feet soon as his theme music begins playing! A lot of excited people in the building here at the Wells Fargo Center in Mike Dimter's hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For years this has been a stomping grounds for both Dimter, and the XWF. As "The Savior" Josh Davis scans the crowd, and looks to follow up his debut victory last Showdown!

This is going to be a good match! A great one.

Oh yeah, I bet. Davis, and Dimter are 2 of the best that the XWF has signed recently. Both of them are friends, and they have come from a similiar wrestling background.. spent a lot of time on the underground circuit.. here they are today in the XWF!! Set to have a number one contender's match for the Xtreme Title!

They circle each other up, and Davis fakes like he wants to shake hands. But he pulls it back, and Dimter jaws with him a bit. The crowd is so in to this one already! Fans cheering for Mike Dimter, and others rooting for "The Savior" Josh Davis as well!! Hyped crowd as the moment as these 2 lockup in the center of the ring, and referee Amari Scottsdale calls for the bell. DING DING!

We're about to get this one started J.R.!!!

As these 2 lock up, and the stronger Mike Dimter shoving Josh Davis back in to the corner quickly! He receives some cheers for the crowd as he takes the early hand in this one.

You know, why wasn't this made in to a special stipulation match as well? What's the deal with that?? The fans should have been able to vote on this match . ..

Not sure .. already a lot of implications. Meaning we've got a lot riding on this matchup already. 2 young up-and-coming superstars .. 2 old rivals battling .. in the hometown of Mike Dimter... for the right to main event next week's episode of Showdown! .. coming to you from Detroit, Michigan.. on December 6th... that's HBO After Dark!

After Mike Dimter works Josh Davis back in the corner. He gives him a forearm to the jaw, and then a massive chop across the chest, "WOOOO!" The crowd marks out for Mike Dimter as he digs his elbow further in to the jaw of Josh Davis, and then gives him a big Hip Toss to the canvas!! Mike Dimter follows that up with a quick Sleeperhold, and begins wearing Davis down. Mike Dimter got the crowd on his side as he releases the hold on his own, and instead Dropkicks his old friend Josh Davis in the back of the head! Mike Dimter then goes to roll up Josh Davis for the 1, 2, kick out!

But, so why not have the fans vote for a stipulation??

Because, they didn't ... beats me.... I mean, it's Xtreme Rules... you can do just about anything in this matchup.. the winner gets a shot at the Xtreme Title! A belt that was brought in to the XWF officially by William Knighthawk, and his associate.. our General Manager Shawn Taylor .... turns out William Knighthawk who was supposed to go Champion versus Champion against XWF World Heavyweight Champion.. "TV_MA" Mark Adkins... but, that didn't happen ...

Mike Dimter gives Josh Davis another Hip Toss, and then starts wrenching back on his arm on the canvas. Mike Dimter takes the early advantage, and the crowd is backing him 100% here tonight in his hometown of Philadelphia.

Which we will explain all that stuff about "TV_MA" Mark Adkins next week apparently ... ..

Yeah, that's the rumors going round ... Mr. Lucente set to announce that later .. it will be the return of "TV_MA" Mark Adkins after his 45 day suspension.. for attacking someone affiliated with the Xtreme Title, and it's champion... at the time it was William Knighthawk aligned with GM Shawn Taylor, .. and Adkins knew that! It was a secret to some of us.. but, Adkins knew about it .... don't ask me how ..

Nice scoop in to a Bodyslam by Dimter in the ring! He goes for the cover, 1, 2, no kick out!!

And so .. William Knighthawk.. he defended it against Stephen Blood... it was the 2010 King of Xtreme versus the 2011 King of Xtreme... and Stephen Blood won it!

Yeah, Stephen Blood won the Xtreme Title the first night it was officially defended.. on Halloween Night at "Obscured"! But, then Hawking Ripper pulled off the stunning upset the following week .. just last Showdown! ..

Mike Dimter got Josh Davis in a Chokehold on the canvas, and is wearing the young man down!! But, you're correct King .. it was Ripper who scored the biggest upset of the year.. quite frankly .. pinning Stephen Blood 1, 2, 3 for the title! He became the new Xtreme Champion, and will compete in his 2nd main event in a row!! He will try to be the first man to defend the Xtreme Title successfully as well.. no one who has won it .. has been able to keep it ...

That's crazy J.R.!!

Mike Dimter picks Josh Davis up to his feet, and irish whips him to the ropes. Josh Davis ducks a Clothesline attempt, and goes off the ropes. He comes firing back with a Flying Shoulderblock! He knocks Mike Dimter off his feet, and then quickly covers him up for the 1, 2, kick out!! Josh Davis wastes no time, and irish whips Mike Dimter in to the corner now. "The Savior" poses, and the crowd boo's the hell out of him!!!! He rushes in towards Dimter, and all Dimter does is throw an ELBOW up in to his jaw!! That crowd POPS likd mad!!! The people in Philadelphia loves this! As Dimter starts firing punches at Davis now. But, then Josh Davis blocks a hard right hand, and hits him with a hard right of his own! Davis pulls him in, and Headbutts him hard!! Dimter falls back in to the corner, and Josh Davis starts stomping away at him!!! The crowd is boo'ing some more!!!!!

Wow J.R.! This Josh Davis can't win.. one town he's a underground legend.. the next... they want to see him roasted out there by his nemesis... makes no sense almost. ...

Well, Josh Davis is very popular among some crowds out there King. But, tonight in the hometown of Mike Dimter he is hearing that tonight .. ..

The BOOO's drowning everything out. As Josh Davis continues stomping away at Mike Dimter. He backs up, and rushes in for a Bronco Buster!!! He starts hopping up, and down on Mike Dimter!!! Now the crowd is PISSED!! They are boo'ing some more, and some even throw cups of soda pop in the ring!! Josh Davis backs up a few steps and rushes in with a hard knee to the chin of Mike Dimter!! He pulls him to the center of the ring, and the crowd is giving him heat.

He looks to cover the hometown guy .. after that hard knee shot .. 1, .. 2 ... no!! Mike Dimter stays alive, and "The Savior" can't put him away!

The number one contendership.. for the coveted Xtreme Title is up for grabs here ....

Josh Davis stays on the offensive, and drops a knee on Dimter's shoulder!! He then drops a knee on his skul!! Josh Davis pops to his feet, and backs up a few steps .. he comes in then with a Rolling Thunder!!! He connects with it, and the fans boo the shit out of him!! As he hooks the leg here 1, 2, kick out!!

Nice underground action. These people know what this all means.. no special stipulations ... just the fight between 2 hungry superstars who have been in the ring with each other before!!

Yeah, well .. I never heard anyone really boo'ed for doing the Rolling Thunder, hahah.

"The Savior" Josh Davis backs Mike Dimter up in the corner with a hard chop, "BOOO!" He gies him another hard chop, "BOOOO!" Mike Dimter pokes him in the eye, and throws Josh Davis in the corner now. Mike Dimter gives him 2 solid boots to the gut! Then he hits him with a hard chop, "WOOOOOOO!!" He hits him with another vicious chop, "WOOOOOOOOO!!" The crowd marks out as Mike Dimter raises his arm in premature victory! They cheer, and Josh Davis kicks Dimter in the gut! He stalls him with that, and then a hard right hand! Josh Davis out of nowhere pulls Mike Dimter in, and hits him with a Twist of Fate!! The crowd starts boo'ing him!!!!

People can not believe it!

Josh Davis lays with his back on him, and makes the lazy cover. 1, 2, foot on the rope!! The referee points it out, and Josh Davis can't believe it. He drags Mike Dimter to the center of the ring then, and goes for another cover. 1, 2, kick out! Josh Davis looks mad, and the crowd is growing restless. Josh Davis drops an elbow on Mike Dimter's skull, and hooks the leg again, 1, 2, kick out!! Josh Davis can't believe it! He goes to pick Mike Dimter up by the head, and instead Dimter kicks him across the head!! Josh Davis falls to a knee, and Mike Dimter pops up to his feet. He pulls Davis in, and knees him a couple times in the dome piece!!! Mike Dimter yells out at the crowd, and they cheer for him some more!!!

Great responce for Mike Dimter in his hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!!!

Mike Dimter grabs Josh Davis by the head, and delivers a brutal Bulldog!!! He covers him up, and gets the close 1, 2, kick out!!! Mike Dimter gets back to his feet, and drops a knee on his face! Mike Dimter then backs up to the ropes, and steps to the outside apron. He raises his hands in the air, and the fans mark out. Josh Davis slowly gets to his feet, and suddenly Dimter does a Springboard Crossbody!!! He connects with it, and Josh Davis rolls him over in to a pinning combination instead!

Oh no! He got him!!

Davis has him for the 1, 2,


The crowd POPS! Glad to see Mike Dimter is still in this. Josh Davis gets to his feet first, and drills Mike Dimter with an Enziguri Kick out of nowhere!!! Mike Dimter is laid out, and the fans boo some more. As "The Savior" Josh Davis goes for the pinfall, and gets the 1, 2, kick out!! Josh Davis thought he got that 3, and he argues with the ref for a moment. Mike Dimter crawls to a knee, and Josh Davis goes to lift him up by his head. But, Mike Dimter punches him in the stomach, and then drills him with a hard uppercut!! He grabs Josh Davis by the back of the head, and brings him over to the corner. He slams Josh Davis' head in to the top turnbuckle over, and over!!! The fans call him out with it.. 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!!!!! The fans hoot and holler as Josh Davis backs up looking dizzy.

The crowd really excited as Mike Dimter signaling for the end here!! Josh Davis doesn't know where he's at, and turns right in to it --

Mike Dimter goes to set him up for the Liberty Bell. But, Josh Davis reverses it, and goes for a Russian Legsweep-- however, Dimter holds on to the ropes, and Davis pulls down nothing!! Josh Davis stumbles back to his feet, and Dimter goes to kick him in the gut! But, Josh Davis catches his foot. The fans on the edge of their seats as Davis spins Dimter around, and ducks his Spinning Heel Kick attempt! "The Savior" Josh Davis then looks to be going for some type of submission hold on the canvas. He looks to maybe being going for an STF. But, Mike Dimter punches his way out of it.

How will this one end?!?

Both men roll to their feet and eye each other down across the ring. They approach each other, and Josh Davis goes for a big punch! But, Mike Dimter ducks it, and uses his momentum to set Davis up for an Atomic Drop!! Josh Davis goes bouncing around. Dimter brings him back in, and pulls him in for 2 sharp knees to the skull!! He then sets him back up for his finisher, and connects with the "Liberty Bell" out of nowhere!!!! The crowd marks out like crazy!!!!! As he hooks the leg in the center of the ring.

1, 2, 3!!! Well there you go.. that's how it ends King ...

Wow. I'm stunned! I really didn't see that one coming.... I thought Josh Davis had plenty of fight still in him. Mike Dimter staying on his game however. He didn't let up, and just caught him with his finisher in the center of the ring!

Mike Dimter is celebrating with his arms raised high!! This is out of the ordinary for the leader of a heel stable called Genesis. But, in his hometown of Philadelphia. The crowd is cheering for this man Mike Dimter after he drills "The Savior" Josh Davis with his Skull Crushing Finale finisher known as The Liberty Bell! It was quite the ending to this great #1 contender's match for the Xtreme Title. It will now be Mike Dimter going 1-on-1 next Showdown! against the winner of tonight's main event. Mike Dimter celebrates his victory in the ring with the XWF fans a moment, and Josh Davis just rolls out of there. He wants no buisness with this scene anymore.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 7 minutes, and 15 seconds, Match Result: Mike Dimter via pinfall.

We fade backstage where Ryan Ryder is standing by with Flo Stanley.

Ryan Ryder: Flo Stanley. You know better than anyone.. you know better than anyone there... that this was inevitable! I believe The Dark Stranger debuted against me here in the XWF. He beat me in his very 1st match ever!! But tonight... doesn't matter the stipulation.. "The Real Deal" is back... the "Perfect Specimen" has returned, and with that-- RYDER FEVER spreads once again!! Tonight The Dark Stranger goes down!!!

Ryan Ryder looks happy, and a little sadistic looking as he rushes off the scene.


The Dark Stranger before the match with Heather Black, and Lady Gaga in the S.O.S. locker room. They are the only 3 people in there right now.

The Dark Stranger: Lady Gaga you want to hear the best part? I was telling Heather Black this earlier .. I think it's funny that Ryder didn't figure out I was joining the S.O.S. sooner. The signs were there!

Dark Stranger switches gears, and looks right in to the camera at Ryan Ryder as he delivers this twisted message.

Who do you think had you jump Flip Johnson that night at KOX?? Not only did I manage to keep Flip from going to the ring, and being one of those Lumberjacks.. but, I convinced you with your minor injuries.. to take the rest of the night off as well!! I was in your head the whole time, and that night at King of Xtreme.. it wasn't me telling Flip Johnson "Your soul is Mine".. oh no, I was talking to YOU!! I have been planning this from the get-go. I have had you trapped in this from the start! Tonight you won't escape... ladies.. you must stay back here tonight.. I don't want you to witness this chaos!! I don't want you to see this massacre. Because I'm going to make my mark felt. MARK MY WORDS here Ryan Ryder. "YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!!!"

He heads to the ring, and this match is going to get started. The results apparently are in for this special Cyber Sunday matchup only at "End of Days" on HBO!!

Ryan Ryder vs. The Dark Stranger - What kind of match? Pink Slip on a Pole match, Cage match, or Strap match??? -

Pink Slip on a Pole match - 34%
Cage match - 31%
Strap match - 35%

Danielle Worley is already at ringside. She announces that this next matchup was voted on by the XWF fans, and is going to be a classic Strap match!! First she introduces Ryan Ryder, and he comes out to a decent reaction from the crowd. Some people cheer him, and some people still don't care. The Dark Stranger gets introduced next, and he's heading right for the ring! He looks really ready tonight, and gets right in to the squared-circle with his old partner Ryan Ryder. Those 2 get right up in each other's space before thie match begins. They sort to have to as the referee Jake Evans is getting ready to attach the straps, and these 2 are heated you can tell!

They look ready to kill each other, and there's a certain buzz in the air right now. These 2 former tag team partners, and 1-time XWF Tag Team Champions known then as the ReArrangers. Are now about to go at each other's throats, and this is going to be a good one!!

Oh, it certainly is J.R. For some reason I feel like for the first time.. in a long time.. almost with a tear in my eye.. I could say.. the XWF is BACK J.R.!!

Oh. You going to cry King??

You know.. I'm not that type of guy. But, we have been around for quite some time, and we've had our fair share of problems. But, we never gave up! These 2 had a rivalry that started over a year ago.. a feud that is almost exactly 1 year in the making .. about to settle it in a Strap match here tonight!!

Voted on by the XWF fans. We're at the Wells Fargo Center. This is CYBER SUNDAY on HBO .. we're calling this event "End of Days"... it's been the first of many though.... we saw the debut of Alexis Diamond in a Mud Wrestling match .. later we got a Tag Team Championship Battle Royale, and the Xtreme Title defended in the main event.. in a special matchup... we have no clue what it's even going to be yet!!

Going to be something J.R.

The referee gets the straps attached, and just as Jake Evans goes to turn to tell them to ring the bell. It's The Dark Stranger taking the first blow!! He drills Ryan Ryder with a hard uppercut, and knocks him off his feet. DING DING!! The referee has issued for this match to start, and Dark Stranger got the early advantage now. He starts stomping away at Ryan Ryder as the referee warns him about that cheap shot! Dark Stranger backs the referee down, and scares the crap out of him. Dark Stranger bends over, and picks Ryan Ryder up by the neck. He pulls him in, and eyes him down!! He jaws with his old parnter, and goes for a Chokeslam. But, Ryder blocks it, and kicks him in the thigh. Dark Stranger suddenly Clotheslines him down!! Dark Stranger lays Ryder out, and he poses afterwards. The fans boo this new 5th member of the S.O.S.

Ever since he joined the S.O.S. nobody seems to be on his side anymore...

Accept for Lady Gaga, and Heather Black of course. Don't forget the other 4 members of the S.O.S.

Oh yeah, how could I forget?

Dark Stranger goes to lift Ryder up, and just drops him with another uppercut instead!! Ryder crawls back in to the corner, and Dark Stranger kicks away at him!! He lifts Ryder to his feet, and chokes him out! The ref counts Dark Stranger off. But, he elbows Ryder to the chin, and he falls to the mat! The crowd is giving The Dark Stranger a lot of heat now. As he picks Ryder off the mat, and slings him over his shoulder somehow. The strap still attached to both their wrists. He goes for a Running Powerslam, and The Dark Stranger slams him down hard to the mat!! He covers him up, and the ref makes the count 1, 2, kick out!

The Dark Stranger looking to put Ryan Ryder away here early.

Old friends. Old rivals. Facing off for the first time in about a year's time ...

Dark Stranger picks Ryder up by the little hair that he does have, and slams him back forcefully on his skull!! He just whips Ryan Ryder down with authority, and puts a boot on top of his chest. 1, 2, kick out!! Dark Stranger grabs Ryan Ryder, and reels him in with the strap. He grabs him by the throat again, and attempting that finisher known as "The Darkness". But, instead Ryder kicks him in the shin. He elbows Dark Stranger in the chest. But, the monster fires back with a right hook of his own!! He hits Ryder with another hard right hand, and then a stiff uppercut!! That knocks Ryder back in to the ropes. Dark Stranger charges, and Clotheslines him out of the ring.. but, being that he's attached with the strap-- they both go tumbling over the top ropes, and down to the outside mat!!

Both men laid out in front of us.

Did the Dark Stranger forget there was a strap attached to both men??

He must've forgot.. it's easy to. These men aren't use to this type of stipulation.. that strap is hard to get use to for sure for some men ...

Both men getting to their knees on the outside. They crawl towards each other, and start firing shots. As they both get up at the same time just exchanging shots. Ryan Ryder grabs Dark Stranger around the waist. He barehugs him, and then drives him in to the steel post on the outside!! Dark Stranger collapses to a knee. Ryan Ryder elbows him in the face, and then wraps the strap around Dark Stranger's neck!! He gets behind him, and starts choking him out with the strap! The XWF fans are marking out for this! They start a chant of "Ryder Fever! Ryder Fever!"

Did they say they got Ryder Fever?

Oh yeah King! They sure did ... and now Ryan Ryder ramming Dark Stranger's head in to that outside steel post. But the monster fighting back!!

The Dark Stranger gives Ryan Ryder a back elbow to the hip, and then uppercuts him hard! Ryder falls to a knee, and Dark Stranger rolls him back in to the ring. Dark Stranger rolls in after him. He picks Ryan Ryder up, and delivers a hard Bodyslam! He drops an elbow on Ryan Ryder's skull, and the 1, 2, kickout! The fans cheering for Ryder, and trying to get him back in this. Dark Stranger stands up, and backs up a couple feet. He uses the strap to pull Ryan Ryder towards him as he's getting off the ground, and Dark Stranger tattoos him with a BOOT across the skull!!

He lays Ryan Ryder out with that one!

Dark Stranger drops another elbow to his skull, and covers Ryan Ryder up. 1, 2, kick out!! The fans cheer, and Dark Stranger slams his fists on the canvas in stress!! He gets up, and picks Ryan Ryder up to a knee. But, Ryder is staggering. As the Dark Stranger lays a few solid fists in to his face!! He pummels Ryan Ryder a bit, and then picks him up for a Slingshot Suplex!!

Oh, no! He's going for War Machine's old finisher.. the SLINGSHOT SUPLEX!!!

The Dark Stranger gets "The Real Deal" Ryan Ryder set up for that incredible finisher, and CONNECTS with it!! He plants Ryan Ryder, and Dark Stranger hooks a leg. 1, 2,

foot on the rope!!

Ryan Ryder stays alive! By gawd. Ryan Ryder stays alive!

The Dark Stranger scoops Ryan Ryder back up, and slings him over his shoulder again. He rushes forward, and he plants Ryder with another Running Powerslam!! He makes the cover, and crowd BOOs him. 1, 2, kick out!!! Dark Stranger is furious, and argues with the referee. He then wraps the strap around Ryan Ryder's neck much like he did to him. He then forces Ryan Ryder to his feet, and looks him right in the eyes... the strap still wrapped around Ryder. The crowd giving Dark Stranger lots of heat as he tortures his counterpart.

Dark Stranger using his strength, with that strap wrapped around Ryder's neck, and his arms wrapped around Ryder in a Barehug formation now.. Ryder can't get out of this!! He's helpless.

He tries to fight, and claw his way out of this. He starts headbutting Dark Stranger, and then he begins removing the mask off his face!! He's trying to remove The Dark Stranger's mask damnit!

Oh, we don't want to see what's under there!

Oh, heaven's no!

Ryan Ryder then kicks Dark Stranger in the inner thigh, and brings him in for a DDT. But, The Dark Stranger grabs him by the throat instead. He goes to lift him up for a Chokeslam. But, Ryan Ryder tries to rip the mask off again. Dark Stranger drops him with his one hand. Ryan Ryder instead drops to his knees, and begins crawling around behind Dark Stranger's legs. He uses the strap to wrap around his legs, and then pull them out from underneath him!! Dark Stranger falls face forward, and smashes the top turnbuckle!! Ryan Ryder rolls up behind up, and rolls him up some sort of School Boy Pin. 1, 2, kick out!!!

The fans cheering!! They thought Ryan Ryder already had him ...

Dark Stranger, and Ryan Ryder are all tangled up. Ryan Ryder goes for a Swinging Neckbreaker as both men get to their knees. But, Dark Stranger blocks it. He instead kicks Ryan Ryder in his stomach!! The crowd is boo'ing him hard now! As Dark Stranger knees Ryan Ryder in the face, and straightens him up. The Dark Stranger barks some orders at Ryan Ryder, and then grabs him by the throat. Dark Stranger then lifts him up, and goes the for Darkness again!! That's when he Chokeslams him hard to the mat!!!! He puts an emphasis on that one as he makes the cover, 1, 2,

Foot on the rope again!!!

Ryan Ryder gets his foot on the rope, and Dark Stranger doesn't realize it. He argues with the referee Jake Evans, and he tells Dark Stranger it's not over. So, the Dark Stranger gets mad, and goes to start picking Ryan Ryder up. But, Ryder looks almost helpless. Ryder suddenly elbows Dark Stranger in the gut, he hits him with a hard uppecut of his own!! Dark Stranger tries to go for a Headbutt. But, Ryan Ryder instead sidesteps it, and kicks him in the knee! Ryan Ryder sets The Dark Stranger up for his finisher the Force of Nature!!!

He plants him with his finisher!

Ryan Ryder covers The Dark Stranger up after that twisted finisher, and he gets the 1, 2, 3! The crowd cheers! They are excited Ryan Ryder pulled off the win here tonight. Ryan Ryder raises his arm in victory as he rolls to a knee!!! The Philadelphia crowd is loving it, and suddenly The Dark Stranger sits up. He looks pissed, and removes the strap from his own arm. He grabs Ryan Ryder off the ground, and he sets him up for his finisher DARKNESS FALLS!! The Dark Stranger hits Ryan Ryder with that devilish Tombstone after the match is already over!!!! The crowd is boo'ing this 5th new member of the Skeletons of Society.

I can't believe it. Ryan Ryder steals one from Dark Stranger here tonight, and he pays for it afterwards! My goodness. What a move by The Dark Stranger. He simply pulverizes him with DARKNESS FALLS!

The crowd is boo'ing as The Dark Stranger taunts Ryan Ryder, and then starts choking him with the strap even. The XWF fans giving him massive heat tonight! As the referee tries to get Dark Stranger out of there. But, he shoves Jake Evans aside, and continues beating on the helpless Ryder.

Match Grade: B+, Match Duration: 9 minutes, and 6 seconds, Match Result: Ryan Ryder via pinfall.

After the match The Dark Stranger rolls outside the ring, and yells at all the fans in the front row. They mock The Dark Stranger, and he makes a few threatening insults to them! Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler try to make sense of things at ringside a moment.

It was a tough match.. but, The Dark Stranger loses when he hits Ryder with a Chokeslam known as The Darkness! But, Ryder gets his foot on the ropes!! Dark Stranger asks the ref to unhook him from the strap, and the ref informs him it's not over. He goes to pick Ryder up, and then boom Ryder kicks him in the knee- pulls him in for the Force of Nature!! Ryder wins a close Strap Match!! After Dark Stranger sits up, and reels him in-- PLANTING him with a Tombstone Piledriver known as Darkness Falls!! The crowd boos the heck out of him as he makes his way towards the back...

The S.O.S. is scary with that man. We thought they were unpredictable before- WOW. They got another member with a screw loose .. that's no good for us, and Ryan Ryder has found that out first hand.

Lets take you backstage, and check on the group known as Genesis right now ..

Ashton Storm is upset backstage with The Genesis. It looks like Jason Blade & Mike Blade are getting ready for their tag team championship battle royale. Meanwhile it's Mike Dimter who is trying to make sense of his victory from earlier.

Ashton Storm: You know that women's match was so stereotypical!! I want a regular match. Just a 1-on-1 encounter with Alexis Diamond.. no special stipulatons. Just the best woman wins so nobody has any excuses!!

Mike Blade: If you play your cards right you might just get your wish.

Jason Blade: Hey! Mike. No offence. But, KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!! We need to win this tag team championship battle royale next!! Our life depends on it.

That's when Xavier Star shows up, and looks his team over. He stares at all of Genesis.

Xavier Star: Let me ask you something. Where were you guys earlier?

Mike Dimter: Star cool it! We were going to head over to where you were.. but, by the time we got word ..

... it's okay, just don't let it happen again!

I won't, ... .

So how does it feel to be number one contender now anyways??

It feels GOOD. It feels DAMN good being the new #1 contender for the Xtreme Title!!!

I wonder who you'll fight next .. .. .?

Mike Dimter cross his arms, and is unsure of that answer. The Xtreme Title hangs in the balance in the main event of tonight's CYBER SUNDAY event "End of Days". As we fade out of that scene.


Yarmouth Blade & Hellion are cutting an interview with Flo Stanley. When Terry Angle, and Dante Stevenson interrupt them!! The Dog Pound steps in, and adds their 2 cents in.

Dustin Holt: You are acting like children.. ...plus everyone knows we're going to win tonight brother!!

Yarmouth: You guys are crazy!! You know that? We aren't losing this Tag Team Championship BATTLE ROYALE!! Those titles belong to us ...

In walks the Wreckin' Crew.

Flip Johnson: Haha. You know what's funny about all this? I was telling "Brute" earlier .. that you all have something in common with that Mystery Tag Team we're about to face out there... we don't have the slighest clue who the hell you guys are!!! Not the slightest. You want Tag Team Champs? You're looking at them.. we're about to be 3-time XWF Tag Team Champions! You can count on that . . .

The other teams look the Wreckin' Crew over, and then they step out of the room. After Flip Johnson & Brutality exit, then The Dog Pound leaves the room. Hellion, and Yarmouth Blade head out as well, and this NEXT match is shaping up to be a great one perhaps.

XWF Tag Team Championship BATTLE ROYALE:

XWF Tag Team Champions - "Skeletons of Society" (William Knighthawk & Tyroneus Del Rio) vs. Wreckin' Crew vs. "The Dog Pound" vs. Jason Blade & Mike Blade vs. Terry Angle & Dante Stevenson vs. Yarmouth Blade & The Hellion vs. (FANS VOTE??????) - XWF Tag Team Titles on the line! -- If you are eliminated- your partner must exit the ring as well!! - "7 teams, only 1 walks out the XWF Tag Team Champions"

Jason Blade, and Mike Blade are already out there. They don't receive the same ovation as Mike Dimter did. People boo them! Angle, and Stevenson come out next to lots of boo's!! Out comes "The Dog Pound" next, and Dustin Holt with his partner Aaron Wilson receive quite the react! Fans hoot, holler, and bark for these gentlemen!! As the team of The Hellion, and Yarmouth Blade is introduced next!! They get a decent reaction. Wreckin' Crew comes out, and they get a pretty nice rising ovation from the XWF diehard fans in attendance!!! The XWF crowd is growing restless as the XWF Tag Team Champions are introduced next!! The crowd boos the hell out of William Knighthawk, and Tyroneus Del Rio. They make their way down the ramp, and the fans throw a lot of obscenities their way.

Is this it? Or is there another tag team coming still J.R.??

Still one more team. Whoever the fans voted on!!

Well, here we go then ...

The XWF Tag Team Champions get in the ring, and the S.O.S. leads the charge. There's 6 tag teams packed in the ring already. 12 men, and if you go over the top rope you are eliminated. Also, if you are eliminated than your tag team parnter must also leave the ring. We still have one more tag team to get to. Whoever the fans voted in will have a chance to enter this XWF tag team championship battle royale. That will make it 7 tag teams in the chase for the XWF Tag Team Titles in this 1st ever TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE ROYALE!!!


Who will be the 7th tag team to enter???

The Last Rebels - 7%
Psychopathic Rydas - 0%
Mystery Tag Team - 93%

The crowd is silent as the results are posted on the titan tron. After the results are revealed the crowd is stunned to hear a familiar theme song. It's the theme song for Jon Hampton, and suddenly he comes out with Corey Farmer!! The crowd immediately begins to boo. Though some fans actually mark out for this pairing!!

What is this? Are you kidding me? Farmer, and Hampton?

Corey Farmer comes out first, and the crowd boo's as he introduces his partner Jon "The Man" Hampton!! The crowd gives them lots of heat!! As they rile the crowd up, and finally make their way in the ring. The referee Amari Scottsdale goes over the last second rules, and tells the tag teams that if one of them is eliminated they both must go to the backstage area!!!

Here we go King. It's officially 7 tag teams, and 1 of them is Jon Hampton, and Corey Farmer.. do you believe it??

I can't say that I seen that coming... ..

All the teams start battling. Yarmouth Blade locks up with Jason Blade, and The Hellion locks up with Mike Blade! The Wreckin' Crew goes for The Dog Pound. Jon Hampton starts fighting with Terry Angle, and William Knighthawk goes after Dante Stevenson. That teams Tyroneus Del Rio to whip on Corey Farmer!! It don't take long for people to starts sizing each other up, and try to eliminate each other. Yarmouth Blade beats down on Jason Blade, and tosses him to the canvas. Mike Blade almost eliminates The Hellion, and Yarmouth helps him out. We suddenly see Terry Angle start giving chase to Yarmouth Blade. And with ease Yarmouth Blade ducks the attacks-- lifting Terry Angle up in the air for a Gorilla Press Slam! He picks him up, and tosses him to the outside mat. Yarmouth Blade eliminates Terry Angle, and the XWF Mafia is eliminated for good. Dante Stevenson exits the ring, and William Knighthawk helps Del Rio team up on Corey Farmer!! The XWF crowd is boo'ing all this.

Everyone would like to see the S.O.S. lose their titles here tonight.. already down to 6 teams remaining ..

You see Knighthawk get pulled back by Jon Hampton, and Del Rio tries to eliminate Corey Farmer on his own. But, Hampton helps break that all up. William Knighthawk is about to go help his tag team partner out. When from behind Dustin Holt comes, and grabs Knighthawk by the back of his trunks!! He tosses him head over hills over, and he goes flying over the top rope to the outside!! The Skeletons of Society are eliminated. The XWF Tag Team Champions have been eliminated.

We have Dustin Holt eliminate William Knighthawk!

I did not see that coming.

Incredible spot for Dustin Holt, and the Dog Pound!

That means as Tyroneus Del Rio is instructed to leave the ring .. that we will surely have new XWF Tag Team Champions here tonight!! Who will it be??

Yarmouth Blade is blind sided by Corey Farmer, and Jon Hampton!! But, The Hellion helps break it up. Flip Johnson pounds on Aaron Wilson, and Brutality helps stomp away at him!! Mike Blade, and Jason Blade now have Dustin Holt tied up!! They are laying in to him! We are down to 5 tag teams remaining. Corey Farmer stomps away at Yarmouth Blade!! As Jon "The Man" Hampton is almost about to tip Hellion over the top ropes!! He almost has him eliminated. Corey Farmer starts removing his shoe.

Oh no. Corey Farmer going to go for that SICK move. Where he puts his foot in someone's mouth, and forces them to tap out!!

Oh, not like this!

But, Yarmouth Blade grabs his foot just in time, and stops him from doing it. The crowd cheers as Yarmouth gets to his feet. He dugs an Enziguri attempt by Corey Farmer. He then gets him to his feet and executes a Huge Arm Drag!! The crowd pops for Yarmouth Blade, and then he charges in putting a HUGE BOOT to the face of Corey Farmer!! That hard shot knocks him clear over the top rope, and Yarmouth Blade has eliminated Corey Farmer!!

Nice series of moves from Yarmouth Blade.

Definitely was. Saved himself, and his teammate the Hellion who was hanging by a thread over their on the ropes a second ago.. now we're down to 4 tag teams suddenly!!

Yarmouth Blade goes to help The Hellion out. But, Mike Blade attacks him. Yarmouth wraps him in a BAREHUG, and puts an end to that offensive maylay by Mike Blade!!! The crowd is cheering some more for Yarmout Blade!!! Flip Johnson is getting beat down by Dustin Holt now. As Brutality wears on Aaron Wilson, and almost has him eliminated!! Mike Blade is trying to fight his way out of the Barehug by Yarmouth. But, it's not happening. Out of nowhere however we see Jason Blade leap up, and Dropkick the Hellion over the top rope!!! Jason Blade has went, and eliminated Hellion!! Yarmouth Blade continues to wear on Mike Blade, and Jason Blade comes over to pound on his pound!! They force Yarmouth to let go, and he pushes both men aside. He headbutts Mike Blade, and punches Jason Blade right across the face!

That team Jason Blade, and Mike Blade of Genesis eliminated Hellion, and Yarmouth Blade.. but, now they pay the price a bit for that. As we're down to 3 tag teams remaining in this XWF Tag Team Championship Battle Royale!!

One team after another seems to be getting eliminated.. .

Brutality SPARE TACKLES Aaron Wilson, and takes him out of commission. Suddenly, Mike Blade, and Jason Blade go to attack him. But, Flip Johnson pulls Mike Blade off, and starts putting the boots to his mid-section!! Mike Blade tries to fight back but Flip Johnson clothesline him to the mat! Mike Blade pops back up, and Flip kicks him in the guts! He then sets him up for that LIGHTS OUT finisher!!

He hits him with that stunner!

Flip Johnson lifts Mike Blade off the canvas, and jaws in his face a moment. Before tossing the son of a bitch over the top ropes!! Flip Johnson eliminates Mike Blade!! That means Jason Blade is forced to exit the ring as well, and we're down to our final tag teams. It's coming down to the Wreckin' Crew versus The Dog Pound.

Started with 7 teams! We're quickly down to just 2 tag teams remaining!!! Who will hold on to win this?? We'll the Wreckin' Crew be 3-time XWF Tag Team Champions?? Or will the young pairing of Dustin Holt, and Aaron Wilson of The Dog Pound pull out this ultimate victory here tonight!?!

Flip Johnson helps Brutality beat up on Dustin Holt in the corner. The XWF crowd is behind these men!! They are loving the quick back, and fourth action!!! They are excited about the last 2 tag teams left. Aaron Wilson looks laid out still. He's holding his ribs as he lays face-down on the canvas. Dustin Holt is taking a beating, and is trying to hold on for his life. He claws at Brutality's eyes, and punches away at Flip Johnson!! Holt kicks Brutality in the shin, and headbutts him! But, it almost backfires on Holt, and he looks dizzy now. Brutality goes to lift him up for a Powerslam. But, Dustin Holt grabs hold tight of the top ropes. He wraps his arms all around it, and the XWF fans start laughing. The young kids are enjoying this, and the XWF diehard crowd is loving it as well!!!

Can he do it? Can Dustin Holt hang on for his team? Aaron Wilson is starting to stir ...

Aaron Wilson looks to size Flip Johnson up for a Running Boot. But, Flip Johnson notices it out the corner of his eye, and ducks his attempt. Flip goes for a big right hand, and instead Aaron Wilson ducks that attack as well. He then uses his momentum to deliver the "Thornybook" (Spinning Side Slam)!!!! The XWF crowd marks out, and begins barking at this. Dustin Holt tries fighting Brutality off as long as he can. As we then see Aaron Wilson scoop Flip Johnson off the ground, and toss him straight over the top rope!! Flip Johnson's feet hit the outside mat, and The Dog Pound has won this XWF Tag Team Championship Battle Royale!!!!

Aaron Wilson has eliminated Flip Johnson! And you know what that means??

.. The Dog Pound is the new XWF Tag Team Champs!!!

I could almost not believe my eyes.

Brutality turns around, and sees what just happend. He covers his hands over his head in utter disbelief. He then walks over to the outside, and hops out to check on his tag team partner.

The Wreckin' Crew weren't able to capture the XWF Tag Team Titles for a third time in their careers... as Dustin Holt, and Aaron Wilson outlast the rest of the tag teams. We have new XWF Tag Team Champions!!!

The Dog Pound is in the building WOOF! WOOF!

The referee Amari Scottsdale hand the Tag Team Championship belts over to The Dog Pound, and the XWF fans cheer!! They seem to get the seal of the approval from the XWF crowd. They voted for a Mystery Tag Team, and it ended up being 2 old heels from the past. Corey Farmer, and Jon Hampton couldn't win it. 6 other teams failed as well. But, The Dog Pound is now crowned the XWF Tag Team Champions for the 1st time ever in their careers!!! The XWF fans are celebrating with them!! With barks, and howls!! They root the new champs on!!!!!

Match Grade: B+, Match Duration: 11 minutes, and 27 seconds, Match Result: The Dog Pound via last tag team remaining.

Ashton Storm is socializing with Flo Stanley when Alexis Diamond spins her around out of nowhere, and gives her the Diamond Driver (Vertical Suplex Piledriver)!!!! She drops her straight on the concrete, and Ashton Storm looks completely out of it. Flo Stanley yells for HELP!! Alexis Diamond stands over top of Ashton Storm, and asks Flo Stanley to come conduct an interview right now.

Alexis Diamond: Put it this way Flo. I would LOVE nothing more than to get a proper rematch against Ashton Storm and prove she isn't the best this women's division has to offer!!

Alexis Diamond exits on that note, leaving Ashton Storm rolling on the ground holding her neck.


Mr. Lucente comes out to his theme music, and the crowd has mixed reactions to his announcement.

The crowd where some of them are cheering actually begins boo'ing!! Mr. Lucente comes out wearing blue jeans, and an XWF t-shirt. He looks up around at the crowd here in the Wells Fargo Center with a smile on his face. As he addresses these people at "End of Days" in front of an HBO audience.

Mr. Lucente: Ladies, and gentlemen! Let me be the first to say .. that's it's been a pleasure, and a privilege running the the XWF the last few years! I have been the Owner since 1998, and when I came back as full time president in 2008 ... well, I never thought we would ge this far. We still have the month of December to put on a show, and we shall. Hell, we still have the MAIN EVENT here tonight!! Surely will be a great one ... as HAWKING RIPPER the extreme underdog... the new Xtreme Champion.. squaring off against "DANGEROUS" CLIFF SAXTON!! In a match that YOU the XWF fans voted on! Well, tonight .. we will be getting to that match in just a moment... but, I have other news for you as well.. regarding our next episode of Showdown! From Detroit, Michigan .. on December 6th .. it'll be our last Showdown! of the year.. the Xtreme Title will be on the line again of course ...

The XWF fans are cheering all this, and Mr. Lucente steps back to soak it all up.

Oh yeah! We'll be here.. tuesday... HBO After Dark.. what have you! We'll be here on the air, .. and well ... though tonight is very special!! Though tonight has been a blast. A night of WOW's. A night of emotion .... and while that has all been great .. something has been lacking the last few weeks. Hell, it started the Showdown! after King of Xtreme. It was William Knighthawk who was the new Xtreme Champion .. from winning the tournament this year.... he wanted the XWF World Heavyweight Champion .. "TV_MA" MARK ADKINS .. in a match!!

The crowd goes crazy when they hear that name!!! You can tell the XWF diehard fans miss him!!

But, as we all know.. Adkins brutaly, and viciously attacked our GM Shawn Taylor!! Well, that might earn you a suspension anyway.. on it's own ... that wasn't the case here. Mark Adkins was suspended 45 days for ignoring the strict policy to NOT strike the Xtreme Champion, or anyone associated with him. It was found out later that Sasha Shotgun knew of William Knighthawk, and GM Shawn Taylor's pairing. That means, and he admitted it.. that Mark Adkins knew about their pairing as well. The S.O.S., and our General Manager had been working in cahoots the whole time. Unbeknownst to me .. unbeknownst to some of you ... but, Adkins knew about it!! The cell phone footage taped with William Knighthawk, and Shawn Taylor proved that! But, nonetheless.. Mark Adkins was suspended 45 days for breach of contract .. .. now, what does that mean for the XWF World Title? Some have suggested he should be stripped of the belt. Lets make one thing clear.. in this scenario.. in this situation... I didn't now how to react! It was all knew to me as well. But, the rules were simple, and though I had the right to STRIP "TV_MA" Mark Adkins for his XWF World Title... I have chose not to do that! The reason is .. quite simply put ..... because, I RUN THINGS AROUND HERE!! I am the XWF Owner. I am the active President, and damnit ... I didn't know what was going on in my own hallways. I didn't know that our GM was working with the Skeletons of Society. I thought we had a fair, and unbias General Manager... so, while that will be handled on it's own.. and trust me.. there will be consequences for Shawn Taylor for his actions as well!! That leads us to the return of Mark Adkins .. ..

XWF fans mark out hard!!!! They love the fact that "TV_MA" is even mentioned!!

Yes, Mark Adkins will be on hand December 6th, 2011 ... in Detroit, Michigan!! Yes, he will have the XWF World Title with him!!

The XWF fans are cheering real loud in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Even though some are upset that Adkins isn't there tonight.

But, lets get one thing straight right now .. ... I'm the one calling the shots. I will not have the whool pulled over my eyes again. I will be keeping a close eye on all of you backstage, and on the road... because, I'm going to be more hands-on through the rest of 2011. With that ... I have another quick announcement to make .... I decided that the "End of Days" series... well, it's just not ready for you guys yet!! I was going to start it up tonight. But, the way I look at it... it's an idea... it's a creation..... that isn't ready to be unleashed on the XWF audience!! So for now. Tonight, enjoy the "End of Days" CYBER SUNDAY event!! Because, next Showdown! ... there will be questions answered...... and we will have another Xtreme Title main event. With the new NUMBER ONE CONTENDER Mike Dimter taking on the winner of tonight's main event for the Xtreme Championship!! Tune in December 6th on HBO. For now.... on to the main event of tonight's Cyber Sunday event!! The results are in .. ..

The fans can be heard popping in the building as the titan tron reveals the results to the XWF fans poll.

Main Event -

Xtreme Champion - Hawking Ripper vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - What kind of match? 2 out of 3 falls, Falls Count Anywhere, or Hell in a Cell???

2 out of 3 falls - 34%
Falls Count Anywhere- 29%
Hell in a Cell - 37%

Danielle Worley announces that this Xtreme Title main event will be defended in a Hell in a Cell!!! The XWF fans go absolutely nuts for that announcement, and the Hell in a Cell lowers down on the ring. Danielle Worley then announces the challenger first, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton gets nothing but heat from this crowd. He makes his way out, and he looks over the Hell in a Cell. Then she announces Hawking Ripper next!! He receives a great reaction from the XWF crowd!! The people love him, and they aren't afraid to show their appreciation! Lots of cheers for the current Xtreme Champion as he comes out to defend it for the first time ever in a Hell in a Cell against "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton.

This is sure to be a Slobber Knocker!!

I can't help but agree with you there J.R. You've got 2 of the best in the XWF right now! The massive underdog Hawking Ripper who already scored one big upset last Showdown! .. in order to win that thing. Can he get another big upset??

I don't know. Cliff Saxton appears to be ready!

"Chief Luke" is the referee for this one, and he instructs the guys on what is about to happen. "Chief Luke" shows the belt to the crowd, and they pop for it! He hands the belt out to Danille Worley, and they lock the cell behind her. It is now time for this main event, and the referee calls for the bell. DING DING!! Right away Cliff Saxton talks trash, and points out at all these people. He claims he doesn't need them! Hawking Ripper raises his arms in the air, and they mark out for him!! He hops up, and down to get in Saxton's pysche. But, Cliff Saxton quickly attacks. Hawking Ripper puts him down though, and holds him on the ground face-down. Ripper slaps the back of his head a couple times, and backs up off him. Cliff Saxton is pissed, and yells something out to the referee. But, "Chief Luke" waves him off.

Saxton apparently not happy at what just took place there.

He's mad J.R. Can't explain how Ripper got on him so fast... kept him down too. ..

Cliff Saxton goes to attack Hawking Ripper, and he gives him a Hip Toss over the top rope!! Saxton spills to the outside, and Ripper celebrates in the ring! The XWF fans cheer for him, and he goes to step outside. He grabs Saxton by the back of the head. But, Saxton elbows him in the gut, and grabs Ripper's head. He slams Ripper face-first in to the cell!! Saxton grabs him again, and slams him face-first again!! Ripper falls to the ground, and Saxton starts putting the quick boots to him! He uses the apron to hop up, and down on Ripper's leg!! Hawking Ripper screams out in pain, and Cliff Saxton stays on the offensive!

Cliff Saxton.. showing him who's boss tonight ...

He sure is, and he's going to need a lot of that to beat Hawking Ripper here tonight for that belt.

Dangerous Cliff Saxton lifts Hawking Ripper up by the hair, and throws him head-over-hills in to the steel steps!! Ripper bounces off the steel steps, and some fans actually mark out for that moment! Cliff Saxton goes under the ring, and he is looking for something specific. He pulls out a Barbwire Bat. He holds it up, and laughs at all the XWF fans who are holding their faces in horror. Hawking Ripper starts to get up, and Saxton raises the barbwire bat high above his head. But, Ripper kicks him in the groin, and Saxton drops the barbwire bat momentarily. Cliff Saxton keels over, and even though it appears he has worn a protective cup once again. This time Ripper kicks him hard enough to warrant a reaction from Saxton. So, now Ripper starts backing up towards the cell, and pulling himself to his feet. Saxton recovers, and charges in. But, Hawking Ripper grabs his head, and slams Cliff Saxton face-first in to the cell!! Saxton stumbles back in to the apron, and Ripper grabs him now. He walks forward with Saxton in his grasp, and rakes his face up against the chain link fence part of the cell.

Hawking Ripper getting really involved, and using every part of this Hell in a Cell structure here tonight King. ..

Sure is .. giving him Hell right now J.R.!

Hawking Ripper scoops Cliff Saxton up, and bodyslams him on the outside mat! Hawking Ripper walks over to the steel steps, and pulls them apart. He walks over to Cliff Saxton, and Cliff kicks him in the gut! Hawking is stalled for a moment but then he starts tearing in to Saxton!! He starts punching, and stomping away at him on the outside mat!! Hawking Ripper then picks Cliff Saxton up, and goes to plant him with a Bulldog on the steel steps. But, Saxton blocks it, and he instead pushes Ripper straight ahead in to the cell!! Hawking Ripper is dazed for that impact, and Saxton rushes in with a High Knee to the back of Hawking Ripper's spine!!

He used that half of the steel steps as a platform to launch himself in to Hawking Ripper if you will ...

Did it quite well I might add. This young guy Cliff Saxton is no joke. Of course Hawking Ripper pulling one of the great upset, underdog stories of this century .. beating Stephen Blood for the Xtreme Title out of nowhere.. now tonight defending it for the first time... trying to be the first guy to be able to hold on to the title, and defend it successfully. So far Knighthawk, and Blood have fell short!

That is all true, and Saxton now though taking it to the champion! He's pounding on the Xtreme Champ right now at the moment! Just punching away at Hawking Ripper, and already we seen the Hell in a Cell structure come in to play .. this is one for the ages quite possibly .. .

Shaping up that way!

Cliff Saxton irish whips Hawking Ripper right in to the steel post now, and his shoulder bounces off it pretty hard. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton then goes for his barbwire bat, and screams at Hawking Ripper as he approaches him. Ripper is grasping his shoulder on the mat, and Cliff Saxton lays in to him with the bat!! He wacks him with that barbwire back quite a few times! Ripper puts his hands up once to defend it, and he pays for his troubles! The crowd marks out as Cliff Saxton legitimately goes crazy during this match!

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton just snapped!

He then gets behind Hawking Ripper, and mounts him with that barbwire baseball bat wrapped around his throat! He is pulling back on Hawking Ripper's buckethead, and forcing Ripper to feel some pain here. But, Ripper elbows him in the ribs, and then another elbow to his stomach. Saxton backs up, and Ripper kicks him hard now in the mid-section!! Saxton flies back in to the cell, and then Ripper comes out of nowhere with a Body Splash of his own!! He smashes Saxton against that cell, and Cliff Saxton looks really dazed now. So, Ripper latches on to him, and picks him up for a huge Giant Suplex!! He drops him hard on the lower half of those steel steps!! Cliff Saxton body nearly breaks in half, and the crowd POPS for Hawking Ripper!! They start a chant of "Holyshit!! Holyshit!!" While other even seem to be chanting "Hawking Ripper! Hawking Ripper!!!"

This is a crazy, dangerous moment in the match .. when Cliff Saxton gets dropped with a big suplex from Hawking Ripper!!

The Xtreme Champion came to play! And he has come to keep his belt .. he does not plan on losing that thing whatsoever!!

Hawking Ripper picks Cliff Saxton up by the head, and rolls him in the ring. The crowd is marking out for Ripper as he slides in to the ring, and places an arm over Cliff Saxton. He gets the 1, 2, kick out!! The fans moan as Saxton stays alive in this one. Hawking Ripper staggers to his feet, and attempts to pick Saxton up with him. Hawking Ripper does latch on, and goes for another giant Suplex!! He plants Cliff Saxton in the center of the ring, and quickly covers him up this time. 1, 2, kick out!

The fans came to see a fight, and they're getting just that. Cliff Saxton not ready to give up.

I'm waiting for Hawking Ripper to up, and snap J.R.! He hasn't went crazy yet in this Hell in a Cell matchup! Will he hold his composure the whole way out?? He won the Ambulance Match back at Obscured, and won the Xtreme Title just last Showdown! .. now he's on this special CYBER SUNDAY event... giving it his all!!

Hawking Ripper climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and the fans are marking out for this one! They want to see him do something crazy. But, Saxton starts getting to his feet. So, Ripper goes for an Ax Handle Smash. But, Saxton catches him in it, and sets up a beautiful Belly-to-Back Suplex!!! Hawking Ripper goes flying across the ring! The fans seemed to have liked that counter. Though all of them appear to still be on Hawking Ripper's side here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Both men putting their all on the line.. the fans love 'em for it ..

Cliff Saxton retaliates after Hawking Ripper almost put him away in this Xtreme Title matchup!

Both men seem to crawl to the middle of the ring, and stand up at the same time. They begin exchanging shots!! The XWF fans are loving it!!! Hawking Ripper hits Cliff Saxton! But, Saxton fires back with a few of his own. Hawking stalls that with a kick to his gut, and then hammers him with his forearm over the back. Cliff Saxton falls to the ground, and Hawking Ripper appears to be going for the Powerbomb. But, Cliff Saxton wiggles his head out of it. He punches Ripper in the head, and stalls him with that shot. Ripper fires back, but Saxton blocks it, and counters with a Perfect Plex attempt!! 1, 2,


So close! So close there.

Cliff Saxton rolls to his feet, and tells the referee "Chief Luke" it was a 1, 2, 3. But, the referee insist it wasn't. So, Saxton goes to pick Hawking Ripper up, and go for his finishing move known as The Finisher. He sets him up for that Killswitch. But, Ripper spins out of it, and kicks Saxton in the butt. He boots him straight through the middle ropes, and down to the outside mat. Cliff Saxton looks hurt from that move, and the fans cheer it!!! They cheer for Hawking Ripper as he limps over to the ropes, and steps to the outside apron. Hawking Ripper waits for Cliff Saxton to start getting up, and then points to the top. He then begins mounting the post, and he stands up top of the turnbuckle. Hawking Ripper signals to the crowd before diving out, and splasing on Cliff Saxton with a well-executed Crossbody Dive!!

Both men spill to the outside mat, and Hawking Ripper looks to have done some damage. Both men are down, and trying to recover.. as the crowd in Philly heats up!

Always Sunny in Philadelphia J.R. ..

Har har har.

Hawking Ripper is up first, and he picks Cliff Saxton up by the head. He grades his face in to the Hell in a Cell structure! He embarasses Cliff Saxton in front of this crowd who continues to root him on! Ripper backs up a few steps, and kicks Saxton square in the skull!! Hawking Ripper then begins looking under the ring. But, not seeming to find anything to his satisfaction.. he goes back for the barbwire bat. The crowd marks out for that! As he shows it off to the fans, and goes for Cliff Saxton now. He lifts the barbwire bat up high over his head, and Hawking Ripper drops it right to the back of his skull!

Oh, Hawking Ripper drops the HAMMER on him!!!

He puts that barbwire bat to the back of his skull! Ouch! "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is going to be feeling that one in the morning.

Hawking Ripper drills him over the back of the skull again, and this time the barbwire bat appears to be stuck in his head. Ripper gets pushed back a few steps by Saxton who drops to a knee, and blood starts to drip from his head. Saxton seems to have been fading from lost of blood, and he doesn't know where he's at. Hawking Ripper comes back in, and kicks Cliff Saxton in the face! He then rips the barbwire bat out of his head, and tosses it aside. The XWF fans can't believe what they just saw. They just keep chanting "YOU SICK BASTERD!! YOU SICK BASTERD!! YOU SICK BASTERD!!!!"

Unbelievable King!

I can't believe what I just saw.

Hawking Ripper picks Cliff Saxton up, and throws him face-first in to the Hell in a Cell structure again. As Cliff Saxton falls to the mat, and Hawking Ripper decides to add insult to injury. He places Cliff Saxton in The Puzzle on the outside mat!!

He's got him in his finisher.. in that deadly Boston Crab on the outside!! He's got that submission hold locked in tight, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is screaming for mercy!! Well, I'll just say it.. he's crying like a damn baby ..

"Crying like a baby?" He's fighting for his life out there.. he's got to be in pain J.R...

He's begging for his life out there.

Hawking Ripper eventually lets go on his own, and stands up saluting the fans in attendance. He raises his arms in victory, and they cheer for him! Hawking Ripper slowly begins to lift Cliff Saxton up, and that's when Saxton drills Ripper with a hard Lowblow! Ripper falls to the mat, and both men are laid out on the outside. The crowd is boo'ing as they give Cliff Saxton a member of the S.O.S. a ton of heat right now. Saxton starts crawling for the opposite end of the ring. Hawking Ripper starts to pull himself up on the apron, and he slides in the ring. Cliff Saxton is crawling for the other side of the ring, and slowly starts to pull himself up on the Hell ina Cell structure.

Both men trying to find their bearings. Trying to stay alive in this one, and walk out the Xtreme Champion!!

Hawking Ripper starts walking over to the ropes nearest Cliff Saxton now, and bends over to pick him up by the hair. As Saxton is standing up to his feet, he of course is now being tugged up by Hawking Ripper on the outside apron. Cliff Saxton tries to pry Ripper's hands off his head. Then Saxton does break Ripper's hands away, and lays a shoulder right between the ropes-- in to Hawking Ripper's stomach! Ripper bends over on the ropes, and Saxton out of nowhere performs a Sunset Flip Powerbomb!!! He quickly turns that in to a cover, and gets the 1, 2,

Kick out!

A very close nearfall for "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton after that great looking Sunset Flip Powerbomb!

This has been a beautiful back, and fourth match ... we have Cliff Saxton rolling to the outside apron now. He looks to be in a lot of pain. But, Saxton hops down, starts pulling a table out from underneath the ring. He gets it out, and decides to not set it up yet. Instead he's rolling back in the ring now ..

Cliff Saxton limps over to Hawking Ripper, and goes to lift him up for his Signature Move. These XWF fans start boo'ing as Saxton manages to lift Ripper up, and set him up for that Samoan Drop. But, instead Ripper squirms out of it, and counters that signature move. Ripper rolls him up, and has Saxton in a pinning combination. 1, 2, kick out!!! The fans are on the edge of their seats right now. Saxton rolls to his knees, and he's upset. Ripper starts crawling back in to the corner. Now we see Saxton give chase, and Ripper gets a big Boot up in his grill!! He stalls Saxton, and then grabs his arm. Hawking Ripper starts mounting the turnbuckle, and still has Saxton by the arm.

It looks like he might be trying that Old School move!

Nobody does this! Nobody does this anymore .. .

Hawking Ripper starts walking the top rope, and is about to maybe pull this Old School move off. But, instead Saxton hits the top rope with his arm, and Ripper lands on his nuts instead. Hawking Ripper falls on the top rope, and "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton drills him with a hard Forearm shot to the head! That knocks Ripper back off the ropes, and spilling down to the outside mat!! Cliff Saxton raises his fist in the air, and mocks Hawking Ripper. The fans don't take kindly to that! They respond by boo'ing the crap out of Cliff Saxton, and start a chant of "YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!"

These fans don't like Cliff Saxton for some reason .. .

He's taunting them, and he's part of a group that has viciously attacked many superstars in the XWF. They have injured superstars, and ended careers here in the past year! He's one of them.

That's why he's "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton J.R.

Oh don't give me that baloney. He's a tough kid, but he's got a few screws loose.

Cliff Saxton hops to the outside, and starts stomping away immediately at Hawking Ripper! The fans give him heat, and he just feeds off that negative energy. He picks Ripper up by the head, and throws him face-first in to the Hell in a Cell structure. Cliff Saxton looks down at the table pulled out down there, and he starts stomping away at Ripper some more!! He then decides to actually pick Hawking Ripper up, and without notice he sets him up for that Killswitch maneuver. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton has him, and he PLANTS him with "THE FINISHER"!!!! The fans start boo'ing.

I can't believe he's doing this. I can't believe he hits him with The Finisher like that out of nowhere! "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is a few seconds away from being the new Xtreme Champ.

Cliff Saxton tries to pick Hawking Ripper up, and roll him in the ring. But, Hawking Ripper is knocked out of it. Cliff Saxton is getting restless, and lets him drop to the outside mat. He then slides the table out all the way, and begins setting it up. He gets it set up on it's legs, and he's ready to maybe put Hawking Ripper through this table.

He's pulling out all the stops.

He sure is .. isn't he King?

He goes to lift Hawking Ripper back up. But, then someone steps out from the side of the ramp, and approaches the Hell in a Cell structure from the outside. It's the new #1 contender Mike Dimter on the outside of the cell. He approaches the chain link fence on the outside, and starts hollering in.

Here we're having an Xtreme Title main event on Cyber Sunday here .. and then next thing you know ..

Out comes Mike Dimter, and he talks shit thru the cell.

Yeah, what buisness does he have out here anyway??

I'd say plenty he's the new number contender for that very Xtreme Title, and the fans are growing loud for him!! They are spotting who it is, and the fans are cheering Mike Dimter on!! As he tries to get in the head of "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton.

It's Cliff Saxton who takes the bait, and walks over to where Mike Dimter is standing on the outside part of the Hell in a Cell. It's Mike Dimter who is egging him on, and Cliff Saxton yells back!! The fans are stirring, and Cliff Saxton says he's ready to put this away! Mike Dimter says, I don't think you will. But, Cliff Saxton ignores him, and goes under the ring for something else. Suddenly, "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton pulls out a trash can. He starts talking to Mike Dimter up close, and says he's about to take out the trash!! Meanwhile, we could see Hawking Ripper crawling underneath the ring. The fans are stirring in Philadelphia as Mike Dimter distracts Cliff Saxton some more. Then as Cliff Saxton turns to direct his attention back to the Xtreme Champion. Well, then Hawking Ripper drills Saxton with a Fluoerscent Lightbulb over the skull!!!!!

Holy cow! That thing just BURSTED over his head!!

The XWF crowd pops as Mike Dimter has a huge smile on his face now. Hawking Ripper grabs Cliff Saxton up off the ground. He rolls Saxton in the ring, and rolls in after him. Hawking Ripper wastes no time, and rolls Cliff Saxton closer to the center of the ring. Instead of going for a pinfall however. He instead locks on the Anaconda Vicegrip!!! The XWF fans in attendance mark out hard for this one!!!

He's got a perfect looking Anaconda Vicegrip locked on!! He's got his signature move locked in, and Cliff Saxton was busted open with that last shot!!

Oh, blood is dripping allll over the place from that fluorescent lightbulb to the head of Cliff Saxton. He looks out of commission if you ask me ..

The fans in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania would like nothing more than to see this happen! Hawking Ripper would be the first man to retain the Xtreme Title in his 1st defense .... with the assist of the hometown boy, and new number contender Mike Dimter!!

Cliff Saxton seems to have come to. But, he looks to be in a lot of pain, and no way to get out of it. He is trapped in that nasty looking Anaconda Vicegrip in the center of the ring!!! The XWF fans are marking out hard, and a lot of them are on their feet! They want to jump up, and down in excitement After a few moments, and blood dripping from his forehead .. Saxton finally taps out!!

He's done it! He's done it!! Hawking Ripper is still your Xtreme Champion .. after a long, hard faught battle with Dangerous Cliff Saxton! It had to end like this! It had to end, and it had to end like this!! My gawd.

What a match J.R.! What a match!

Mike Dimter got involved in the end, and he's still standing there with a grin on the outside of the Hell in a Cell. The XWF crowd in Philadelphia is still buzzing after this "End of Days" event hosted by HBO. Now the referees open the cell door, and go to hand Hawking Ripper his Xtreme Title. He gets it in the center of the ring, and embraces it! He hugs it tight, and then holds the Xtreme Championship belt in the air for everyone to see!!!

The XWF fans go absolutely wild for him!!!! He has captured their hearts, and has won this match here tonight. He celebrates momentarily, and glances out to see Mike Dimter on the bottom of the ramp. Hawking Ripper looks down at Cliff Saxton, and then back out at Mike Dimter who is smiling back at him. Hawking Ripper is trying to piece it altogether, and this CYBER SUNDAY event is starting to head off the air.

Match Grade: A-, Match Duration: 24 minutes, and 19 seconds, Match Result: Hawking Ripper via submission.

Hawking Ripper continues celebrating inside the Hell in a Cell structure of course, and Cliff Saxton is left to roll out of the ring on his own. He falls to the outside mat, and tries to make sense of things. Hawking Ripper holds the Xtreme Title up high, and points out at Mike Dimter!!!!!

There is an incredible buzz in the air as we head towards our last Showdown! of 2011 ... from Detroit, Michigan .. inside the Joe Louis Arena ... on December 6th, 2011 .. followed by "SEASON BEATINGS" from Montreal, Quebec, Canada .. on CHRISTMAS DAY!!! That's December 25th, 2011.. it will be the last pay per view for the XWF in 2011 ... thank you all for coming tonight!! Thanks to all of those who voted!!! Our GM Shawn Taylor will be on hand next Showdown!, and the return of our XWF World Champion "TV_MA" Mark Adkins... after his 45 Days Suspension!! All that coming up soon ......... from me, and my partner Jerry "The King" Lawler... have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING ... goodnight everybody!!!

The scene fades out on Hawking Ripper, and Mike Dimter's stare down in Philly.

NEXT WEEK Showdown! Dec 6th - (DEADLINE is November 22nd- December 5th):

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins' suspension is up, and the XWF World Heavyweight Champion will be on hand for the first time in over 45 days!!! Mr. Lucente addresses him, and GM Shawn Taylor in person!

Kelsey Marxx vs. Racheal Manning - Women's match

Heydon Truesdale vs. Chaos - Standard match

The Dark Stranger vs. Mayhem - Standard match

"The Savior" Josh Davis vs. The Ray - Xtreme match

Ashton Storm vs. Alexis Diamond - Women's match

Xavier Star, Mike Blade, & Jason Blade vs. Wreckin' Crew, & Hellion - 3-man tag match

Yarmouth Blade vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - Xtreme match

"The Dog Pound" (ttc) vs. Jon Hampton & Corey Farmer - Non Title -

Main Event -

Hawking Ripper (xc) vs. Mike Dimter - Xtreme Title match - No DQ, No Countout

On December 6th, 2011 ..

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins RETURNS to the XWF!

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XWF Roleplaying Board- (DEADLINE November 22nd - December 5th at MIDNIGHT!)

XWF 1998-2011