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Anakin Solo

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: Unknown (Still Growing)
Homeworld: Anoth, Coruscant
Political Affiliation: Alliance
Weapon(s) of Choice: None
Vehicle of Choice: Millenium Falcon
First Appearance: Star Wars: Dark Empire II

Anakin was born in after the escape from New Alderaan in the City of Nespis. The Alliance relocated the Alliace back to Coruscant, the infant Anakin and his siblings Jaina and Jacen lived on a faraway world called Anoth in a heavily guraded faccility. Winter, Leia ‘s assistant, took care of them.

When the twin were two they left Anoth to live with their parents. Anakin stayed on Anoth because he was too young. The only people who know Anoth's location is Luke Skywalker, Admiral Ackbar, and Winter but an Alliance traitor manged to track Ackbar there and gave the loction to the Imperials. The attempt to capture the Jedi child was foiled Winter, Leia, Ackbar, and a Mon Calamari named Terpfen. After the incident, Leia and Han desided that Anakin would be safer with them.

Anakin and the twins grew up happily in Coruscant. If Winter wasn't around Threepio or Chewcacca watched Anakin and his siblings. They attended many diplomatic functions, often being introduced in a formal manner.

When he was three and a half, Anakin was kidnapped along with his siblings by the Firrerreon Lord Hethrir. On the worldcraft, Anakin made friends with Hethrir's servant named Tigris. It was that friendship that saved Anakin's life in Waru Temple when Hethrir was going to feed Anakin's spirt to Waru

As Anakin grew older he had a talent for mechinics like his sister, Jaina. Anakin came also solve puzzles in his head. When Jaina and Jacen started to attent his Uncle Luke's Jedi Academy, he became a loner. Some people think he is shy because he is alone.

When he was eleven he joined the Jedi Academy. He met a girl from Tatooine named Tahiri. They talked until Tionne told them it was lights out. The next morning Tahiri told him about a dream she was having since she was four.

That night Anakin had the dream Tahiri was talking about. The dream was him and Tahiri rafting down the rivers of Yavin Four. A strom comes and rapids throw Tahiri out of the boat. Anakin tries to save her but she drowns. The next morning, in class, Tahiri told him that she didn't have the dream that night. Anakin answered "The reason you didn't have the dream is because I did." When Tahiri ask him if they should tell Master Skywalker, a voice in Anakin head told him not to tell or all will be lost.

During class, when Anakin and Tahiri were learning levitation. At the same time they concetrated on a heavy object and the object spot to the ceiling. When Anakin opened his eyes, he saw it fall and break the table in two. The things Anakin and Tahiri can do together surprized the students and the teachers.

After a few days Anakin kept getting the dream and Tahiri had a good sleep. The day before they were going to raft for themselves on break time, in the dream this time had Artoo-Detoo in it. The next day they went to do it for real. The voice in Anakin's head told them where to go.

Anakin and Tahiri met the Jedi Master Ikirt. They had the mission of releasing the spirt of the Massassi children. They managed to release the spirits.

Six monthes later, Anakin, Tahiri, Master Ikirt, and a new student with no Force talent, Uldir, went to Dagobah to go into the cave filled with dark side magic.

A week after, Anakin, Tahiri, Uldir, Ikirt, and Tionne when to Darth Vader castle to find Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber. They had trouble with a mage who came the lightsaber and a holocron to keep for himself. The manged to get the lightsaber and holocron. Ikirt got a ship.

A few days later, Uldir stole Ikirt's ship, Obi-Wan's lightsaber, and the holocron. Anakin, Tahiri, Tionne, and Ikirt went after him. Uldir wanted to be powerful and learn from the mage. Anakin and the others showed him the mage was faking the trick. The mage was defeated.