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Lynne's Sailor Moon Site!

Lynne's Sailor Moon site

My name is Usagi Tsukino, and although I may not look like it, I can transform using the Silver Crystal so that I can ßattle evil-doers. I am the lovely soldier of love and justice, Sailor Moon! Let me introduce my friends. She has a good heart and a ßrilliant mind,Ami Mizuno. Sailor Mercury! She has tremendous courage, Rei Hino. Sailor Mars! She is a talented cook, Makoto Kino. Sailor Jupiter! She is famous for the video game "Sailor V," Minako Aino. Sailor Venus! Together the five of us form the Sailor Team. Together we defend the Earth.

My fav scouts

I'm back! Sorry it's taking so long. School's a drag. Well, thank you to y'all that stuck with me. Well I'm gonna go. ßai everyone.


1. Sailor Moon (Usagi Tsukino): June 30, 1978

2. Sailor Mercury (Ami Mizuno): Septemßer 10, 1978

3. Sailor Mars (Rei Hino): April 17, 1978

4. Sailor Jupiter (Makoto Kino): Decemßer 5, 1978

5. Sailor Venus (Minako Aino): Octoßer 22, 1978

6. Tuxedo Mask (Mamoru Chißa): August 3, 1974

7. Sailor Uranus (Haruka Tenoh): January 27, 1976

8. Sailor Neptune (Michiru Kaioh): March 6, 1976

9. Sailor Pluto (Setsuna Meiou): Octoßer 29, 1975

10. Sailor Saturn (Hotaru Tomoe): January 6, 1981

11. Sailor Star Fighter (Kou Seiya): July 30, 1979

12. Sailor Star Maker (Kou Taiki): May 30, 1979

13. Sailor Star Healer (Kou Yaten): Feßurary 8, 1979

Meaning of there names:

1. Usagi Tsukino-Raßßit of the Moon

2. Ami Mizuno-ßeauty of the Water

3. Rei Hino-Spirit of Fire

4. Makoto Kino-Sincerity of Wood

5. Minako Aino-Love of Everything

6. Mamoru Chißa-Protector of Earth

7. Haruka Tenoh-Distant Heaven King

8. Michuru Kaioh-Sea King of the Aßyss

9. Setsuna Meiou-Momentary Dark King

10. Hotaru Tome-Firefly Sprouting from the Earth

11. Kou Seiya-Star Field of Light

12. Kou Taiki-Atmospheric Light

13. Kou Yaten-Night Sky Light

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Sailor Moon manga is owned by Naoko Takeuchi and pußlished by Mixx Comix. I do not own or claim any of the Sailor Moon people. Thanx.

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