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« August 2005 »
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Tuesday, 9 August 2005
August 9, 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Catching up
I haven't gotten to write much the last couple of weeks. I am not even sure if I posted that Eric had a really bad virus and had to be hospitalized a couple of weeks ago. I had planned to go with my Red Hat group to dinner and a play, but the poor darling didn't get released from the hospital until about 9 Saturday evening. So, that didn't happen. When Ike isn't home, there isn't much of a choice. It isn't an easy thing to just ask someone to take care of 3 children for me to go play with the gang. Just wouldn't seem right. So, as long as MawMaw can, MawMaw will!
This past weekend we had the Jr. Brunets here. Cohen is so big! He turned 2 months Saturday and he weighs right at 14 pounds! Lauren is just about 10 and maybe a couple of ounces. She will be Petite, and he will be a big boy! We all went to church on Sunday. Wilbert was working, but Willie, Jackie, Cohen, Kendra, Isaac, Eric, Justin, Alaina, Lauren and I went. The babies slept through the whole praise and worship, and the sermon! And Alaina was really good.
I got my hair cut today. I really like the bob cut with my bangs I have been wearing for a few years now. My beautician says my hair is beautiful and that it is the perfect hair for this style. Well, like I said, "thanks, and I am grateful that it is, because it is VERY, VERY straight and won't do anything else so I don't have much of a choice!"
When I got home, I had a message on the machine from Elaine telling me about Gwen's surgery. Answered prayer! The doctor really thinks he removed all of the cancer with the tumor. And as the liver regenerates, he is very optimistic that she will be fine. I am so relieved. I know our sweet friend, and Red Hat Queen, wants to get back on track with her life. Thank you, Jesus.

Posted by la2/nettespage at 4:54 PM CDT
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