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My Personal Tribute to one of my hobbies, Beekeeping!!

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        Ok, A little about me, 
 My name is Patrick and I am 18 years old.  Planning on joining the USMC reserve and attend college at Louisiana College.  I am currently working as a computer tech for Red Simpson Inc. and love to do fun things like hang out with friends and chill. I also am a very strong Christian and try my very best everyday to live and walk in the faith of Jesus Christ. If you would like to know more about him, CLICK HERE!. Or follow the link at the top of the page. My page is still under construction so it is not very good yet, so just surf around and email me and tell me what ya think, or just sign my guest book / feedback form. Thanks to everyone have a God day!
Jesus Christ and what he has done for me! Pictures....... and more pictures!!

Stories of what Jesus has done for others.

Brazil 2000, 2001 mission trips!

Fuge 2001 - 2002(randomness)

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