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Now isn't this one heck of a handsome group!! Three days before this, most of us didn't even know each other!

This was one great trip. My first time to the the Florida Keys, (and I went for free)
and don't we get a hurricane? "Irene" wanted to come on the trip, so she followed
us to Key Largo. As you will see in these other pictures, it got really messy for a
day or so, but we had fun anyway! And AW! the food! Bottom left going clockwise
me ,Kathy, Massoud, Kenny, Christy, Harryl, JIm & Dot. This restaraunt was fantastic.
If I ever go back to Key Largo, I will go between Dec. 1 & May 31. No hurricanes!!

This is some of the boats tied up at the marina. This was taken
before the storm really hit. It is so beautiful. And then, the storm....

By late Thursday afternoon, we knew we were not going to have great Florida
weather while we were here. This is what it was looking like. This is from our
balcony, and you can see the trees swaying and bent almost in half at times.

. . . . . . .

These were the kinds of scenes we encountered all day Friday. It was truly a mess. I
felt bad for all the planning, and money, and work that went in to this group get
together. I know the ones in charge must have really put in a lot of time and effort
to make it the best they possibly could for their award winning employees & guests.
And truly, I don't know if the others felt the same, but I thought it was an experience
worthwhile, and honestly really did enjoy every minute of it. Even running around
in the worst of it, and taking pictures in the storm. And being without water for a day and a half.


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