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« May 2006 »
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Wednesday, 3 May 2006
Time to Write
Now Playing: Wednesday May 3, 2006
It's 8:30 in the morning. I am still having coffee and doing stuff on here. I just checked the summer 2006 movies that will be coming out and I think there are several that I want to see. "Pirates of the Caribbean" has another one! I really like Johnny Depp. I saw the first P of C when I was in San Diego back in probably 2003. Good movie.
We are having really wonderful weather. It is not too hot yet, and we finally got some much needed rain a few days ago. I got to work in the yard a little yesterday. I had a beautiful (big!) Shefflera from church when I lost my sister back in October. I finally transplanted it in a big pot and put it on the porch. If it wold get too cold any time this coming winter, I will just put it in the shed. Anyway. Things are marching along well. I have been washing curtains and cleaning windows. Spring cleaning for a reason. Mandy is coming for a visit Mothers' Day weekend. We all want to see her before she goes to Uganda on a mission trip in June.
Lauren and Cohen are almost a year old. He is so big for his age, and she is super petite! He just started walking and she won't be far behind. Kendra says every time they visit, Cohen shows Lauren what he has learned and a few days later she is doing it! So, she should be walking soon! LOL!
Wilbert went to work today starting his hitch. Monday night as we were coming home from the movies, he said, "Only one more day before I go back to work." To have known him years ago, that is a big statement. He never expressed that he wanted to be home. He never went places with me. Now we go to the movies, dinner, and even to the first class reunion he ever attended! His 40th! Everyone was so happy to see him. He has done some really positive changing in the last couple of years.
I have been out with my 6 friends a lot lately, and doing a bit again with the Red Hatters. We had Relay for Life this past Friday night, and since Justin is a leukemia survivor and our RHS queen is a cancer survivor, we all went. It was heart touching and fun.
Daddy is still in the home and almost 88. His mind is not what it was even 6 months ago. He has no short term memory and even long term is getting iffy. But, physically, he isn't ill at all. Just frail.
Nick got married on the 21st of April. His new wife's name is Kathy.
I have to go in to Houma today to JC Penney. I guess I will just go alone and come right back.

Posted by la2/nettespage at 8:48 AM CDT
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