Sgt Cooper's Marine Corps
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Sgt. Jason E. Cooper

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  • ...The "grunts" are the line infantry, the men who actually fought in Vietnam. Who humped up one worthless hill after another, searching an elusive enemy. Who were as likely to be killed by heat stroke or "friendly fire" as Viet Cong. Who made it home-if they were lucky-to be scorned by a society that had changed beyond recognition while they were defending it.

    (back leaf,THE GRUNTS, true story by Charles R. Anderson(USMC)Ret.)

    GET SOME!!!!!

  • Official Marine Corps Home page

    Please visit this wonderful site created by a very good friend of mine, Gordon Boswell.

    Lots of other Marine Corps LINKS HERE!!!

    Please visit my wife's Navy SeaBee webpage.

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    ...Dedicated to all my brothers in arms, who fought, who died, so that YOU can enjoy your freedom, given to you courtesy of the fighting men of the U.S. Marine Corps..."He Went" by Sgt Cooper Jason E

    Thank you Gunny!

    Bennett Group Computer Consultants (BGCC), Inc. is a Marine owned and operated small business specializing in computer solutions and services, offering the full range of computer support.

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    Please take the time to visit my other brothers and sisters motivating web pages. Alot of time has been put into these pages for the sole purpose of telling the world that we, as a Band of Brothers, will never forget our lost comrads, will always support those who did make it back (welcome home), and encourage those currently serving. Please, when visiting these pages, show your appreciation by signing the individual guestbooks.....Thank you.......Sgt Jason E Cooper, USMC