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Exar Kun

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Gray
Height: Unknown (tall)
Homeworld: Unknown
Political Affiliation: Dark Lords of Sith
Weapon(s) of Choice: Lightsaber (blue blade)
Vehicle of Choice: Starstorm One
First Appearance: Star Wars: Dark Appentice
Death: By a large Jedi gathering then by Luke Skywalker's Students

On Dantooine, Exar Kun was tutored in the ways of the Force by Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Kun thought he was excellent Jedi material. He built a lightsaber and learn to use the other Force skills.

Kun use the Holocron of his Master to learn about the Dark Lords of the Siths. His Master wasn't very happy to find his student studing Sith histroy. Learning knowledge about the dark side is not good for a young Jedi.

Kun didn't like Crado and Sylvar, his fellow students. They were cat-like lovers from Cathar. Kun didn't believe that animals made good Jedi. In a lightsaber exercise, Kun harassed Sylvar too much and she scrached him deep in his right cheek. It was all she can do to keep Kun from killing the other Cathar, even when Kun said she wasn't a true Jedi.

Master Baas stopped Kun from killing Sylvar by challaging him to a duel of walking stick versus lightsaber. Kun was defeated at first but he snatched a second lightsaber and he angrily attacked his Master. The stick broke and Kun felt he proven himself. Master Baas saw his student was close to the dark side.

A month later, Kun left Danooine. He went to Onderon, posing as a Jedi archaeologist who need to see Freedon Nadd's Sith artifacts. With two of Nadd's followers, he vivsited the Dxun moon, where he forced his way into Nadd's tomb. The light side of the Force was telling him to turn away but he still entered the tomb. The spirt of Nadd lead him to two scrolls, which contained the secret of the Sith resting place. When he left the tomb, he killed Nadd's followers. The Dark Side was eatting at his spirt.

He translated the scrolls and soon arrived on Korribun. With Nadd's spirt's help, Kun gain access to the planet's tombs, but he had second thoughts and wanted out. When spirt attack him and a rock slide it left Kun broken and dying. The Jedi called for Master Baas but Baas was turned away by the blackness that surround Kun's body and spirt.

Nadd offer a way to live and to repair his broken body. He told Kun if you embase the dark side he will be healed. Kun accepted but the betrayal of the light wasn't an easy one for him. The desire to live was stronger. His acceptice created ripples in the Force across the galaxy.

Nadd told Kun to go to Yavin four to complete the work of Naga Sadow--and give him a new body. Kun told Nadd that he would go to Yavin Four for research but not to turn to the Dark Side. Nadd laughed "Oh but you all ready have."

On Yavin Kun abandoned the Dark Side telling Nadd's spirt not to bother him. Kun was attacked by Massassi. Refusing to use the Dark Side and cut off from the Light Side, Kun was stunned by the creatures. Their leader and temple priest knew that Kun was the one for whom they waited. The Massassi took him to the Temple of Fire, where was stalked for a Massassi blood sacrifice. He could feel the Dark Side calling him, especially from an amulet the priet had placed on a statue of Nada Sadow. A monster came to Kun and hold him in its death grip. The spirt of Nadd was taughting and telling him to use the Sith amulet.

Kun used the Dark Side to save his life again. He pulled the amulet next to him and it grafted to his arm and Kun felt immence power and energy. He unleashed the power and strengh of the Sith on the monster and the Massassi. He destroyed all who opposed him including the spirt of Freedon Nadd. As Nadd died for the second time, Nadd called out to Aleema and Satai Keto, two of the Krath whom he have given Sith secrets to. He told them that Exar Kun was a pretender to the Sith. The real power of the Sith belonged to the two of them and the soon-to-be-fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma.

Over the month, Kun became the Massassi leader. He used to the Massassi to build Sith Temples. The Temples would focus Dark Side energies onto Yavin Four and giving Kun more power. One of the temples had a statue of him on the top craved in black stone. This temple was his privive retreat.

Kun found and used some Sadow's tools. He turned the Massassi into dangerous monsters of death. He departed on Sadow's spaceship with two Massassi and headed to the Empress Teta system to destroy Nadd's final followers.

He arrived at Cinnager before the Jedi Knights mounted an attack on the Krath. Kun waited until the Jedi left the city, Kun confronted Ulic Qel-Droma. As they battled their Sith amulats began to glow. Then they saw the Sith Lords. The Sith Lords gave Exar Kun the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and the title of Sith Padawan to Ulic Qel-Droma.

Both of theim disappered for several years gaining power of the Dark Side. Kun created a new version of the Jedi Code for him Dark Side followers establishing the Brothood of the Sith. Aleema joined forces with them to destroy the Republic and the Jedi Knights. Master Baas tried to stop his once student but Kun killed him.

The conflict became known as the Sith War, one the most grusome wars the galaxy had ever witnessed. The Sith and Krath were reponsible for millions of deaths.

Ulic Qel-Droma betrayed Kun by telling the Jedi about the Sith Lord's base of power on Yavin Four. The Jedi banded together and came to Yavin Four. They combined their power in the Force, they should have defeated Kun.

Kun drained the life force from almost every Adult Massassi on the planet. It bolstered his power only enough to to keep his spirt trapped in the Yavin Temples whe the Jedi destroyed his pysical body. Kun still existed.

Eleven years after the destruction of the first Death Star, Luke Skywalker came to the moon to open a Jedi Academy. He made in the Great Temple. Luke didn't know of the spirt of Kun since most of the Jedi Histroy had been destroyed by the Empire.

The mistake made by Skywalker would allow Kun to tempt the Jedi Students. When Kun showed Gantoris the Imperial attack on his people, he tried to distroy the spirt. Kun killed Gantrois. He tempted Kyp Durron and Kyp attacked Skywalker with Kun driving the spirt from his body. Kyp ran off with the Sun Crusher.

Kun tried to destroy Skywalker's body. First he tried using Streen by making him sleepwalk and in the old man dreams fight him, which during the time he was about to kill Skywalker. Leia stopped him. The next time he used monsters. Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, and Cighal defeated them. Skywalker told the students through Jaina and Jacen that the spirt of Exar Kun was doing this and when you defeat him, he came return to his body. Now the Exar Kun was known by the students. Using Tionne's knowledge of Jedi History, the Jedi students planed a way to defeat the Kun. Using Streen as bait they drew out spirt of Exar Kun. Using the Force aided by Luke Skywalker and Master Baas they defeated Kun forever.