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Our Family Page

Welcome to our family page. Glad that you could join us today. Just to tell you a little about us, we live in Texas, my mommy stays at home with us, my daddy just finished school and got his state certification to be a peace officer. We are all VERY proud of him!! We have three dogs, us boys have chocolate labs, my mom and dad have a white german shephard. We love them bunches, my mom says they are like the other kids here, hehe. Well I hope you like our page, mommy did it with some help from me, oh sorry, I'm wyatt the lil'est one, but then I think mommy will splain that a lil further down. Hope you find some neat stuff here, mommy worked really hard on it. Well enjoy our page and come back and visit soon.

Our Kids
Through pain...we learn
Through love...we are reborn

Ethan: My big angel. Ethan is my oldest at ten years old. He's my little outdoors man, loves to hunt,(and let me add is very good at it too...almost used up all his tags this deer season!) fish, camp, shoot bows, canoe, if its outdoors he's there! He's going to be my future calf roper! We are working hard at it. Even the dogs hide when he comes out with a rope. He is a wonderful big brother, and a great son! Ethan, we love you very much and carry you with us always, forever and a day, no matter where or how far.
Praise, like sunlight,
helps all things grow

Jesse-Wyatt: My littlest angel. Wyatt just turned two in October. We are doing the typical little guy stuff. ( besides making messes Talking like crazy(baby chinese mostly but we are workin on it, so long as mommy is there to translate..hehe), giving the dog a run for her money, and everyone else, Wyatt is our lil bruiser, LOL..Wyatt you are momma and daddy's little fella, we love you very much, you have been such a blessing for us. Thanks for reminding us how much fun it is to have a little person in the house.

Our Other kids

Tyler, Ashley and PJ: These guys belong to my dear friend Sharon. She is a single mother who is one of the greatest mom's I know. These guys are great kids and have been wonderful friends to both me and my little guys. Tyler, thanks for your "I love you's" they always came when I needed them most. Ashley, thanks for hanging out with me, you reminded me what fun it is being young again, and PJ, thanks for always making me laugh. You guys always brought a smile not only to my face but to my heart. I love you guys.

Samantha: Samantha belongs to my other dear friend Debbie. Sam and Ethan pretty well grew up together, and she is the closest thing to a sister that my little guys are ever gonna get. Thanks Sam for teaching Ethan as much as any little guy needs to know about girls, you know, be polite, open doors, help carry your things, and always let a girl have her way, even if your miserable..hehehehehehe. Wyatt loves ya bunches too...(he thinks the sun rises and sets with Sam & he's only two!), thanks for being the little girl that I couldn't have. We love you honey.

Walk carefully among my dreams,
...for they are small
...and easily crushed

Story Pages

Get your tissues out folks, some of these will really reach into your heart and touch you. I hope you enjoy these stories as much as my family does.


No More Oatmeal Kisses

The Toddlers Creed

The School Play (not appropriate for children)

The Magic of Believing

Are You Going To Help Me?

Puppies For Sale (this is one of my personal favorites)

A Prayer for the Children (this one I am most proud of, it truly touches my heart as a parent)

The Child Within

Links for kids and their grownups

A fun page if you love Winnie the Pooh and all his friends

A cute site for kids to make paper dinosaurs

Crayola's site for little ones to enjoy with various activities

PBS's wonderful site, stuff here for kids of all ages

The Fridge
A place where you little ones can make art and put it up on the fridge for all to see

An educational and entertaining playground for kids ages 4-15
A really big site with original games and activites

Vikimouse's Treehouse Projects for kids

SOS-Support Our Soldiers For Kids
Write a letter to a soldier, get homework help, play games, or talk with other kids with parents in the military

A great place for parents to share and get suggestions, advice and ideas...also have a place for military moms
A support group for the at home mother of today

The M word-Parenting Humor Magazine

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Army Corner

Thanks to all the people that contributed to this page. I deeply appreciate the use of the stories, graphics, backgrounds, etc. Thanks again so much.

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