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Welcome to Mary's Place

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Greetings from the Hooks Family
  • Mary - the Mom
  • Kirk - the dad
  • Catherine - daughter #2 age 18
  • Stephanie - daughter #1 age 22
  • our Cats- Sugar, Precious, Boudink, Carmel & Hershey (you'd have to see him)
  • our Dogs- Wizard, Chloe, Puppy, & Max (the car chaser)
  • my angel pets: BooBoo Kitty, Simon, Coney, CJ, Sport, Mandy, Rascal & Sara

Links that interest me...for you

Hyceph-L Hydrocephalus Support Group
Hydrocephalus Chat Room
Myers Family Karate & Krav Maga
My Weather :o)
Awesome Christian Web Site
Hyceph-L Picture Gallery
Official U.S. Time
Southeastern Louisiana University
God Bless America
My Hungarian Friend's special site
The Original Laughing Cat
where I live
All about Hydro & shunts
Campbell Soup Recipies
Children's Hospital
Harry Potter
Cat Emotions
Interview With God
Our President George Bush

Hello and welcome to my first attempt at creating a cyber space all my own. Allow me to briefly introduce us. Above is our family. From L-R: Kirk, Stephanie, Mary, Catherine & Megan.

In the Hooks family there is Kirk, the man of the house, his hobbies include cars, cars & cars. He is currently restoring a 1967 Chevy Impala SS.

Catherine is daughter #2. She is 18 going on 25, superior Trumpet player,college freshman, member of Southeastern Louisiana University's "Spirit of the Southland Band" & School of Music, 2nd degree blackbelt in IsshinRyu Karate, active in Krav Maga & popcorn pusher at the Palace Theater.

Stephanie is our very special 22 year old. She was born with hydrocephalus, and fortunately has had minimal medical problems as a result, however; she is severly mentally handicapped. She loves having her hair fixed, getting her fingernails painted,hats and football! She recently graduated after 19 years of special education school. She has opened our eyes and hearts to a whole new world.Raising a special needs child is a full time committment, a constant worry and a very satisfying job. Dealing with a special needs young adult is a constant battle attempting to get services and additional skills training to keep her functioning at the best level possible. This is what really got me introduced to the internet life. I have found some of the most wonderful areas on the net that revolve around hydrocephalus and have included some of them here. Through these links I have met many wonderful people and made some terrific friends.

Then there is me, Mary, the CEO of the family. I love surfing the internet,my cats, dogs, rabbit and fish. I also enjoy music, most 70's stuff and Yanni, Jim Brickman, the Wallflowers and Hootie. I am a fulltime mommy,now a college (band) mom, you gotta love feeding those college kids!, a Part-time Substitute Teacher and I am also choir director at my Catholic Church as well as active at my husbands church New Beulah Baptist, I guess you could call me a "Batholic". We live in Springfield, Louisiana and enjoy Mardi Gras and our one month of winter in January. I hope you enjoy what I have done so far and I will try to update this site when necessary.

May God bless you abundantly always! PS....Please Sign My Guestbook! With Jeff's help I think I have one that works. Thanks again!!! Love Ya!

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