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This is the procedure I use to freshsly partition a hard drive.

Download Startup Diskettes Here

1. First acquire a WIN95 or a WIN98 start-up disk.(you can download them from the link above)

2. Insert the startup disk into your floppy drive and start the computer. When the screen is at the A:\ prompt for the win95 disk or at the options screen of the win98 disk hit "shift & F5. This will give you an A:\ command prompt. At the command prompt type "fdisk" . When the text comes up asking you if you want to enable large disk support type "y" for yes and hit the enter key This will allow a fat32 formated partition.

3. Now a menu appears with four options. Choose #4 to see the current partitions. To re- Partition an existing drive you must first delete the existing partitions. If it is a new drive you must first create a partition before you can view any partition information

4. Once you start to create your partition you will be asked if you want to use the full capacity of the drive. If you wish to make the drive one partition choose yes and procede. If you wish to make multiple partitions enter the size of the partition and then procede. Now you can make you second partition and third and so on. Be sure to enter the size for each partition.

5. Now once you have your partition(s) you will need to set the one that you want to be the active partition. You must also remember that each partion you make has to be formatted before it is usable.

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