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« July 2005 »
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Saturday, 2 July 2005
Blessed Saturday
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: July 2nd at the Sr. Brunets
Topic: So Much Great Family!
What an awesome day! My sister, Anna Lou, and her husband, Al, were here for a visit. They live a couple hours north of us, across Lake Ponchartrain, north of New Orleans. They come to my brother's house in Larose, and my brother goes and get my Dad at the Nursing Home for the afternoon. Well, that was good enough, when Jackie called that she and Willie were coming down to get their boat to take it to her Mom's in Houma. this was the first time the baby had been to our house! He is going to be 4 weeks old Monday.
I went ahead to my brother's to visit a while with them. Their daughter was there, and also Anna Lou's son and his family. My brother's son, his wife and kids and mom in law came over. My other sister's (deceased) son and his family, her husband, one daughter and sons and one of our other brothers,
all there to visit! Then in came Willie and Jackie and baby Cohen! And Ike, Kendra and the 5 kids!! WOO HOO! Then we came home, and Poppa got up to go to work and got to visit for a little. Then Aunt Wendy came over to see both new babies. It was really a nice visit. While they were here, Jackie's friend came over to see the baby.
Really great to visit with so many family members at once.
Kendra and her family are getting ready to leave, and Wilbert is at work.

Posted by la2/nettespage at 6:46 PM CDT
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