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~*~Underneath the Stars~*~

The candlewalk was amazing! That is the only word that comes to mind. It started around 10:30 Saturday night following devotions done by Steve Yoost. Steve is also amazing. He gave a wonderful interpretation of the scripture and he talked about filling his cup. Then, he left us with many thoughts and visions of how to fill our cups...with the help and full spirit of Christ. We were all handed candles and adults lit them as we left Hoover Auditorium. Down through the streets of Lakeside we went in little groups of friends who were there for support and sharing. We were singing songs listed at the bottom of this page and tears were flowing as expressions of our love for God. This was our chance to not only see Christ in our lives, but to be able to help shine our lights for others to find Him as well. And that we did. Almost everyone made it to the pier on the shore of Lake Erie but most fled quickly because of the May Flies. A small few, about 30, continued on. They were seeking to fill a cup that had long been empty. There were small groups of people praying together including youth and adult mixes but if you listened carefully, you knew that the youth were leading the prayers. The sound of the rippling water reminded us of the waves in our lives and they slowly calmed that night with Jesus in the center of all our prayer circles. The stars showed us that even though our candles will burn out, God's light is always shinning for us to see. When you put all of these small reminders of Christ into a circle of friends linked hand and hand, you suddenly feel the link to God. And you will find that your cup is filled. Many cups were filled that night and they are still overflowing. It was an amazingly spiritual night that brought many closer to each other as well as closer to Christ. He is our friend too. The pier will always remain a special place in the lives of those who were there that night. Why? Because it is where some found Christ, some reunited with Christ, some rediscovered Christ, and some just allowed Him to fill them more. When you are on any pier, take a moment and try to look for the small gifts that show the love of God. You will discover that they are everywhere. God bless all of you and may you find your special place with Jesus. And to think, this breathtaking event occured underneath the stars.

~Songs That Were Heard On the Pier~