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Have frames captured you? Claw out!

Hey there, welcome to Meneo. We used to be Sugar Star Kennnelz, but now we've changed our name to something smaller but flashier. Meneo means wag in spanish... Jess was looking for something petzy in a different language, and Meneo just stood out. Yeah, I, being a dogz, know that Jessie took forever with this remodel. *Whispers* Wanna know the real reason why? Hehe, it's because she had almost been finished with the remodel.. and this remodel about her favvy type of dog just popped into her head. And she did the whole remodel again. Yep. The whole thing. *Cackles* She wouldn't want you to know that, but since I'm such an adorable little angel doggy, she won't mind. *Grins* And I won't let her know. Hehe. You should know about the time she went to the movies with her friend! Oh! She-... *Smiles at Jessie* Hi! I'm a cute wittle doggy and I'd like you to sniff around and enjoy!

I apologize for the long delay of updates. To be truthful, my interets are varying and I no longer like Petz very much. I have grown out of it. However, I am determined to carry Meneo past it's first birthday, with a new remodel, and so don't expect a closure anytime soon. I know I promised never to shut my doors, but I'm getting older and newer interests are coming. Maybe some emails can convince me to stay open *hint hint*. I'll update later, maybe... Enjoy.

petz lovers have sniffed there way into Meneo since November 22, 2000!

All images, texts, ideas, etc. are copyrighted to Jessie of Sugar Star Kennelz.