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Welcome to my den.
I'm so glad that you came to visit
today. I created this site as a labor
of love. I hope you find some things here
that make you smile, cry, laugh, think and want
to get involved. I am very passionate about
many things, some of which you will find here.
So come in, relax and enjoy your stay.

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf"
"And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."
~Rudyard Kipling~

This is Neko my page guardian

My Sites

My Family Page

My Rememberance Page

A Tribute to my Friends

Wolf &
Misc links

This Heart of The Wolf is owned by
Wild Wolf.

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"Let the spirit live on"

Thank you for visiting my site, and since your here,
why not sign my guestbook.
I would love to know that you visited
my den, and to have your thoughts and suggestions.
Thanks again for coming to see me,
and come back soon.

[ ] - [ ]
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I hope you enjoyed your visit today.
Check back with me frequently,
for new links and different items.
So come back and see me soon.

Thanks to all the folks who let me use their
beautiful work on my site:
Kathi, Gary, Mr. Mom, and anyone else that I
might have missed. Thanks all!

<bgsound src="images/mysong.wav" loop=infinite>