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« July 2005 »
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Wednesday, 27 July 2005

What a week! I joined Weight Watchers on Thursday, July 21. I had babysat for Kendra to go to Children's, and she got back in plenty time for me to go to the 4:00 WW weigh in and meeting with Susan. I weighed in at 177. I was surprised, and not pleasantly, as I had previously gone to my doctor and weighed 172! My home scale said 175 on Thursday night so there is a 2 pound discrepancy. I have been really trying, but it has not been easy. Early on Friday morning, Eric was admitted to the hospital with a passing out episode, and a bad virus. They started admitting fluids and he was released Saturday night around 9:00. But, that meant that I had some of the children and had to take them to eat Friday. I ate a McDonald's salad, so that was good. Then Saturday, I went to the hospital thinking we would be home early, but had to find a place to take the children for supper. I took them to a Chinese Buffet and although I was very careful, still managed to put away about 35 points! Then, Sunday I went to my brother in law's surprise birthday party in New Orleans. Phyllis gives a wonderful party! Need I say more? So, I have been messing up the point system. Yesterday, I thought I had done so well, when I realized this morning I had not figured the chicken lunch I had! Oh well. I had Isaac and Alaina overnight, and then Eric last night. Tonight I have Justin. He was punished yesterday, so he will come tonight if he behaves today.
But, to backtrack, before I joined WW, Kendra and I had a hectic week. She had to take Lauren for a checkup, and then chemo for Justin on Thursday, and I forgot all else. But, we were busy. This past Monday I got to go and clean Sharon's house. I wish it was more often. She did a remodel in their living room and it is so beautiful!!
Until I write again, then God bless!

Posted by la2/nettespage at 9:38 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 July 2005 9:43 AM CDT
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