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Church of UnKnown Beliefs Online Absolution

The modern way to obtain absolution. No more trailing down to the Church to catch a Priest. Send details of your sins to one of our Bishops using our online confessional and your sins will be absolved electronically. Just think of the time you'll save!!!!!
Contact: E-Mail the Church
Please fill in the blanks. Fields marked with * are Required.
Your Name:   
Your Email Address:  *
Have you sinned?  * Yes   No   Not Sure  
Do you seek absolution?  * Yes   No   What's absolution?  
Confess your sins (Juiciest first):  *
Will you accept your penance?  * Yes   No   I like punishment!  
When you have completed the form, click on the Send Confession button underneath. Your confession will be emailed to the Bishop specialising in the particular area of sin. Details of your penance will be emailed to you as quickly as possible, and upon completion of the penance your sins will automatically be absolved.



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