CometZone How they became super
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This site was created by DrRafi52 if you have any questions regarding this topic please E-mail me.Thank you and enjoy.

Each character below is unique in the way that they become Super Saiyia-jins.But each one had his own ambition and reason no two Super Saiyia-jins have the same ambitions to fulfull.

"To each, his own"


Character                                                      Description
Goku first became a Super Saiyia-jin he was fighting Freeza at the time. After Goku threw the spirt bomb he thought he won but when he found out Freeza was not dead he became afraid.Then Frieza used a special attack (that makes the evil in your heart get bigger and bigger until it explodes and you die)
He used this attack on Goku's best friend Krillen who died. Goku became so angry that he could do nothing about it so he exploded with anger and turned into a Super Saiyia-jin.
Vegeta first became a Super Saiyia-jin while training to fight the androids. After going through much trouble and extremly high levels of training, he almost gives up and becomes REALLY mad because he could not become a super saiyia-jin. So he leaves the Earth and heads for a remote planet and trains there. The an electrical storm errupts and Vegeta explains how this was fitting to what was going on inside of him (fury). During this storm a meteor shower occurrs and Vegeta starts blasting the meteorites into little pieces to protect himself and his ship. Just when he thinks it is all over a huge meteorite shows up and almost kills Vegeta as he had to use almost all his power to beat it. He became really bruised and then somthing snapped inside him and he did not care for anything any more.Then it happened he exploded with anger because he could not become stronger than Goku and so he became a Super Saiyia-jin.
Trunks became a Super Saiyia-jin at a time in the future it goes something like this: Gohan was fighting androids 17 and 18 and they started to beat him up pretty bad so after almost dying Gohan with his last energy gives Trunks who at this point is about 14 years old a senzu bean then Gohan dies. Trunks who was mad because his master and best friend Gohan had died just to save his own life became embodied with anger.So he let it out and he became a Super Saiyia-jin.
Goten's transformation was unlike any other.He could transform at will because his father,Goku, had the ability to do it before he decided to have another kid.So Goten, who was very lazy, didn't have a motivation to become a Super Saiyia-jin.He could do it at will from the age of 8.
The first time this guy does it is at Kami's lookout. Goku and Gohan enter the time and spirit room where Gohan and his father Goku train for fighting against the androids.Along the way the might a strong Saiyia-jin from the past. So they all begin fighting and then Goku becomes very beat up and almost dies (as Gohan sees it). Goku now almost dead begs help from Gohan.Gohan is scared to do anything but he wathes his father and could not stand it any longer so he becomes extremely mad like he's never been before and he becomes a Super Saiyia-jin.He is also the first to become a Super Saiyia-jin level 2.
Broli first becomes a Super Saiyia-jin at a young age when he is taking care of baby Goku.They were on Planet Vegeta and Broli was put in charge of baby Goku.Goku kept on crying and was giving Broli a hard time so eventually Broli was traumatized and could not take it any more. He went into a rage of anger and turned into a Super Saiyia-jin.