Humor, jokes, funny stories

Midnite Cowboy

Female Wanted By Millionaire

Warning, to parents. In 1953 a few of these jokes would be of semi adult in nature. Warning, the jokes I tell are strong enough for a man but are made for a woman who used to be a man. Warning to teen agers. The jokes are not that adult.

This hyar is my house, it may not be normal but it is mine.

Boudreaux jokes

Boudreaux and Thipodeaux are Martians at the gas pump

My poetry- The Shades of Night 

Horticulture tips from Butchie

The day I went to an English nudist camp

everybody loves jello


a girl behind every blueberry bush at redwood creek blueberry farm


The old man and the sea porch a new movie, starring me

aliens,UFOs, space ships and dogs

gun control and the Brady law

go figger it, nothing from nothing = nothing, and this page proves it

The no legged squirrel dog

deer hunting in Louisiana can be dangerous to your health. come see, you will laugh at this


The shades of night were falling fast

Don't Click here

Dagnabbit ! Don't Click here either

ode to the sweet corn


Back to Butch Cassidy and the suncance kids, the midnite cowboy

California girls, a semi adult humorous page about lisbians