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Precious Pets

This is "P-TEE". We got him in 1996. He soon became one of the family. He slept in his bed next to ours and he often jumped up on the bed with us. He was so spoiled and we loved him very much. In May, 2000 he was outside as the traffic was slowed to a stop the day before they were to blacktop our street. A large Entergy truck came speeding down the street, hitting P-Tee and killing him instantly. We had a real difficult time getting over it. We miss him so.

More of P Tee

This is "CHIP". We got him on September 8, 2001. He is just 4 months old right now, and we already have him so spoiled. He is a cutie. But, he is wild! He is in that chew EVERYTHING puppy stage. He ate my sandals, and is working on my tennis shoes. He chewed the corner of the baseboard to the point that we have to re stain it! But, I notice he is getting better already. He listens better, and is about 97% 'potty' trained. All in all, I am so glad I got him!

Peek-A_Boo Chip!

This is "MISHA". She is a stray that was very timid. We could see her in the yard with 2 other cats. They looked very hungry and needing attention. She was the bravest and started getting closer, until one day my husband got her to trust him enough to scratch her head. Once that was done, she started eating. I bought cat food and a feeding tray and soon she would be waiting for me at the back door every morning. She soon gained weight, and would just stay on the porch very content. The others stayed in the flower bed, but when they thought I wasn't looking, they would come around and eat. Then one day a few weeks ago, I came out and she was gone. I searched the neighborhood, and even got on the road looking in different streets. And the others were gone also. When I took Chip to the vet, I told him about it, and he said more than likely someone had poisoned them. He said it happened so often. The only time she left my house was to roam for a few minutes in the afternoon. Unless she was bothering someone during the night. But, that is so cruel to think someone could do that. Anyway, we miss her a lot.

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