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Psycic Deck
4 Abra 3 Pokemon Breeder
1 Kadabra 4 Alakazam
4 Chansey 2 Mew
3 Mr Mime 3 Pokemon Trader
4 Potion 4 Imposter Professor Oak
4 Pokemon Center 2 Energy Retrieval
1 Double Colorless Energy 22 Psycic Energy

The way this deck is now Tuesday, March 07, 2000 is set more to the basic stall tactics that is used for the Psycic Decks. I attempt to get Mr Mime out in front and evolve Abra to Alakazam as quickly as possible. With any luck I'll have Chansey out as well and move the small shots to Mr Mime to Chansey. Once filled up some then use a Pokemon Center. This deck is better if the games last longer. There you are guaranteed to get what you need. You really need to remember to transfer the hit counters during your turn because if you don't then you are in trouble. Use your potions when needed and try to stay aggressive through out the game but don't play too aggressive. You want your opponent to lose via not having any cards left to draw. REMEMBER Alakazam isn't made to be the active Pokemon unless absolutely needed. Keep him back and utilize his ability and hope that your opponent doesn't have a Muk or get an Aerodactyl out before you get your Alakazam out.