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Welcome to the first Jack Ryder Webring on the net. We have wanted to do this for quite some time but there were never any more Jack pages out there, but now there are and we want to unite them all so Jack fans can see different peoples homage to the lovely Jack Ryder
The only requirements for this ring is that you have a page about Jack Ryder. It doesn't even have to be a whole page, even if a section of your page is about him, then you are welcome to join.
We will be checking of course to see that you page contains no XXX material and please keep language to a minimum as younger children may be viewing.
We reserve the right to remove your page at any time if the standard of your page drops.

now that's sorted, all you have to do is submit using the form below and then copy and paste the html fragment onto your webpage.
an email will be sent to you with all your important information and if you ever decide to remove your page from the ring or change urls please remember to update your webring information by going to the 'edit' page. there is a link at the bottom of this page and the address is in the email that will be sent to you

please fill in the --id-- and any other --slots-- with the relevent information. thanks.

submit site
Site Title:
Site URL:

don't forget it now!
Keywords: enter up to 20 Keywords
Description: speak to me.


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<img src=""><br> This <a href="" onMouseOver="window.status='Jack Ryder Lovers'; return true" TARGET="_top">Jack Ryder Lovers</a> spot of beauty is brought to you by<a href="mailto:--mail--">--name--</a>. <br> [ <a href=";id=--id--;prev" onMouseOver="window.status='previous'; return true">previous</a> | <a href=";id=--id--;next" onMouseOver="window.status='next'; return true">next</a> | <a href=";random" onMouseOver="window.status='random'; return true">random</a> | <a href=";list" onMouseOver="window.status='list'; return true">list</a> ] </center>

